100 Quotes About Perfection

Perfectionism is a persistent thought pattern that results in feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-worth. Perfectionism can sometimes become an addiction; you can become so focused on “not making mistakes,” the pressure to meet impossible standards can cause you to make mistakes without realizing it. These perfectionism quotes will help you learn how to treat your inner critic with kindness and compassion.

The unqualified truth is, that when I loved Estella with the love of a man, I loved her simply because I found her irresistible. Once for all; I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. Once for all; I love her none the less because I knew it, and it had no more influence in restraining me, than if I had devoutly believed her to be human perfection. Charles Dickens
My wife with the hair of a wood fire With the thoughts of heat lightning With the waist of an hourglass With the waist of an otter in the teeth of a tiger My wife with the lips of a cockade and of a bunch of stars of the last magnitude With the teeth of tracks of white mice on the white earth With the tongue of rubbed amber and glass My wife with the tongue of a stabbed host With the tongue of a doll that opens and closes its eyes With the tongue of an unbelievable stone My wife with the eyelashes of strokes of a child's writing With brows of the edge of a swallow's nest My wife with the brow of slates of a hothouse roof And of steam on the panes My wife with shoulders of champagne And of a fountain with dolphin-heads beneath the ice My wife with wrists of matches My wife with fingers of luck and ace of hearts With fingers of mown hay My wife with armpits of marten and of beechnut And of Midsummer NightOf privet and of an angelfish nest With arms of seafoam and of riverlocks And of a mingling of the wheat and the mill My wife with legs of flares With the movements of clockwork and despair My wife with calves of eldertree pith My wife with feet of initials With feet of rings of keys and Java sparrows drinking My wife with a neck of unpearled barley My wife with a throat of the valley of gold Of a tryst in the very bed of the torrent With breasts of night My wife with breasts of a marine molehill My wife with breasts of the ruby's crucible With breasts of the rose's spectre beneath the dew My wife with the belly of an unfolding of the fan of days With the belly of a gigantic claw My wife with the back of a bird fleeing vertically With a back of quicksilver With a back of light With a nape of rolled stone and wet chalk And of the drop of a glass where one has just been drinking My wife with hips of a skiff With hips of a chandelier and of arrow-feathers And of shafts of white peacock plumes Of an insensible pendulum My wife with buttocks of sandstone and asbestos My wife with buttocks of swans' backs My wife with buttocks of spring With the sex of an iris My wife with the sex of a mining-placer and of a platypus My wife with a sex of seaweed and ancient sweetmeat My wife with a sex of mirror My wife with eyes full of tears With eyes of purple panoply and of a magnetic needle My wife with savanna eyes My wife with eyes of water to he drunk in prison My wife with eyes of wood always under the axe My wife with eyes of water-level of level of air earth and fire . Unknown
Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect-and I don't live to be-but before you start pointing fingers...make sure you hands are clean! Bob Marley
For everything in this journey of life we are on, there is a right wing and a left wing: for the wing of love there is anger; for the wing of destiny there is fear; for the wing of pain there is healing; for the wing of hurt there is forgiveness; for the wing of pride there is humility; for the wing of giving there is taking; for the wing of tears there is joy; for the wing of rejection there is acceptance; for the wing of judgment there is grace; for the wing of honor there is shame; for the wing of letting go there is the wing of keeping. We can only fly with two wings and two wings can only stay in the air if there is a balance. Two beautiful wings is perfection. There is a generation of people who idealize perfection as the existence of only one of these wings every time. But I see that a bird with one wing is imperfect. An angel with one wing is imperfect. A butterfly with one wing is dead. So this generation of people strive to always cut off the other wing in the hopes of embodying their ideal of perfection, and in doing so, have created a crippled race. C. Joybell C.
