56 Quotes & Sayings By Ag Howard

A.G. Howard is a best-selling author of contemporary romance novels, which have been translated into 29 languages and sold in excess of 5 million copies worldwide. Her story "No Limits" was named by the Romance Writers of America as one of the 10 best romantic stories of all time, and was a finalist for a RITA award.

Tearing down the rest of the world won't make you happy. Look inside yourself. Because finding who you were meant to be? What you were put into this world to do? That's what fills the emptiness. It's the only things that can. A.G. Howard
And there, in the midst of blinding orange, yellow, and white flames, our forever begins. A.G. Howard
Shh." I squeeze his hand. His palm feels clammy. "We have to keep it down, okay? We don't want my dad coming in." He grits his teeth against more shivers. "Always knew I'd end up in your bed . . and hear you say those words one day." He manages a smirk. Jeb snarls. "Unbelievable. Even when he's at death's door he's a tool." He arranges a pillow beneath Morpheus's neck. "Why don't you keep your mouth shut while we help you." Morpheus laughs weakly, his skin flashing with blue light. "What say Alyssa"--his breath rattles--"give my mouth something else to do? . A.G. Howard
Another thread snaps loose from my heart, the pain precise and acute. I embrace it, because it reminds me I'm still here. I'm alive. I'm empowered. A.G. Howard
The Phantom is not famous for forgiveness. A.G. Howard
Behind every wall and every mirror and every vent, I hear sounds: breathing, rustling, footsteps, and murmurs. I try to tell myself it’s just mice making their nests behind the barriers, but since when do rodents whisper? A.G. Howard
An old childhood playmate once told me ‘second guessing every step prevents any forward momentum. Trust yourself. Forgive yourself. And move on. A.G. Howard
You have that boy on such a high pedestal. It’s far too slippery up there for one so unprincipled as a solitary fae. It’s not as if I haven’t tried to drag him down. I looked inside his soul. Hoped to find his weaknesses. Only to discover that even those could be considered strengths under the right circumstances. A.G. Howard
We talk and tease and bargain with the main dish. Maniacal laughter echoes in the marble halls, sweet to my ears. There’s movement at the banquet hall’s entrance. A child with my eyes tumbles in–all wings and blue hair and giggling innocence. Holding his hand is Morpheus, wearing a ruby crown. The Red King. My king. The bubble bursts and takes the vision with it, leaving nothing but the sound of my gasp and wisps of gray smoke behind.“ You see, ” Ivory says, “once Morpheus knew that one day you would belong to him and he to you, that you would share a child, he was no longer willing to die to save Wonderland. But he’s insecure about your feelings for him. He feared you would refuse to help. So he made a new plan, however flawed it was. A.G. Howard
What went on between you and my mom? Did you seduce all the Liddell women? Did you tell them the same pretty words you told me?” I curl my legs beneath my dress, feeling small and vulnerable for even a A.G. Howard
We have regiments as innumerable as the sands... And arsenals as uncountable as the stars. A.G. Howard
I’m about to berate his tactics, to deny any feelings for him, when he cups the nape of my neck and presses his lips to mine, velvety soft. It’s nothing but a peck, yet the flavor of the tart he sampled lingers like a warm, savory bruise–an irresistible torment to the netherling within. He draws back and my skin glistens, radiant prisms reflected off his face and the cushions. I’m gripping his jacket lapels, yet I don’t even remember reaching fo. A.G. Howard
They have both loved you with a child’s love, and now a man’s. It is the child’s love that holds you together .. . cemented by the moments you shared with them that they treasure most. A.G. Howard
Memories, real and irreplaceable, all of them. The happy ones, the bitter ones, the terrified and the poignant. A.G. Howard
I grin, and he beams with A.G. Howard
So many emotions flicker over him–astonishment, concern, remorse. and the always-present adoration. I raise my hand toward his face and he winces, as if anticipating a slap. Instead, I stroke his cheek and those beautifully expressive jewels under his eyes, then lift to my toes and press my lips to his. His flavor and warmth envelop me. He moans and cups my face on either side, kissing me deeper, but I pull. A.G. Howard
A muffled curse comes from the doorway. I jerk my head to find Jeb there, blood drained from his face. His gaze is fierce yet dejected, a deep and gut-twisting wound I haven’t seen since his dad was alive and tormenting him. A.G. Howard
When he opens his mouth to speak, I place a finger on his A.G. Howard
I pretend to reach for them, but before he can guess my intentions, I catch one of his wings instead. He flutters, trying to break loose, his one free wing batting my hand. I draw out the decanter and stuff him into it, careful to fold his wings. I don’t want to hurt him. I just want to better him. Once he’s settled inside, I shove a paper towel into the bottle’s neck. No need to worry that he’ll smother. After all, he spent that night in a bug trap last year and sur . A.G. Howard
Guard your throats and hide your eyes. He’s not dead, you fools. Legends never die. A.G. Howard
How do you hate someone who pulled you from the brink of death, not once, but twice? A.G. Howard
Ironically, the first time he played it, he experienced his first dream vision with his own ‘flame jumelle’, Rune — and saved her from drowning. Thereafter he decided that must be the magic the instrument held: the ability to bring two souls together when they needed each other the most. A.G. Howard
