200+ Quotes & Sayings By Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar, CEO and Founder of The Naskar Foundation (www.naskarfoundation.org), is a motivational speaker, author and a popular radio personality. He has been associated with the yachting world for over a decade - as a trainer and coach to professionals and as a Master of Ceremonies at various regattas.

The ultimate goal of humanity is knowledge.
The ultimate goal of humanity is knowledge. Abhijit Naskar
A smart person speaks out the truth. A wise person doesn't care about speaking it out, as much as he or she cares about utilizing that truth in the society, in a way that brings most progress, in a way that brings most human development. And that's the purpose atheism should have. Abhijit Naskar
Smartness without wisdom is stupidity.
Smartness without wisdom is stupidity. Abhijit Naskar
I am an advocate of godliness, not of god. Abhijit Naskar
Nature deemed God worthy and hence chose it as her...
Nature deemed God worthy and hence chose it as her slave to serve the humans appearing as the master. Abhijit Naskar
Hard as it may sound, no god has saved anything or anyone in human history. It is the humans who have done so. Abhijit Naskar
My mission is to make the external God of human...
My mission is to make the external God of human society obsolete in front of humanity’s internal Godliness. Abhijit Naskar
I never attempt to take away people’s God from them, because that God is associated with a lot of human sentiments in the human psyche that act as fuel in daily survival. If you try to take away some hungry man’s stale bread, he would fight back, but if you give him something healthier and more substantial than the bread, then he would throw away the bread himself and accept your better food. The same is for God. Abhijit Naskar
Without attachment, a naked body is merely a lifeless sex-toy.
Without attachment, a naked body is merely a lifeless sex-toy. Abhijit Naskar
As a species, wise, harmonious progress is our mission.
As a species, wise, harmonious progress is our mission. Abhijit Naskar
I am pain stricken to say that, various “educational” institutions have adopted the medieval doctrine "fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom" as their motto. Let me tell you this, fear of the Lord, Santa Claus, Krishna, Thor, Hulk or any other imaginary being brings merely the illusion of wisdom, not wisdom. And illusion of wisdom is a billion times more harmful than lack of wisdom. Abhijit Naskar
Mystics reign where lacks true education.
Mystics reign where lacks true education. Abhijit Naskar
I am a scientist, and as such I am proud to say that being stupid at times is a very human thing. Be proud to be stupid, be proud to be fool. Being a fool is a billion times better than being blinded by the illusion of intellect. I admit I am a fool, but at the very least, with each passing day I do my best to get lesser fool. Abhijit Naskar
Being a fool is a billion times better than being...
Being a fool is a billion times better than being blinded by the illusion of intellect. Abhijit Naskar
Keep in mind my friend, if an answer is not...
Keep in mind my friend, if an answer is not rational, then it is not an answer, but a delusion. Abhijit Naskar
If you are financially affluent, think of adopting a kid...
If you are financially affluent, think of adopting a kid and raise him or her right next to your biological offspring. And let your love become the proof of your parenthood, instead of your DNA. Abhijit Naskar
Failures make character, not success.
Failures make character, not success. Abhijit Naskar
When you are wise, peace shall follow.
When you are wise, peace shall follow. Abhijit Naskar
Use filmmaking to eliminate racism — use to it terminate misogyny — use it to destroy homophobia and all other primitiveness. Abhijit Naskar
The art of filmmaking is the most influential form of art that has ever existed throughout the history of human artistic endeavors. Abhijit Naskar
Filmmaking has the power to fortify the feeble, unify the...
Filmmaking has the power to fortify the feeble, unify the divided, raise the abandoned and inspire the ignorant. Abhijit Naskar
A movie is not a movie, it is a potential nuclear furnace of inspiration, courage and conscience. Abhijit Naskar
Make movies my friend — make nice, inspiring and bold movies that will penetrate the darkest corners of the human mind and illuminate the soul. Abhijit Naskar
Give people films, they will forget after a few weeks,...
Give people films, they will forget after a few weeks, but give people ideas, they will assimilate them into their consciousness. Abhijit Naskar
Make films that purify the soul with the flow of...
Make films that purify the soul with the flow of rational, vigorous and compassionate thinking. Abhijit Naskar
Use filmmaking for a greater purpose, than to just entertain some drowsy minds. Wake the whole world up with your movies. It has been sleeping for long. Its eternal sleep has become its darkest nemesis. Now is the time to wake it up. Abhijit Naskar
Take the clapper and become the alarm that the world so desperately needs. Abhijit Naskar
Whatever genre you deem suitable for your taste — romance, comedy, action, mystery, sci-fi or anything else, make sure it has the plain everyday human kindness. Abhijit Naskar
Religion without reason is merely an illusion of religion — it is a mockery of religion, like it has become today. Abhijit Naskar
When the mind is without fear and prejudice, and the head is held high with the strength of reasoning, then only the brightest rays of religion can penetrate the darkest corners of the human society. Abhijit Naskar
Arise, my friend — the world is wailing for kindness — it is wailing for compassion — it is wailing for love. Abhijit Naskar
Civilized are not those who never make mistakes — civilized are those who learn from their mistakes instead of trying to justify them. Abhijit Naskar
The more we humanize the society, the more we will...
