67 Quotes About Running Away

Running away is never an option. It’s one of the most dangerous things you can do. When you run away, you’re not just running away from your problems, you’re running away from yourself. You’re running away from your own solutions Read more

You’re running away from your own power. You’re running away from the only person who knows what it really means to be you. To find meaning in life, meaning in our existence, we must stay close to our problems, not run far away.

The following quotes will help you learn to face yourself and come back stronger than ever before.

I need to stop fantasizing about running away to some...
I need to stop fantasizing about running away to some other life and start figuring out the one I have. Holly Black
You can run away from yourself so often, and so much, just because the broken pieces of you cut your feet too deeply if you stay around for too long. But then what if someone were to come along and pick up those pieces for you? Then you wouldn't have to run away from yourself anymore. You could stop running. If someone sees you as something worth staying with– maybe you'll stay with yourself, too. . C. Joybell C.
You said you knew the perfect place to run to. A place that was empty of people, and buildings, and far, far away. A place covered in blood-red earth and sleeping life. A place longing to come alive again. It's a place for disappearing, you'd said, a place for getting lost... and for getting found. I'll take you there, you'd said. And I could say that I agreed. Lucy Christopher
If ever I was running, it was towards you.
If ever I was running, it was towards you. Jennifer Elisabeth
We all flee in hope of finding some ground of...
We all flee in hope of finding some ground of security M.T. Anderson
My dear sister, you can’t escape God, and you can’t escape your skeletons in the closet. They will always be there until you take them out from behind those dusty old moth-eaten coats. Your exterior facade of ‘everything is alright’ only works for a little while, and then the cracks begin to show. You can only hide behind yourself for so long. You can’t keep running! Corallie Buchanan
As a teenager in Brooklyn Quentin had often imagined himself engaged in martial heroics, but after this he knew, as a cold immutable fact, that he would do anything necessary, sacrificing whatever or whomever he had to, to avoid risking exposure to physical violence. Shame never came into it. He embraced his new identity as a coward. He would run in the other direction. He would lie down and cry and put his arms over his head or play dead. It didn't matter what he had to do, he would do it and be glad. Lev Grossman
Oh, get off it with that. So sensitive about language....
Oh, get off it with that. So sensitive about language. Mate, love, nest, whatever. Point is, it stinks, especially when it goes bad. I get wanting to run away. Jackson Lanzing
To stay alive, you have to keep moving. Running, relocating,...
To stay alive, you have to keep moving. Running, relocating, driving, doing everything in your power to stay in motion and make it to safety. M.B. Dallocchio
Don't let the rain drive you to the wrong shelter;...
Don't let the rain drive you to the wrong shelter; the shade can turn out to be your protector and also your destroyer, and sometimes the rain is the perfect protector from the rain. Michael Bassey Johnson
Gilly had decided that this was a dream. The Witches' Carnival didn't exist in the real world. And the Gilly who existed in the real world was not brave or cunning enough to have done everything that she'd done in the past day. The real Gilly was not beautiful enough to be lying in bed beside a woman like Maggie. Gilly had decided this was a dream, and also that she'd let that real Gilly, deep asleep somewhere in the outskirts of Birmingham, wither away and never wake up. Already, Gilly could see herself arcing across the earth bright as a comet, moving too fast for the Ashleys and Tracyes, the thousand tiny insults and humiliations of the waking world, to ever catch. Kristopher Reisz
...I didn't run away to come home the same. -Claudia
...I didn't run away to come home the same. -Claudia E.L. Konigsburg
I realized that even if no one ever found me, and even if I lived out the rest of my life here, always missing, forever a missing person to other people, I could never be missing to myself, I could never delete my own history, and I would always know exactly where I was and where I had been and I would never wake up not being who I was and it didn't matter how much or how little I thought I understood the mess of myself, because I would never, no matter what I did, be missing to myself and that was what I had wanted all this time, to go fully missing, but I would never be able to go fully missing–nobody is missing like that, no one has ever had that luxury and no one ever will. Catherine Lacey