This can’t be a coincidence, and there’s no longer any doubt in my mind. I am in a horror story. A.G. Howard
He raised his wine for a toast. “To the Exquisite Nightmare. A.G. Howard
Maybe being here won’t be so bad after all… as long as I can avoid the music, the bloodthirsty diva duo, and the phantom’s shadow lurking around every corner. A.G. Howard
I need to know why I’m so broken, so I can fix myself. One way or another. Maybe this place can help me do that, and then I can finally look forward to my future. Because I’m starting to realize there’s something worse than stepping up and facing your fears — and that’s living as if you’re already dead. A.G. Howard
His soft lips glide across my jaw. I’m dazzled by his touch, drugged by his promises, falling deeper and deeper into him. Before he reaches my mouth, I catch his hands and roll him off until he’s the one on his back, his wings no longer a hiding place but silky black pools along the g A.G. Howard
He spins us both, wrapping us in his wings until I’m dazed and gig A.G. Howard
Before I can even ask what he means, he skims his licorice-scented lips across my forehead–just shy of touching–his warm breath dragging across my left eye patch, then down a cheek, toward my mouth. The corner of my mouth tickles as he passes over it; then his breath stops to hover across my chin. His palms rest against the wall on either side of my head. He lets the web serve as his hands, his breath serve as his lips, holding me immobile and kissing me without ever touching me. . A.G. Howard
Oh, but my netherling side did, and she casts my human armor aside. She guides my hands, knots my fingers through his hair, teases his tongue with hers. She won’t let me pull away, because she wants to be there again. In Wonderland, where his tobacco-flavored kisses always take us . .Because the things I loathe are the things she adores: His snark, his infuriating condescension. His menacing mastery of half-truths and riddles. The way he shoves me into the face of danger, forces me to look beyond my fears and reach for my full potential. Most of all, because he encourages me to believe in the madness ..in her . the darker side of myself: the queen who was born to reign over the Red kingdom and to give Wonderland a legacy of dreams and imagination. His gloved palms seek the bend of my waist, the bow of my hips. He moves me on top of him, so close there’s not enough space for a blade of grass between us. His kisses grow insistent, desperate. His flavor winds through me, fruit and smoke and earth, and other things born of shadows and storms . things I can’t put a name to. . A.G. Howard
We're both so into it, neither of us hears the footsteps until a snarl breaks us apart. We turn to find Morpheus standing there with enough rage in his black eyes to send the Devil packing for heaven. Jeb tugs his fingers from the rings in my belt but keeps a hand at my lower back. I touch my lips; they're throbbing and gluttonous, hungry for A.G. Howard
I curse him silently for moving my hands as he raises them to study the scars. He kisses them, his lips a fluid brush along sensitive flesh, then places them on his cheeks. Mouth inches from mine, he whispers, "Forgive me for bringing you into this. There was no other way." His skin is softer than clouds must feel, and the tears gathering around my fingertips are hot and tangible. But are they sincere? Our breaths swirl between us, and his black eyes swallow me whole. My heart knocks against the bottom of his rib cage. I know what's coming next. I fear it. But it's the surest way to distract him and get the wish. And if it has to happen, I'm going to be the instigator. Rising up on my toes, I press my mouth to his. He moans, frees my wrists, and sweep-s me into his arms–sealing the teddy bear between us. A.G. Howard
It's me I'm losing control of. Hundreds of sketches, and still can't get enough of your face." He traces the dimple in my chin with his thumb. "Your neck." His palm moves along my throat. "Your.." both hands find my waist and drag me off the table so we're standing toe tote. "I'm not wasting another second drawing you, " he whispers against my lips, "when I can touch you instead." He presses his mouth to mine. A spark, hot and electric, jumps between us. Shock and sensation shimmer through me, aglow with his heat ad flavor. Six year of secret desire. Six years of denying that he's the orbit of my world. To think, he's been running from me, too. . A.G. Howard
I coax my palm into his lapel in search of my wish, returning his feverish kiss. "Checkmate, you son of a bug, " I say against his mouth two seconds before my fingers find an empty pocket." Sleight of hand, blossom, " he says right back. "'Tis in fact in my pants pocket, if you'd like to search there." I shove him off and drop to the floor, wiping my mouth. "It's mine! "" And you'll receive it when the time is right." His lips, all I can look at, tilt into that smug smile that I've come to detest. He motions toward the chair. "Sit. You've just been soundly kissed. No doubt you're short of breath."" Don't flatter yourself." I huff in an effort to hide the gulp of air and hold the teddy bear against my chest. "That kiss meant nothing. It had underlying motivation."" Oh, to be sure. That kiss was nothing if not motivational. A.G. Howard
Jeb moans, wraps my legs around his waist, and holds me tight. He breaks contact just long enough to whisper, "Where'd you learn to kiss like that?"" You taught me." I recover my senses and realize what I said. "In my dreams."" Oh, yeah?" He nudges the indentation on my chin with his nose. "Been dreaming of me, too, huh?"" Ever since the day we met." Finally, the truth. He flashes his dimples. "Guess it's time for us to make some dreams come true, skater girl. A.G. Howard
