100 Quotes About Year

When planning for the future, we often get caught up in our day-to-day lives. It can be tough to keep track of what we want to achieve and how to get there. So we tend to look at our current situation and make a To Do list of things we need to do. When you’re ready to look ahead and plan for the future, take a look through this collection of year quotes that will inspire you and help you get on your way.

How would your life be different if... You could control the outcome of your day, your week, your year? Let today be the day... You embrace the truth that you DO have such control to label every event in your life, and create an agreement with reality that empowers you and propels you to greatness. Steve Maraboli
We should always hope and expect to see a brand...
We should always hope and expect to see a brand new day filled with hope, love and joy. Bamigboye Olurotimi
The first year was like icing. Then the cake started...
The first year was like icing. Then the cake started to show through … John Ashbery
Dear 2016, If I had any defeats in your team,...
Dear 2016, If I had any defeats in your team, I am glad they were on my terms. Love, Defeated Winner Jasleen Kaur Gumber
To them, as to Magnus, time was like rain, glittering as it fell, changing the world, but something that could also be taken for granted. Until you loved a mortal. Then time became gold in a miser's hands, every bright year counted out carefully, infinitely precious, and each one slipping through your fingers. Cassandra Clare
Oh, shimmer down, Hunter. You're too testy. How many times...
Oh, shimmer down, Hunter. You're too testy. How many times have I've told you that you need to chill out, take a vacay. Disney World is really fun this time of the year. you should check it out. Jennifer L. Armentrout
NASA astronauts have only managed to live continuously on the International Space Station (ISS) for a year and Biosphere 2 on Earth failed at two years of uninterrupted human habitation. Both cases required extracting the sickened people from the toxic environments. At this point it is ludicrous to talk about a permanent manned base on Mars. Steven Magee
Each year, more responsibility and freedom (they are companions) must...
Each year, more responsibility and freedom (they are companions) must be given to the child so that the final release in early adulthood is merely a small, final release of authority. James C. Dobson
I’ have not had to borrow or beg for years. This world is indeed all yours. If you know how to 'see', if you know how to view the world, if you know how to understand the world, then the world is truly all yours. You are truly the Owner. Dada Bhagwan
May the Blessingof Allah keep yours Heart and HomeHappy and Joyous! ! to get Bright Futurewish U Happy New Year ! ! ! Baset
New year, new life! " - The saying goes. It will be?! Often we place expectations at a time as a starting point for the desired change. But we hope things change, and that's just it. We do not even consider a minimum of steps to start the path of change, which, yes, can be considered a starting point. There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity, and atomic energy: the will. - Albert Einstein said. Well, in this case: New Year, you new! Make the change happen. Do not focus only on where you want to go, but how you will arrive. If the path is long, as it always is, enjoy the landscape, make friends, sing, have fun! You may find that the great change was always in you and not in the rest of the world. Unknown
Find joy in the faces of children who view life as so magical. Give thanks every day for your life and for your existence. Your life matters, you matter. So many people think and care about you and you’re never really alone! Remember your loved ones are the real gift. I care about you; you have a friend in me. Look forward to knowing that next year is going to be even better than the last… James A. Murphy
Avoid living in new homes and working in new offices due to the high levels of chemical out-gassing that they exhibit during their first year. Steven Magee
What is the one thing that gets you up every morning? The one thing that keeps you going every day, every month, every year? Let me get you started. My one thing is this, ‘I'm one day closer..’ One day closer to a goal, an outcome, or the results I'm after in my life. This is my way of remembering the importance of focusing on the life I desire and living a life of gratitude! So, what’s your one thing…? . James A. Murphy
Yesterday was the last day on the calender of the past. Tomorrow will be the first day on the calender of the future. Today is both the first and the last day of the present. Use it well. Israelmore Ayivor
One more year and I will be closer to wherever I'm going. Emma Cameron
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion if only you are ready to shape them! Israelmore Ayivor
There are greater things to be achieved in every new year, and each and everyone must prepare themselves to be great, not by words of the mouth, but by alot of sacrifices. Michael Bassey Johnson
It was a lesson she was still learning. When she had first started nursing, she had taken every death personally, like she was losing her father all over again. Every patient lost under her care was a little piece of death she would carry around with her until the end of her own life. But the alternative seemed so unfeeling. Tina and the other nurses could crack jokes and banter back and forth about contestants on American Idol before the body of a deceased patient was even cold. It was a coping mechanism, she knew, but not necessarily one she thought she would ever adopt. There had to be something in between. Olive had been called a bleeding heart before, but her heart no longer had the same plasticity and tenderness–it was scarred and worn beyond repair . Andrea Lochen