Perfectly ImperfectWe have all heard that no two snowflakes are alike. Each snowflake takes the perfect form for the maximum efficiency and effectiveness for its journey. And while the universal force of gravity gives them a shared destination, the expansive space in the air gives each snowflake the opportunity to take their own path. They are on the same journey, but each takes a different path. Along this gravity-driven journey, some snowflakes collide and damage each other, some collide and join together, some are influenced by wind.. there are so many transitions and changes that take place along the journey of the snowflake. But, no matter what the transition, the snowflake always finds itself perfectly shaped for its journey. I find parallels in nature to be a beautiful reflection of grand orchestration. One of these parallels is of snowflakes and us. We, too, are all headed in the same direction. We are being driven by a universal force to the same destination. We are all individuals taking different journeys and along our journey, we sometimes bump into each other, we cross paths, we become altered.. we take different physical forms. But at all times we too are 100% perfectly imperfect. At every given moment we are absolutely perfect for what is required for our journey. I’m not perfect for your journey and you’re not perfect for my journey, but I’m perfect for my journey and you’re perfect for your journey. We’re heading to the same place, we’re taking different routes, but we’re both exactly perfect the way we are. Think of what understanding this great orchestration could mean for relationships. Imagine interacting with others knowing that they too each share this parallel with the snowflake. Like you, they are headed to the same place and no matter what they may appear like to you, they have taken the perfect form for their journey. How strong our relationships would be if we could see and respect that we are all perfectly imperfect for our journey. Steve Maraboli
[F]or just one second, look at your life and see how perfect it is. Stop looking for the next secret door that is going to lead you to your real life. Stop waiting. This is it: there's nothing else. It's here, and you'd better decide to enjoy it or you're going to be miserable wherever you go, for the rest of your life, forever. Lev Grossman
There are two things we should always be 1. raw and 2. ready. When you are raw, you are always ready and when you are ready you usually realize that you are raw. Waiting for perfection is not an answer, one cannot say "I will be ready when I am perfect" because then you will never be ready, rather one must say "I am raw and I am ready just like this right now, how and who I am. C. Joybell C.
Too late, I found you can't wait to become perfect,...
Too late, I found you can't wait to become perfect, you got to go out and fall down and get up with everybody else. Ray Bradbury
Life isn’t meant to be lived perfectly…but merely to be LIVED. Boldly, wildly, beautifully, uncertainly, imperfectly, magically LIVED. Mandy Hale
HOW do you define a word without concrete meaning? To each his own, the saying goes, so W H Ypush to attain an ideal state of being that no two random people will agree is W H E R E you want to be? Faultless. Finished. Incomparable. People can never be these, and anyway, W H E Ndid creating a flawless facade become a more vital goal than learning to love the person W H Olives inside your skin? The outside belongs to others. Only you should decide for you -WHATis perfect. Ellen Hopkins
If people reach perfection they vanish, you know.
If people reach perfection they vanish, you know. T.h. White
There must be something wrong with those people who think...
There must be something wrong with those people who think Audrey Hepburn doesn’t perspire, hiccup or sneeze, because they know that’s not true. I n fact, I hiccup more than most. Audrey Hepburn
Every being, created by God and unspoiled by man, is perfect, strictly defined and autonomous, entirely complete and at the same time with a built-in ability to grow and develop. This is the essence of its dignity and holiness. It is not an embodiment of God’s immense Personality, but only one of the realisations of His perfection. Danail Hristov
Normal is over rated, and so is spelling. You want perfection? Go out and buy a spell check, but know this: Spellcheck won't keep you warm at night or love you unconditionaly. I will stick to being abnormal and a bad speller. Makes life more interesting. After all, what fun is there in being normal or perfect? Cristina Marrero
Let people be the pursuits of happiness, you be the...
Let people be the pursuits of happiness, you be the pursuit of perfection. Amit Kalantri
There is desire in the perfect, beauty in the imperfect....
There is desire in the perfect, beauty in the imperfect. Thus I lust over the flawless, and fall amorously forceless to the flawed. Ilyas Kassam
YOU ARE JUSTYou are not just for the right or left, but for what is right over the wrong. You are not just rich or poor, but always wealthy in the mind and heart. You are not perfect, but flawed. You are flawed, but you are just. You may just be conscious human, but you are also a magnificentreflection of God. Suzy Kassem
There is truth, my boy. But the doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist. Nor should you long for a perfect doctrine, my friend. Rather, you should long for the perfection of yourself. The deity is within you, not in ideas and books. Truth is lived, not taught. Hermann Hesse
If we forget our story we were doomed to repeat...
