100 Quotes About Inspirational Living

In today’s world, it seems as though we live in a constant state of competition, one that often eclipses our relationships, health, and other important aspects of who we are as people. But what does it mean to live a life of inspiration? It means to live a life filled with meaning and purpose. It means to live a life that is driven by love and compassion. It means to live a life based on the truth, not the truth that we want to be true Read more

It means to live a life that takes into account the needs of others and serves them even when they don’t know they need you. It means to live a life where your actions aren’t about yourself, but about helping others. And finally, it means to live a life where you take care of yourself not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.

The person in life that you will always be with the most, is yourself. Because even when you are with others, you are still with yourself, too! When you wake up in the morning, you are with yourself, laying in bed at night you are with yourself, walking down the street in the sunlight you are with yourself. What kind of person do you want to walk down the street with? What kind of person do you want to wake up in the morning with? What kind of person do you want to see at the end of the day before you fall asleep? Because that person is yourself, and it's your responsibility to be that person you want to be with. I know I want to spend my life with a person who knows how to let things go, who's not full of hate, who's able to smile and be carefree. So that's who I have to be. C. Joybell C.
To know a species, look at its fears. To know yourself, look at your fears. Fear in itself is not important, but fear stands there and points you in the direction of things that are important. Don't be afraid of your fears, they're not there to scare you; they're there to let you know that something is worth it. C. Joybell C.
Humanity does not suffer from the disease of wrong beliefs but humanity suffers from the contagious nature of the lack of belief. If you have no magic with you it is not because magic does not exist but it is because you do not believe in it. Even if the sun shines brightly upon your skin every day, if you do not believe in the sunlight, the sunlight for you does not exist. C. Joybell C.
Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction. Germany Kent
The knowledge of secrets is a very enticing ship, a very tempting voyage, and one thinks that the highest attainment in life is to find out hidden truths, to seek out what is truth, to know what are all lies; to uncover, to discover and to rediscover, to dig up, to expose, to reveal.. But secrets can go on forever, for an eternity! For as vast as the universe is, so are the secrets therein! And one can lose, because of that thought that in the secrets, everything is to be gained! But I can see, that all the knowledge of hidden things, all the knowledge in the universe, is not nearly as valuable and as worthy as the innocence of one's soul. And we are not directed unto good things through our ability to scavenge or to hunt or to decipher or to sail! Or to fly! But we are directed unto good things, through sovereign providence! He is more worthy- the innocent soul who has a simple faith in what he believes in- than the one who has found out all the dark secrets about what the other man has put his faith in! And it is far more profitable for a man to be healthy, to have a long, long life, loved ones that are blessed with these blessings all the same, much love and happiness and safety! It is far more profitable for a man to be able to remain innocent and have love and be healthy and to be able to watch his loved ones in good health and in good love, than for a man to uncover all the secrets of the universe! A single love, a single faith, a single trust, and one hope- these are far, far better things to aspire to have! And this— this is the biggest secret! . C. Joybell C.
We're always taught that God wants us to always only say "I can't do this without You God" , "Whatever your will is God, that's my will too" but God says He is a father, and there is no good father who wants his children to have no will and to think that they can't stand on their own two feet. So maybe what you should be saying is "I can do it" and "I have a strong will, I know what I want." When you think God's left you and wants you to be sitting like a duck, maybe He's actually believing in you, teaching you how to fly. C. Joybell C.
Remember it is not you who supports the root, but the root that supports you. Unknown
What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? Unknown
If they do these things when the tree is green, what will they do when it is dry? Unknown
I swear, the best things come to me by accident!...
I swear, the best things come to me by accident! Or should I say, effortless destiny? C. Joybell C.
It’s the hard things that break; soft things don’t break. It was an epiphany I had today and I just wonder why it took me so very, very long to see it! You can waste so many years of your life trying to become something hard in order not to break; but it’s the soft things that can’t break! The hard things are the ones that shatter into a million pieces! C. Joybell C.
Yesterday I was sad, today I am happy! Yesterday I...
Yesterday I was sad, today I am happy! Yesterday I had a problem, today I still have the same problem! But today I changed the way I look at it! C. Joybell C.
Darkness cannot survive in light, but a light can shine...
