55 Quotes About Distraction

It’s easy to get distracted by the little things in life, such as social media, television, and other activities. We all get drawn into negative experiences which can cause us to lose sight of what we came to do. Sometimes it’s not easy to change our habits and distractions to focus on the things that matter. If you find yourself drifting away from your life’s ambitions and dreams, take a look at these quotes about distractions to remind yourself why you’re here and how you can keep moving forward.

Phones are distracting. The internet is distracting. The way he...
Phones are distracting. The internet is distracting. The way he looked at you? He wasn't distracted. He was consumed. Stephanie Perkins
War is being reminded that you are completely at the...
War is being reminded that you are completely at the mercy of death at every moment, without the illusion that you are not. Without the distractions that make life worth living. Francesca Lia Block
If you keep focusing on what people have to say or will say about you, you will lose focus of what God has called you to do. Never let distractions bother you...if you do, you will only be giving your energy to an unworthy cause. Kemi Sogunle
Knowledge of who we are prevents us from being distracted...
Knowledge of who we are prevents us from being distracted by the demands of our surroundings Sunday Adelaja
In those days a boy on the classical side officially did almost nothing but classics. I think this was wise; the greatest service we can to education today is to teach few subjects. No one has time to do more than a very few things well before he is twenty, and when we force a boy to be a mediocrity in a dozen subjects we destroy his standards, perhaps for life. C.s. Lewis
How tragic it is to find that an entire lifetime...
How tragic it is to find that an entire lifetime is wasted in pursuit of distractions while purpose is neglected. Sunday Adelaja
If you understand that a wasted time is a wasted life, you will start running away from television, you will begin to run away from movies, you will run away from games like criminal case and candy crush. Sunday Adelaja
When you understand the value of time, the resource and...
When you understand the value of time, the resource and the wealth of time, you will be running away from the crowd, you will be running away from distractions. Sunday Adelaja
Your time keeps flying away into vanity while you dine...
Your time keeps flying away into vanity while you dine with your distractions. Your life keeps diminishing while you waste your time feeding your distractions. Sunday Adelaja
Your time keeps flying away into vanity while you dine...
Your time keeps flying away into vanity while you dine with your distractions. Sunday Adelaja
Your ability to overcome distractions will determine how long you...
Your ability to overcome distractions will determine how long you can stay in solitude. Sunday Adelaja
Most of the people in the world are just distracted...
Most of the people in the world are just distracted and work only on the surface but if you will be deep enough to concentrate and study or rehearse anything, the world will bow in honor of you. Sunday Adelaja
When you are able to overcome distractions, then you will...
When you are able to overcome distractions, then you will be able to do something more specific, something more precise and definite with the time that you have. Sunday Adelaja
It is easier to convert your time into products when...
It is easier to convert your time into products when you move away from any distractions. Sunday Adelaja
You must understand that your creativity comes alive when you...
You must understand that your creativity comes alive when you spend time alone focusing on your projects without distractions. Sunday Adelaja
Eliminate all distractions and focus on things that add value...
Eliminate all distractions and focus on things that add value to your life Sunday Adelaja
Frequently we do not leave the past behind. We clasp...
Frequently we do not leave the past behind. We clasp on to it. We dissect it, and let fears for the future, tempered by the past, unconsciously prevent us from taking up the task eternal. Ray Simpson
We rarely find answers in the distractions. But oh what...
We rarely find answers in the distractions. But oh what possibilities live within the quiet of solitude. In my fear to be alone, I distracted myself away from the deep beauty of my own solitude. Scott Stabile
Don’t let the things of the world distract you. Focus...
Don’t let the things of the world distract you. Focus on your purpose Sunday Adelaja
If you know who you are and know that you...
If you know who you are and know that you live to achieve goals in keeping with who you are, it does not matter if people give you compliments or not Sunday Adelaja
Normal people live distracted, rarely fully present. Weird people silence...
Normal people live distracted, rarely fully present. Weird people silence the distractions and remain fully in the moment. Craig Groeschel
Shame on the misguided, the blinded, the distracted and the...
Shame on the misguided, the blinded, the distracted and the divided. Shame. You have allowed deceptive men to corrupt and desensitize your hearts and minds to unethically fuel their greed. Suzy Kassem
So many wants distract man from his divine purpose.