Work is when you confront the problems you might otherwise be tempted to run away from Rolf Potts
He’s close enough now that I can hear his footfall on the pavement, and I knowmy chances of outrunning him are slim. I’m practically in a full sprint, and mypounding heart is begging me to take it down a notch. I try to will my feet to keep pace with its beat; but I think it’s humanly impossible to run that fast. And then it dawns on me that my footsteps are the only ones I hear. Somewhere along the way, Tristan’s must have come to a stop. And I can’t quite explain why I’m running this fast in the first place. I slow to a jog, intending to just pick up with my original pace; but I can’t seem to suck in breaths fast enough to propel my feet any further. My molten shoes stutter to a stop, as my hands come to rest on my knees. I’m still wheezily sucking in breath after breath of thick, humid air, when I warily turn tolook over my shoulder. Tristan’s standing about fifty feet back, hands on his hips and a comp. M.A. George
He’s close enough now that I can hear his footfall on the pavement, and I knowmy chances of outrunning him are slim. I’m practically in a full sprint, and my pounding heart is begging me to take it down a notch. I try to will my feet to keep pace with its beat; but I think it’s humanly impossible to run that fast. And then it dawns on me that my footsteps are the only ones I hear. Somewhere along the way, Tristan’s must have come to a stop. And I can’t quite explain why I’m running this fast in the first place. I slow to a jog, intending to just pick up with my original pace; but I can’t seem to suck in breaths fast enough to propel my feet any further. My molten shoes stutter to a stop, as my hands come to rest on my knees. I’m stillwheezily sucking in breath after breath of thick, humid air, when I warily turn to look over my shoulder. Tristan’s standing about fifty feet back, hands on his hips and a comp. M.A. George
As one of the little streams starts snaking my way, inching closer to the toe of my shoe, I hop over the spreading puddle and out of its reach. I don’t look back to see if it’s going to follow me. I’m already three blocks away and still gaining speed M.A. George
I think if we stop running towards broken arms, we’d all be just fine. Dominic Riccitello
If you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences. Criss Jami
God isn't a place of fresh starts. He isn't a hideout. He is not a destination. He is not a clean break. He is not a cop out for indecision. He is not a straight line. He is a circle. He will take you back to whatever you ran from if he needs you to heal your scars and others. He is a God of justice and compassion. The greatest growth a soul can experience doesn't come from doing service to strangers that have no impact on your life. It comes from doing service to people that have hurt you or you have hurt them. To truly devote yourself to God is to travel down roads that are hard to revisit. However, he will keep taking you there, until you have healed yourself or others. . Shannon L. Alder
You scared the crap out of me, ” I shove his bare chest with a growl. “Wasthat you at the front door?”“ Ya think?” He fires back with a raise of his eyebrows, taking hold of my armagain, as he practically drags me back toward the front entry.“ Did it occur to you to say something?” I shoot back with a scowl. “I thoughtyou were some kind of psychopath.” My frown deepens, as I consider whether he might in fact be a psychopath. M.A. George
I'm homeless. I've taken to the belief that home is not where we lay our heads comfortably some nights, or where we entertain visiting friends. It's not where love is unconditional. When I look up and realize I haven't run away in a long time, I'll know I'm home. Darnell Lamont Walker
After all, it's one thing to run away when someone's chasing you. It's entirely another to be running all alone. Jennifer Smith
Laine slowly rolled out of bed. The queen size was one of the few new things in the house. But now, even the new bed felt tainted. It was an inner-spring monument to lies, a petri dish of mendacity she had shared with her faithless husband, and shared now with creeping dreams that flew from the light but left harsh scratches and diseased black feathers. Laine promised herself that, as soon as, she could, she would rid herself of this house, this bed, her clothes, her jewelry - everything but the flesh she lived in. She would scrub herself clean and flee to start a new life whose first and only commandment would be: Never let thyself be lied to again. Stephen M. Irwin
Sadness at that age had the pleasing texture of imprisonment: you reared and sulked against the bonds of parents and school and age, things that kept you from the certain happiness that awaited. When I was a sophomore in college, I had a boyfriend who spoke breathlessly of running away to Mexico - it didn't occur to me that we could no longer run away from home. Emma Cline
