5 Quotes About Truthful Knowledge

It’s very difficult to live in this world without being conscious about the people around you. We need to know what they are thinking, what they are saying, what is on their mind, and how they feel about us. This is why we make sure that our relationships are always open and transparent with each other. Here are some very inspiring quotes on truthfulness.

Though no one can backtrack and create a brand new...
Though no one can backtrack and create a brand new start, Everyone is capable of taking their life in a brand new direction. Germany Kent
Killing or eating animals is an act of beasts. Stirs...
Killing or eating animals is an act of beasts. Stirs within the devil. Sorry. It spurs evil. Thus is truth - at least the metaphysical. Fakeer Ishavardas
So sad is this that nigh to all are ignorant to the pain and death caused by the hands of evil. Michelle A. Lammers
When truthful knowledge is dispensed, soul growth is accomplished every time, for all parties involved, in every situation. Molly Friedenfeld