58 Quotes About Actor

How many of your favorite characters have you admired, both on the big and small screen? From influential figures like Leonardo DiCaprio to memorable characters like Leonardo DiCaprio, there are so many famous actors out there that it’s easy to get lost in their incredible talent. Pop culture is full of inspiring quotes about actors that prove they’re more than just pretty faces. See below for quotes that will inspire you to find your own talent and pursue your dreams.

Only the gentle are ever really strong.
Only the gentle are ever really strong. James Dean
The most talented people are always the nicest.
The most talented people are always the nicest. James Caan
Every villian is a hero in his own mind.
Every villian is a hero in his own mind. Tom Hiddleston
A sex worker deserves a billion times more respect, than...
A sex worker deserves a billion times more respect, than the mystical fraudsters of the society, such as astrologers, psychics and tarot card readers. Abhijit Naskar
If you want to be a good actor or director,...
If you want to be a good actor or director, firstly see life, secondly see films and thirdly read books! Md. Ziaul Haque
Some days it is a heroic act just to refuse...
Some days it is a heroic act just to refuse the paralysis of fear and straighten up and step into another day. Edward Albert
You as a soul you are alive, you as an...
You as a soul you are alive, you as an actor - dead, as a character - dead... That's life, like it or not, it's not my problem! Deyth Banger
I'm like a circus standing on two legs. Nuno Roque
A successful actor is praised for never giving up his dreams to become someone else for a living but to dream to be an unmasked artist is a mortal sin in a consumerist society. Artists don't consume; they create things that can’t be consumed with riches. You consume art by seeing, by listening, by feeling, never by buying. Bruce Crown
Before You Begin Writing Your Book, Ask Yourself A Very Important Question: What Kind of Results Do I Plan To Receive From Writing This Book? If You Say Money, Then Don't Bother Even Writing The Book. Chris Mentillo
Don't Become An Artist, Actor, Muscian, Producer or Writer, Etc, For Only The Money. You May Be Very Dissapointed. Chris Mentillo
The simple act of caring is heroic. Edward Albert
On a level of simple personal survival, understanding and forgiveness are crucial... whether in an intimate personal relationship or on a global level. Edward Albert
What I want to be is an actor, not a star. Edward Albert
A Writer is Actor, Creator, Director & Producer Of HIS Life. Ask ME anything. Nirav Sanchaniya
ARE YOU A MOVIE STAR?Prerequisite for Laziness: Creativity, award winning actor/actress, convincing speech Kamil Ali
Every villain is a hero in his own mind. Tom Hiddleston
Life as a Person is Unfair, Life as an Actor is Bullshit Joshua Teya
I’m a bit-part actor in my own life Johnny Rich
I remember when Elvis died. I wrote my sentiments with words of a little girl in my dear diary, "Many people wanted to see his body. They literally wanted to dig his bones out just to make sure that he was being buried. And I could not understand why. Why people could not leave him alone and let his soul rest in peace." I couldn't get it. I didn't grasp it at that time. In a head of a little girl it was hard to believe that there were mysteries to be solved. That there ruled a conspiracy theory that people thought it was odd that he was buried and the casket was never opened. They didn't believe he was dead! Oh yes. Elvis Lives! And as the world needs his songs, his words, his thoughts, his love, his light more than ever before. . Ana Claudia Antunes
Sometimes being an actor is like being some kind of detective where you're on the search for a secret that will unlock the character. Philip Seymour Hoffman
I've met actors where you think, if only you could just clean up your act and get it together, people would want to work with you. Some people are so difficult, it's just not worth working with them. Patrick Stewart
Everythings a choice. Nobody's born good. Nobody's born evil. It's always a choice. Tom Hiddleston
Not that it matters an awful amount in the grand play of things. And it is play. All of it. It's not real. You have to live your life like you're pretending. An actor living a character's life. Otherwise you won't take risks. You won't live. Laura Dockrill
An actor cannot and must not become more important than the story. Kambiz Shabankareh