The more we humanize the society, the more we will become humans. Abhijit Naskar
What is the point of being humans, if our actions...
What is the point of being humans, if our actions scream with more bestiality than humanity! Abhijit Naskar
Humanity is not a word my friend. It is a symbol — a symbol of hope — a symbol of wisdom — yet this very symbol has become disgraced by our faults and deluded justification of mistakes. Abhijit Naskar
Sin, blasphemy, heresy — all these are primitive ideas created by primitive creatures, unworthy of the title “human”. Abhijit Naskar
Shallow intellect is worse than ignorance. Ignorance can be treated with knowledge, but shallow intellect, that is illusion of knowledge, is untreatable and quite dangerous to the progress and wellbeing of humanity. Abhijit Naskar
Start small and keep going.
Start small and keep going. Abhijit Naskar
The black, the white, the brown, the red, the yellow, the hetero, the homo, the trans, the poor, the rich, the literate, the illiterate, the weak, the strong — all are my sisters and brothers. My life is their life. And till the last breath in my body, I shall be serving you all with all the power in my veins. And beyond death, my ideas shall be serving you for eternity. Abhijit Naskar
I am the thread of unification that goes through humans...
I am the thread of unification that goes through humans of all religions, cultures and ideologies while reinforcing their innate sense of one humanity. Abhijit Naskar
I work to make human beings out of human bodies....
I work to make human beings out of human bodies. I work to make conscience out of mindlessness. I work to make Gods out of obedient worshippers. Abhijit Naskar
Give me your soul and I will give you a...
Give me your soul and I will give you a unified humanity replete with courage, conscience and compassion. Abhijit Naskar
O my brave Almighty Human, with the ever-effulgent flow of courage, conscience and compassion, turn yourself into a vivacious humanizer, and start walking with bold footsteps while eliminating racism, terminating misogyny, destroying homophobia and all other primitiveness that have turned humanity into the most inhuman species on earth. Abhijit Naskar
Give me your soul and I will give you a...
Give me your soul and I will give you a unified humanity. Abhijit Naskar
Build roads never seen before. Build bridges never existed before....
Build roads never seen before. Build bridges never existed before. Build a society never lived before. It is all in your hands now. Abhijit Naskar
If a person takes comfort in his or her faith...
If a person takes comfort in his or her faith upon divinity in times of distress, then who the hell am I to say, that the person is delusional. Abhijit Naskar
Religion is what gives a person hope to keep walking...
Religion is what gives a person hope to keep walking even in the darkest times. Abhijit Naskar
I might not have risen to destroy people's beliefs, but some beliefs do need destruction if the human society is meant to progress in harmony instead of sinking into the depths of illustrious interhuman conflicts. Meekness-induced prejudices have no place in the society of thinking humanity. Abhijit Naskar
Prayers bring comfort, not change. Change requires tangible human efforts.
Prayers bring comfort, not change. Change requires tangible human efforts. Abhijit Naskar
The best way to avoid a catastrophic conflict of beliefs...
The best way to avoid a catastrophic conflict of beliefs is to be more compassionate about other people’s beliefs as long as they do not advocate for prejudices, bigotry and sectarianism. Abhijit Naskar
Whether you call yourself a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim,...
Whether you call yourself a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu or an Atheist, if you have kindness in your heart and compassion in your act, you are on the right path of religion. Abhijit Naskar
Holiness in the purest form is independent of all textual...
Holiness in the purest form is independent of all textual doctrines, all churches and all institutions. Abhijit Naskar
Blind faith is not real religion my friend.