If we forget our story we were doomed to repeat it Heather Nelson
Oh, he did look like a deity — the perfect balance of danger and charm, he was at the same time fascinating and inaccessible, distant because of his demonstrated flawlessness, and possessing such strength of character that he was dismaying and at the same time utterly attractive in an enticing and forbidden way. Simona Panova
Every time I create something, whether an idea or a work of art, initially, its supposed completion seems absolutely perfect to me. However the more I think about it, stare it down, the more it marinates in my soul over the hours, days, and weeks, the more flaws I start to find in it; and finally, the more I'm pressed to continue enhancing it. It essentially turns out that whatever thing a flawed and imperfect, human eye once thought was amazing begins to appear quite wretched. This is why, eternally, God cannot be impressed by mere talents or by mortal achievements. To perfect eyes, I imagine that great is not really that great; rather, humility is ultimately a human being's true greatness. Criss Jami
We are beautiful because we are sons and daughters of God, not because we look a certain way. Kate Wicker
... one flaw throws the loveliness of [everything else] into focus. I remember reading that Shakers deliberately introduced a mistake into the things they made, to show that man shouldn't aspire to the perfection of God. Flawed can be more perfect than perfection. Gretchen Rubin
The Weight of One Feather"Given.Many fear death Because they already Feel ridden with sin, But no man on this earth Is filled with only white light Within. Have more faith In our Maker, For our souls and minds Were created by Him.Just remember that, When your deeds Are measured By the scale — The good side Must outweigh The bad, And your heart Must be as light As a feather To win. Suzy Kassem
God always ignores the present perfection for the ultimate perfection.
God always ignores the present perfection for the ultimate perfection. Oswald Chambers
We're all fools, " said Clemens, "all the time. It's just we're a different kind each day. We think, I'm not a fool today. I've learned my lesson. I was a fool yesterday but not this morning. Then tomorrow we find out that, yes, we were a fool today too. I think the only way we can grow and get on in this world is to accept the fact we're not perfect and live accordingly. Ray Bradbury
Nothing and no one is perfect. It just takes a...
Nothing and no one is perfect. It just takes a good eye to find those hidden imperfections. Daphne Delacroix
Everything that looks too perfect is too perfect to be perfect. Dejan Stojanovic
Dont brag about being perfect..imperfections are what makes you attractive..
Dont brag about being perfect..imperfections are what makes you attractive.. Sandra Chami Kassis
Clinging to our ideas of perfection isolates us from life...
Clinging to our ideas of perfection isolates us from life and is a barrier. Sharon Salzberg
I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. Edgar Allan Poe
I'm living a dream I never want to wake up...
I'm living a dream I never want to wake up from. Cristiano Ronaldo
Stop waiting for the perfect day or the perfect moment......
Stop waiting for the perfect day or the perfect moment... Take THIS day, THIS moment and lead it to perfection. Steve Maraboli
Happiness consists in always aspiring perfection, the pause in any...
Happiness consists in always aspiring perfection, the pause in any level in perfection is the pause of happiness Leo Tolstoy
We are souls, eternal and perfect, captains of our mystic ships: gods and goddesses of our universe. We are beautiful, we pearls of grit. We, the ember of everything. Our uniqueness IS what makes us special, and the expression of it is our gift to the rest of us. In order to feel happy and fulfilled, we must honour our own personal brand of creativity.. let it out into the world.. BE who we came here to BE. . Angie Karan
Remember your connection with the cosmos. Remember your connection with...
Remember your connection with the cosmos. Remember your connection with the infinity and that remembrance will give you the freedom. Amit Ray
There is a perfection in everything that cannot be owned. Unknown
My sense of the holy is bound up with the...
My sense of the holy is bound up with the hope that some day my remote descendants will live in a global civilization in which love is pretty much the only law. Richard M. Rorty
Their grumpiness is often the grumpiness of perfectionists who hold that anything less than total victory is failure, a premise that makes it easy to give up at the start or to disparage the victories that are possible. This is Earth. It will never be heaven. There will always be cruelty, always be violence, always be de- struction. Rebecca Solnit
Perfection of character is this: to live each day as...
Perfection of character is this: to live each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, without apathy, without pretence. Marcus Aurelius
The perfect being, huh? There is no such thing as perfect in this world. That may sound cliché, but it’s the truth. The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it. But, what’s the point of achieving perfection? There is none. Nothing. Not a single thing. I loathe perfection! If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities. Do you know what that means? For scientists such as ourselves, perfection only brings despair. It is our job to create things more wonderful than anything before them, but never to obtain perfection. A scientist must be a person who finds ecstasy while suffering from that antimony. In short, the moment that foolishness left your mouth and reached my ears, you had already lost. Of course, that’s assuming you are a scientist . Tite Kubo
The woman is the most perfect doll that i have...
