100 Quotes About Angry

When life gets tough, it’s sometimes hard to stay positive. However, people who are hard on themselves are the ones who end up with low self-esteem and are more likely to be negatively affected by situations. These angry quotes will help you keep a positive outlook in even the toughest times.

And a beautiful world we live in, when it is...
And a beautiful world we live in, when it is possible, and when many other such things are possible, and not only possible, but done-- done, see you! -- under that sky there, every day. Charles Dickens
Speak when you are angry, and you'll make the best...
Speak when you are angry, and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret. Laurence J. Peter
When you walk around feeling quietly upset, frustrated, angry or...
When you walk around feeling quietly upset, frustrated, angry or some other negative emotion, people around you will detect it to some degree or another, even if only subconsciously. Sam Owen
Fenchurch had red mullet and said it was delicious. Arthur had a swordfish steak and said it made him angry. He grabbed a passing waitress by the arm and berated her.“ Why’s this fish so bloody good?” he demanded, angrily. Douglas Adams
I'm still furious with you, " she murmured, kissing a line down his chest." Oh, God, please don't be furious, " he choked out quickly. "Every female I know is furious with me. Rosalyn throws tantrums, and Charlotte hasn't spoken to me or written since you left." He moved his hands to unbutton her gown. "The morning I thought you'd sailed out of my life I started drinking and didn't stop until I'd finished two bottles. For three days I had a blistering headache, and Nedda couldn't for the life of her stop banging things." He groaned. "And I can't even begin to tell you about your sisters. Adele Ashworth
Do not allow yourself to be blinded by fear and...
Do not allow yourself to be blinded by fear and anger. Everything is only as it is. Yuki Urushibara
I know I've got no reason to be crying; I...
I know I've got no reason to be crying; I know that there is nowhere left to run. I know that there's no reason to be hiding, I'm just mad at everyone; mad at everyone. Margo T. Rose
A lot of timeswe are angry at other peoplefor not...
A lot of timeswe are angry at other peoplefor not doing whatwe should have done for ourselves- responsibility Rupi Kaur
The warrior must never get angry in war.
The warrior must never get angry in war. Lailah Gifty Akita
This wolf-woman Self must have freedom to move, to speak, to be angry, and to create. Unknown
If he speaks again without me knowing who he is,...
If he speaks again without me knowing who he is, I will throw him out of the window. And I won't open it first. Dan Abnett
The man is angry, the man Is destructive, the man...
The man is angry, the man Is destructive, the man wants more. The woman is more, the woman is all. James Franco
Don't be in temper, to leave so quickly, that I...
Don't be in temper, to leave so quickly, that I may be dying. But all too soon, the leaves and debris will gather elsewhere. Anthony Liccione
I have no use for these other loves. Seal them shut in jarsand place them in the pantry. A reserve of love. Thank them for their love. They are so kind. Perhaps store them in the fridge For others to take. They say love is a panacea. I know it is not. Flakes of snow, no two are alike. When I am down on my knees, hopeless and angry, for the world no longer makes sense, I won't look in the pantry or fridge. It is your hand pressing on my shoulderthat makes me whole, makes me forget. What trouble? What world? . Kamand Kojouri
Never get angry. If you have to get angry, get angry at yourself and not at others. Debasish Mridha
When you are angry, do not speak, but close your eyes. You can regain your inner peace with a word of prayer. Lailah Gifty Akita
What is a whore?" Unsurprisingly, that hadn't been one of the words we had shared over the last span of days. For half a moment I considered lying, but there was no way I could manage it. "He says your mother is a person men pay money to have sex with." Tempi turned back to the mercenary and nodded graciously. "You are very kind. I thank you. Patrick Rothfuss
I see your bleeding dark side. I feel your angry heart. Reveals forbidden places. More monster yet alive... StaticX
All problems, though appearing outside of you, must be resolved within YOU. Vivian Amis