Blind faith is not real religion my friend. Abhijit Naskar
A religious individual may most gloriously carry out his or her own rituals, as a part of his or her cultural identity, but the moment, that person starts to build a wall of separation between the self and the rest of humanity, coaxed by the textual commands of a scripture, the healthy religiousness turns into dangerous fundamentalism, which is a threat to both the self and the society. Abhijit Naskar
Killing a bunch of Jihadis may be morally justified, to save humanity from their wrath, but it won't terminate Jihad for long. Jihad or Holy war would keep festering one way or another, until religious fundamentalism is eradicated from the human society. Until the whole humanity learns to scrutinize its most revered scriptures with the sharp tool of reasoning, Jihad will keep on striking over the world. If one does not have the basic conscientious capacity to refute the primitive textual verses of the scriptures that demand one to kill or torture another being for holding a different belief system than one's own, then that entity is no being of the civilized human society, it is merely a pest from the stone-age. No Quran, no Bible, no Gita, no Cow, is greater than the human self. There shall be hope for harmony and peace in the world, only when fundamentalism is destroyed forever. Harmony is not a luxury, it is an existential necessity of the species. And to achieve it, if a hundred Bibles have to be sacrificed, then be it. But for no Bible, Quran or Gita, can harmony be compromised. Abhijit Naskar
When a person believes that a God is truly concerned about the well-being of life on earth, and especially of human life, the belief adorns that person with various positive psychological elements such as emotional stability, in times of distress and a highly functional moral compass. Here this belief has nothing to do with reality whatsoever, rather it serves the evolutionary purpose of self-preservation. Abhijit Naskar
The argument against faith is all based upon the rigorous analysis of the scriptures, and not upon the objective observation of the actual individual sensation of faith. Historical experiences of the Kingdom of God gave rise to all the scriptures in the world, but the scriptures themselves don’t account for the actual globally prevalent psychological element of faith or divinity in the human mind. Faith is a natural evolutionary trait of the human mind, selected by Mother Nature as an internal coping-mechanism. Abhijit Naskar
The moment the religious population of the world begins to see the prophets what they really were - mortal teachers of the mortal world, a great portion of the world's religious conflicts shall vanish into thin air. Abhijit Naskar
Any religion that does not evolve with time, either gets...
Any religion that does not evolve with time, either gets destroyed or destroys the world. Abhijit Naskar
Mother Nature created God as a neurological anti-depressant sentiment, but...
Mother Nature created God as a neurological anti-depressant sentiment, but Man tore that God apart into pieces and made citadels of differentiation out of them. Abhijit Naskar
The most sensitive period of their developmental age, when the kids are supposed to be taught to question everything and nourish their reasoning skills, they are taught that God created the world in seven days — that the human race did not evolve from apes through millions of years, rather it came from the amorous congress between two God-made humans, named Adam and Eve. And if you ask why? The answers of the uneducated primordial teachers would be that the scriptures say so. And now if you ask, can’t the scriptures be wrong — do I have to take these stories literally? They would lash out with rage and shout at you — how dare you question the scriptures! Every single word in it is true. There is no greater truth than the truth of these sacred texts. . Abhijit Naskar
In a society of thinking humanity, it should always be,...
In a society of thinking humanity, it should always be, humans first, and then Gods, Krishna or otherwise. Abhijit Naskar
Faith in God is optional, but faith in the self...
Faith in God is optional, but faith in the self — in the spirit within, is imperative. Abhijit Naskar
Faith in God is optional, but faith in the self...
Faith in God is optional, but faith in the self — in the spirit within, is imperative. Have faith in yourself. Have faith in the human first, then God if you want. Abhijit Naskar
Have faith in yourself. Have faith in the human first,...
Have faith in yourself. Have faith in the human first, then God if you want. Abhijit Naskar
A being with no faith in the human self is...
A being with no faith in the human self is a being with no spirit of life, regardless of how many Fathers or Holy Spirits or Sons it believes in. Abhijit Naskar
Without the Mind, there is no God. Without you, there...
Without the Mind, there is no God. Without you, there is no God. Abhijit Naskar
Forget the Bible, the Quran, the Vedas, the Granth Sahib, and all the scriptures in the world. None of them will show you the Great Eternal Truth. None of them will show you the Kingdom of God, for the real Kingdom of the Ultimate Truth is inside your mind. It was born in you when you were born. And it will cease to exist when you die. Your mind is not merely the vehicle of God, rather it is the life-force that keeps God alive. Without the Mind, there is no God. Without you, there is no God. Abhijit Naskar
Your mind is not merely the vehicle of God, rather...
Your mind is not merely the vehicle of God, rather it is the life-force that keeps God alive. Without the Mind, there is no God. Without you, there is no God. Abhijit Naskar
In India, it is religion that forms the very core...
In India, it is religion that forms the very core of the national heart. It is the backbone - the bed-rock - the foundation upon which the national edifice has been built. Abhijit Naskar
The traditional Indian mind has been for centuries, and still...
The traditional Indian mind has been for centuries, and still is, first religious, and then everything else. Abhijit Naskar
If I had been born in the medieval times, my subjective union with God and the Universe would have evoked the rise of another Gnostic religion. But, by the grace of Mother Nature, I am born in an era of Science and Reasoning. Hence, I have dissected my own experience of Absolute Divinity as well as the experiences of all the religious giants in my works, in order to discover the physical truth underneath these apparently supernatural experiences. Abhijit Naskar
It is in the nature of the human mind to give in, and hold on, to the source of solace with all the might it can muster. Life is hard and any figure that tends to ease the subjective perception of that hardship, attains a high pedestal of utmost reverence in the realm of the individual mind. It all takes place at a molecular level in the human brain with the purpose of self-preservation. Abhijit Naskar
God lives in and through the human mind, and not...