Thoughts turn to other's just a little more this time of year. Days grow shorter and memories grow longer. Families and friends gather in celebration or hope. Giving is a reflection of our love and caring for each other and those less fortunate. May your thoughts turn to gratitude this holiday season and carry on throughout the next year… James A. Murphy
Spiritual maturity is a lifelong pursuit. We grow in spiritual maturity moment by moment, day by day, year by year. Jim George
One key quality of all global achievers is that, they keep improving day after day. They set standards that they keep surpassing year after year. Israelmore Ayivor
...all "months" work together for the good of those who love the Lord!. ..all the days of this month will work together for your goodness! Israelmore Ayivor
If the problems you have this year are the same problems you had last year, then you are not a leader. You are rather a problem on your own that must be solved. Israelmore Ayivor
Departure of a year welcomes so many new memories Munia Khan
In my own shire, if I was sad Homely comforters I had: The earth, because my heart was sore, Sorrowed for the son she bore; And standing hills, long to remain, Shared their short-lived comrade's pain. And bound for the same bourn as I, On every road I wandered by, Trod beside me, close and dear, The beautiful and death-struck year: Whether in the woodland brown I heard the beechnut rustle down, And saw the purple crocus pale Flower about the autumn dale; Or littering far the fields of MayLady-smocks a-bleaching lay, And like a skylit water stood The bluebells in the azured wood. Yonder, lightening other loads, The season range the country roads, But here in London streets I ken No such helpmates, only men; And these are not in plight to bear, If they would, another's care. They have enough as 'tis: I see In many an eye that measures me The mortal sickness of a mind Too unhappy to be kind. Undone with misery, all they can Is to hate their fellow man; And till they drop they needs must still Look at you and wish you ill. A.E. Housman
Do not wait until Christmas to spread a little cheer, people appreciate kindness, all through of the year. Charmaine J. Forde
MOTHER TIME: We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them. Hillary DePiano
MOTHER TIME: Every New Year is the same. Every day, every second is too for that matter. But when we deliver them in secret, when another year just begins as a matter of fact, it's easy to fail to appreciate what a miracle it is to have more time. So, I suppose, it feels different right now because this time you're paying attention Hillary DePiano
She loved him, and she was going to do everything she could to get him back. She hadn’t come this far just to walk away. He was the love of her life, dammit. The man she wanted to marry. The world had reversed its orbit to bring them back together, for Pete’s sake, and she wasn’t going down without a fight. Fate could only do so much; the rest was up to her. Andrea Lochen
What good were fate and fortune anyway? If there was some sort of plan she was supposed to follow, it was unreadable to her and impossible to stick to. She was tired of fate, which was probably just a made-up concept invented by humans to feel like something or someone was guiding them anyway. God, spirits, cookies, whatever. She was so sick of buying into the idea that there was actually meaning behind any of this. It was just her, blind and alone, making a mess of her life on her own, thank you very much. Andrea Lochen
If we get better with ‘Experience’ then why doesn’t the romance get better and better with every year in most of the marriages? Harrish Sairaman
NASA has decades of experience in studying the effects of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and their experiments show that continuous habitation of an alien environment in Space results in sickness in less than a year in astronauts and a similar environment on Earth produces ill health in humans in just two years. Steven Magee
The simple truth of the matter is that people who complain about a peaceful parade which lasts at best one hour in a particular place - ONCE in a whole year - do so out of hatred and intolerance. it isn't just the parade, it is seeing gay and trans people in public - and gay and trans people BEING gay and trans in public. And that is the root of the problem - they HATE gay and trans people. Christina Engela
Meanwhile 1st April to lie as if they were honest throughout the year. Nabil TOUSSI
I suppose that one’s years spent living do not reflect a measure of our souls or strength of character. Peter Koevari
That wouldn't be a bad way to die...giving off light for millions of years after you're gone. Jeff Zentner
2015 - the year of infinity - if you add all the numbers up you get 8 - which on it's side is the sign of infinity - and I think it's going to be one hell of a good year for us. Jay Woodman
It’s like I’m trying to keep the bad away with one hand while holding on to the good with the other, and it just doesn’t work. It’s stupid. I need both hands. So I guess I just have to spread out my arms and accept the bad with the good. Andrea Lochen