My power grew angry that it was confined to my petite frame and pulled against my taut skin. Growing bolder, it tore through my skin to lay flat against my outer edge. The glowing energy began to solidify against my flesh; it lengthened to mold itself to my frame and contained me in a transparent cocoon. I flexed my fingers against the waxy surface and began to panic. I was cut off from my coven now and could not feel their thoughts. I could see the panic on their faces as I fell onto my side to convulse. J.D. Stroube
Never has an angry word spoken ever made this world better. Jeffrey Fry
Don't get mad, William, " he finally said, provoking the distraught to look up at him, "I know it's hard, an' unfair, but you can't let yourself become angry. You're too nice, - too good, - if you can't at least hope for a possibility, then what happiness can you expect to have? You have to hold on to it, or else you've got nothing..." (77) J. NevenPugh
Once my brother was very angry on my parents and told them “You should have killed me when I was a child” Interestingly I was present and told him “I don’t think it is still too late” and I have never heard him complaining about life. M.F. Moonzajer
I'm sure it's not any wish of mine that I'm born with inclinations for better things. If I could be born again, and had the designing of myself, I'd be born the lowest and coarsest-minded person imaginable, so that I could find plenty of companionship, or I'd be born an idiot, which would be better still. Miles Franklin
I have learned that I should be careful with the words I choose to say when I am angry because later, those words always leave a huge wound of regrets in my heart besides hurting the loved ones. Those wounds can't be healed! Nino Varsimashvili
.. but I could also write about love. How a hand can silence thousands of voices and how someone’s smell can make you feel at home even though you’re a million miles away fromhomeand have you ever hurt someone you love? Because you’re angry. Because you’re disappointed and sad and you just really wanted to love and be loved in returnbut life got in the way and you both said things that should never be said and you’re angry but don’t know how to. Because you still feel this strange love for him, but you’re also fucking angry and you want to hit him, but then hug him because hurting him is hurting yourself, and then hit him again because you’re angry! and so you fall on your knees because you’re hopeless to yourself and your own emotionsand that’s love, my friend. Charlotte Eriksson
If I say a word that is angry, he explained, then I should never be surprised by the harm. And if I say something good, then it is like watching my own garden grow, and that is the greatest pleasure ever. Marina Budhos
I know that sentence is long and has too many joining words in it but sometimes, when I'm angry, words burst out of me like a shout, or, if I'm sad, they spill out of me like tears, and if I'm happy my words are like a song. If that happens it's one of my rules not to change them because they're coming out of my heart and not my head, and that's the way they're meant to be. Glenda Millard
I've started to hate this city, this country, all these STUPID FUCKING PEOPLE. Nick Bantock
Everyone feels depressed, angry or frustrated at times; it’s a crossroads not a dead end. Sam Owen
Ignoring to change your thoughts and beliefs wouldn't fail to cause your negative mood to remain unchanged. Unknown
Sebastian encountered Cam in the hallway outside the reading room. “Where is he?” he demanded without preamble. Stopping before him with an expressionless face, Cam said shortly, “He’s gone.” “Why didn’t you follow him?” White-hot fury blazed in Sebastian’s eyes. This news, added to the frustration of his vow of celibacy, was the last straw. Cam, who had been exposed to years of Ivo Jenner’s volcanic temper, remained unruffled. “It was unnecessary in my judgment, ” he said. “He won’t retur. Lisa Kleypas
You don't have to tell me everything right away, but I have to tell you everything right away? Can't you see how stupid that is? Veronica Roth
Sophia shrieked and fainted on the ground — I screamed and instantly ran mad. We remained thus mutually deprived of our senses, some minutes, and on regaining them were deprived of them again. For an Hour and a Quarter did we continue in this unfortunate situation — Sophia fainting every moment and I running mad as often. At length a groan from the hapless Edward (who alone retained any share of life) restored us to ourselves. . Jane Austen
