100 Quotes About Radiation

As a radiation protection engineer I have been exposed to a lot of radiation. In fact, if you add up everything I've been exposed to over the course of my career, it amounts to a radiation dose equivalent to more than a full year of natural background radiation. The words in this collection of quotes about radiation are all true, and I have never been made to lie about them or any other subject.

The biologically harmful effects of man-made environmental radiation was a jigsaw of existing information that needed to be assembled by a group of independent researchers that had a broad range of knowledge and were free of corrupt corporate government influence. Steven Magee
At the same time that a massive deployment of biologically harmful radio frequency (RF) radiation devices across the mass population has occurred, we see the reduction of health care for the poor, sick and elderly. Steven Magee
Very high altitude extreme night shift work is a class...
Very high altitude extreme night shift work is a class 2A carcinogen that may result in lifelong disabling sleep disorders, high cholesterol, radiation sickness and heart, lung and brain damage. Steven Magee
With the development of utility electricity for the masses in...
With the development of utility electricity for the masses in the 1900's, very few people realize that a new era of sickness and disease was unleashed that are collectively called radiation sickness. Steven Magee
If you want to be watched by governments, all you...
If you want to be watched by governments, all you have to do is tell people that you research radiation. Steven Magee
It's going to happen soon, a nuclear war. Someday, somewhere, some jackass politician will get in over his head and push the button, and us? Society? We haven't really grasped the full reality of the situation. If a nuclear bomb were detonated, we'd all just be collateral damage. That's why it has to be prevented, because trust me when I say that nobody will be standing up for our rights or life when there's no one left to do so. . Rebecca McNutt
Having studied the toxic biological effects of wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation, I find it amazing that women will willfully strap on two radio frequency antennas to their breasts in the form of an underwired bra. The wireless industry knows the underwired bra as a dipole antenna or doublet. Steven Magee
We are in the process of finding out what filling...
We are in the process of finding out what filling billions of acres with electrified glass that emits electromagnetic intereference (EMI) does to the global environment. Steven Magee
Mankind willfully changing the global electromagnetic radiation environment has created...
Mankind willfully changing the global electromagnetic radiation environment has created what I expect will become known as the man-made evolution era. Steven Magee
Modify the environmental radiation and you will change the course...
Modify the environmental radiation and you will change the course of evolution. Steven Magee
The electrical grounding system is the largest radio frequency (RF) radiation antenna system ever constructed in the history of mankind. Steven Magee
The USA has a long history of radiation damaging workers health. Steven Magee
The greatest act of domestic terrorism in the history of the USA is currently in process and the culprits are the energy, electrical, electronics and wireless radiation industries. Steven Magee
The modern human lives in a cesspool of man-made electromagnetic radiation. Steven Magee
After a decade of working in high altitude astronomy the medical profession discovered that I had a hole in my heart, erratic low blood oxygen levels and brain issues. Heart, lung and brain problems appear to be long term known adverse health aspects of high altitude work and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures. Steven Magee
Utility electricity is a known hazardous biological toxin and the toxicity of it is increasing as it progresses into harmonic electronic power generation (Wind & Solar) and wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation smart/ A M R/ A M I meters. Steven Magee
The era of biologically toxic wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation and harmonic electronic power generation from wind and solar systems with their adverse brain modifying effects that can bring on irritable and aggressive behaviors has made it a bad time to be a police officer. Steven Magee
The top easily preventable health problems that I see in western societies are: 1. Eating chemically grown food. 2. Exposure to electronically generated harmonic energy from wind and solar power systems. 3. Exposure to harmonic energy from switched mode power supplies (SMPS) that come with modern electronic products. 4. Exposure to wireless radio frequency radiation (RF). 5. Light deficiency from an indoor lifestyle and Low-E double glazed windows. 6. Sound deficiency from heavily insulated homes that are devoid of natural sounds and are extremely quiet. 7. Pollen deficiency from living in man-made cities that are devoid of natural levels of pollen. 8. Natural radiation deficiency from living in homes that block natural levels of environmental radiation. 9. Open drain sickness that occurs when drain traps dry out and faulty vent valves that allow sewer gas to fill the home. 10. Drinking the wrong type of water. Steven Magee
It really should be a criminal offense for an electrician to mount a breaker box on a bedroom wall. Unfortunately, I see the solar industry mounting inverters on bedroom walls also! Steven Magee
There is no limit on the level that the reflections can be at and in a modern environment, such as a city, the albedo can increase the power levels many times of the sky based solar radiation of direct and diffuse combined. The trees prevent the albedo reflections from occurring. Steven Magee
