200+ Quotes & Sayings By Fennel Hudson

Fennel Hudson is a writer and editor of urban fiction novels. Her first novel, Love Me Back, was listed on the Urban Booksellers Bestseller List for the first two months of its release. When she's not working on her books, she's working on her blog or listening to music. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband Read more

A traditionalist’s values are gleaned from all that is good in the past. Fennel Hudson
Those with traditional sense will follow what their heart tells...
Those with traditional sense will follow what their heart tells them is right. Fennel Hudson
Believe in something important. Pursue it wholeheartedly.
Believe in something important. Pursue it wholeheartedly. Fennel Hudson
A man is biologically incapable of giving ‘the look’.
A man is biologically incapable of giving ‘the look’. Fennel Hudson
Life is a wonderfully fine thing. Go live it.
Life is a wonderfully fine thing. Go live it. Fennel Hudson
Nurture a desire to be free from the clock.
Nurture a desire to be free from the clock. Fennel Hudson
Character and purpose are directly linked to confidence and conviction....
Character and purpose are directly linked to confidence and conviction. What links them? Courage — to be oneself, no matter what others might say. Fennel Hudson
Walk free from the long shadows cast by small people.
Walk free from the long shadows cast by small people. Fennel Hudson
Friends can create our most cherished memories.
Friends can create our most cherished memories. Fennel Hudson
Have a dream in your head and a fire in...
Have a dream in your head and a fire in your heart. Fennel Hudson
Being gentle doesn’t stop us fighting for our dreams.
Being gentle doesn’t stop us fighting for our dreams. Fennel Hudson
The act of fishing — for fish, dreams or whatever...
The act of fishing — for fish, dreams or whatever magic is available — is enough. Fennel Hudson
Find a part of yourself hidden in the twilight.
Find a part of yourself hidden in the twilight. Fennel Hudson
We have the freedom of choice, to choose what’s right.
We have the freedom of choice, to choose what’s right. Fennel Hudson
Enjoy the contented silence.
Enjoy the contented silence. Fennel Hudson
You need to be outdoors. Away from here. You need...
You need to be outdoors. Away from here. You need a holiday. Fennel Hudson
There’s always an opportunity to fish for something — even...
There’s always an opportunity to fish for something — even if it’s just for laughs or ideas. Fennel Hudson
In with the new, out with the old.’ That’s what...
In with the new, out with the old.’ That’s what we’re told. We have to change, adapt, compromise. Fennel Hudson
Change, it seems, is inevitable. And so is compromise.
Change, it seems, is inevitable. And so is compromise. Fennel Hudson
Things today ‘sure ain’t like they used to be’. They’ve...
Things today ‘sure ain’t like they used to be’. They’ve changed, moved on, progressed. Fennel Hudson
Seek and see beauty in the watery world.
Seek and see beauty in the watery world. Fennel Hudson
Reveal the timeless beauty of Nature’s special places.
Reveal the timeless beauty of Nature’s special places. Fennel Hudson
Study the nature around you, but also within you.
Study the nature around you, but also within you. Fennel Hudson
Workdays are, I imagine, rather like learning to ice-skate Torvill and Dean’s The Bolero. They start and end easily enough; it’s the bit in the middle that causes the pain in the arse. Fennel Hudson
Catching fish is secondary to the immeasurable joys of the watery world. Fennel Hudson
Seek a slower, simpler life. Fennel Hudson
Be seasonal, ethical and gentle. Fennel Hudson
I’m likely to stay here, pen in hand, until dusk comes and my writing melts into the twilight. Fennel Hudson
As the daydreams grew longer, the distinction between what was real and what was imaginary grew less. Soon I existed in a blissful world of my own creation. Fennel Hudson
The world grows ever complex. More urban. Less peaceful. Fennel Hudson
You need energy and purpose to become the person you’re destined to be. Fennel Hudson
Stand up for your beliefs, and be different. Fennel Hudson
Compromise is a choice. As is the defence of one’s self. Fennel Hudson
Have courage to go your own way and fulfil the dreams that are unique and important to you. Fennel Hudson
There’s merit in being different, inspiration in being individual, courage in being unique, and freedom in being yourself. Fennel Hudson
People might consider you eccentric for being different, but this is good. Leaders and visionaries are not conformists afraid of standing out. Fennel Hudson
What I am interested in, what I write and care about, exists in the slow lane, somewhere between hand-ploughed fields and a pint of real ale. Fennel Hudson
Reality is in the ether, a blend of present-day experiences infused with one’s memories and dreams. A life that is real to one is surreal to another. Fennel Hudson
Reality is just a matter of perception. Fennel Hudson
Fine Things are reservoirs for the heart. Fennel Hudson
It is possible to be happy and successful by living on one’s own terms. Fennel Hudson
The bright light of brilliance keeps the darkness away, but it can be so very exhausting. Fennel Hudson
I’m a classic eccentric, living at the extremes of high mania and low mood. There’s no middle ground, only madness and sadness. Fennel Hudson
Eyesight can be so blinding. We need to look beyond the face of things. Fennel Hudson
There’s no such thing as writer’s block, so long as you’ve had plenty of time to think about what you want to write. Fennel Hudson
Individuality and creativity are slowly dampened by a normal job with normal people. Fennel Hudson
I admit to being prone to deep thinking, which — given that I’m emerging from dark times — can take me to some very sombre or profound places. But this is no bad thing. I always resurface wiser and with a way of viewing things that is different to before. Fennel Hudson
