17 Quotes & Sayings By Phyllis Mcginley

Phyllis McGinley, PhD, has been a leading authority on health and nutrition since the 1960s. She is Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, Davis, and an internationally recognized expert on heart disease and nutrition. A registered dietitian, she is the author of several books and numerous articles for professional and lay audiences. Her publications include: The New American Plate: The Essential Guide to Whole Food Plant-Based Eating; Diet for a Better Body: A Program Designed to Work; and What to Eat When You Can’t Eat Right: Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight or Keep It Off (with Mary Dan Eades) Read more

McGinley earned her M.S. in Nutrition from Cornell University and her Ph.D. in Nutritional Laboratory Sciences from Ohio State University.

Compromise, if not the spice of life, is its solidity....
Compromise, if not the spice of life, is its solidity. It is what makes nations great and marriages happy Phyllis McGinley
The other day I chanced to meet An angry man upon the street – A man of wrath, a man of war, A man who truculently bore Over his shoulder, like a lance, A banner labeled “Tolerance. Phyllis McGinley
God know that a mother need fortitude and courage and tolerance and flexibility and patience and firmness and nearly every other brave aspect of the human soul. Phyllis McGinley
A mother's hardest to forgive. Life is the fruit she longs to hand you Ripe on a plate. And while you live, Relentlessly she understands you. Phyllis McGinley
The wonderful thing about saints is that they were human. They lost their tempers got hungry scolded God were egotistical or impatient in their turns made mistakes and regretted them. Still they went on doggedly blundering toward heaven. Phyllis McGinley
Compromise if not the spice of life is its solidity. Phyllis McGinley
Children are forced to live very rapidly in order to live at all. They are given only a few years in which to learn hundreds of thousands of things about life and the planet and themselves. Phyllis McGinley
Not reading poetry amounts to a national pastime here. Phyllis McGinley
For the wonderful thing about saints is that they were human. They lost their tempers got angry scolded God were egotistical or testy or impatient in their turns made mistakes and regretted them. Still they went on doggedly blundering toward heaven. Phyllis McGinley
This is the gist of what I know: Give advice and buy a foe. Phyllis McGinley
To be a housewife is ... a difficult a wrenching sometimes ungrateful job if it's looked on as only a job. Regarded as a profession it is the noblest as it is the most ancient of the catalogue. Let none persuade us differently or the world will be lost indeed. Phyllis McGinley
It's this no-nonsense side of women that is pleasant to deal with. They are the real sportsmen. Phyllis McGinley
Nothing fails like success nothing is so defeated as yesterday's triumphant cause. Phyllis McGinley
Please to put a nickel, please to put a dime. How petitions trickle in at Christmas time! Phyllis McGinley
Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing, peace is the measure. Phyllis McGinley
Sisters are always drying their hair. Locked into rooms, alone, they pose at the mirror, shoulders bare, trying this way and that their hair, or fly importunate down the stair to answer the telephone. Phyllis McGinley