The woman is the most perfect doll that i have dressed with delight and admiration. Karl Lagerfeld
Don't aim for perfection. Aim for 'better than yesterday'.
Don't aim for perfection. Aim for 'better than yesterday'. Izey Victoria Odiase
I know he wasn’t perfect… But he did the best impression of it I’ve ever seen. Ranata Suzuki
There is a very thin line of difference between a Pessimist and a Perfectionist. Both are scared to fail, strive for ideal but the only think unlike in the two is- Pessimist thinks it will last forever and Perfectionist knows it won't. Jasleen Kaur Gumber
Passion makes you good, but pride stops you to get...
Passion makes you good, but pride stops you to get better. Amit Kalantri
Be not perfect, be just and kind.
Be not perfect, be just and kind. Debasish Mridha
Ld heads forgetful of their sins, Old, learned, respectable bald heads Edit and annotate the lines That young men, tossing on their beds, Rhymed out in love’s despair To flatter beauty’s ignorant ear. They’ll cough in the ink to the world’s end; Wear out the carpet with their shoes Earning respect; have no strange friend; If they have sinned nobody knows. Lord, what would they say Should their Catullus walk that way? . W.b. Yeats
The Author To Her BookThou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain, Who after birth did'st by my side remain, Till snatcht from thence by friends, less wise than true, Who thee abroad exposed to public view, Made thee in rags, halting to th' press to trudge, Where errors were not lessened (all may judge). At thy return my blushing was not small, My rambling brat (in print) should mother call. I cast thee by as one unfit for light, The visage was so irksome in my sight, Yet being mine own, at length affection would Thy blemishes amend, if so I could. I washed thy face, but more defects I saw, And rubbing off a spot, still made a flaw. I stretcht thy joints to make thee even feet, Yet still thou run'st more hobbling than is meet. In better dress to trim thee was my mind, But nought save home-spun cloth, i' th' house I find. In this array, 'mongst vulgars may'st thou roam. In critic's hands, beware thou dost not come, And take thy way where yet thou art not known. If for thy father askt, say, thou hadst none; And for thy mother, she alas is poor, Which caused her thus to send thee out of door. Anne Bradstreet
Persistence. Perfection. Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. It keeps you...
Persistence. Perfection. Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. It keeps you sane. Criss Jami
I often ask myself, 'Who would Jesus vote for?' Then I start to think that he wouldn't vote at all; however, it would not be out of apathy or disinterest, but out of perfection and light. As a miracle worker, I think he would, by the power of God's teachings, the perseverance and the truth, influence in a modern sense whoever is put into office how to best serve his fellow men. One, like his skeptics, may find that impractical. But there is a message in that no man in power can slow the momentum of the will of God, and the miracles of his teachings will be forever victorious. . Criss Jami
Special Logan Kiss...Yeah, but you didn't know that I'd recited how i felt for you right then, in that moment, in my mins. The words flowed silently, so easily. There's no mistaking them. When I gave you those kisses, I was telling myself and you.... He peck my nose "I..."He kisses my forehead "..LOVE.."My heart swells as He presses his lips to my chin, then he whispers " YOU... E.L. Montes
When all the details fit in perfectly, something is probably...
When all the details fit in perfectly, something is probably wrong with the story. Charles Baxter
Perfectionism means that you try not to leave so much...
Perfectionism means that you try not to leave so much mess to clean up. But clutter and mess show us that life is being lived. Anne Lamott
Perfection is not a destination it's a never-ending process... Enjoy!
Perfection is not a destination it's a never-ending process... Enjoy! Jim Bouchard
Even if we try to conform to ideals and strive for perfection, we will always be pulled back to our core identity because it’s the path of least resistance for our souls — an energy force that wants nothing more than for us to honor and accept who we are and discover what we’re meant to do in the world. Jennifer Elisabeth
The secret does not lie in the perfection of your...
The secret does not lie in the perfection of your path, but in recognizing its imperfection. Krist Pauwels
There is no limit to how good you can get...
There is no limit to how good you can get in pursuit of perfection. Sachin Kumar Puli
The power of thought is the light of knowledge, the...
