55 Quotes & Sayings By Ae Via

A.E. Via is a San Diego-based writer whose work has been featured in magazines and newspapers around the world. He is also a television and radio show host, and the author of over thirty books, including the bestselling "Behind Enemy Lines: The CIA War Against Gennady Klugov" and The EDGE: The CIA and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Read more

Via is also an award-winning novelist whose work includes two international bestsellers, "The Greater Good" and "The Power Within".

I have the reports from Gemson and Boyd, ” Syn replied. His boots were up on the corner of his desk as he reclined back in his chair, skimming the contents of the file.“ How are they?” God asked. He removed his leather coat and draped it over the back of his chair.“ Detailed. Good, ” Syn answered. He brought his feet down and gave God a pointed look. The big man shook his head, already knowing what Syn wanted. He wanted everything they knew about this case. Now.“Alright Syn. Chill out. We’re not used to you yet. But we know what it means to have a Sergeant on our team. You’re the team's go to, and have just as much command and input regarding decision making as we do, ” Day responded as God stared. Day chuckled. “Tito was just as important as the other Jacksons.”Syn threw a pen at Day, which he dodged easily. Syn couldn’t help but laugh at Day’s fucked up comparison. “I’m no fucking Tito, shithead. . A.E. Via
Furi found Patrick in the kitchen loosening his tie. Damn the man could wear a suit. The black designer suit had fine lavender pinstripes that Patrick accented perfectly with a light purple tie. Furi would no doubt be responsible for getting the suits his husband traveled with to the cleaners and returned to his closet. He didn’t know how he’d become his husband's personal assistant, but it had happened, and to avoid argument, Furi didn’t refuse Patrick's requests. A.E. Via
Syn didn’t even think twice. He made his way to the end of the bar and lifted the top, coming behind the bar. The two girl bartenders looked at him in shock and Syn flashed his badge again. “Where’s Furious?” he asked, using his authoritative cop tone.“ He left, ” they said in unison, still looking at him strangely.“ Damnit, ” Syn hissed and raced out of the pub. He looked anxiously up and down the sidewalk and saw Furious sitting on the bench, head hanging low, waiting on the bus. Even though he had a hoodie pulled up and hanging low over his forehead. . Syn knew it was his ma— He’s not my damn man, he’s just a friend. Syn approached his new friend with all the confidence in the world but wasn’t prepared for the angry, haunted eyes that looked up at him when he slowly removed Furious’ hood. Syn sucked in a hard breath and blew it out slowly before finally deciding to speak. “Furious. Are you okay?” No answer.“ Are you hurt?” Syn was really concerned. Furious looked detached, closed in on himself.“ Bab—” Shit. “Furi, ” Syn quickly corrected. “Please answer me. Look my place is right there.” Syn pointed in the direction of his building. “If you want you can come up and talk. I can take you home later.” It was a few long and very intense minutes that Furious didn’t move or say anything.“ We’ll just talk, okay?” Syn tried again. Thanks a lot MARTA. Perfect timing. Just Syn’s luck that the bus pulled up to the curb and the air doors swung open.“ Furious, I just want to talk.”“ No thanks, Detective.” Furious' voice was so deep and angry, it’d felt like Furi had struck him. Syn swallowed a hard gulp. A.E. Via
I will if you give me a little kiss.” Furi grinned. He was tipsy and horny now. Tequila does that to a man.“ Get the fuck outta here.” Doug laughed and pulled on Furi’s hair. “Just because you have long, soft hair and I’ve had a little to drink, doesn’t mean I’m gonna mistake you for a woman.”“ Don’t want you too. Come on. One little kiss, ” Furi moaned.“ Fine. But only because I feel sorry for you. Make it quick.” Doug laughed. Furi’s head was still resting on Doug’s broad shoulder when he brought his hand up and put it around Doug’s neck to pull him to him. Doug’s smile faded and he looked very serious, Furi thought he was getting mad, but that wasn’t the case at all. Doug closed the distance and pressed his soft lips to Furi's. Both of them gasped in surprise at the initial contact. There was no tongue wrestling or groping. Just his friend giving him a little comfort and some much needed affection. Furi hadn’t been with anyone since he left his husband last year. That’s a long time to go without any sexual contact or the comforting touch of a lover. Furi felt Doug’s strong hand thread through his hair, making him lean back into the touch. His eyes fell closed when he felt Doug place a soft kiss against his throat. But what Doug did next brought tears to Furi’s eyes. Doug wrapped him in his muscled arms and hugged him tight, whispering on the shell of his ear that he’d be okay, that he’d protect him no matter what. It was exactly what Furi needed. A.E. Via
Shut the fuck up and mind your own business, Bren.” Before Furi could put up any kind of guard, Brenden had his hands around his throat and shoved him until his back slammed into the stainless steel refrigerator.“ You think you can talk to me that way, you little shit?” Brenden snarled, spittle flying from his mouth. His hands twisting and burning the skin around Furi’s neck.“ Get off me, ” Furi gasped, trying unsuccessfully to pry the thick fingers off. His husband and brother-in-law had both been linebackers in college. Neither minded using their brawn and strength on him, and often. Brenden brought his knee up fast, kneeing him so hard in the groin Furi thought death would be better than the pain. Brenden stepped back and let Furi drop to the hard granite floor, slapping him hard in the back of the head before strolling off as if he owned the world. Furi couldn’t hear what the hell his husband was saying because his ears were ringing and his eyes were so filled with tears he thought best to just keep them shut.“ Patrick, ” Furi groaned, clutching at his balls, knowing nothing would stop the throbbing.“ Don’t talk like a big boy if you don’t have the balls to back it up, darlin, ” his husband said nonchalantly. . A.E. Via
Syn finished with dispatch then called his first officer. While waiting for the phone to be answered he told Furi to pack a bag with whatever he would need for the next couple of days. Furi didn’t move.“ Furious, ” Syn growled. He wanted to get the hell out of that apartment just in case Sasha wanted to come finish the job.“ I’m not leaving. She is not going to run me out of my own damn place.” Furi jutted out his chin in defiance. Syn forgot about his phone call and came to stand directly in front of Furi. “Go and pack a bag now. That crazy bitch is not going to get a second chance if I have anything to say about it.”“ You don’t have anything to say about it.”“ The hell I don’t, ” Syn barked. “Your foolish pride will get you killed. Let's deal with her and then you’re more than welcome to come home. Don’t let your stubbornness make you an easy target, because that’s just stupid.”“ You calling me stupid?” Furi snapped right back. Syn rolled his eyes in frustration. “Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me? Furious we don’t have time for this Mickey Mouse bullshit right now. Go get your shit and let’s move.” Syn went over to the only window in Furi’s apartment and stood watch while Furi threw some clothes, toiletries, books and a laptop into a bag, grumbling curses the entire time. Syn let him say whatever he wanted to, as long as he was doing what needed to be done. Furi had a large duffle draped over his shoulder when he came to stand in front of Syn. “Done, Detective. Anything else you want to order me to do?” Syn took a quick calming breath. He took Furi’s duffle off his shoulder and set it gently at his feet. He put his arms around Furi’s waist and pulled him to him. “I’m not trying to order you around. I just can’t let anyone hurt you.” Syn squeezed his eyes shut. . A.E. Via
