6 Quotes About Billionaire Romance

If you’ve been looking for a billionaire romance quote, look no further. These quotes about billionaires and their love lives will have you swooning from the start. Sometimes, being rich can be a curse. Many rich people have low self-esteem, are arrogant, and have no idea how to treat people who aren’t as rich as them Read more

But don’t worry—we’ve got a list of four billionaires who have found true love!

You knew me before I made my millions, and you...
You knew me before I made my millions, and you were nice to me when you didn’t have to be. That’s the kind of person I want in my corner. Kelly Moran
Beautyisn’t all about tooth whiteners, hard abs, and hundred-dollar lipstick. Beauty isabout growing old together, remembering when together, laughing together. If mypicture disgusts you, fine. Go look at the faces of women who named a price youcan buy them for. I’m not the kind of woman who will ever be for sale, and shameon you for not expecting more from a woman, or from yourself. Virginia Nelson
But you just got laid. Very well, I might add. Isn’t that enough to tide you over for a while?”“ Maybe for a woman. But if a man doesn’t use the goods, they shrivel up–” She rolled her eyes.“–and now that I’ve realized what I’ve been missing, and you’ve done such a great job getting me back up on the horse, for which I’m immensely grateful, then I think I’m ready to spread my wings.” He motioned to the wing spreading area. His groin. “This really shouldn’t go to waste, now, should it? . Kate Meader
She squeezed her thighs together, desperate for relief. Aiming for completion without doing something so deliberate as touching herself. Look ma, no hands! Kate Meader
Admit you’re jealous, Emma.” “Never, ” she said defiantly. “Just your nipples then. They’re pouting. Kate Meader