The power of thought is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of heart is love. Reason, love and power of will are perfections of man. Ludwig Feuerbach
You are not white, but a rainbow of colors. You are not black, but golden. You are not just a nationality, but a citizen of the world. You are not just for the right or left, but for what is right over the wrong. You are not just rich or poor, but always wealthy in the mind and heart. You are not perfect, but flawed. You are flawed, but you are just. You may just be conscious human, but you are also a magnificentreflection of God. Suzy Kassem
Some of the most polished ideas are discovered through healthy, honest debate, so if you don't argue with yourself every once in a while, other people will gladly point out if, in any sense, you missed a spot. Criss Jami
You may not understand issues that do not pertain to the heart, but be a master in areas that do. Nobody knows everything, and nobody can be a master of everything. Nobody was created perfect, and nobody should be measured according to perfection. It is the weight of your heart that matters the most in the end. All else is irrelevant. Suzy Kassem
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. Unknown
Don't mistake activity with achievement.
Don't mistake activity with achievement. John Wooden
Perfection' is man's ultimate illusion. It simply doesn't exist in...
Perfection' is man's ultimate illusion. It simply doesn't exist in the universe.... If you are a perfectionist, you are guaranteed to be a loser in whatever you do. David D. Burns
I don't know where this pressure came from. I can't blame my parents because it has always felt internal. Like any other parent, my mother celebrated the A grades and the less-than- A grades she felt there was no need to tell anybody about. But not acknowledging the effort that ended in a less than perfect result impacted me as a child. If I didn't win, then we wouldn't tell anyone that I had even competed to save us the embarrassment of acknowledging that someone else was better. Keeping the secret made me think that losing was something to be ashamed of, and that unless I was sure I was going to be the champion there was no point in trying. And there was certainly no point to just having fun. . Portia De Rossi
If you gone come in second, you're just the first...
If you gone come in second, you're just the first loser! Tiger Woods
The perfect scenario is when you are living your dream,...
The perfect scenario is when you are living your dream, when you have found your gift and when you are working to bring it to perfection Sunday Adelaja
The secret of success lies in the perfection of one’s...
The secret of success lies in the perfection of one’s gift and working frantically towards God’s given potential Sunday Adelaja
Don't be afraid to be successful, and keep in your...
Don't be afraid to be successful, and keep in your mind that you don't have another choice “be successful or be successful “. Aymen Tmar
Don't be afraid to be successful, and keep in your...
Don't be afraid to be successful, and keep in your mind that you don't have another choice “be successful or be successful Aymen Tmar
Don't be afraid to be successful, and keep in your...
Don't be afraid to be successful, and keep in your mind that you don't have another choice be successful or be successful Aymen Tmar
It's never easy when you're constantly looking to become more.
It's never easy when you're constantly looking to become more. T Jay Taylor
If you're not aiming at perfection, you're not trying hard...
If you're not aiming at perfection, you're not trying hard enough. Wayne Gerard Trotman
When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can...
When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. Donald Miller
Share your weaknesses. Share your hard moments. Share your real side. It'll either scare away every fake person in your life or it will inspire them to finally let go of that mirage called "perfection, " which will open the doors to the most important relationships you'll ever be a part of. Dan Pearce
I am not looking for a
I am not looking for a "perfect" man. Only one who matches me on an emotional, spiritual, sexual, and intellectual level. Amanda Mosher
It seemed he was the perfect lover, at least for the moment. He did not live where you lived. He did not see you often enough, or for long enough, for you to grow bored, or to feel afraid that you were not feeling love---or worse, that you were. The perfection had a cost, which is that he was not in any true sense a real person. He was a coat you bought off the rack, an unsuperlative fashion statement. Ben Greenman
The best relationship is not one that brings together perfect partners, but rather one in which the partners learn to live with the differences, imperfections and objections of one another, and seek to appreciate the good qualities that make this relationship worth building on in order to survive better together. Nabil N. Jamal
I think we need to develop a powerful dose of...
I think we need to develop a powerful dose of tolerance to understand each other’s humanness. None of us is perfect. Cathy Burnham Martin
If you spend your time trying to become who everyone else wants you to be, you will be torn apart. There is no way to be perfect in a world with so many different opinions on the right way to be. If you want to feel whole, you have to live as who you believe you need to be. Avina Celeste
We are all looking for perfection in our lives, but...
We are all looking for perfection in our lives, but the truth is, there is no perfect. There’s just better and worse. And for what we are in this world, not being perfect is the perfect thing. Hamid Saleh
Perfection is not to be attained, but to be pursued infinitely. Abhijit Naskar
There are moments on stage when everything comes together. Then...