Yes. But I let you leave again, last year after you were crowned. And all those nights I brought you to Wonderland in your dreams, even though it pained me for you to abandon our dreamscapes and return to the mortal realm, I let you go each morning to live your reality there. It may not seem much when compared to your mortal’s gallantry. But for me–self-seeking, arrogant prig that I am–that is the sincerest form of sacrifice. Letting you go. Do you not see that?. A.G. Howard
The rabbit hole has collapsed, and my key is melded to a nugget of worthless metal. A.G. Howard
I am mad, and I embrace it. A.G. Howard
I know how to emulate crazy. A.G. Howard
You crave chaos. You're happiest when the world is in an uproar. You thrive on madness. Even when your magic is at its best when it's the catalyst to confusion. You still can't admit this? A.G. Howard
You understand the logic behind the illogical, Alyssa. It's in your nature to find tranquility amid the madness. And that's what we're doing here. We are giving our food a fighting chance. A.G. Howard
But I do, and the barbed wire tightens once more, until my heart is strangled and broken. A.G. Howard
The blaze from the trees spreads to tablecloths and crepe paper - a chain reaction so brilliantly spectacular and terrible, I ache to be a part of it..to devour and destroy, then relish in the plunder. I could do it. I could stand here amid the flames, let them lap at my skin, and laugh in a death-defying haze - because they belong to me. I could watch the world crumble and then dance, triumphant, in the snowfall of ash left behind. All I have to do is set the power free. Escape the chains of my humanity, let madness be my guide. A.G. Howard
Now, you listen, Alyssa Victoria Gardner. Normal is subjective. Don't ever let anyone tell you you're not normal. Because you are to me. And my opinion is all that matters. Got it? A.G. Howard
Salty tears stream down my face–coating my lips as I mutter senseless apologies for so many things. So many irreversible things. Morpheus peels the vines off and lifts me, cradling me to his chest. A.G. Howard
I hold on to the nape of Morpheus’s neck, burying my face in his jacket. Nikki and Chessie burrow into my hair. I inhale Morpheus’s scent. It’s the only thing I recognize, the only thing that’s safe. He carries me back to the well-lit room and sets me gently on the table. I can’t stop trembling. My throat aches from holding back sobs. A.G. Howard
I don’t want to blend, ” Etalon whispered. “I want to belong. A.G. Howard
He’d walked as a ghost in the gloomy bowels of this opera house for so long, darkness had become his brother, which was fitting, since his father was the night, and sunlight their forgotten friend. A.G. Howard
He appears close to my age. The left half of his face stands out beneath the hood: one side of plump lips, one squared angle of a chin. Two coppery-colored eyes look back at me — bright and metallic. The sight makes me do a double take. As far as he is from the car, I shouldn’t be able to make out the color, yet they glimmer in the shadow of his cape, like pennies catching a flashlight’s glare in a deep well. A.G. Howard
Hello, luv, " he says through a thick curtain of blue hair. "Hope I'm...interrupting. A.G. Howard
You care about her, " I say with unexpected twang of envy. In my long-lost memories of us as children, it was always just the two of us. We 'got' each other on every level. Morpheus made me feel adored, special, important. I never considered him doing the same for someone else as a man. "Morpheus, what is she to you?" He doesn't answer. Not aloud, anyway. His expression is hazy and troubled, and the jewels around his eyes twinkle from silver to black, like stars peering down on a storm-swept night. Alice's confession from the trial comes back to me: "Ivory was, in fact, very fond of Mr. Caterpillar." Judging by how Morpheus looked at the queen just now, by how she looked at him, he returned to her castle after his metamorphosis. I imagine his elegant fingers tracing her skin, his soft lips on hers. That stab of envy evolves to something much uglier–a covetous twist of emotion I can't even put a name to. What's wrong with me? Why should i care about Morpheus's love life, when I finally kissed Jeb after all these years?. A.G. Howard
It's great to have him watching my back without standing in my way. A.G. Howard
He had you in his room?" A dark cloud crosses Jeb’s face. “Do you swear he didn’t try anything?”“ Scout’s honor.” He squeezes my waist, tickling me. “Too bad you were never a Scout.”I squirm and smile. “Nothing happened.” That’s a lie. Morpheus got to me in a big way, showing me a side of myself I can hardly believe exists–one I’m not sure Jeb will be able to accept. A.G. Howard
Oh, I stand by that statement, little blossom. For you see, there’s the chance you will break down and come between the two of you. Every night we’re together, I will tempt you to the edge of madness. I will tease you to torments. You will have to earn Jebediah’s happy life by being strong and unbending, as all good queens should be. Though this night, I’m giving you a lull. A.G. Howard
He stretches languorously under me, and the silvery scar on his abdomen catches the light, that telltale mark from Sister Two when he fought her inside Butterfly Threads just weeks ago. When he almost died to help me and Jeb escape. But I didn’t let him die, because I couldn’t imagine a world without him. I can’t imagine a future without him, either. Not anymore. A.G. Howard