If life was a book; every day would be a new page, every month would be a new chapter, and every year would be a new series. Elizabeth Duivenvoorde
If you had to spend every second, of every day, of every year of your life with someone, would you do whatever it took to love that person? Would you be a best friend, a teacher, coach and mentor? Would you do whatever it takes to treat that person with respect? Well guess what? That someone is you! Who deserves the best more than you do? Think about it and have an outstanding day…! James A. Murphy
Where would tourism be without a little luxury and a taste of night life? There were several cities on Deanna, all moderate in size, but the largest was the capital, Atro City. For the connoisseur of fast-foods, Albrechts’ famous hotdogs and coldcats were sold fresh from his stall (Albrecht’s Takeaways) on Lupini Square. For the sake of his own mental health he had temporarily removed Hot Stuff Blend from the menu. The city was home to Atro City University, which taught everything from algebra and make-up application to advanced stamp collecting; and it was also home to the planet-famous bounty hunter — Beck the Badfeller. Beck was a legend in his own lifetime. If Deanna had any folklore, then Beck the Badfeller was one of its main features. He was the local version of Robin Hood, the Davy Crockett of Deanna. The Local rumor mill had it he was so good he could find the missing day in a leap year. Once, so the story goes, he even found a missing sock. Christina Engela
This was true, she knew. Being involved with him gave her the privileged position of knowing him intimately. There were nights when he would wake up sweating, the nightmares returning out of the blue after a peaceful period sometimes weeks long. Growing up in the middle of a fierce civil war could indelibly mark a child. To Mykl, birthdays were always just another year under the belt, where the only reason to celebrate was that you weren’t dead yet. She took his hand, squeezed it tight and led him inside. Christina Engela
[A dog is] a bundle of pure love, gift-wrapped in fur. Andrea Lochen
I love Nigerians becouse they're extra ordinary people they make impossible to be possible. Hamzatribah
In every 1st October we Nigerians helps very few of us celebrate there independence, very. soon. we will celebrate our own. Hamzatribah
I want you to be my last kiss of the year and the first of next Kat Unda
From 1960-2015 Nigerians live under the rules of those who are above the law, but from 2015 we hope for a little change, and if there is no change in 2015, only God knows what will happened. Hamzatribah
I hate neutrality becouse is the worst thing that ever happened Hamzatribah
It’s easy to point out someone else’s mistake, harder to recognize your own. Especially because most people–except the lucky few like ourselves–are forced to live with their mistakes. So they learn to justify their mistakes, build on them, until they can look back and convince themselves that their mistake was inevitable all along, a good choice, in fact. An unwed teenage mother can look back at her unexpected pregnancy fondly six years down the road once the child’s out of her hair and in school all day. She wouldn’t dare go back and fix that mistake because it’s become part of her life. Andrea Lochen
During the past one year who has inspired you the most? Byrappa
Ah, selfish. There’s that word again.” Sherry smirked. “It’s been hurled at me many a time, because being a mother and wife is all about selflessness, see?” She imitated a perky, syrupy-sweet voice. “Giving up every molecule of your soul. If you want anything for yourself, you’re accused of being selfish. Marriage and especially motherhood mean being condemned to play second fiddle your entire life. Andrea Lochen
I have a suspicion that when first built, Stonehenge may have glowed blue with St. Elmo's fire during certain times of the year Steven Magee
So may the New Year be a happy one to you, happy to many more whose happiness depends on you! Charles Dickens
Stray voltage/current/frequency is the most serious form of exposure. Electrocution kills very few people per year. Stray voltage/current/frequency exposure is suspected to be making people sick in the millions! Steven Magee
In the Awakenings movie I found it very interesting that the most profound awakenings in the catatonic patients occurred in 1969, the year that the Aurora Borealis was seen from N.Y. to Louisiana. It seems the patients were getting environmental radiation stimulation in addition to their L-Dopa drug that year. L-Dopa plus radiation therapy may eventually be proven to be a very potent brain stimulant. . Steven Magee
The priceless lesson in the New Year is that endings birth beginnings and beginnings birth endings. And in this elegantly choreographed dance of life, neither ever find an end in the other. Craig D. Lounsbrough
You can judge somebody after you at least read from 100 up to 150 books... this to be your goal for within one year. Deyth Banger
December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come. Fennel Hudson
Everything has happen, will happen and it's going to happen in one moment. There isn't even and time, time is an illusion - get it?? It even doesn't exist, I'm here now, but even the word "now" doesn't exist. Everything has happen in one day, but people prefer to have some kind a time like day, date, year, century and time (under time, hours, minutes, seconds and so on and so on). Because you should know when you did that if you said in under one day it's kind a.. . Deyth Banger