Darkness cannot survive in light, but a light can shine in the dark! Odille Rault
You're the insane one. You don't even love the world you created. So how can you expect us to love and respect you? An endless repetition of natural destruction and stupid, meaningless wars. Because we don't understand it, we have no way to stop it. We may be stupid and not know what to do.. But we fight to move forward towards that which we think is right. Not just sticking to the arbitrary boundaries you created. We make lots of mistakes, and get hurt.. But we keep believing in miracles. Looking for a truth we can't yet see. We do it our own way. Because we believe our lives mean something. Kaori Yuki
I see myself as a Scottish sky: there are rain clouds, rainbows and sunrays that run and overtake one another, mingle together and dance with each other! You see all of this within seconds of looking up! It’s a living sky, it breathes and it’s real! And I think that when you look at me, you’ll see my rain clouds first, because only after rainclouds can there come the rainbows. You see, if the rainbows come first, then the rainbows aren’t even real, so I think that if people deserve to see my real rainbows, then they will just know that they need to stick around through the rain! Like a Scottish sky, I want to be real and breathing and running. I don’t want to be a clear blue all the time, or a dark grey all the time or have fake rainbows painted onto me; I want to be Scottish. C. Joybell C.
I hope I don't write TOO many books! When I look at authors who have written too many books, I wonder to myself "When did they live?" I certainly want to write BECAUSE I live! I know I don't want to write in order to live! My writing is an overflow of the wine glass of my life, not a basin in which I wash out my ideals and expectations. C. Joybell C.
Do not limit yourself to your own preconceptions of yourself, but throw yourself out onto a blank page that you haven't written on yet, and see what you find out about you, see what story unfolds, see what happens! I always do this, and sometimes it can be very frightening! To very often have a blank page with nothing written on it yet! I feel as though I am a soul with a single covering—my body of skin— and that's the only thing between me on the inside and the rest of the world! It's quite frightening to begin each day on a blank page, forgetting your own preconceptions of yourself and allowing your mind to embrace the new! It is like meeting yourself for the first time, over and over again! . C. Joybell C.
The problem with thinking that you are the absolute best, is that it leaves no room for you to become any better and while you live life thinking that you're the best, truth is a lot of people around you are already better and becoming even more better. C. Joybell C.
Stand for something. Make your life mean something. Start where you are with what you have. You are enough. Germany Kent
The 7 Steps to Transformation:1. Dream it.2. Envision it.3. Think...
The 7 Steps to Transformation:1. Dream it.2. Envision it.3. Think it.4. Grow it.5. Become it.6. Live it.7. OWN it. Germany Kent
Thank God for allowing you to see another day. No...
Thank God for allowing you to see another day. No matter what, keep trusting, keep believing, be strong, have hope. The best is yet to come. Germany Kent
Reach out and help others. If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. Be a vessel, be the change, be the difference, or be the inspiration. Shine your light as an example. The world needs more of that. Germany Kent
Today if anything is trying to hold you back, give...
Today if anything is trying to hold you back, give no attention to it. Get your hopes up, get your faith up, look up, and get ready to rise up. Germany Kent
If you're struggling today, remember that life is worth living...
If you're struggling today, remember that life is worth living and believe that the best is yet to come. Remember that you are loved, you matter, and never forget that there is always hope. Germany Kent
God has already equipped you with the skills you need to achieve your dreams. If you just try, work hard, take control of your destiny, remain true to yourself and believe it is possible, you will have unlimited power to achieve the impossible. Germany Kent
Let your light shine as an inspiration to humanity and...
Let your light shine as an inspiration to humanity and BE THE REASON someone believes in the goodness of people. Germany Kent
You can start from the ordinary bizzare to the extraordinary incredible Richmond Akhigbe
When you're vested in fear, frightened of failure, yet in...
When you're vested in fear, frightened of failure, yet in the surrender is where you find your success. Julieanne OConnor
Vested in fear, frightened of failure, but beyond that I...
Vested in fear, frightened of failure, but beyond that I choose to surrender to my fated success. Julieanne OConnor
Do the right thing every single day and you never...
Do the right thing every single day and you never have to worry about your job or your pay. Eric Knellinger
Even the smallest shift in perspective can bring about the greatest healing. Joshua Kai
You have the freedom and the ability to decide what to do with your life, and that includes learning how to welcome happiness again. It's a conscious choice we each have to make, to emerge from the embers of profound loss and hopelessness, to become the fire that warms us, lights our path, all of it. We can embody that warmth and light. Becca Vry
Kindness is universal. Sometimes being kind allows others to see...
Kindness is universal. Sometimes being kind allows others to see the goodness in humanity through you. Always be kinder than necessary. Germany Kent
If you're reading this, I hope God opens incredible doors...
