4 Quotes & Sayings By J Nevenpugh

J. Neven-Pugh is a professional chef and author of the bestselling book Love Food, Lose Weight, Eat to Live. She also runs a successful online food business. After a decade of weight loss through dieting, she discovered how to lose weight without deprivation or starvation and without feeling deprived Read more

She wrote "Love Food, Lose Weight, Eat to Live" (2005) to help others do the same. The book was an instant bestseller and has been translated into six languages.

Don't get mad, William, " he finally said, provoking the distraught to look up at him, "I know it's hard, an' unfair, but you can't let yourself become angry. You're too nice, - too good, - if you can't at least hope for a possibility, then what happiness can you expect to have? You have to hold on to it, or else you've got nothing..." (77) J. NevenPugh
My biggest hope for this work is that it will help others to remember the sacrifices made for our freedom, and even more so to remember that the men, women, and children all involved in and affected by this era were not just statistics: they were people just like we are, with the same hopes, dreams, and very imminent fears. J. NevenPugh
Some days I feel more like a scribe than a creator. I will have the major points fleshed out, but there is always a turn or two that I didn't see coming, or which came earlier than I expected it to, or not at all... J. NevenPugh