Excuse me, sir.” One the young officers put his hand up to stop them. “Are you Furious Barkley?”“Maybe. Maybe not. Is there a problem, officers?” Doug stepped in front of Furi.“Damn straight there’s a problem.” Syn stepped inside the door, yanking his dark aviator glasses off his face. The scowl he wore told Furi this was not a pleasant coincidence. “Thanks guys, you can go.” Furi stood with his mouth hanging open while Syn dismissed the officers.“ Seriously, Starsky. You gonna track my boy down every time he leaves the house?” Doug said angrily, still blocking Furi.“He’s not your boy. And what I do regarding Furi is none of your goddamn business.” Syn’s clenched jaw made his words sound like an evil hiss. He shouldered past Doug and got directly in Furi’s face. “When I’ve been calling him for over six hours and he hasn’t picked up or returned any of my calls, I’ll send a fuckin’ SWAT team to find him if I want to.” Syn spun and pointed his finger in Doug’s face, “That’s my say, not yours.” Syn’s voice was rising with his growing temper, and all eyes were on them.“ Okay, let’s get out of here.” Furi pushed at both men, urging them out the door. As soon as they were out in the brisk fall air, Syn rounded on Furi, pushing their chest together. “Where have you been, Furious? I’ve been going crazy trying to check on you, and you’re sitting here casually eating pancakes, ” Syn growled.“ Hey, back up, man.” Doug tried to wedge in between Furi and Syn.Syn looked up in annoyance. “Doug, I swear, if you touch me, I’m gonna ensure that you never regain the use of that hand.”“ Okay, okay.” Furi put both hands flat on Syn’s chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat underneath all that muscle. Fuck. He really was scared. What was I thinking turning off my phone with everything that’s going on? “Syn. I’m so sorry. I turned my phone off because—”“ You don’t owe him an explanation. You’re a grown man, Furious. You were having a business meeting; he has no right to demand you be available to him at all times, just like Patrick.”Furi and Syn both snapped at Doug. But Furi took control. “Hey! Don’t you ever say that again. This man is nothing like that asshole.” Furi shook his head at the absurdity of Doug’s accusation. “Don’t even say his name in the same sentence as Patrick’s.”Doug looked at Furi as if he were a stranger.“ Doug, you don’t know everything that’s been going on. But I promise I’ll catch you up, okay? Then you’re going to feel pretty shitty about what you just said about Syn.” Furi nodded his head. “Go home. I’ll call you when I’m back at Syn’s place.”“ You’re staying with him?” Doug yelled.“ Doug. You know it’s not safe at my place, ” Furi said softly, his eyes pleading with his friend for him to understand.“ Then you should come to stay with me. I don’t trust this guy! ”“ This is fuckin’ crazy, ” Syn snarled. “I know you’re his friend, but you’re sounding more pissed than a friend should be.”“ Don’t try to read me, Detective. Furi is my best friend, and I’ve had his back since the first day he got here.” Doug wasn’t backing down from Syn’s intimidating posture. Syn’s dark glasses were back on, creating a perfectly badass look with his black leather coat and boots. All the hardware Syn had tucked under his arms and the shiny badge hanging around his neck was a sight right out of a sexy cop porno. A.E. Via
Day pushed God out of his space and turned to walk away without another word.“ Oh no you don’t, ” God snarled before grabbing Day around his waist and pulling him back into the darkness of the alley. He pushed Day up against the brick wall and pressed his forehead hard against his. “You think I’m just going to let you walk off?”“ Yep. Just like you did this morning, ” Day replied without a second thought. He’d be damned if that response didn’t hurt like hell. He kept their foreheads touching but lost some of his anger. “I apologized for that.”“ You sent me a goddamn text message, coward. Now get off me. I’m going home…alone now, thanks to you, ” Day hissed.“ You were really going to fuck that guy?” God asked incredulously.“ You’re goddamn right I was, ” Day retorted.“ Even though you’re in love with me?” Why did God say that? He watched his partner’s face go from mad to stark-raving livid. Before he could process what was happing, Day had caught him with a right punch twice to his rib cage making him cry out in pain at his already tender ribs.“ Fuck! ” God yelled as he was shoved backward hard enough to almost knock him off balance since he was already doubled over.“ Can’t believe you just said that, asshole, ” Day said while moving in on him again. “Think I’m going to let you string me along?” God held his ribs and put one hand up to stop Day’s approach but it was useless. Day dropped like a martial arts master and did a backward spin kick, effectively knocking both God’s legs from under him and sending him crashing to the ground–and two-hundred and fifty pounds hitting the asphalt really hurt.“ The bigger they are, the harder they fucking fall, ” Day snarled, and began to move in again. What the fuck? God knew Day was quick, he’d seen him in action too many times. God’s only defense was his muscle, but he had to get his hands on Day first, which wouldn’t be easy. God rolled and came up off the ground, quicker than Day expected, and he caught Day’s left punch in mid-throw and spun him around. He yanked Day into his chest but took a hard elbow to his right cheek with Day’s right arm before he was able to secure it with the other one.“ Enough, ” God growled in his ear. Day’s back was pressed hard against God’s chest, while God held both hand’s tightly in front of him. “Stop fighting me.”“ No, ” Day snapped.“ Stop fighting me, Leo. Because I love you too, ” God said, his lips pressed firmly against Day’s ear. “You can’t fuck that other guy because you’re mine, ” he whispered. God felt Day’s body go limp in his tight hold and he took the opportunity to spin him around to face him. He looked into soft hazel eyes and lost himself. “I do, sweetheart. I think I may always have. I just didn’t know it until after you walked out of my apartment this morning.” God took a deep breath and shook his head, his eyes squeezed shut at the vision that popped up. “After I hurt you.” Day didn’t pull away, but God could see the hurt was still there. Man, how he wished he could take it all back. He swore he would have done it all differently. “Leo. Please forgive me. I’m so sorry, and I promise I’ll never put my hands on you in anger again.” God watched Day for any signs of forgiveness. Day’s head was down, he was still as a rock, and he still hadn’t spoken. God released Day’s arms, took one hand and slowly lifted Day’s chin so he could look into those beautiful eyes again. Day’s eyes were moist but focused.“ Say something, sweetheart. Tell me you forgive me. Tell me you love me, or tell me to go to hell, just say something, ” God begged, the silence driving him mad. God was beginning to think he’d really lost his best friend until Day finally spoke. “I usually don’t like endearments but I think I like you calling me sweetheart. A.E. Via
Day had fucked up big time. This was all his fault, all because he couldn’t keep his nosy ass out of other peoples private business. Day rushed to God’s side.“ I’ll help you ba–” Day didn’t know how, but God had found enough strength after that beating to push him so hard that he flew into the dresser, knocking it and all of the items that were on top of it to the floor, including the television. Day rolled a few feet, the dresser just missing falling on top of him.“ Cash, what the fuck! ” Day cursed. He rolled to his side and winced at the sharp pain in his ribs from coming into contact with the dresser.“ I was trying to help you get into bed.”“ Get the fuck out, Leo.” God’s face was an unyielding mask. For the first time in four long years, Day couldn’t read what the hell was going through God’s mind. Day stood slowly. “God, I only called him because I needed to go–”“ It doesn’t matter why you did it! You had no right! You have no clue what you just did! ” God yelled. “Now get out! ”“ Cashel, please. Just hear me out, ” Day pleaded. His eyes begged for God to see the sincerity in them. He really didn’t mean for any of this to happen. “Baby, I swear. I didn’t know any of this was happening between you and your family. You should’ve told me. Why was he calling you a murderer?” No matter what, Day couldn’t turn off his detective side. Day watched God squeeze his eyes shut. He went down on one knee and clutched his chest when the hard coughing started again. God’s eyes were full of water and pain. Day timidly eased over to God’s side but God cut his eyes at him, daring him to come any closer. Day had to fight the moisture in his own eyes. “I just want to help you into bed.”“ Day, if you don’t get the fuck out of my house, I’m going to show you why he called me a murderer, ” God said through clenched teeth. Day couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped his lips, or the pain that radiated through his chest, as if his rib cage had been torn open and his heart ripped out and thrown underneath the bed. Day kept his eyes on God as he knelt to pick up the dresser, then the television. God watched him as well. Day didn’t say anything as the rogue tear fell down his face without his permission. Day went around to the opposite side of the bed and pulled a pen and piece of scrap paper from the drawer, still watching God carefully. He really didn’t like the look on his best friend’s face. He’d seen the look before, but he’d never had it leveled on him. Day scribbled a couple of phone numbers on the paper. A.E. Via