If you're reading this, I hope God opens incredible doors for your life this year. Greatness is upon you. You must believe it though. Germany Kent
Don't give up when dark times come. The more storms...
Don't give up when dark times come. The more storms you face in life, the stronger you'll be. Hold on. Your greater is coming. Germany Kent
To everyone battling a difficulty or under attack right now,...
To everyone battling a difficulty or under attack right now, smile, keep your head up, keep moving and stay positive, you'll get through it. Germany Kent
Speak Life:You are loved. You have purpose. You are a...
Speak Life:You are loved. You have purpose. You are a masterpiece. You are wonderfully made. God has a great plan for you. Germany Kent
I see who I am, and I am beyond who...
I see who I am, and I am beyond who I was. Steven Cuoco
There is of course a deep spiritual need which the...
There is of course a deep spiritual need which the pilgrimage seems to satisfy, particularly for those hardy enough to tackle the journey on foot. Edwin Mullins
Fight your battles through prayer, And win your battles through...
Fight your battles through prayer, And win your battles through faith. Luffina Lourduraj
The excitement of dreams coming true is beyond the description...
The excitement of dreams coming true is beyond the description of words. Lailah Gifty Akita
What do you care if people talk? Those who talk cannot harm you. Why should you be worried? You should only think about those things that please you. You have only one life in this world: soon you'll reach your eternal rest. Christine De Pizan
Learn to master your thoughts and watch closely what you deposit into your spirit. Speak over your life. Living in peace has transformative power. Germany Kent
I highly recommended running through grassy trails in the rain. There is a haven of serenity out in nature, the sound of raindrops and the scent of flowers, the feeling of the water along my skin. Even in the middle of a busy city and an insane world, there is beauty everywhere. All we have to do is pause long enough to notice. Jacqueline Simon Gunn
Live your life in such a way that you'll be...
Live your life in such a way that you'll be remembered for your kindness, compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who had much respect for life, in general. Germany Kent
The best-laid plans can fail for the lack of proper...
The best-laid plans can fail for the lack of proper execution. Anurag Shourie
Some champions are born others are forged!
Some champions are born others are forged! Kierra C.T. Banks
I was taught that the way of progress is neither...
I was taught that the way of progress is neither swift nor easy. Marie Curie
The greatest lesson of life is that you are responsible...
The greatest lesson of life is that you are responsible for your life. Oprah Winfrey
Go as far as you can see; when you get...
Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see farther. J.P. Morgan
A good plan is like a road map: It shows...
A good plan is like a road map: It shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there. H. Stanley Judd
People spend their lives in the service of their passions...
People spend their lives in the service of their passions instead of employing their passions in the service of their lives. Richard Steele
For every disadvantage there is a corresponding advantage.
For every disadvantage there is a corresponding advantage. Clement Stone
Sometimes the best helping hand you can get is a...
Sometimes the best helping hand you can get is a good, firm push. Joann Thomas
Each man is the architect of his own fortune.
Each man is the architect of his own fortune. Appius Claudius Caecus
When you affirm big, believe big and pray big, putting...
When you affirm big, believe big and pray big, putting faith into action, big things happen. Norman Vincent Peale
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and...
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you’re ready or not, to put it into action. Napoleon Hill
Successful people recognize crisis as a time for change —...
Successful people recognize crisis as a time for change — from lesser to greater, smaller to bigger. Edwin Louis Cole
Until you commit your goals to paper, you have intentions...
Until you commit your goals to paper, you have intentions that are seeds without soil. Unknown
If you want to leave your footprints on the sands...
If you want to leave your footprints on the sands of time, be sure you’re wearing work shoes. Unknown
When you dare to dream, dare to follow that dream;...
When you dare to dream, dare to follow that dream; dare to suffer through the pain, sacrifice, self-doubts and friction from the world. Laura Schlessinger
You promote yourself every time you take on a new...
You promote yourself every time you take on a new responsibility. William Gore
Your greatness is measured by your horizons.
Your greatness is measured by your horizons. Michelangelo
Great hopes make everything great possible.
Great hopes make everything great possible. Benjamin Franklin
Determine never to be idle. It is wonderful how much...
Determine never to be idle. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing. Thomas Jefferson
Don’t play for safety. It’s the most dangerous thing in...
Don’t play for safety. It’s the most dangerous thing in the world. Hugh Walpole
As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think...
As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big. Donald J. Trump
Life without risk is not worth living.
Life without risk is not worth living. Chuck Lindbergh
Time flies. It’s up to you to be the navigator.