Going away won't change anything if you're running from yourself. Joyce Rachelle
How long since he'd been back home? Ten years? Fifteen? He'd stopped keeping track around the time he'd finally stopped looking over his shoulder. At the time, leaving had seemed too good to be true. He'd spent months feeling like he was half a step ahead of some nameless specter; like if he let his guard down, even for a second, whatever it was would drag him right back where he'd come from. Laura Oliva
Every time the song looped, all I heard was the part about the lies - and how they weigh you down. Tonight, as I drive toward Detroit in my Jeep, I know what those words really mean. It's not just the lies they're referring to. It's life. You can't run to another town, another place, another state. Whatever it is you're running from - it goes with you. It stays with you until you find out how to confront it. . Colleen Hoover
But that was all bravado. Already - how had it come about so quickly - desire had begotten need. A few whispered words (perhaps he didn't mean them) and I was ready to follow. It was worse to think of staying behind, to grind one day upon another. Nothing to hold me here. None to regret my leaving, save Az. Sarah Micklem
The smell of cigarette smoke in the air in a tavern that changes names often, a bar cursed because of a girl who died of a drug overdose in the basement, we put a few coins in the jukebox;chose “Angel Band” by Johnny Cash and sat down at the bar, ordered a soda, you wanted a whiskey on the rocks. We saw the coal miner who moved here from West Virginiaknocking back liquor like I drink sweet tea. No one asked why he was so solemn today. It was warm. It was relatively quiet. To anyone else, this place could feel sinister. But to us, it was freedom. It was a hiding place. No one was ever here long enough to know us. And we liked it that way. . Taylor Rhodes
You learned to run from what you feel, and that's why you have nightmares. To deny is to invite madness. To accept is to control. Megan Chance
Why did you run away last time?” William asks quietly, so quietly that at first, I think I’m imagining it..“ Because you are dangerous for me, ” I say in the same tone so that he is the only one who can hear me..“ Because, ” I say, but then I stop, my throat suddenly too dry.7…6… My tongue darts out to wet my lips before continuing in a hurry. “Because…”5…“You could be everything I ever wanted.” 4…3…“Everything and so much more. Anna B. Doe
The little island seemed to float on the dark lake-waters. Trees grew on it, and a little hill rose in the middle of it. It was a mysterious island, lonely and beautiful. All the children stood and gazed at it, loving it and longing to go to it. It looked so secret - almost magic.“ Well, ” said Jack at last. “What do you think? Shall we run away, and live on the secret island?”“ Yes! ” whispered all the children.“ Let’s! . Enid Blyton
I'm learning quickly, once you quit one thing, it gets easier and easier just to leave situations rather than deal with shit. Unknown
Questions from earlier circle like buzzards. Am I running away or moving forward? Unknown
No more, ' I told him. 'No more running in the wrong direction... You run to me'. Wendy Higgins
Fluttershyes are like regular shyes, only shinier, and, apparently - also shyer. Whenever petted - they don't flutter, but run away instead. Will Advise
I do know this. It's the things we run from that hurt us the most." —Brad Sturdevant Norma Johnston
Are we running away from home?” I asked, giving voice to the question that had been on my mind for two days, ever since the lady at the Wok On restaurant asked where we were from and my mother Michele Jaffe
Home.” This was my mantra, my four-letter savior. M.B. Dallocchio
Running away has been futile. Wherever I went life would be the same. Resisting my chains only seem to tighten them. Yet all around me women found ways to slip those bonds, to discreetly flout the rules and then return to their so-called captivity before anyone noticed. Sherry Jones
But before he could either comfort me or commit further acts of violence upon my person, I spun away from him and made my drama queen moment complete by running away. Rachel Hawkins
I took to the Kingswood the midsummer after the Dame died. I did not swear a vow, but I kept to myself just as strictly, living like a beast in the forest from one midsummer to the next, without fire or iron or the taste of meat. I lived as prey, and I learned from the dogs how to run, from the hare how to hide in the bracken, and from the deer how to go hungry. In sorrow and pride I exiled myself to Kingswood. I shunned fire for I feared the kingsmen would hunt me down, and so by the way of cold and hunger I came near to refusing life itself. I never thought to anger or please a god by it. Sarah Micklem
Without hesitation, Dove chose the nowhere road. For that was the only place, in his heart of hearts, that he really wanted to go. Nelson Algren