Looks like things are good, ” Day said casually. “I’m happy for you.”“ Things were better than good, baby. My mom was so happy to see me. She made me raisin bread, and she even popped me in the head a few times when I told her I’d pissed you off. She wants to meet you real soon, sweetheart, ” God said breathlessly around all his excitement.“ I’m looking forward to it, ” Day said climbing in bed.“ Oh come on, Leo, you can’t still be mad at me.” God huffed. When Day still didn’t speak, God threw his hands up in the air. “Okay, fine. I shouldn’t have said what I said. I’m sorry all right. There. Does that make you happy now, or do I have to go out and by you some fuckin’ flowers and candy and shit? Stop acting like this. I had a good day, babe, and I want to fuck you.” God dropped his voice low.“ I have a headache and don’t feel like having sex…since you’re dating a bitch. Good night, Cashel.” Day flicked the switch on the small lamp by his side of the bed putting them in total darkness. Day pulled the covers up on him and turned his back to God and willed himself to go to sleep. Day woke up before five a.m. and was pissed when he couldn’t go back to sleep. Although his back was to him, he could tell God was awake too by the way he was breathing. Day finally got sick of lying there and got out of bed. He slid his feet in his leather slippers and went downstairs. Day got the paper off the front step and went to the kitchen for coffee. He was in the den watching Food Network, sipping his second cup when he had an urge to go back upstairs and climb back in bed with God.This was bullshit. This was a stupid fight they were having and he wanted it over. Day was sure there would be real shit for them to fight about in the future, they didn’t need to waste time on crap like this. But still… Day didn’t move. A.E. Via
You don’t want none of this, man. Stay out of it.” Preppy looked around Syn, obviously wanting some more of Furious.“Maybe I do.” Syn looked bored and then thought for a second. If he broke this kid’s jaw, that could be his damn promotion. Just when the kid looked like he wanted to start something, Syn pulled his badge. “Maybe a night in lock-up will get you to shut the fuck up.” Syn heard the guy he punched groaning and looked at him, not wanting to find himself attacked from behind too. What he was surprised to not find was Furious. Syn pulled out his cell and called 911, he gave his name and badge number and told dispatch he had a few drunk and disorderlies that needed clearing out. Syn desperately wanted to find Furious. He knew the man was alright. Surely he was able to take a gut punch, but he wanted to talk to him. Syn knew he may have already fucked up. Without thinking, he’d pushed Furi behind him like he couldn’t defend himself. But when Syn saw the pain of that punch flash over the man’s beautiful face, his protective instincts rose with a vengeance and he’d acted. He looked back and forth from the bar, to the door, to the college assholes, wanting to run and find Furi, but he couldn’t leave his perps unattended until the uniforms got there. A.E. Via
Goodbye Syn.That man at the end of the bar; that was the kind of man that lured you to his bed at night and fucked you senseless, but then beat the shit out of you the next morning, because in the harsh light of day, he wasn’t gay. Furi knew that type of man all too well. As he walked the half-block to the bus stop, his blood cooled at the horrific memories of the last year as he lit a Marlboro and waited for the next bus. He didn’t need to dredge up old horror stories, he had to get his mind right .. he had an early shoot in the morning. A.E. Via
Day leveled Ronowski with a stern glare. “Ronowski, you are gay, man. You’re tightly closeted. But you are indeed gay, ultra-gay. You’re fuckin’ Marvin Gay. You crash landed on Earth when your gay planet exploded.” Day moved away from God and stood in front of an openmouthed Ronowski. “Come out of the closet already. It’s so bright and wonderful out here. Dude, I’ve seen Brokeback Mountain too, don’t believe that bullshit. No one cares who you fuck…ya know…like you tell me every. Single. Day. Of. My. Life, ” Day said exaggeratedly. A.E. Via
Day had gotten a little nervous during one session when the doctor asked God how he would handle someone hurting Day now and his lover responded by jerking one side of his leather coat open and pulling his long blade from its sheathe. “Easy, I’d cut their fucking arm off and beat the shit out of them with it, ” he’d said. But Day quickly started laughing and told the concerned doctor that his partner was just playing. After popping God hard in his stomach, God agreed and said he was indeed joking. When the doctor went back to writing on her legal pad, God mouthed to him, “No I’m not. A.E. Via
God saw Hansen tighten his chokehold on Day and he could see his lover fighting to breathe. Day’s ears and neck were bright red. His lips were turning a darker color as his body was deprived of oxygen. Hansen pressed the barrel in deeper and yelled.“ Two minutes and fifteen seconds before I get to zero and I provide the great state of Georgia the luxury of one less narc.” God’s mind exploded at the thought of not having Day in a world he lived in. He looked into his partner’s glistening eyes and saw he was turning blue and possibly getting ready to faint. Day was still looking at him, looking into God’s green eyes. No, no, no! He’s saying good-bye. God closed his eyes and released a loud, gut-wrenching growl cutting off the SWAT leader’s negotiations.“ Godfrey, get yourself under control, ” his captain said while grabbing for him. God jerked himself away from the hold and stepped forward, his angry eyes boring into Hansen’s dark ones. Hansen stared at him as if God was crazy. Little did he know God was at that moment.“ Godfrey, get back here and stand down. That’s an order, Detective! ” his captain barked. God’s large hands clenched at his sides fighting not to pull out his weapons. He ground his teeth together so hard his jaw ached.“ Do you have any idea of the shit storm you’re about to bring down on your life, ” God spoke with a menacing snarl while his large frame shook with fury. “In your arms you hold the only thing in this world that means anything to me. The man that you are pointing a gun at is my only purpose for living. You are threating to kill the only person in this world that gives a fuck about me.” God took two more steps forward and was vaguely aware of the complete silence surrounding him. Hansen’s finger hovered shakily over the trigger as he took two large steps back with Day still tight against his chest. God growled again and he saw a shade of fear ghost over Hansen’s sweaty face.“ If you kill that man, I swear on everything that is holy, I will track you to the ends of the earth, killing and destroying any and everything you hold dear. I will take everything from you and leave you alive to suffer through it. I will bestow upon you the same misery that you have given to me.” Hansen shook his head and inched closer to the door behind him.“ Stay back, ” he yelled again but this time the demand lacked the courage and venom he exhibited before.“ You kill that man, and you’ll have no idea of the monster you will create. Have you ever met a man with no heart…no conscience…no soul…no purpose?” God rumbled, his voice at least twelve octaves lower than the already deep baritone. God yanked his Desert Eagle from his holster in a flash and cocked the hammer back chambering the first round. Hansen stumbled back again, his eyes gone wide with fear. God’s entire body instinctually flexed every muscle in his body and it felt like the large vein in his neck might rupture. His body burned like he had a sweltering fever and he knew his wrath had him a brilliant shade of red.“ I’m asking you a goddamn question, Hansen! No soul! No conscience! I’m asking you have you ever met the devil! ” God’s thunderous voice practically rattled the glass in the hanger.“ If you kill the man I love, you better make your peace with God, because I’m gonna meet your soul in hell.” His voice boomed. A.E. Via
Baby, ” Day said softly, his throat still sore from being choked. God turned around slowly and faced him. Day choked up at the pained expression on his man’s face. He could see that God’s eyes were moist and red-rimmed. Day inched toward him and didn’t stop until he was pressed against that broad chest. God’s strong arms came around him and squeezed him hard. The guttural moan the man released against his temple made Day’s heart seize. God pulled back and gripped a handful of Day’s hair pulling so that he was looking up at him. God bent down and oh so gently grazed his soft lips across his. Day’s body vibrated from the sensual feeling. God rubbed his face all over Day’s as if he was marking him with his scent. God’s grip tightened in his hair and he moaned again. Day could feel God’s body trembling and Day didn’t know at that moment if the shaking was from residual fear or need, so he didn’t move as he let his lover do what he needed to do. God released the punishing grip and his large palms shook as they ghosted over Day’s face. His chin was tilted up by firm fingers and again was blessed with feathery-soft kisses. God leaned back in and draped his arms completely around him and Day embraced him back. The soft piano from the album serenaded them and God just barely rocked their bodies back and forth in a very slow dance. Every few seconds he’d stop to place kisses on his forehead before leaning back in. A.E. Via
