16 Quotes & Sayings By Alex Morgan

Alex Morgan is a writer, artist, and editor of children's books. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two children. Her work has appeared in national magazines like The Best American Short Stories, Utne Reader, and Bananas.

Sportsmanship is definitely an important thing in all sports. In soccer, we all respect each other on such a high level, between Sweden and Brazil and Japan or whatever team it is. Alex Morgan
I think it's huge, especially in team sports, for players to be able to rely on each other and to really trust in each other. Alex Morgan
I have done 'Sports Illustrated, ' but I don't regret it because it portrayed me in a positive way - as an athlete. Alex Morgan
I rarely felt or noticed any real divide between girls and boys when I was growing up. Maybe it was because I was so involved in sports and competed with the boys. Maybe it was my mom and dad, who constantly instilled confidence in me and never made me feel as though there were boy activities and girl activities. Alex Morgan
It wasn't until 1999 when my idols Mia Hamm and Kristine Lilly took home the women's World Cup trophy at the Rose Bowl in front of 40 million TV viewers that I remember thinking how rare it was to see women play sports on TV. Alex Morgan
I started off playing sports when I was five years old. I played three or four sports all throughout the year. Alex Morgan
Social media has come a long way. With the good has come some bad, and you always have a lot of people hiding behind their computers and being very critical of what you do on and off the field, of what you tweet, of what you say, of everything you do. Alex Morgan
I played volleyball, basketball, softball, and I started to love soccer the most around 7-8 years old because it was a physical game. I could use my speed and strength to my advantage. Alex Morgan
My goal is to show girls that I'm fighting so they don't have to, so they don't have to fight the same battles, so they don't have to fight for wage equality or whatever it may be. Alex Morgan
I could always score goals. I loved that feeling of having your team look to you, that feeling of leadership. Alex Morgan
I have a couple of go-to sneakers off the pitch. I like to have shoes that I can slip on and wear with anything. I travel often, so it's about finding those two or three pairs of shoes that can go with any outfit, whether they go with leggings or a skirt or a dress or jeans. Alex Morgan
I think it's important to keep things positive. Sometimes you don't win, and that sucks, and you work on improving. Alex Morgan
It's so easy to lose your fitness and so hard to gain it back. Alex Morgan
To force a change, sometimes you need to stand up. You know what you're worth - rather than what your employer is paying you. Alex Morgan
I don't really have many regrets. I did miss a lot of the events in the days leading up to my sister's wedding because I was at a U17 camp. There were moments like that growing up when I felt like I focused too much on soccer. But that's probably the reason I am where I am today. Alex Morgan