The greatest moments of creativity come in absolute solitude, when one’s mind is free from distraction and able to probe the depths of the impossible. Fennel Hudson
I like working among ‘creative clutter’. It gives me a sense of activity and achievement. Fennel Hudson
Doing nothing can be as rewarding as doing something. And doing very little can be as productive, in a creative sense, as doing a lot. Fennel Hudson
The process of creation begins way before one starts writing. Fennel Hudson
Soar to heights where you may view the world from a new perspective. Fennel Hudson
I needed some space to lay myself out, so that I could decide which pieces I wanted to pick up. Fennel Hudson
We are so blinkered by progress, so preoccupied with where we want to go and how fast we can travel, that many of us have lost the ability to simply ‘stop’. Fennel Hudson
Time is not something to be killed. Doing so suffocates a part of us, writing off part of our life that could, or rather should, be spent doing something meaningful. Fennel Hudson
Life can be impossibly tough. At times it seems like there is no escape from either the pressure or monotony of a world where you are corralled into being something or someone you are not. But there is an escape, to more peaceful and gentler places, and a happier state of mind. Fennel Hudson
Imagination is the real magic that exists in this world. Look inwards, to see outwards. And capture it in writing. Fennel Hudson
In the dream world, anything is possible. It requires a fertile imagination, and a desire to explore the half-light between the known and the unknown. Fennel Hudson
A consultant: someone brought in to build a one-handled wheelbarrow. Fennel Hudson
Life. It’s about adventure, of having a dream and following it. Fennel Hudson
Eventually, after much dreaming, the dream no longer suffices. You have to physically be there. Fennel Hudson
Sentiments, as I have found, can be harvested from places where our memories are fondest. Fennel Hudson
Time alone can help us to look inward, to fish for things that others can’t see. Fennel Hudson
Be confident enough to show your true self to the world. Fennel Hudson
A person has to be comfortable in his or her own skin. Fennel Hudson
There’s no point pretending to be someone or something we’re not. Fennel Hudson
We should be authentic: the ‘real deal’. Neither a clone nor mimic be. Fennel Hudson
I keep on dreaming, but to find freedom, one must first search inwards. Fennel Hudson
Time alone helps us to remember who we are. Fennel Hudson
If we have faith, then we can see the beauty around us. If we don’t then we are just blind followers, not knowing why we are on the path. Fennel Hudson
You gotta look backwards to go forwards. Fennel Hudson
The past informs the present. Fennel Hudson
Preserve the spirit of a ‘lost’ age, when time moved slower. Fennel Hudson
Recent generations seem to consider ‘old-fashioned’ thinking as out-dated and without place in the modern world. I beg to differ. After all, who has greater faith? He who looks to and learns from the past, or the man who cares not for consequence? Fennel Hudson
Only the present exists. The past is gone, and the future has not yet happened. There is only ever time present. Fennel Hudson
Dive deep and make your discovery. Fennel Hudson
Water creates so much beauty, life and mystery. Fennel Hudson
Water is intrinsically linked to the mystery and excitement of discovering new worlds. Fennel Hudson
As a child I would play with such imagination that the ‘real’ world was never real at all. It was full of mystery, adventure and possibility. Fennel Hudson
Often I have found myself gazing up at clouds — yesterday’s seas and tomorrow’s streams — to think of them as floating on an ultraviolet sea, beyond which is the infinity of space that presents so much wonder and so many questions. Fennel Hudson
Having a fishing rod in your hand is merely an excuse to explore out-of-sight depths and reveal mysteries that previously only existed in dreams. Fennel Hudson
It’s the wonderment of water that makes it so appealing: thoughts of what’s beneath the surface, or out there beyond a watery horizon. Fennel Hudson
Having a ‘taste for life’ is about knowing its various flavours and awaiting the next meal. Fennel Hudson
Some will say that searching for your dreams is like looking for unicorns in an emerald forest. Fennel Hudson
Be oblivious to city high-rises, work-related stress and microwave popcorn. Fennel Hudson
You can escape completely, seeking an alternative life, or you can play the game and go absent without leave. How you do it is up to you. Fennel Hudson
There is a difference between ‘off-limits’ and those places you can visit without getting caught. Fennel Hudson
I’ve made it my mission to discover that which is off the beaten track. Somewhere in the undergrowth of the impossible. Fennel Hudson
I’ll be off exploring, searching for those out-of-bounds places where dreams exist. Fennel Hudson
Breathe deeply, focus your thoughts, and say out loud, “The quest begins here. Fennel Hudson
To sit on the stile would be to continue a familiar existence. To cross the stile would be to begin something new. Fennel Hudson
My tent doesn’t look like much but, as an estate agent might say, “It is air-conditioned and has exceptional location. Fennel Hudson
Life in the wild, as I’m observing, is about survival as much as pleasure. Fennel Hudson
The promise of adventure is often more exciting than the adventure itself. Fennel Hudson
To see more than a reflection requires us to filter what we see, to view the world with honest eyes. Fennel Hudson
Choice and perception are closely linked. They are unique, personal and emotional. Fennel Hudson
Wear your heart on your sleeve. Write about what you think and feel. And share it with your friends. Fennel Hudson
Michelin Star? I’d rather chew a French rubber tyre. Fennel Hudson
Yearn for the opposite, to buck the trend, to be different. Fennel Hudson
Be individual, break free from the flock to avoid the predictable midsummer haircut. Fennel Hudson