Do me a favor, Ro, ” Day said calmly.“ What’s that?” Ronowski peeked around Johnson again.“ Johnson won’t be with you all the time. Remind me to kick your ass later, ” Day said. Ronowski came to stand in front of Day, looked at his watch and smirked. “Sure, what time works for you?” Day looked at his watch too. “Uhhh, let’s see. How’s five thirty, is that good?”“ I just remembered I’m busy at five thirty.”“ So what time can you be there?”“ I can do five thirty-five.”“ Damn, that’s cutting it close. I might be a little late, but wait on my ass whippin’.”“ Will you dumb asses shut up? Lord help us…they’ve bonded.” The captain tried to suppress his laugh. “God, how the hell do you put up with Day’s mouth?”“ I got something that’ll make him shut him up, ” God said in a deep voice. Everyone groaned and scrunched their faces up in disgust.“ We don’t want to hear that shit, God. Ugh, ” the captain said while pouring his cup of coffee. God looked at Day and saw he wasn’t the slightest bit fazed and if he knew his lover–which he most certainly did– Day would not let him get the last word.“ It’s all a mind game that I play with God. He thinks he’s shutting me up…but when he’s finished with my mouth… I start talking again.” Day winked.“ I’m leaving. I should write your asses up for inappropriate conduct in front of a superior.” The captain hauled ass out of the room. Johnson and Ronowski were shaking their heads too and telling Day “he sure knew how to clear a room.”“ I got to get back across town, ” Johnson said and bent down and whispered something in Ronowski’s ear that made the man turn red. God tried to pull Day away but he refused to budge. When Johnson said good-bye to them and left out the room, Day mock whispered to Ronowski. “I told you. One good pounding is all you–”“ For fucks sake, Leo, ” Ronowski groaned, grabbing his soda hightailing it out of there before Day could finish his sentence. A.E. Via
How’s it going?” Day said dryly and went about setting up his coffee machine.“ It’s going better now that I’m seeing you.” Detective Johnson came over to Day and stood over him. Day had to practically reach around the tall man to start the machine. “Dude, want to give me a little room here.”“ No. I like being close to you.” Detective Johnson took one long finger and slowly dragged it down the front of Day’s chest.“ Well fuckin’ unlike it.” They both jumped at the sound of God’s gruff voice. God walked up to Day and grabbed him by the back of his neck. He spun Day around so hard that he dropped the small packs of sugar to the floor. All he could do was hold on to God’s massive biceps as he ravaged his mouth. Day let God completely control him until he was done proving his point. God released him and Day practically fell back into the counter.“ Fuck, Cash, ” Day whispered, completely out of breath. After Day got his wits about him he noticed that God and Johnson were in a serious stare off over his head. Johnson broke first and looked down at Day.“You’re fucking God now?” Johnson asked disbelievingly.“ Okay, that just sounds wrong saying it like that, so I’m not going to comment.” Day inched away from the two giants and propped himself up on one of the break-room tables. “I think I’ll watch this one from the sidelines. A.E. Via
God was still smiling when he went into the guest room for his suitcase. He looked in the closet and under the perfectly made bed. He even pulled out the drawers of the one armoire on the far side of the room, but couldn’t find it. He was about to go back downstairs and ask Day when he turned down the long hall and walked into Day’s master bedroom. His suitcase was tucked neatly in the corner. He pulled it out but immediately knew it was empty. He looked in the first dresser but those were Day’s clothes. The second identical dresser was on the other side and God did a double take at his few toiletries that were neatly aligned on top. God rubbed his hand on the smooth surface and felt his heart clench at how domestic this looked. His and his dressers…really. God yanked off his T-shirt and threw it in the hamper along with Day’s items. He washed up quickly and went back to his dresser to put on a clean shirt. His mouth dropped when he pulled out the dresser drawer. His shirts were neatly folded and placed in an organized arrangement. God went through all five drawers. His underwear, socks, shirts, sweats, all arranged neatly and in its own place. He dropped down on the bed and thought for a minute. At first he was joking, but Day really was domesticating him. Was God ready for that? Sure he loved Day, he’d take a bullet for him, but was he ready to play house? He pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and middle finger at the slight tension forming behind his eyes. God had been completely on his own since he was eighteen. He’d never shared space with anyone–hell, no one had ever wanted to. Fuck. Just last night Day was getting ready to fuck mini Justin Bieber, now he was cooking and cleaning for him and doing his damn laundry. He tried his best to shake off his anxiety. He never used the word love lightly. He meant what he’d said last night. God had only loved three people his entire life and for the past four years only one of them returned that love. Should he really tuck tail and run just because this was new territory? Hell no. All he did was unpack my suitcase. No big deal. He was just being hospitable. Damn sure is better than that seedy hotel. “My boyfriend’s just trying to make me comfortable.” He smirked and tried the term on his tongue again. “I have a boyfriend.”“ Get your ass down here and stop overthinking shit! Dinner is getting cold! ” Day yelled from the bottom of the stairs. . A.E. Via
God came up and kissed Day on his forehead. When Day looked over at Johnson, who was still slowly sipping his soda, the guy did look lonely as hell. Before Day could say something kind, his other headache strolled in.“ Oh hell. What the fuck is going on in here? This must be the officer’s gay alliance club meeting.” Day blew an exasperated breath. “And now that you’re here, Ronowski, all members are present and we can begin.” Day smiled as God and Johnson practically spit their drinks out laughing. Ronowski fumed. “Day, you’re going to stop calling me gay! I have never been gay! I will never be gay, and I don’t like anyone that is gay! So stop saying that before people start believing your bullshit! ” Day clapped his hands together once. “Okay everyone those are the notes from last week’s meeting, now on to new business.” Day leveled Ronowski with a stern glare. “Ronowski, you are gay, man. You’re tightly closeted. But you are indeed gay, ultra-gay. You’re fuckin’ Marvin Gay. You crash landed on Earth when your gay planet exploded.” Day moved away from God and stood in front of an openmouthed Ronowski. “Come out of the closet already. It’s so bright and wonderful out here. Dude, I’ve seen Brokeback Mountain too, don’t believe that bullshit. No one cares who you fuck…ya know…like you tell me every. Single. Day. Of. My. Life, ” Day said exaggeratedly. He stepped in so close to Ronowski that he could smell the body wash he used.“ Let a man bang your back out one time.” Day leaned in to the man’s ear and felt Ronowski’s body give a fierce shutter. “I mean pound your ass so hard that you can’t walk straight for a week, and I guarantee you, you’ll want to march in the next gay pride parade, wearing nothing but a glitter jockstrap and a fuckin’ hot-pink feather boa.” Day stepped back and saw the beads of sweat that had popped up on Ronowski’s forehead. Satisfied he’d proven his point he refilled his coffee and left the break room. . A.E. Via
Day slammed the door behind Johnson, leaving just him and his partner in the room alone. Day hit the lights.“ Setting the mood, Leo?” God grinned at him.“ I want to talk to you now.”“ You can’t always get what you want, Leonidis, ” God rebutted.“ I want you, ” Day said with no hesitation. The room was deathly silent. After a few long seconds God responded simply, “No you don’t.”“ I do. Isn’t it obvious?” Day moved a little closer.“ You don’t know what the fuck you want. I’ve watched you for four years, jumping from bed to bed and fucking your way through half of Atlanta. I have one emotional night and all of a sudden you want me…fuck you, ” God said in his gruffest voice. Day’s body heated instantly at the sound. He moved even closer to where God was standing on the opposite side of the table.“ Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was supposed to be saving myself for marriage, and even more so, I didn’t realize you were a goddamn virgin. How many women have I seen you fuck in that pussy-getting truck of yours, huh?” Day lowered his voice as he stood directly in front of God. “Just tell me you didn’t feel what I did last night.” He closed the small gap, not minding God’s height at all, and looked up into electric-green eyes. “Tell me you don’t want me too, and I’ll back the fuck off.” God looked down at him and Day could see the uncertainty all over that ruggedly handsome face.“ Shit’s complicated, Leo.” God’s breath ghosted across his forehead.“ Make me understand, Cashel, ” Day whispered and slowly brought his hands up to rest on God’s waist. . A.E. Via