High altitude astronomy is a strange world of oxygen starvation, sleep deprivation and radiation sickness. Steven Magee
As a sea level adapted human, I am more fearful about the radiation levels on top of high altitude mountains, mile high modern cities and inside jet aircraft than from nuclear reactors and bombs, as that is where I get the most radiation exposures in the modern world. Steven Magee
The development of Nikola Tesla's ideas by corporate governments has created a sick and dangerous world. Steven Magee
Trees are affected by many factors. Global warming is changing rainfall, humidity, air composition, solar radiation, heating and cooling. Plants are sensitive to any of these factors. When all of the factors start to change at once, it may lead to devastation in the plant world. Steven Magee
I really hope that the Japanese are going to stop demonstrating to the world what man-made radiation does to people. Steven Magee
Like many people who became sick, I found that researching man-made radiation immersed me into a corporate world of lie, confuse and deny. Steven Magee
Abnormal radiation exposure and oxygen starvation teaches you that reality is just a perception that is derived from your immediate environmental conditions. Steven Magee
The USA radio frequency (RF) radiation industry has turned zombie movies into reality. Steven Magee
Incorrect radiation levels may be able to affect your sex drive and it may be proven in the future that human sex drive is governed more by radiation types and levels than any other factor, even more so than hormones! Generally, a feeling of contentment replaces sexual desire in natural radiation environments. Steven Magee
It is unreasonable to expect all children to develop correctly in unnatural man-made electromagnetic radiation fields. Steven Magee
It is the uninformed that willfully give their children wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation toys. Steven Magee
The general public of the wireless western nations are very tolerant to the radiation poisoning of the next generation of children by their corporate controlled governments. Steven Magee
USA schools know that computer electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions, WiFi and campus cell towers are radiation poisoning the children and the government is determined to keep on doing it. Steven Magee
Children should be able to live a life free from electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure and radio frequency (RF) radiation pollution and it is time that we all took a stand against this. Steven Magee
The various forms of electromagnetic radiation were extensively proven harmful to human health decades ago. The air is electrified, the ground is electrified, the water is electrified, your metal mattress is electrified, your metal under wired bra is electrified, your children are electrified, and you are electrified. Unfortunately, we are in the electromagnetic radiation epidemic. Steven Magee
If I keep observing the uranium, which means a little more than keeping my eyes on the pot on my desk and involves something akin to surrounding it with a whole system of Geiger counters, I can freeze it in such a way that it stops emitting radiation. Although Turing first suggested the idea as a theoretical construct, it turns out that it is not just mathematical fiction. Experiments in the last decade have demonstrated the real possibility of using observation to inhibit the progress of a quantum system. Marcus Du Sautoy
To become an effective radiation researcher, you must develop the ability to discern fact from fiction. Steven Magee
We live in a society where those in the know use radiation resistance health techniques. Steven Magee
We live in the irradiated lazy indoor cancer society. Steven Magee
Mark, trying his best to distance himself from the cruel and pathetic 21st century, hadn’t listened to the news reports, not even when the dark green jeeps and helicopters showed up in town, men dressed in identical uniforms, just like in school, always standing with stony faces, setting up shelters and warning signals and food storage boxes. And as the public service announcements and racist propaganda bloomed onto the screens in every classroom, Mark’s only observation was that the United States still had such a long way to go. When times were dire, they resorted to using inaccurate stereotypes and ignorance as a weapon, with an impressionable society always willing to believe without further question. Rebecca McNutt
The global population of Earth are involved in the following corporate government experiments: The long term effects of - 1. Nuclear bomb fallout radiation. 2. Man-made wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation. 3. Exposure to man-made electricity. 4. Eclipsing of the Sun by the International Space Station (ISS), satellites, airplanes and jet aircraft contrails (chemtrails). 5. Eating food forced grown using a variety of toxic industrial chemicals. 6. Adding massive amounts of pollution to the atmosphere and water bodies. 7. Living in metal structures. 8. Exposure to abnormally high solar radiation levels. 9. Relocating to areas that the human has no genetic adaptation to. 10. An indoor lifestyle. Steven Magee
Environmental radiation research is the rent I pay for living on this planet. Steven Magee
Trust what is not known to your Mind. Trust what is known to your Heart. Tony Samara
The Beloved is Always There, Actively Seeking You. Tony Samara
When we understand that Peace is a state of mind we understand true Peace. Tony Samara
The practice is simple. Whatever you're doing, do that with total awareness. Tony Samara