So many wants distract man from his divine purpose. Lailah Gifty Akita
The old school of thought would have you believe that you'd be a fool to take on nature without arming yourself with every conceivable measure of safety and comfort under the sun. But that isn't what being in nature is all about. Rather, it's about feeling free, unbounded, shedding the distractions and barriers of our civilization–not bringing them with us. Ryel Kestenbaum
… I studied the painting that hangs over the small fireplace. Immerse myself in art, I told myself. Immerse myself in the conversation of those strollers, people who seem to move about more comfortably in their early-evening twilight than I do, people of maybe sixty years ago. Diane B. Saxton
Learning to let go is not giving up! It is simply passing the burden to a better fighter, so you can fight another day. (God) Shannon L. Alder
For convenience sake, we deny the truth and look past it. Instant pleasure transforms quietly into immense pain. Amitav Chowdhury
You can’t really think hard about what you’re doing and listen to the radio at the same time. Maybe they didn’t see their job as having anything to do with hard thought, just wrench twiddling. Robert M. Pirsig
People who are distracted by door money, neglect the production and the audience. Money becomes their god. They sacrifice their reputation in favor of building revenue. Believe me; the former is more difficult to recover if lost. Carlos Wallace
Never pay attention to the distractions in life. Focus on possibilities. Lailah Gifty Akita
Fight for what you want. Never allow anything to distract you. Lailah Gifty Akita
How might it feel to be fully present in every moment all of the time? Joyce Rachelle
The hardest chore to do, and to do right, is to think. Why do you think the common man would choose labor, partially, as a distraction from his own thoughts? It is because that level of stress, he most absolutely abhors. Criss Jami
I just follow God's lead. One step, one day and one opportunity at a time. The hardest part is not becoming distracted. Carlos Wallace
Believe in yourself, don't let no man define your future, work hard at your trade as if no man exist to help you and focus should be your lens against distractions. Oscar Bimpong
The problem with making a virtual world of oneself is akin to the problem with projecting ourselves onto a cyberworld: there’s no end of virtual spaces in which to seek stimulation, but their very endlessness, the perpetual stimulation without satisfaction, becomes imprisoning. Jonathan Franzen
Learning has been liberated from the despotism of the few and is now available to the mass public for one's own evolution. Yet many of us continue to find solace in illusions, in conformity to systematical oppression, in distractions that keep us mentally, socially and often physically retarded. D. Allen Miller
Ambient sounds, especially with words, occupy about 5-10% of your intellectual bandwidth. By wearing ear protectors, you acoustically isolate yourself. This freed up bandwidth can now be focused on the desired task. It's a great deal. Just put on some earmuffs and you become 5-10% smarter. Peter Rogers
My imagination functions much better when I don't have to speak to people. Patricia Highsmith
Consistent and chronic distractions have the power we give it focal access, to rob us of our long-term historic memory of unhurried moments in life where we are divinely invited to experience that which is the lovely, praiseworthy and excellent..give heed to the call of voices in a song that raises the vibration of a melodic verses, in such a spectacular way, that our neurons create a bio-celluar concert to revive the soul of our best memories.selah . Tracey Bond
Talking to oneself is a recognized means to learn, in fact, self-speak may be the seed concept behind human consciousness. Private conversation that we hold with ourselves might represent the preeminent means to provoke the speaker into thinking (a form of cognitive auto-stimulation), modify behavior, and perhaps even amend the functional architecture of the plastic human brain. Writing out our private talks with oneself enables a person to “see” what they think, a process that invites reflection, ongoing thoughtful discourse with the self, and refinement of our thinking patterns and beliefs. Internal sotto voice conversations with our private-self provide several advantages, but most people find it difficult to maintain self-speak for an extended period. Internal dialogue must compete with external distractions. Writing allows a person to resume a personal dialogue where they left off before interrupted by outside stimuli. A written disquisition also provides a permanent record that a person can examine, amend, supplement, update, or reject. . Kilroy J. Oldster
Climb upon the hates, and build upon the loves. Anthony Liccione
Once you decide to do right, life is easy, there are no distractions. William Stafford
I felt like I wasn’t living thoroughly enough – I was distracted in ways I wouldn’t be if I’d been born in 1929. Miranda July
Knowing that one thing you want is a great step. Sure, whether you prefer or not, you'll get offers, and many will seem just like that one thing you want. Ufuoma Apoki
You have to be so disciplined that even your distractions become focused. Onyi Anyado
It might behoove us to realize that isolation is the absence of all the senseless clutter, and all the incessant racket that would keep God from having ample room to show up and sufficient silence to be heard. Therefore, isolation may actually be the place where we are least isolated. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Fire, ice, asteroids and pole shifts are bogeymen with which we distract ourselves from the real threat of our time. In an age when everyone invents his own truth, there is no community, only factions. Without community, there can be no consensus to resist the greedy, the envious, the power-mad narcissists who seize control and turn the institutions of civilization into a series of doom machines. Dean Koontz
Pressure knocks at my door A clock ticks and demands its due The lava burns from the floor But not in a game like it used to. So little time to figure it all out So many distractions to prevent success I’m in a dark forest with no path or route But this internal fire knows no rest. Justin Wetch
Manifestation blossoms when we turn down or tune out doubtful noise. T.F. Hodge
I find that when I come out of the library I’m in what I call the library bliss of being totally taken away from the distractions of li Tracy Chevalier
Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short. Adam Hochschild
One way to boost our will power and focus is to manage our distractions instead of letting them manage us. Daniel Goleman
Women's bodies are amazing; what our bodies can do is incredible, so it's sad that we get distracted - all this stuff about being skinny, be this, be that - they're all distractions. Rebecca Ferguson