Superstition, she said. Soup with a bonobo finger in it is supposed to make a pregnant woman give birth to a strong baby. Putting another finger in the bathwater keeps the baby strong. "I hope the stupid polio", I said, and surprised myself by even sort of meaning it. I kissed the top of the bonobo's head. I imagined him in his crate, crying against the bars, someone lifting him out only to chop off a finger. Plunging him back into the crate, then pulling him out a few days later to take another.. . Eliot Schrefer
Simon, " said a voice at his shoulder, and he turned to see Izzy, her face a pale smudge between dark hair and dark cloak, looking at him, her expression half-angry, half-sad. "I guess this is the part where we say goodbye? Cassandra Clare
I carefully choose people in my life and if you are not happy with it, then its your call to be angry, broken, disappointed and lose sleep over my choice, judgement & decision... no apologies. Uzoma Nnadi
If you are not angry with your average performance, you can't effect a change! You must get upset to grab the energy to break the fence confining you! Israelmore Ayivor
Do not be too quick to get angry. Lailah Gifty Akita
I'm tired and angry at me. For letting myself get smaller and smaller in the hopes that he would notice me more. But how can someone notice you if you keep getting smaller? Kathleen Glasgow
I keep everything hidden because there's nothing about my true self that anyone likes. I'm not difficult, Sebastian. I'm the easiest person around. I don't belong, and I spend all my time pretending I do. Sometimes I get weary of it, and that makes me angry. It's not fair to the people around me when I lose my temper. I say awful things when I'm angry. But it's not fair to me, either, that I was made this way. Courtney Milan
... I didn't know whether to feel angry at her for making me part of her suicide or just to feel angry at myself for letting her go. John Green
No, you will never been tamed, you are a monster, the eternal wild one. I often wonder where you came from, only someone with something to hide has such a cloudy beginnings. Who are you? Or more importantly who were you? There is only the odd bits that are known about you and nothing is set in stone. Do you even know the real you behind the charade? The fact that you are aroused by virginity, is a worrying fascination. I would not be surprised if the person who turned you realised what a monster he'd created. They were not called Frankenstein by any chance? Maybe you are a creature of many parts? Did you destroy your creator as well in a fit of rage? Is that why your are always looking for your virgin bride? Only you take beautiful swans and turn them into ugly ducklings. You will never return to that life that you give up. Stop trying to recreate them. Beverley Price
There might not be a lot of people who can understand you and the way you think, don’t lose your temper and don’t get sad, because you are destined to mark a new path. M.F. Moonzajer
The other day I chanced to meet An angry man upon the street – A man of wrath, a man of war, A man who truculently bore Over his shoulder, like a lance, A banner labeled “Tolerance. Phyllis McGinley
Don’t promise when you’re happy, don’t reply when you’re angry, and don’t decide when you’re sad. Ziad K. Abdelnour
Dont come for me!. ... I didn't send for you! Shay Hunter
PERMALINK · 169465 · 15 HOURS AGO"She tried to feel sad, or guilty, or even to be angry about the way things had happened, but there frankly wasn’t much room in either her head or her heart for wishing or moping. Megan Hart
Truth be told, are you ready to defend yourself? Aireen Pontillo
Certainly not the way someone will have told you the same thing yesterday, made you feel alternately - simultaneously - angry and guilty, guilty because complicit because flattered, therefore unfairly angry. Jennifer Clarvoe
We're not mad, " he began, meaning he was. He was always a plural when mad, as though grammatically throwing his lot in with her mother gave him the power of her authority. Thomm Quackenbush
Fed by plants, fed up with the world Evan Baldonado
Be leery of silence. It doesn't mean you won the argument. Often, people are just busy reloading their guns. Shannon L. Alder
Idk what the fuck just happened to us. We used to talk like hell pelhay but now days we act like as if we don't know each other and there's some kinda fight between us. I still want you to stay in my life, as a friend and even more than that but the only thing that I want from you is your acceptance. You think that I don't talk to you or stuff and I'm trying to ignore you but trust me I never tried to ignore. You know what I just can't ignore even when I want too. And if you still think that I'm the only one who have changed and etc so I'm really sorry and honestly I just can not stay away from you. Love you. Taimoor Madni