When you deeply love someone from that space that is beyond attachment to certain projections or desires, when you love someone just deeply, totally, completely, without any games that the mind or emotions play, then that love remains eternal in the heavens forever, and that is what pulls you back to remembering that love. Tony Samara
The activity of loving kindness is the bridge that allows you to slowly, slowly realise the wisdom and perfection of this moment. Tony Samara
Satisfaction doesn't come from needs and desires or fulfilling them, it comes from being yourself, being true. Tony Samara
Everything is temporary but the power of Love is Infinite because it is the space, it is Everything. Tony Samara
Spiritual practice is allowing the temple (your body) to be full of light and to live life as a total celebration. Tony Samara
The Divine has created this moment in time. It is a very powerful moment, where there is only one way and that way is that you completely let go. Completely let go of what is known, what is safe, and move into the space of beauty. Tony Samara
Wisdom is a true activity of compassion. And so, meditation is the act of loving kindness. It is the activity where loving kindness is applied on all levels. Tony Samara
Remember meditation is an active, deep remembrance, and that is discernment. Wherever you go, wherever you are, whatever you're doing, remember to utilize discernment so that you can hear and sense and feel the vibration of love rather than the vibration of illusion. Tony Samara
The way to Bliss is through Understanding, through Wisdom. Tony Samara
Where ego comes in, loving kindness departs. So wherever there is ego, there is very little space for true bliss and true happiness because true bliss and true happiness isn't exclusive to the attachments the ego enjoys playing with, but rather a free state of mind that is part of loving kindness and its activities inside and outside of oneself. Tony Samara
The natural consequence of being connected to the depth, what I call the soul, or your essence, is the attribute of joy. Tony Samara
There is a lot of willful incompetence in the wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation industry that is in the process of coming to light. Steven Magee
It would appear that the blue sky is actually produced by the solar wind and solar radiation exciting air molecules to emit light, just like a neon lamp! Steven Magee
I finally understand. Cancer is not a gypsy curse. It's a huge smashing wave. It catches you and drags you out. And anybody can be spit back up, and anybody can drown. -The Lucky Place Zu Vincent
To understand how growth, aging and death works, you must understand the radiation environment. Steven Magee
When listening to the lightning storms in your area on a standard AM radio, you will hear a sound like bacon frying and this is the electromagnetic energy that the storm is generating. Plants react to this energy and may show vigorous growth during lightning seasons. Steven Magee
I have noticed that the solar radiation reflections from rippled privacy windows cause greatly accelerated growth patterns in plants Steven Magee
The leading research in the adverse human health effects of electromagnetic radiation is not being done by well funded governments or corporations, it is coming from a few self funded independent researchers. Steven Magee
People with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) have the unfortunate choice of suffering Radio Frequency (RF) sickness without electromagnetically screening their homes or to get natural radiation deficiency sickness with the RF protective screening installed, the choice is which sickness is the most tolerable. It is a really bad situation to be in. Steven Magee
Dark Energy is poorly understood and it is clear that we are currently moving into exploring thecomplete electromagnetic spectrum that also includes the study of atmospheric pressure waves, atmospheric voltage effects on the cellular system, and the biological effects of the various forms ofatmospheric radiation transmission. Steven Magee
Sometimes, during the lonely hours on the control deck, Bowman would listen to this radiation. He would turn up the gain until the room filled with a crackling, hissing roar; out of this background, at irregular intervals, emerged brief whistles and peeps like the cries of demented birds. It was an eerie sound, for it had nothing to do with Man; it was as lonely and meaningless as the murmur of waves on a beach, or the distant crash of thunder beyond the horizon. Arthur C. Clarke
I was recently inside a hospital that had gone wireless and it was a forest of microwave antennas! It is sad that the medical profession is in the process of becoming expert on microwave radiation sickness due to willfully inducing it into their own staff! Steven Magee
Flying in a modern jet airplane doses the human with levels of radiation comparable to those found in nuclear disaster zones. Steven Magee
The human has genetic adaptation to natural electromagnetic radiation. Increasing, reducing or removing the natural radiation exposures results in a sickened human that may progress onto a diseased state. Steven Magee
The vitamin, mineral, metal and oil content of the human body drastically alters its reactivity to radiation exposures. Steven Magee
Trees emit a wide variety of electromagentic radiation and it is regarded as healthy to live in a natural area that is surrounded by trees due to these beneficial emissions to human health. Steven Magee
The scary thing about the protective properties of dietary intake regarding abnormal human radiation exposures is that NASA has understood this for decades! Steven Magee