A hot shower, and a little food might help how he felt. But he doubted anything could take away the vision he kept having of Day flying over the bed and slamming into his dresser. God squeezed his eyes shut. Fuck. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Too much happened in that room at one time. God wasn’t seeing straight. Genesis was beating the hell out of him. Day had violated his trust. His hood neighbors had barged into his home and choked his baby brother. God had so much medication coursing through him, he’d reacted without thinking. Now he wanted to call Day so badly, but he needed to let things cool off between them. Then he’d have to figure out how he was going to make it up to him. . A.E. Via
What. Are. You. Doing. Here?” Day snapped each word this time." You’re not the only one that can track your lover, ” God said smugly while holding up his phone with the application still open. Day’s mouth fell open and the shade of red he turned was priceless. He decided to get rid of their excess company and take Day back with him. God looked at Day’s date and put on his best run-for-your-life face and spat menacingly. “Leave. Now.”“No, ” Day spoke before his date could move. “You don’t have to go anywhere, Mick.”God looked back to Day and spoke in a harsh growl without moving his eyes from his partner’s. “Mick, I say leave now. He says to stay. Whatever will you do?” Mick turned and ran so fast his image turned into a blur.“ That takes care of that, ” God said. Day pushed God out of his space and turned to walk away without another word. A.E. Via
Day got back into bed and fully climbed on top of him, laying his head down on his chest. God laughed. “Uhh, sweetheart. You going to sleep like this?”“ Yep. I’ve imagined sleeping like this for years, ” Day said settling in comfortably. God kissed Day’s forehead and wrapped his arms around him, trying to calm his mind. Please don’t have a nightmare. Not tonight. Just let this night be perfect. A.E. Via
Okay. Do you have something to do today?” Day asked.“ No. I want to go back to the hotel and change, ” God responded. Day thought if he should ask God about staying with him until he found another place. He didn’t want to freak God out, they’d just said they loved each other, but it didn’t mean they were ready to pick out china. He felt God’s thick fingers under his chin, pulling his face back to face him.“ Just ask already?” God snorted a laugh. Day rolled his eyes. Sometimes he forgot how perceptive they both were. Day could pick up most of God’s thoughts, just like the man could pick up his. “Fine.” Day grumbled. “Do you want to stay here with me? I’m not trying to clamp a ball and chain around your ankle or anything, I just thought economically it’d make more sense you know, not having to pay that kind of money for weeks when I’m right here with all this extra room. Then it would be beneficial that you didn’t have to travel to pick me up for work, we could split the housework too because I hate raking the leaves and you don’t seem to mind. Also, I thought–”“ Leo, shut the hell up.” God’s eyes were wide as he stared at him. Day registered that he had rambled on, letting his nerves get the best of him while he was basically asking God to move in with him. The man was his partner but he was also so damned guarded.“ I could stay here with you, until I find my own place.” God kissed him on the forehead and nudged him off him so he could raise up and swing his long legs over the side. A.E. Via
Day climbed in first and asked. “Where’s the rest of your big stuff?” God smiled. “Joker brought his guys and put everything in a SWAT van and stored it in his garage. I only had like five pieces.”“ So he was the one you called to come to your rescue, huh?” Day asked and slammed the door to the truck.“ Hey.” God turned Day’s chin to face him. “I swear on everything, I was miserable for those few hours and you know it.” Day pffted.“ I tracked your ass down, didn’t I?” God stated.“ Yeah, you did.” Day laughed when he thought about God scaring off his boy toy. He laughed so hard that God started laughing too. A.E. Via
Oh shit! ” Day snapped his fingers at his recollection of something very critical. Why do I always forget about this? “I know exactly where he is…or at least I will in a second.” Day hung up without another word. He pulled up his track-your-lover app on his phone. He never did tell God how he’d found him in that alley in Buckhead. It took a few seconds for the app to open fully before he saw the red dot beeping on the map of their city. You call yourself a detective, God. Pfft. He immediately called his brother back.“ Jax, he’s at the Fairfield Lodge in East Point. Please go check on him.” Day didn’t want to sound so pathetic. God had thrown him around and tossed him out like old luggage, but Day loved him and would never want to see God hurt or in need of help but too proud to ask for it. . A.E. Via
It couldn’t have been that bad that he had to hurt you, Leo.”“Oh no, it was bad. It was the fucking first twenty minutes of Saving Private Ryan bad, Jax.” Day paced as he listened to his brother go on about God accepting responsibility for his own actions.“ Jax, don’t get me wrong, I’m highly pissed off with my partner. I’m pissed off to the highest of pisstivity. But I still have to know that he’s okay. That crazy brother of his really landed some hard blows on him and God didn’t fight back at all.”“ Because it’s his baby brother. That I do get, ” Jax said softly. “But I can’t check on him, Leo, because believe me, there is nothing here to clue me in on where he may have went.” Jax paused before speaking again. “I must say I’m curious how he got all that heavy furniture out of here if he was in as bad a shape as you say.”“ Well, that wouldn’t be too hard to do. A lot of people owe God favors–both of us actually. If God called someone for help, they’d drop everything and come to help.” Day took a deep breath. “The same as I would if he had called me.” Day’s voice was strained from the hurt in his chest and he had no doubt that Jax was picking up on it.“ That asshole, ” Jax snapped.“ Whoa, big brother. Don’t go cursing away your do-gooder image. You know you’re not a vulgar-language type of person…leave that for us heathens.” Day laughed humorlessly. Day heard his brother laugh an irritated chuckle at him for trying to lighten the situation.“ Fine. But, after he apologizes numerous times, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind, ” Jax said. Day did smile that time. He had no doubt his brother would do just that. A.E. Via
He kicked off his boots before walking through the living room. Day’s house was very nice. It had been his grandmother’s and she’d left it for him in her will. Day made a lot of renovations on the three-bedroom, two-story home, and God found himself wishing he had a family to share that type of home with. He could see himself sitting on the large leather sofa in the den with Day snuggled up next to him. His mom baking them raisin bread and Genesis upstairs blasting his music too loud. God shook his head at the nonsense and went to find the one thing he had in his life that was real in the kitchen. Day loved him, and as far as he was concerned, that would be enough for him. A.E. Via
Day had come for him. He’d only missed one meeting at work and his partner…his friend, had come for him. God had barely made it to the bathroom to puke after he lay in bed for hours trying to muster the strength to get up. When he fell to the floor after retching everything out of his stomach, including some of the lining, he couldn’t get off the floor. He’d never been so happy and so mortified at one time to see Leonidis Day. A.E. Via
Are you in love with him, Leonidis?”“Yes.” Again there wasn’t an ounce of hesitation, and even Day had to admit that he was shocked as shit at his confession.“ You never mentioned that Cash was gay, ” Jax said.“ I know.”“ Leo, what are you doing? Falling for a straight man, and your partner at that?” His brother tried to make eye contact with him. Day finally looked into his brother’s eyes, soft hazel ones that matched his own, and told him. “He loves me back. Straight, gay, bi, goddamn tranny…whatever he is. That man loves me too. He just hasn’t said it yet, ” Day took another sip, “but he will.” Day was relieved his brother left that subject alone. A.E. Via