As for now I will pay attention to works like "Lie to me", "Person of Interest", "Numb3rs" and "Blindspot". (2016! ) Deyth Banger
People a lot of times say that they live one life, say that we all live one.. no you are in mistake so far I can say that 10 games I have played in which I have died and reborn, then 197 books I have read, 6 more are waiting to be finished, 197 books = 197 lifes, so far! 407 films = 407 lifes so far 197 + 407 equal 604.. Every dramatical moment in which you have survive like car crash or others such type are equal +1 life.. so far it looks like I have lived a lot of. Every Year in the tree branch with the branch.. Deyth Banger
The great miraculous bell of translucent ice is suspended in mid-air. It rings to announce endings and beginnings. And it rings because there is fresh promise and wonder in the skies. Its clear tones resound in the placid silence of the winter day, and echo long into the silver-blue serenity of night. The bell can only be seen at the turning of the year, when the days wind down into nothing, and get ready to march out again. When you hear the bell, you feel a tug at your heart. It is your immortal inspiration. . Vera Nazarian
There are 31.536.000 seconds in a year. I am counting down every second. Ljupka Cvetanova
More business is lost every year through neglect than through any other cause. Rose Kennedy
Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, 'It will be happier.' Alfred Lord Tennyson
With a brand - and I respect Porsche - but the Ferrari brand is more exclusive... We never do SUVs, we never do four doors, and we never exceed 7, 000 cars per year. And 7, 000 means 7, 000. Unknown
I started off playing sports when I was five years old. I played three or four sports all throughout the year. Alex Morgan
I started on an Apple II, which I had bought at the very end of 1978 for half of my annual income. I made $4, 500 a year, and I spent half of it on the computer. Bill Budge
I might do 'X Factor' next year. It's looking good that I won't get the sack at Christmas. Gary Barlow
I gave a Christmas party last year - well, two Christmases ago - where I did a Sam Cooke show. I didn't perform as R. Kelly. I performed the Sam Cooke show from 1964, when he performed at the Copacabana. R. Kelly
In my experience, those who make the biggest fuss about not spending much at Christmas are generally the ones who buy what they want and eat where they want 12 months a year. Julian Baggini
Christmas is a time of year that's so romantic. Katharine McPhee
To perceive Christmas through its wrappings becomes more difficult with every year. E. B. White
I was thrilled one year when I was younger when not only did my brothers get hockey sticks for Christmas - but I did too! Nancy Kerrigan
But Tammy Faye calls me, and Ron Jeremy calls me, Erik Estrada sends me a Christmas card every year. Trishelle Cannatella
Each year India and China produce four million graduates compared with just over 250, 000 in Britain. Gordon Brown
In my second year in graduate school, I took a computer course and that was like lightening striking. Ted Nelson
I work 338 days a year, 16 hours a day. Dave Pelzer
Science grows like a weed every year. Kary Mullis
The U.S. couldn't even get rid of Saddam Hussein. And we all know that the EU is just a passing fad. They'll be killing each other again in less than a year. I'm sick to death of all these fascist lawsuits. Bill Gates
The year was 2081, and everyone was finally equal. Kurt Vonnegut
The reality is sobering: in the United States one in three girls will become pregnant before age 20, totaling more than 750, 000 girls per year. Jane Fonda
I am hoping that in this year of the family we will go into our families and reconcile differences. Louis Farrakhan
Every year thousands of Americans mistakenly refer to Cinco de Mayo as Mexico's Independence Day. Joe Baca
To start with, for example this year, 2004, is the bicentennial of Haitian independence. Edwidge Danticat
Contaminated food is a major cause of diarrhea, substantially contributing to malnutrition and killing about 2.2 million people each year, most of them children. Gro Harlem Brundtland
Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. Goran Persson
A year from now, you're gonna weigh more or less than what you do right now. Phil McGraw
I dated a lot, but I never really had anyone who was worthy of an anniversary. And most girlfriends never made it to a year, anyway. Wale
And this year is going to be the 25th anniversary of the 17-0 team, the only undefeated season. Don Shula
June 2005 is the five year anniversary of the debut of Battle Pope. Robert Kirkman
All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk. Ronald Reagan
Each year, at the typical nuclear reactor in the U.S., there's a 1 in 74, 176 chance of an earthquake strong enough to cause damage to the reactor's core, which could expose the public to radiation. No tsunami required. Bill Dedman
The world spends $40 billion a year on pet food. Nicholas D. Kristof
Finance industry executives earn an annual income, including benefits, grants and bonuses, that can reach over eight million shekels a year. Moshe Kahlon
Nutrition is an exciting, dynamic field - there are more than 10, 000 articles published on human nutrition in medical journals every year. Michael Greger
For many years I wanted to do a film, but I never had the courage to clear my desk and say, 'OK I'll take a year off and do a film.' Anton Corbijn
I have the body of an eighteen year old. I keep it in the fridge. Spike Milligan
When I travel, which is most of the year, I live in TripIt. Matt Mullenweg