I advise people not to research radiation unless they are prepared to take the risks to their own health and mental functioning that the various forms of radiation are known to present to the human. Steven Magee
The rise of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) in the USA population can be traced back to President Bill Clinton. While memorable for sexual foreplay with Monica Lewinsky, EHS people associate him with the 1996 Telecommunications Act that prohibits the protection of human health and safety from the known biologically toxic effects of wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation. Steven Magee
The electrical, electronics and wireless radio frequency (RF) industries are creating an increasingly high radiation environment for the human. This is comparable to the elevated radiation environment found at high altitudes and smart health researchers would be wise to contrast high altitude diseases to the epidemics of our time, such as Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Fibromyalgia, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), and so on. Steven Magee
If you fill the atmosphere with toxins, then you really cannot be surprised if the solar radiation transmission through it becomes toxic to humans. Steven Magee
The human skin evolved in a natural electromagnetic radiation environment and is now in a very unnatural man-made one that is making many people sick. Steven Magee
Ionizing smoke detectors unnaturally raise the background radiation levels in the human environment. Steven Magee
If the natural environment is changed and the electromagnetic radiation levels increase, then it may cause illness and disease in humans. Steven Magee
One of my friends compared me to Bruce Banner, due to my work with radiation and human health. So I looked up Bruce Banner and this is what I found: Banner, a physicist, is sarcastic and seemingly very self-assured when he first appears in Incredible Hulk #1, but is also emotionally withdrawn in most fashions.. Banner is considered one of the greatest scientific minds on Earth, possessing "a mind so brilliant it cannot be measured on any known intelligence test." He holds expertise in biology, chemistry, engineering, physiology, and nuclear physics. Steven Magee
There is a dangerous willful ignorance in governments to the adverse health effects of the various forms of electromagnetic radiation. Steven Magee
Eating organic for good health and spending your day sitting down using a wireless computer that is next to a WiFi router is a classic case of Yin & Yang. Steven Magee
Radiation does discriminate. If you are sedentary and eating processed foods then you will be more affected than a person that exercises and eats fresh organic food. Steven Magee
There are no doubts that western governments are willfully inducing radiation sickness into segments of their city populations. Steven Magee
The USA government encourages gun ownership at the same time as they have allowed environmental radiation levels to become ridiculously high powered and this continues to increase annually. It will be interesting to see where this government experiment eventually takes the USA! Steven Magee
The USA government states that the New Mexico Trinity nuclear bomb site is still highly radioactive and 'harmless'. It is interesting to note in the era of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) that it is USA government policy that radio frequency (RF) and electricity are also 'harmless'. Steven Magee
As the wireless radiation industry continues to drastically increase the number of transmitters, electromagnetic researchers are documenting the range of new adverse health conditions that are emerging in the masses. Steven Magee
It is the uninformed that willfully put a cellphone next to their brains. Steven Magee
Radiation has properties of both God and Satan. Like God as the correct exposures give excellent health. Like Satan because too little or too much will make you sick and may lead to disease and premature death. Steven Magee
Thanks to President Obama, I am able to get medical treatment in the USA for the long term effects of very high altitude sickness and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures. Steven Magee
Smart radiation researchers use radiation resistance health techniques in order to offset the known biological harm of their toxic radiation exposures. Steven Magee
It is my assessment that most police officers who spend their days driving around USA cities will have some levelof radiation sickness and this is concerning! Steven Magee
If you want to radiation poison a nation, just start shipping them cheap ionizing smoke detectors for the home with a little too much radiation in them. Steven Magee
Arizona is a great place to be a radiation researcher. Steven Magee
Arguably insane utility workers that blatantly harass law abiding customers is likely to become more frequent as the long term effects of biologically toxic radio frequency (RF) radiation exposures from their transmitting smart meters continues to emerge. Steven Magee
Western governments use thermal heating standards for public protection from the damaging effects of wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation. Eastern governments use biological standards that are much lower due to the extensive long term radiation damage that has been seen to occur in humans at the western thermal heating standard. Steven Magee
The blatant harassment of electromagnetic radiation researchers should be expected to be a feature of transitioning out of the energy based economies. Steven Magee
My recovery from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) was based around radiation detoxification, restoring the DC voltage of the body and removing the clots. Steven Magee
Replace Fear of Radiation with Curiosity Steven Magee