It all happened within the blink of an eye. God locked Day’s arms behind his back and rolled pinning him down to the mattress and baring all his weight down on him. Day’s heart rate skyrocketed at the realization that God wasn’t awake yet.“ Cash, it’s me! It’s Leo! Wake up dammit! ” he shouted at God and bucked to try to free his hands that were trapped painfully behind him. His large biceps bulged and flexed with everything he had. He needed to be able to put up his guard. If God started to swing, he had to be able to block the hits. God blinked again and Day saw the reality seeping back into him. God’s head jerked back and forth looking all around the dark room.“ Cash, its Leo. Look at me. Look at me, ” Day said quickly. Cash turned and looked down at him and it broke his heart when God squeezed his eyes shut and let go of Day’s arms. Day knew that God felt horrible, not only from the nightmare but from potentially hurting him too. Day held in his groan of pain at bringing his hands from behind his back and wrapped them protectively around God. He pulled God down to his chest.“ I got you, baby. It’s all right, it’s just a dream, ” Day whispered softly while stroking God everywhere that he could reach. God’s heart was beating so hard Day could feel it against his own bare chest. He dug his hands in God’s long hair and massaged his scalp. God squeezed him back.“ He shot you. I couldn’t get to you in time and he shot you, ” God said through ragged breaths.“ Fuck, ” Day hissed and held God tight to him. “No, baby. You did get to me in time. I’m right here with you. You saved me. You will always save me.” Day opened his legs and let God sink in between them.“ Damn, I love you so fucking much, ” Day whispered. Day placed kisses on the side of God’s face while God had his nose buried in his neck breathing him in. They lay still while both of their heart rates came back down to normal. A.E. Via
They were quiet for a long time and Day felt like he could fall asleep again until God’s rough voice broke into his haze.“ You want to talk about it?” Day took a deep breath and thought carefully about his answer. God massaged his shoulders with his strong hands and Day almost said “he didn’t want to talk, he just wanted keep being massaged.” But there was something really important he needed to say.“ Cash. Thank you for yesterday.” Day spun around in God’s arms and faced him. “I’ve never been that scared in my life. At first I felt that if I died now, then it’s okay, because I died while I was in love and I died staring into your eyes. But when you said what you said.” Day placed his palm over God’s heart and felt the rapid beat there and he closed his eyes. “You said you’d have no soul, no conscience, and you’d take your revenge. That’s when I got scared.” God cast his eyes down.“ You have to promise me. If anything ever happens to me that you’d go on. That’s the only way I’d die in peace. You’d live for me. That you’d mourn me and then go on and love again. You’ve come so far in your life. The things you’ve endured and been through made you strong. Some men have gone through less and it drove them to do unthinkable things because they couldn’t handle the hand life dealt them. But you lived through it and now you’re a highly respected detective.” Day gripped God’s chin and lifted his head. He kissed him passionately. “And you’re the man I love.” Day didn’t need God to answer him in words, his eyes and his kiss said it all. He told Day that he’d live for him. . A.E. Via
Wouldn’t I be sick too, or people in the office, ” Day argued.“ Not really. If an adult does start to cough or get a sore throat, they most likely go to their doctor and get medicine or an antibiotic, and the symptoms go away. I will give you a couple of doses of antibiotics just in case, since you two are obviously, ” his brother paused and looked at him, “close.”“Thanks, Jax, ” Day said, ignoring his brother’s insinuation. “So he’s going to be fine?. A.E. Via
So are you going to tell me why Ronowski pulled you into the break room when we got back today?” God asked watching Day closely. Day shook his head at him, smiling wickedly. “It was about sex.”“ No fucking way. He came to you about sex?” God said, not hiding his shock.“ Who else is he going to ask…his priest?” Day said and quickly dodged the piece of garlic bread God threw at his head.“ Do I want to know?” God said.“ It wasn’t too bad. He wanted to know the best way to pleasure Johnson.” Day laughed when God balled up his face and made a gagging sound.“ There intimacy has been pretty one-sided from what I could understand. Ro was still pretty shy about telling me stuff, so I was mostly guessing.” Day wiped his mouth with his napkin before continuing. “Being the stud that I am… I gave the kid a few pointers.”“ Stud, huh?” God smiled.“ Yeah. I don’t mind taking the little tike under my homosexual wing and showing him how to fly.” Day grinned.“ You’re twisted. And isn’t Ro like the same age as you, ” God said. Day blew an exasperated breath. “Regardless of age, Cash. I have more experience. Way more. Way, way, way more experience with fucking men than anyone I–”“I fucking got it, Leo.” God scowled at him. Day laughed hysterically. “I told him all about how I make you scream my name every night.” Day chuckled and bolted up from his chair when God took off after him. Day ran back into the kitchen, jumping and gliding across the kitchen island on his hip and racing into the den. God was hot on his heels.“ I’ll catch you, you quick little bastard. And when I do, I’m going to show you just how loud I can make you scream, ” God said in his sexy rough-hewn voice.“ Oh fuck.” Day was laughing so hard he could barely just keep out of God’s grip. He dodged him in the living room, leaping over the coffee table heading fast toward the stairs when he was caught around his waist with a strong arm and dragged back down the two steps he’d cleared. A.E. Via
Have dinner with me tonight?” Day asked his voice full of emotion.“ Yes, ” God answered immediately. A.E. Via
Day’s thoughts were interrupted when Detective Johnson strolled into the conference room and announced proudly, “Detective Day, you are going to love me, handsome.”“ Oh yeah, you finally got me that date with Channing Tatum?” Day quipped. Day heard God huff with annoyance, not bothering to turn around and face them. A.E. Via
This fucking city is full of nothing but thugs, money grubbing porn-bitches, and hustlers. I’m calling the police.” Ex fumed as he struggled to pull his cell from his pocket. If Syn weren't so damn angry it would’ve been funny as shit the way the man’s jaw dropped when God and Day both pulled their gold badges out from under their shirts. Day smiled that sinister grin and kneeled in front of them, speaking in an official tone, “911, what is your emergency?. A.E. Via
Syn pulled his boxers on and quietly left the bedroom, walking angrily to the kitchen. He turned the corner and wanted to throw a shit-fit at the sight before him. Day was standing at his stove loading some type of egg dish onto a plate before turning and setting it in front of God. God folded down one side of his newspaper, peering at Syn from behind it.“ Well good morning, sunshine, ” Day said way too cheerily for five-fucking-a.m. “We brought breakfast.” Syn clenched his jaw, trying not to yell at his superior officers. “Have you two lost your fuckin’ minds? Come on. It’s, it’s .. early.” Syn turned his wrist, forgetting he didn’t have his watch on yet. “Damn, you guys are always at the office, or at a crime scene, or over fucking here at god-awful hours.”“ Oh, it’s early?” Day said disbelievingly. God shrugged like he hadn’t realized either.“ Seriously. When the fuck do you guys sleep?”“ Never, ” God said nonchalantly.“ When do you fuck?” Syn snapped.“ Always, ” Day quipped. “Just did thirty minutes ago. Nice couch by the way, real comfy, sorry for the stain.” Syn tiredly flipped Day off.“ Don’t be pissed, ” Day sing-songed. “A dab of Shout will get that right out.” Syn rubbed angrily at his tired eyes, growling, “Day.”“He’s not in a joking mood, sweetheart, ” God said from behind his paper. “You know we didn’t fuck on your couch so calm the hell down. Damn you’re moody in the morning. Unless .. We weren’t interrupting anything, were we? So, how’s porn boy?” God’s gruff voice filled the kitchen, making Syn cringe.“ First of all. Don’t fucking call him that, ever, and damnit God. Lower your voice. Shit. He’s still asleep, ” Syn berated his Lieutenant, who didn’t look the slightest bit fazed by Syn’s irritation. “You guys could let him sleep, he’s had a rough night, ya know.” Day leaned his chest against God’s large back, draping his arms over his shoulders. “Oh damn, what kind of friends are we? It was rough, huh?” Day looked apologetic.“ Yes, it was, Day. He just—”“ Try water-based lube next time, ” Day interrupted, causing God to choke on his eggs.“ Day, fuck.” Syn tried not to grin, but when he thought about it, it really was funny.“ I knew I’d get you to smile. Have some breakfast Sarge, we gotta go question the crazy chicks. You know how much people feel like sharing when they’ve spent a night in jail.”“ Damn. Alright, just let me—”“ Wow. Something smells great.” Furi’s deep voice reached them from down the hall as he made his way to the kitchen. “You cook babe? Who knew? I’ll have the Gladiator portion.” Furi used his best Roman accent as he sauntered into the kitchen with his hands on hips and his head high. Syn turned just as Furi noticed God and Day.“Oh, fuck, shit, Jesus Christ! ” Furi stumbled, his eyes darting wildly between all of them. “Damn, I’m so sorry.” Furi looked at Syn trying to gauge exactly how much he’d fucked up just now. Syn smiled at him and Furi immediately lost the horrified expression. Syn held his hand out and mouthed to him 'it's okay. . A.E. Via