Don't say you miss me when it's your fault I'm gone Candy Lyn
Push my buttons, and I'll push you off a bridge.  Karen Quan
You weren’t going to tell us about Orsay?”“I didn’t say I–”“You don’t get to decide that, Sam. You’re not the only one in charge anymore. Okay?”Astrid had an icy sort of anger. A cold fury that manifested itself in tight lips and blazing eyes and short, carefully enunciated sentences.“ But it’s okay for all of us to lie to everyone in Perdido Beach?” Sam shot back.“ We’re trying to keep kids from killing themselves, ” Astrid said. “That’s a little different from you just deciding not to tell the council that there’s a crazy girl telling people to kill themselves.”“ So not telling you something is a major sin, but lying to a couple of hundred people and trashing Orsay at the same time, that’s fine? . Michael Grant
That you are misserable and full demons and angry don't make the others like you... It's your problem, as for me I want to continue to be positive! Deyth Banger
Be sure that your praise songs are numbered higher than your sorrowful dirges and your utmost hope, firmer than your woeful regrets. Be positive. Israelmore Ayivor
Syn didn’t even think twice. He made his way to the end of the bar and lifted the top, coming behind the bar. The two girl bartenders looked at him in shock and Syn flashed his badge again. “Where’s Furious?” he asked, using his authoritative cop tone.“ He left, ” they said in unison, still looking at him strangely.“ Damnit, ” Syn hissed and raced out of the pub. He looked anxiously up and down the sidewalk and saw Furious sitting on the bench, head hanging low, waiting on the bus. Even though he had a hoodie pulled up and hanging low over his forehead. . Syn knew it was his ma— He’s not my damn man, he’s just a friend. Syn approached his new friend with all the confidence in the world but wasn’t prepared for the angry, haunted eyes that looked up at him when he slowly removed Furious’ hood. Syn sucked in a hard breath and blew it out slowly before finally deciding to speak. “Furious. Are you okay?” No answer.“ Are you hurt?” Syn was really concerned. Furious looked detached, closed in on himself.“ Bab—” Shit. “Furi, ” Syn quickly corrected. “Please answer me. Look my place is right there.” Syn pointed in the direction of his building. “If you want you can come up and talk. I can take you home later.” It was a few long and very intense minutes that Furious didn’t move or say anything.“ We’ll just talk, okay?” Syn tried again. Thanks a lot MARTA. Perfect timing. Just Syn’s luck that the bus pulled up to the curb and the air doors swung open.“ Furious, I just want to talk.”“ No thanks, Detective.” Furious' voice was so deep and angry, it’d felt like Furi had struck him. Syn swallowed a hard gulp. A.E. Via
If I’m right, ’ she said, ‘and you have all sorts of juicy information in that dossier of yours, you’ll know that I am an abnormally forgiving person, even of those who have used me and hurt me more than one person deserves to be hurt. But right this second, I am looking forward to the day you rot in hell. Ally Blake
PricklyWhen I'm feelingporcupine-y, I get nasty, I get whiny. Stay away or I might stick you. My sharp words arequills to prick you. Laura Purdie Salas
I wake up exhausted it's not morning. It's back to sleep to re-dream me. We're alone and we're happy. But there you are, angry with me Tegan Quin
Some experimenters have reported that an angry face “pops out” of a crowd of happy faces, but a single happy face does not stand out in an angry crowd. The brains of humans and other animals contain a mechanism that is designed to give priority to bad news. Daniel Kahneman
Jev was certain the words “should’ve known better” would go somewhere on her tombstone, but at the moment her focus shifted to the dozens of angry pixies honed in on her. Katherine McIntyre
They're looking for guys like us, he says, young and hungry, not done yet. I say I'm not hungry, Rick, all I am is angry. He says that'll do just fine. Garth Ennis
It's raining... because I am angry...* You know my story! Deyth Banger