There are moments on stage when everything comes together. Then the kid in the front row coughs. Connie Brockway
Don't waste your whole lifetime waiting for the perfect life...
Don't waste your whole lifetime waiting for the perfect life when there's a perfectly good one within and right in front of you. Rasheed Ogunlaru
Don't worry about not doing "it" perfectly right now. It's ok, just keep at it, you will soon settle in it and then you'll be glad you didn't give up. All you need is to be sure that GOD's hand is in it. TemitOpe Ibrahim
Don't worry about not doing
Don't worry about not doing "it" perfectly right now. It's ok, just keep at it, you will soon settle in it and then you'll be glad you didn't give up. TemitOpe Ibrahim
We ought to regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its antecedent state and as the cause of the state that is to follow. An intelligence knowing all the forces acting in nature at a given instant, as well as the momentary positions of all things in the universe, would be able to comprehend in one single formula the motions of the largest bodies as well as the lightest atoms in the world, provided that its intellect were sufficiently powerful to subject all data to analysis; to it nothing would be uncertain, the future as well as the past would be present to its eyes. The perfection that the human mind has been able to give to astronomy affords but a feeble outline of such an intelligence. PierreSimon Laplace
Run! Go perfect your crafts. Run! Go use your creativity.
Run! Go perfect your crafts. Run! Go use your creativity. Sunday Adelaja
Whatever it is you have been called to do, if...
Whatever it is you have been called to do, if you will invest time into perfecting it, you will soon be reckoned among the great in your society. Sunday Adelaja
Find out your talents and gifting and invest your whole...
Find out your talents and gifting and invest your whole time into perfecting them and becoming the best of yourself. Sunday Adelaja
How rude of me, we haven’t even introduced ourselves. We’re the Andersons. I’m Evan, the lovely size-zero lass in the floppy sun hat is my wife Amy, and these are our best friends/children, Evan and Amy Jr. As you can see, we’re very fit and active. You know what our family’s average percentage of body fat is? Three. Yes, really. We got it tested last year when we all became organ donors. You may have noticed that I’m carrying Amy on my back. We do that a lot. At least once a day, and not just when we’re in fields like this; we do it on beaches and in urban environments as well. That’s what happens when your love is deep and playful like ours. You should also know that we also dab frosting on each other’s noses every single time we eat cupcakes, which is both mischievous and very us. Do you guys even eat cupcakes?. Colin Nissan
In this world, perfection is an illusion. Reagrdless of all those who utter the contrary, this is the reality. Obviously mediocre fools will forever lust for perfection and seek it out. However, what meaning is there in perfection? None. Not a bit..After perfection there exists nothing higher. Not even room for creation which means there is no room for wisdom or talent either. Understand? To scientists like ourselves, perfection is despair. - Kurotsuchi Mayuri (Bleach 306) . Tite Kubo
Constrained optimization is the art of compromise between conflicting objectives. This is what design is all about. To find fault with biological design - as Stephen Jay Gould regularly does - because it misses some idealized optimum is therefore gratuitous. Not knowing the objectives of the designer, Gould is in no position to say whether the designer has proposed a faulty compromise among those objectives. . William A. Dembski
The point is, Jenna, no one is normal or perfect...
The point is, Jenna, no one is normal or perfect like that house you see across the street. Everyone suffers from their own struggles, whether they’re big or small. E.L. Montes
But stories are like people, Atticus. Loving them doesn’t make them perfect. You try to cherish their virtues and overlook their flaws. The flaws are still there, though. ""But you don’t get mad. Not like Pop does."" No, that’s true, I don’t get mad. Not at stories. They do disappoint me sometimes." He looked at the shelves. "Sometimes, they stab me in the heart. Matt Ruff
You will be a different person after the storm, because...
You will be a different person after the storm, because the storm will heal you from your perfection. Bryant McGill
You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and...
You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and wonderfully made. Abiola Abrams
Perfection Doesn’t Need Adornments or Accessories to Be Called ‘Perfect’....
Perfection Doesn’t Need Adornments or Accessories to Be Called ‘Perfect’. It’s more like 'living in the moment' which can’t be described even by The Wisest Ascetic on this earth. Taranpreet Singh
The Christian God seemed the most offensive to people precisely...
The Christian God seemed the most offensive to people precisely because he was the most godlike. He was too perfect even to be coaxed by human efforts, and therefore sent his son to do the job. Criss Jami