Where does that door lead to?” Day pointed at a door which opened out onto the dark alley.“ I looked it up. It appears to be a small film studio, ” the other officer finally stopped staring at God long enough to add to the conversation. “Porn films.” Day looked up in amusement. “Shut the fuck up.” The two cops nodded. “That’s what we pulled up in the system. We went around to the front. It’s locked and no one’s inside. We called the number registered to the address, but got no answer.”“ Who’s the owner of the company?” God asked. The officer flipped a couple pages on his notebook. “Illustra is owned by Johnathan Mack. We also have a list of all the performers and staff.” Day looked at God. “I bet that little vixen we just apprehended has a recurring role here. Wonder what made her so mad that she wanted to kill someone as soon as she finished fucking.”“ Maybe she didn’t get to come.” Ronowski chuckled, joined by several of the team members. Syn grimaced.“ Yeah, that might make you homicidal alright, ” Day added. “But I wouldn’t know.”“ Day, shut the fuck up, ” God barked at his lover's usual inappropriateness. It seemed Day had never met a boundary he didn't stomp right over. . A.E. Via
Yep. We’re his Lieutenants, ” Day answered, picking up the largest coffee cup Furi had ever seen and taking a huge gulp. “You guys had a trying evening last night, so we thought we’d check in on you.” Syn just nodded. “Hmm. Right.”“Nice bandage.” God peeked around his paper again angling his head at Syn’s hand. “Nothing broken?” Syn looked at his hand. “Furi wrapped it up for me last night. Just a little torn skin, it’s nothing really.”“ He tried to be all tough but I had to blow on it to make it feel better.” Furi’s teasing had Syn smiling.“ Glad you’re okay, Syn.” Day winked mischievously. Furi looked at Syn. “You just don’t realize how awesome it is to have such great bosses. Came to check up on you, considerate enough to bring you breakfast, I mean just all around awesome guys.”“ Just wait for it, Furi, ” Syn cut him off.“ What?” Furi’s brow creased in confusion.“ All the warm compliments you’re giving God and Day .. just wait for it.” Furi looked confused. “I don’t know what you’re—”“ What else did you have to blow on to make feel better?” Day said around a snort. “Really hate to have missed that show, spanky.” Day smiled broadly at Furi.Furi groaned and dropped his head as he ran both hands through his hair. “You guys watched my videos.”“ Hell yeah.” Day grinned.“ For evidence and research purposes only, ” God chimed in.“ Five times, ” Day yelled, punching God in his large bicep.“ Okay guys. Shut up, " Syn huffed.“ I’m just saying, you lucky fuck. You get to date a hot porn puppy and we can’t say anything.” Day stared at Furi, completely ignoring Syn’s fuming. A.E. Via
Syn pulled Furi to his chest. “Furi, I want you to go back through the bar and go wait at my place. I’m going to have a little chat with your ex-husband, ” Syn said extra loudly. Furi huffed in annoyance, “Syn, I took six months of self-defense courses at the YMCA this year. I can fight for myself.” Syn looked at Furi like he’d lost his damn mind. “At the Y? Well hell, that’s great Furious. If you ever get jumped by the Village People, feel free to pull out those moves. As for now, I want you to take your karate-kicking- Y M C A-going-ass back to my apartment, ” Syn snarled at Furi, urging him toward the door, having neither the time nor the patience to argue with his ridiculous pride. Thankfully, with one final glare Furi went back into the pub. When Syn turned back, God and Day were looking back and forth between him and his two foes.“ What’s going on here, fellas?” God asked casually, not acknowledging Syn. . A.E. Via
Syn watched Day look around at his lack of furniture. .. or pictures. .. or art. .. or decorations. .. or any other amenities that made a house a home. “Oh good. It looks like we didn’t miss the housewarming party. Are you registered? A.E. Via
Syn tightened his seat belt as God drove like a damn lunatic through the city. He was now on the interstate doing over a hundred miles an hour.“ If the person’s already dead, what’s the damn rush, Cash?” Day grumbled, obviously not liking God’s driving either. God ignored his passengers and swerved over four lanes, cutting off an eighteen-wheeler and just missing the barrier as he took the exit ramp at seventy.“ Got a real heavy foot there, don’t you Lieutenant?” Syn gritted through clenched teeth. God let out a grunt as sharp green eyes caught Syn’s reflection in the rearview mirror. Please just watch the fucking road. A.E. Via
Our probie kicked the door in before we gave the okay. We don’t think he’s going to make it on the task force, Cap. He’s too much of a hot-head.” Oh, fuck that. There was no way that they were going to pin this on him. Syn growled and took several determined steps toward Day before God was there, blocking his path.“ You might want to think about your next move very carefully. Especially if it involves touching him.” God’s voice lowered to a frightening timbre. A.E. Via
Once they were gone, Syn lifted his head to look at his Lieutenants. He knew how close he’d been to putting a bullet in that bastard’s head, because all he kept picturing were that man’s hands wrapped around Furi’s throat. Syn hadn’t lost control in a long time, and he wondered what that meant. How deep did his feelings for Furi run?“ Go home, ” Day said, clasping him on the shoulder. “We’ll handle the rogue bitch clan at the station.”“ I can do my job, Day, ” Syn snapped back at his boss.“ We know that. We’ll let Sasha Pain; aka porn bitch sit on ice and interrogate her in the morning see if there’s any connection with this ex-husband and BTNS.” God gestured with his head. “Go check on your man, you know that’s where you want to be.” Syn was taken aback. God said nothing about him dating a prior suspect in a case they were still working, or about dragging them into a back alley fight while he took his revenge. God was actually being compassionate. Well, damn. Syn was astonished to see that side of him.“ Besides, you won’t be worth shit to me with a hard on all night.” And he’s back. Well, that compassion sure was short-lived. A.E. Via
Furi walked across Syn’s living room carpet for what felt like the millionth time while he waited for him to come back. How dare he order me to leave? Like I’m a damn kid. Furi decided right then and there that he was going to have a talk with Syn. Furi wouldn’t be his kept man or his bitch. Furi stopped mid-stride when he heard the door open and close behind Syn. All the anger and hostility he’d felt while alone in Syn’s place just disappeared when the ruggedly handsome man yanked his dark coat off and threw it on the couch, approaching Furi with a hungry look.“ Did he hurt you?” Syn’s voice was gravelly. He put both hands on either side of Furi’s neck and lifted it gently, eyeing the slight redness there.“ I’m fine. Despite the fact you keep having to rescue me, I’m not a weakling. I can defend myself, ” Furi said with venom, pulling away from Syn’s examination.“ Right. That Mr. Miyagi crash course at the Y.” Syn stifled a laugh, but Furi thought it was anything but funny and he let Syn know it.“ Don’t fucking mock me.” Furi stormed past him down the hall. Syn’s footsteps sounded behind him. He’d just caught up with him when he opened the bathroom door.“ Hey, hey, hey, ” Syn said in a whisper. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t mocking you, I was teasing you.” Furi frowned and Syn shook his head. “Let me clarify. Joking after an intensely stressful situation helps to calm me. I need to come down from the high of an adrenaline rush, that’s all that was. A.E. Via