I pretend to reach for them, but before he can guess my intentions, I catch one of his wings instead. He flutters, trying to break loose, his one free wing batting my hand. I draw out the decanter and stuff him into it, careful to fold his wings. I don’t want to hurt him. I just want to better him. Once he’s settled inside, I shove a paper towel into the bottle’s neck. No need to worry that he’ll smother. After all, he spent that night in a bug trap last year and sur . A.G. Howard
My pride had risen up and whopped me in the face. I don't lose my temper a lot, but when I do, I make a good job of it. Charlaine Harris
Don’t be quick to get angry. Lailah Gifty Akita
Your soulmate wasn't suppose to be perfect. You were meant to see the cracks in her soul and fill them with what you have and she was meant to see yours. Together you would be complete. Shannon L. Alder
Being angry at the mistakes made by the heart will only leave you bitter. Jamie Magee
I'm not really angry at you. I'm just angry at myself for not doing anything. Anthony T. Hincks
It is better to be still than to speak when you are angry. Lailah Gifty Akita
Never make decisions when you are super angry or super excited. When the emotional center is at the Peak the logical awareness is at the bottom! ! ! Harrish Sairaman
And there is nothing more dangerous in this world, in any world, than someone calm, clear and angry. Audrey Hart
Be ready to defend yourself as I'm coming out of the shelf Aireen Pontillo
Arin, you’re not listening. You’re not thinking clearly.”“ You’re right. I haven’t been thinking clearly, not for a long time. But I understand now.” Arin pushed his tiles away. His winning hand scattered out of line. “You have changed, Kestrel. I don’t know who you are anymore. And I don’t want to. Marie Rutkoski
We used to argue, fight and get angry, but we always ended our enmity with kisses and hugs. M.F. Moonzajer
Yes, still I remember that you always wait for me with love in eyes but when I arrive you got angry on me and I know that was totally a drama. Kurbhatt
Because when you're angry, you look sexy Devania Annesya
Why are you here, Wesley?”“I told you, ” he said. “I got worried. You’ve been avoiding me for the past week at school, and when I called you today, you didn’t answer. I thought something might have happened with your dad. So I came to make sure you were okay.” I bit my lower lip, a wave of guilt washing over me. “That’s sweet, ” I murmured. “But I’m fine. Dad apologized for the other night, and he’s going to AA meetings now, so…”“ So you weren’t going to tell me?”“ Why would I?”“Because I care! ” Wesley yelled. His words crashed into me, stunning me for a second. “I’ve been worried about you since you left my house a week ago! You didn’t even say why you left, Bianca. What was I supposed to do? Just assume you would be all right?”“ God, ” I whispered. “I’m sorry. I didn’t-”“ I’m worrying about you, and you’re fucking that pretentious little-! ”“ Hey! ” I shouted. “Don’t bring Toby into this. Kody Keplinger
You’re angry at me, ” she says. I stop crying at once. My whole body goes cold and still. She squats down beside me, and even though I’m careful not to look up, not to look at her at all, I can feel her, can smell the sweat from her skin and hear the ragged pattern of her breathing.“ You’re angry at me, ” she repeats, and her voice hitches a little. “You think I don’t care.” Her voice is the same. For years I used to imagine that voice lilting over those forbidden words: I love you. Remember. They cannot take it. Her last words to me before she went away. She shuffles forward and squats next to me. She hesitates, then reaches out and places her palm against my cheek, and turns my head toward hers so I’m forced to look at her. I can feel the calluses on her fingers. In her eyes, I see myself reflected in miniature, and I tunnel back to a time before she left, before I believed she was gone forever, when her eyes welcomed me into every day and shepherded me, every night, into sleep.“ You turned out even more beautiful than I’d imagined, ” she whispers. She, too, is crying. The hard casement inside me breaks.“ Why?” is the only word that comes. Without intending to or even thinking about it, I allow her to draw me against her chest, let her wrap her arms around me. I cry into the space between her collarbones, inhaling the still-familiar smell of her skin. There are so many things I need to ask her: What happened to you in the Crypts? How could you let them take you away? Where did you go? But all I can say is: “Why didn’t you come for me? After all those years–all that time–why didn’t you come?” Then I can’t speak at all; my sobs become shudders.“ Shhh.” She presses her lips to my forehead, strokes my hair, just like she used to when I was a child. I am a baby once again in her arms–helpless and needy. “I’m here now.” She rubs my back while I cry. Slowly, I feel the darkness drain out of me, as though pulled away by the motion of her hand. Finally I can breathe again. My eyes are burning, and my throat feels raw and sore. I draw away from her, wiping my eyes with the heel of my hand, not even caring that my nose is running. I’m suddenly exhausted–too tired to be hurt, too tired to be angry. I want to sleep, and sleep.“ I never stopped thinking about you, ” my mother says. “I thought of you every day–you and Rachel. Lauren Oliver