God lives in and through the human mind, and not in any church, synagogue, temple or mosque. Abhijit Naskar
The term “musalman” refers to someone with “musallam iman”, that means, a pure conscience. Thus, any individual whose conscience is pure and clear, who can think for himself or herself, is a musalman or muslim, regardless of socio-religious background. Likewise, any human being who loves the neighbor as much as his or her own family is a Christian. Abhijit Naskar
A person may hold his own beliefs and creeds to be dearest, and nourish them with all his might, but the moment he starts preaching the exclusive greatness and dominance over all other systems of beliefs and creeds, the world begins to plunge into a death trap. Abhijit Naskar
The one ultimate rule of the Quranic fundamentalists is “there is one God and Mohammed is his prophet”. Everything beyond that not only is bad, but must be destroyed forthwith. At moment’s notice, every man or woman, who does not exactly believe in that, must be killed.... This is not religion my friend. This is primitiveness at its worst. Abhijit Naskar
Why should a religion claim that it is not bound...
Why should a religion claim that it is not bound to abide by the standpoint of reason! If one does not take the standard of reason, there cannot be any true judgment, even in the case of religion. Abhijit Naskar
Fundamentalism not only fuels devastating acts of violence, but also...
Fundamentalism not only fuels devastating acts of violence, but also all kinds of primitive prejudicial behaviors, such as Misogyny, Polygamy, Homophobia, and Islamophobia. Abhijit Naskar
In general, if we leave out the atheistic fraction of world population that possesses no notable optimistic or positive Qualia of God, the majority of the human species possesses a beneficial Qualia of God enriched with blissful sentiments. Abhijit Naskar
Other than the substantial physiological impact of prayer/meditation, there is another much simpler mind-body intervention that helps all religious and spiritual individuals in all walks of life, regardless of whether they pray regularly or not. It is commonly known as faith. Abhijit Naskar
Become loving and become courageous. Become the inspiration which you seek outside. Bring the metaphorical heart of your limbic system in sync with the analytical powerhouse of the prefrontal cortex. From your mind shall rise the inspiration. From your mind shall rise the love. From your mind shall rise the greatest education of all. Abhijit Naskar
The 330 million gods and goddesses of the Hindu culture...
The 330 million gods and goddesses of the Hindu culture act as placebo for the masses, just like other gods of other cultures do. Abhijit Naskar
The conflicts between science and religion still remain in this day and age, because though most people understand what science means, they do not have a clue what religion means — and they do not even have a clue that they do not have a clue. Abhijit Naskar
Liberty is my religion and Humans are my God.
Liberty is my religion and Humans are my God. Abhijit Naskar
God is nature’s anti-dote to misery.
God is nature’s anti-dote to misery. Abhijit Naskar
They say, love God, for it is the greatest virtue....
They say, love God, for it is the greatest virtue. I say, love humans, for there is no greater virtue, no greater religion, than the love of humanity. Abhijit Naskar
The only measure of judging a human being is through that person’s character, because character is not determined by race, religion, gender or social status. And one who recognizes this simple fact of human life behaves the same with the scientist, the janitor and the sex-worker. Abhijit Naskar
Science is the human endeavor to elevate the self and...
Science is the human endeavor to elevate the self and the society from the darkness of ignorance into the light of wisdom. Abhijit Naskar
Know thy self, and the world will be thy oyster!
Know thy self, and the world will be thy oyster! Abhijit Naskar
Truth in the human world, is constructed, defined and then...
Truth in the human world, is constructed, defined and then reconstructed by the human self. Abhijit Naskar
Knowledge shall set the mind free.
Knowledge shall set the mind free. Abhijit Naskar
There is only one ideal in the world, which is,...
There is only one ideal in the world, which is, the light of knowledge — the light of truth. Abhijit Naskar
Now the common human perception about the purpose of academic institutions, is that, they are meant to put a stamp of approval on the students, so that later on the students can show off their stamp in order to make a living. The parents invest money to get the stamp, and the child uses that stamp to make more money. Where is the element of education in this whole process! Abhijit Naskar
All knowledge is born in the mind, and circumstances make...
All knowledge is born in the mind, and circumstances make them manifest. Abhijit Naskar
After all, what is education, if not the unparalleled means...
After all, what is education, if not the unparalleled means to transcend the self- imposed physical limits of the mind and the body. Abhijit Naskar
All the calculus, quantum mechanics and languages in the world...
All the calculus, quantum mechanics and languages in the world are worthless pieces of information, if they are not brought to the service of the society. Abhijit Naskar