Time flies. It’s up to you to be the navigator. Robert Orben
There is a difference between how you live your life,...
There is a difference between how you live your life, and what you do with your life. Abhijit Naskar
Live joyfully this life. Once gone, who knows if we...
Live joyfully this life. Once gone, who knows if we ever get it back. Atheists think we do not. Mystics say you will. Either way, chill. Fakeer Ishavardas
Blind-believers and staunch atheists have the same god - namely,...
Blind-believers and staunch atheists have the same god - namely, a self-deluded, one's own shadow's bot. Fakeer Ishavardas
I help people achieve their dreams.
I help people achieve their dreams. Ken Poirot
Sometimes life ask you a question, but you couldn't find...
Sometimes life ask you a question, but you couldn't find answer in any book. You have to create answer yourself. Salman Mansuri
Virtues untie the knots that life could sometimes bring our...
Virtues untie the knots that life could sometimes bring our way and they glide us through easily. Omoakhuana Anthonia
Self-pity is spiritual suicide. It is an indefensible self-mutilation of...
Self-pity is spiritual suicide. It is an indefensible self-mutilation of the soul. Anthon St. Maarten
Funny thing about the darkness... It can be defeated by...
Funny thing about the darkness... It can be defeated by the dimmest shimmer of light! So on your darkest days let even a little bit of light in Summerlyn Guthrie
A life of service is a life well and greatly...
A life of service is a life well and greatly lived. Omoakhuana Anthonia
Did you know you could destroy dragons? Dragons are not actually real, they just roar to scare you away from your goals. In fact they are afraid of determined heroes, they take flight at their approach Bangambiki Habyarimana
Even if everybody says it’s impossible, with determination, there is...
Even if everybody says it’s impossible, with determination, there is always something you can do. The last thing is to give up without trying. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Success in life is not for those who run fast,...
Success in life is not for those who run fast, but for those who keep running and always on the move. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Magic always happens when you direct your inner powers to...
Magic always happens when you direct your inner powers to the object you want to change. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Break your shackles and reach out to your freedom. Break...
Break your shackles and reach out to your freedom. Break to pieces whatever indoctrination and programming that holds you hostage. The world is yours. Get possession of it. Bangambiki Habyarimana
When you look down on yourself, you set an example...
When you look down on yourself, you set an example on how others should treat you. Bangambiki Habyarimana
An entrepreneur is a man who knows he can fail,...
An entrepreneur is a man who knows he can fail, but he does not accept to fail before he actually fails, and when he fails he learns from his errors and moves on. Bangambiki Habyarimana
We shouldn't live in a world where we live in...
We shouldn't live in a world where we live in constant terror. We need less dying and more living. We need less destroying and more building. We need less hate and more love. Imania Margria
Speak positive affirmations into fruition. For instance, if you feel frustrated or anxious, you can say, “I am calm, and I can work through my situation to arrive at a positive outcome, ” or “I am at peace with all things in my life, and success finds me easily. Tisha Marie Payton
Motivating others leads to success whereas inspiring others leads to...
Motivating others leads to success whereas inspiring others leads to greatness. Ken Poirot
Stand strong in your value. That starts by knowing your...
Stand strong in your value. That starts by knowing your value. Julieanne OConnor
Never allow your reality to be influenced by another's listless...
Never allow your reality to be influenced by another's listless view of you. Julieanne OConner
Life will astound you when you give something a shot...
Life will astound you when you give something a shot after being shot down. Julieanne OConner
Indiscretions can lead to great lessons.
Indiscretions can lead to great lessons. Julieanne OConnor
Those things that are not within your control can often...
Those things that are not within your control can often be the very things that set you free. Julieanne OConnor
Sometimes you have to
Sometimes you have to "play the part" to become the part. Julieanne OConnor
Often it takes more guts than skill to open doors....
Often it takes more guts than skill to open doors. Once the doors get opened, then it's up to you. Julieanne OConnor
Sometimes life is unpredictable, as are people.
Sometimes life is unpredictable, as are people. Julieanne OConnor
Creative solutions come at drastic times, if you open your...
Creative solutions come at drastic times, if you open your mind to the possibilities. Free yourself to take a chance! Julieanne OConner
Other people's criticisms about what you are capable of, have...
Other people's criticisms about what you are capable of, have nothing to do with you. Julieanne OConner
Choose your path or others may choose it for you.
Choose your path or others may choose it for you. Julieanne OConnor
When you get clear on your own boundaries, you will find it easy to decide what you're willing to accept in your career. Julieanne OConnor