Syn stared into Furi’s sparkling eyes. He brought one hand up and tenderly brushed Furi’s cheek. “Congratulations.”“Thank you.” Furi kissed his lips gently. “I’ll be fine. I’m a big boy.”“ I know you are.” Syn winked. Furi flushed with embarrassment. “Shut up. Don’t start something you can’t finish.”“ I’ll finish it later, ” Syn promised. His look was pure lust as he pushed his rising cock against Furi’s jean-clad thigh.“ Fuckin’ right you will, ” Furi moaned against Syn’s cheek, rocking back against him. “I’d fuckin’ take you right now if your bosses weren’t in the front room.” Syn groaned. Furi gripped Syn’s cock in a firm grip and stroked a couple times, wrapping his other arm around Syn’s back to hold him close. He nipped at Syn’s stubbled chin, peppering sweet kisses along his jaw to his ear. Furi flicked his tongue out and pulled the fleshy lobe between his soft lips. Furi’s lips were pressed against his ear as he spoke in a low, sexy drawl, “I’d bend you over this sink and fuck you until you yelled my name and begged me not to stop.”“ Fuck, ” Syn moaned. Heat tore up through him at Furi’s nasty words.“ Fuck you hard, just how you like it, baby.” Furi increased the speed of his stroke.“ Oh fuck, fuck. No. Stop honey, ” Syn protested weakly, his balls already throbbing with the need for release.“ Why?” Furi hissed.“ Because I fucking refuse to let Day hear me come.” Syn put some room between their bodies and kept backing up until he hit the wall. He tried to control his breathing, but staring at Furi’s gorgeous, flushed face didn’t help.“ You guys are crazy.” Furi shook his head.“ Day’s pranks have no boundaries. I wouldn’t be surprised if my moans are broadcasted over the loudspeaker in the office today.” Syn opened the bathroom door and gestured for Furi to look out into the hallway. “See.”Furi busted out laughing at Day standing there in the hallway with his cell phone in his hand, studying the non-existent art on Syn’s bare wall. He whistled like he was just lounging around not looking for trouble. Syn just flipped him off and pulled Furi into his bedroom, slamming the door behind them.“ Oh my fucking god. That shit is too funny.” Furi laughed while he put a few things into his backpack.“ Yeah, because you don’t’ have to deal with his silliness.” Syn hurried to get dressed. A.E. Via
Fuck, ” Syn growled. He was still thinking of solutions when he heard something scrape against his doorknob. Something metal was tampering with the lock. If he were anywhere else in the apartment he wouldn’t have heard it, but he was right next to the door, so he could hear someone trying to get in. He instinctually moved to stand in front of Furi, pulling his Sig from its holster and unlocking the safety. He felt Furi tensing behind him. He could hear the tool manipulating the lock mechanism. Is this bastard really fuckin’ brave enough to break into my home in broad goddamn daylight? Syn was in awe at the size of this guy’s balls. The closet door was arm's length away. He yanked it open and grabbed the blanket off the top shelf, pulling his loaded twelve-gauge shotgun down just as the door eased open. All Syn could see was the tip of a black boot. Furi griped his shoulder. “Hey. Listen to this! ” Syn yelled out. He put the stock of the gun firmly against his shoulder and pulled the pump back in two extremely swift moves. The sound was extremely loud and intimidating in the quiet room, by far the scariest sound an intruder could hear.“ Don’t shoot, Dirty Harry.” The irritating chuckle that followed was unmistakable.“ Son of a bitch, ” Syn grumbled. “Day, have you lost your fuckin’ mind?” His Lieutenants came all the way through the door, Day laughing at the pissed look on Syn's face and Furi leaning on the wall behind him recovering from a panic attack. “Syn. What the hell is going on man? Are you really gonna put a buckshot in someone you think is breakin’ into your little-ass apartment? Because, you do know that that’s excessive force, right?” God asked, looking at him expectantly.“ I was just scaring them off. No one comes in after hearing that sound, trust me.” Syn removed the shell and placed the gun back in the closet, covering it with the blanket. He turned to look at Furi. He looked a little pale but he was okay. Syn spun back around, “Day. Knock on my damn door like a normal visitor and wait for me to say come in! ” Day pfftd, plopping down on the couch. “You don’t invite the wind. The wind just—”“ Stop saying that stupid wind bullshit. Because if your door is shut and you weather guard that bitch then the wind stays the fuck out until .. You. Open. The. Door.” Syn’s dark eyes bored into Day’s hazel ones. God’s laugh was raspy, while Day looked bewildered. “But we’re family.”“ Oh for fuck’s sake, ” Syn grumbled, he had to get going; he had no time to explain to Day about how to behave in civilized society. He turned serious eyes back on Furi. “I gotta go, but I really think—” Furi pulled Syn to him before he could finish the sentence, kissed him hard on the mouth before turning, heading to the bedroom. “Just concentrate on your job and don’t take any officers away from their assignments to follow me. There could be someone out there who really needs their help.” Syn didn’t get to say anything else because Furi had closed the bedroom door. End of discussion. A.E. Via
Syn had to take his hand off Furi’s thigh so he could answer his cell phone. He saw it was Day and put it on speakerphone.“ Yeah, Day. What’s the word?” Syn greeted, cutting right to chase on the decision of Furi’s protective order.“ It’s done and I had Ruxs and Green serve it this afternoon.” Day’s grin could be heard through the phone. Syn and Furi turned and smiled at each other, remembering how intimidating those two detectives looked. There was no way Patrick and Brenden would want to go up against them. They were the muscle of the taskforce so Syn could only imagine how they served that order. Surely Furi’s ex was on the first thing smoking back to Charlotte.“Ask Furi if he's gotten any phone calls from asshat today.”“ Wait how’d you know he was even with me?” Syn glanced a look at the phone. Day pfftd. “Yeah right, just ask him.” Furi spoke up, his deep voice filling the small space of Syn’s truck. “No I haven’t. Thank you very much Day, I really appreciate your help man.” Day’s voice dropped a couple octaves and rumbled back through the speaker. “Call me Leo, darlin. And just how appreciative are you willing to be, Furious?”Click.Syn disconnected the call and tossed the phone into the console. Furi laughed so hard he had tears coming down his cheeks. A.E. Via
God could no longer see the faces of the men, only red and orange hazes. He heard taunting voices in his mind spurring him on, calling him a “pussy, ” and old, hairy hands reaching out to grab him. His gripped tightened on the punk’s neck and he cocked his right arm back ready to do some serious damage.“ Let him go.” God shook his head at the familiar deep voice.“ I said, let him go now! ” He felt two strong hands land on his shoulders and heat seeped its way into him from behind.“ Put him down, God. Right now before you kill him. Listen to my voice.” Day was up on his tiptoes speaking into his ear. His breath was hot on his neck and it gave him a tingling in his spine. “Cashel, stop, ” Day whispered. God put his right arm down and released the man from his grip. He didn’t wait to see the man’s body drop. He spun around and looked into his friend’s eyes, and was relieved when he didn’t see judgment, sorrow, or pity…all he saw was relief and then concern. Day grabbed him and held on to him tightly. His embrace was strong and confident…exactly what God needed to feel right then.“ Come on, we gotta get out of here.” Day gripped the back of his arm and moved them quickly out of the alley and into a waiting taxi.“ Wait…my truck.”“ It’s taken care of.” Day kept him from getting out of the vehicle.“ What do you mean?”“ I mean you owe me two hundred dollars because that’s what I just paid the bartender to follow us back to my place in your truck.” God spun around and saw his huge truck’s headlights behind them.“ You have a stranger driving my truck…my fucking guns are in there, Leo.”“You should’ve thought about that earlier, Cash, ” Day growled right back.“ If you’re going to lecture me, Leo…fucking save it.” God slid down farther and let his aching head rest on the back of the seat as the cab accelerated onto the highway.“ You know me better than that, Cash. I’m not going to lecture you. I’m going to kick your ass, ” Day said matter-of-factly and turned to look out the window. Neither one said anything else the rest of the ride. A.E. Via
Good afternoon, Detective Godfrey. I like your hair when you pull it back like that…it looks sexy.” She smiled and ran her thin fingers through God’s chestnut waves. Day didn’t give God a chance to respond. “Didn’t you say you had a follow-up to respond to, Vikki?” Day’s harsh tone startled her out of her lust. She frowned at him with confusion on her face before turning with Ronowski and walking off. God looked back at him. “You want to come cock your leg up and piss around my fucking desk too, Leo?”Day didn’t hesitate. “Maybe. A.E. Via
That’s cool, Leo.” Johnson was damn near standing on top of him as he spoke, but he’d be damned if he was going to back up.“ So just talking would be nice…would you like to come over to my place tonight for a glass of wine?”“ Not even if Jesus was pouring it, ” Day responded quickly. He heard God let out a loud laugh and it made him turn up the corner of his mouth at the sound of it. God rarely laughed–hell the man rarely smiled–but somehow, Day could make him do both. A.E. Via
Fuck you. I know Day is just showing off for you.” Johnson turned back to look at Day. “I’ll be sure to catch you when you’re alone.”“ I’ll be sure to have my rape whistle, ” Day retorted A.E. Via