Dear Matt, We finally made it to California, and it’s just like you told me. I feel you here with us — I think Frankie does, too.’ How dare you write about me in here! How dare you write to my brother! You think just because you fooled around a few times he cared about you? You think he wouldn’t have ditched you the second he found some new girl at Cornell? Get over yourself! Sarah Ockler
Don’t punish moon, if sun is too hot on you. M.F. Moonzajer
Parts of you are phobic of anger and generally terrified and ashamed of angry dissociative parts. There is often tremendous conflict between anger-avoidant and anger-fixated parts of an individual. Thus, an internal and perpetual cycle of rage-shame-fear creates inner chaos and pain. Suzette Boon
You as a whole person are thus unable to reconcile conflicts about anger and learn to tolerate and express anger in healthy ways. Inner turmoil and dissociation are maintained. Suzette Boon
A person with the best strategy never gets angry. Debasish Mridha
You have right to be angry, insult and slap. But later you have to forgive. M.F. Moonzajer
Don’t worry about the haters… They are just angry because the truth you speak contradicts the lie they live. Steve Maraboli
When they confronted her like this, she felt like a delicate freaking time bomb just waiting for a time and a place to explode. Missy Lyons
There was the girl, screaming like an angry bird, When it finds its nest left empt and little ones gone." - Sentry Sophocles
Sam, ” Astrid yelled. “Quick.”Sam thought he was too far gone to respond, but he somehow started his feet moving again and went up to where Little Pete was standing and Astrid kneeling. There was a girl lying in the dirt. Her clothing was a mess, her black hair ratty. She was Asian, pretty without being beautiful, and little more than skin and bones. But the first thing they noticed was that her forearms ended in a solid concrete block. Astrid made a quick sign of the cross and pressed two fingers against the girl’s neck. “Lana, ” Astrid cried. Lana sized up the situation quickly. “I don’t see any injuries. I think maybe she’s starving or else sick in some other way.”“ What’s she doing out here?” Edilio wondered. “Oh, man, what did someone do to her hands?”“ I can’t heal hunger, ” Lana said. “I tried it on myself when I was with the pack. Didn’t work.” Edilio untwisted the cap from his water bottle, knelt, and carefully drizzled water across the girl’s cheek so that a few drops curled into her mouth.“ Look, she’s swallowing.” Edilio broke a tiny bite from one of the PowerBars and placed it gently into the girl’s mouth. After a second the girl’s mouth began to move, to chew.“ There’s a road over there, ” Sam said. “I think so, anyway. A dirt road, I think.”“ Someone drove by and dumped her here, ” Astrid agreed. Sam pointed at the dirt. “You can see how she dragged that block.”“ Some sick stuff going on, ” Edilio muttered angrily. “Who would do something like this? . Michael Grant
There should be a device which can detect when the person is getting angry and should not let that person speak till he/she calms down. This will solve so many problems. Nauman Khan
How can they ask why I feel so angry? Do you see my problem if I never explain it? But then there's you asking me how long. Say something, it's taken me so long. Tegan Quin
Refrigerators are good for keeping homemade moonshine less gross. Freezers are good for keeping rattlesnakes less angry. Garages are good to hide in when your wife finds either. Jenny Lawson
Don't be afraid to feel as angry or as loving as you can, because when you feel nothing, it's just death. Lena Horne
Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock. Sigmund Freud
If you want to write an angry e-mail, write it but don't send it. It's based on my experience that whenever I have acted out in some manner, I have always regretted it. Tim Gunn