Any time an opportunity scares you that much, you should seriously consider saying yes. Rob Lowe
Life is a wave of love for a lover, a gift for a giver, a drama for an actor, and a canvas for a painter. Debasish Mridha
The stage lost a fine actor, even as science lost an acute reasoner, when [Holmes] became a specialist in crime. Arthur Conan Doyle
Get Ready, Get Ready! Bishop T.D.Jakes
It isn't a matter of black is beautiful as much as it is white is not all that's beautiful. Bill Cosby
I'm a supporter of gay rights. And not a closet supporter either. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that make up a human being... by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant. Unknown
We all want to escape our circumstances, don't we? Especially if you are an actor. Benedict Cumberbatch
Picture sometimes says something that connects with people. Connection, that is what it is all about in the end". Kunal Karan Kapoor
It may sound corny, but what's wrong with wanting to fight for your country. Why are people reluctant to use the word patriotism? Jimmy Stewart
The characters so many Bollywood actresses portray are ultimately flat, uncomplicated, two-dimensional stock characters that typically range between the girl-next-door and the diva. They may be flawed in small ways, but ultimately lack nuance, conform to and reinforce cultural expectations of a wholesome but ultimately submissive Indian women. The likability of these flat and boring characters hold the actresses' off screen reputations in good stead but reinforce the very norms that imprison and render so many Indian women vulnerable to disrespect and sexism. Sharanya Haridas
The first time we did cavalry charge I was so breathless with excitement I nearly fell off the horse. I actually saw stars in front of my eyes and thought I was going to faint. The second time I had a bit more control but was still giddy with excitement. And the third time I was an emotional wreck. I had to really try hard not to cry. Benedict Cumberbatch
In this business, until you're known as a monster, you're not a star Bette Davis
Actors, " he says, "should only be superficial on the surface. Johnny Rich
A model is an actor without a voice. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I hope to be an actor and never retire. Dominic Monaghan
When I first set out to do it, I wanted to be a working actor, and now it seems like it's superseded even my dreams. Michael Pena
When I was a very young actor, I cruised around in a pretty cool vehicle called the Starship Enterprise. George Takei
It can't be overstated how wonderful it is not to have to audition any more. Any actor will tell you, it's like Christmas. Bill Nighy
It was only when I finished the course and left my graduation diploma on the bus that I realised I'd become an actor. James Darcy
Wanting to be an actor and wanting to be famous are different. Blake Lively
I'm really in no danger of being perceived as a famous movie actor! Lyle Lovett
I guess if I weren't an actor, I'd be a history professor. Tom Berenger
Obviously an actor draws on his own experience. Christopher Walken
Being an actor, imitating to the point of inhabiting the lives of others, may simply be a way of continuing to do what I learned to do as a boy - to travel, mentally and physically. Viggo Mortensen
I like Ryan Gosling as an actor. I watch all of his movies, and he's Canadian and I just like his swag. I read his interviews and I'm a big fan of his. Drake
As an actor, I trust my ear. Christopher Guest
It's funny, in a way the actor is a writer. It's not like the two things are so separate as to be like apples and oranges. The writer and the actor are one. Sam Shepard
In a rehearsal room, your real resource as an actor aren't the things around you; your resources are your imagination and your director and the other actors. In those close quarters, your imagination and your skills are what you turn to. Stephen Lang
I was 3 when I told my mom that I knew what my dharma was and that I wanted to be an actor. Brie Larson
When I was seven, I had been very vocal about wanting to be an actor. And my mom decided that we would try it out for a couple weeks and come to L.A. from Sacramento. Brie Larson
I'm a big fan of Daniel Day-Lewis. He's a marvelous actor. He stands alone, I think. Lauren Bacall
My dad became a soap opera actor, and I was an extra in a skating rink scene on the soap. I didn't audition. It was nepotism all the way. Jennifer Aniston