The only thing that keeps me going, is the desire to get away as far as possible. Aleksandra Ninkovic
But I did it! That's the thing– I did it! What will my father say when he hears I murdered a man? Lorna, I see what I did. I murdered myself, too! I've been running around in circles. Now I'm smashed! Clifford Odets
Sometimes its hard to tell how fast the current's moving until you're headed over a waterfall Kimberly McCreight
My sister is running away to get lost, but I am running away because I want to find something. And my parents love me so much that they want to help me. Yeah, Dad is a drunk and Mom is an ex-drunk, but they don't want their kids to be drunks. Sherman Alexie
Most people believe the journey they begin with Christ goes forward, but that is not how he works. A spiritual life is not cutting ties with people, in order to walk clean in the future. The journey home isn't running away from obstacles. It is learning to stand where you are now and handle people, assert yourself, set boundaries and never feel your happiness is dependent on another person's approval of your choices, beliefs or spiritual needs. . Shannon L. Alder
If he could do one thing, he could run. He had spent his life running, secrets spitting at his back. Brenda Sutton Rose
Just run away from your problems if you want cause sometimes we need a time to think and cool down a bit before making a decision. Adel Sakura
Running away from someone you love is a race you will never win. Matshona Dhliwayo
I could still turn back before I pass the last houses and really have to commit to this. Claire Wong
Just a few more years and then we'll join the circus. Ray S. Jones
Rosa! " Sally says. "The police are here to help you, not to hear a lecture on comparative murder rates. Justine Larbalestier
Well, ” he sighed, squeezing my hand back. “I guess we were both running away in different ways.”“ What do you mean?” Dad shook his head. “Your mother took a Mustang. I took a whiskey bottle.” He reached up and readjusted his glasses, an unconscious habit-he always did it when he was making a point. “I was so devastated by what your mother did to me that I forgot how horrible drinking is. I forgot to look on the bright side.”“ Dad, ” I said, “I don’t think there is a bright side to divorce. It’s a pretty sucky thing all around.” He nodded. “Maybe that’s true, but there are a lot of bright sides to my life. I have a job I like, a nice house in a good neighborhood, and a wonderful daughter.” I rolled my eyes. “Oh God, ” I muttered. “Don’t go all Lifetime movie on me. Seriously.”“I’m sorry, ” he said, smiling. “But I mean it. A lot of people would kill for my life, but I didn’t even consider that. I took it-and you-for granted. I’m so, so sorry for that, Bumblebee. . Kody Keplinger
-Wherever you go, there you are! You can’t run away from yourself, or the underlying situation, no matter where you go. You won’t find happiness anywhere, unless it’s already there in your heart, and therefore you have carried it with you. Andrew James Pritchard
What do we do after things fall apart? Do we run to the familiar once again? Do we attempt to numb the pain with distractions? What do we do after things fall apart? Benyf
You get hit the hardest when trying to run or hide from a problem. Like the defense on a football field, putting all focus on evading only one defender is asking to be blindsided. Criss Jami
Ricewind had always relied on running away. But somerimes, perhaps, you had to stand and fight, if only because there was nowhere left to run. Terry Pratchett
Life equals running and when we stop running maybe that's how we'll know life is finally finished. Patrick Ness
When we run away from something. We're usually running away from ourselves. Anthony T. Hincks
If you run, you better be faster than my gun. -Weasel to illegal aliens Ray Palla
Don’t pretend, Bianca, ” he said. “You’re smarter than that, and so am I. I finally figured out what you meant when you left. You said you were like Hester. I get it now. The first time you came to my house, when we wrote that paper, you said Hester was trying to escape. But everything caught up with Hester in the end, didn’t it? Well, something finally caught up with you, but you’re just running away again. Only, he”- Wesley pointed to my bedroom door-“is your escape this time.” He took a step toward me, forcing me to crane my neck even more to see his face. “Admit it, Duffy.”“Admit what?”“ That you’re running away from me, ” he said. “You realized you’re in love with me and you bailed because it scared the shit out of you. . Kody Keplinger
Anyway, what can one do here? I am seriously thinking of running away and joining the Foreign Legion or the North-West Mounted Police–whichever work the shorter hours. Anthony Powell
Sometimes I wish I was in the movies... Not to be famous or nothing. I just wish I was made of light. Then nobody’d know me except for what they saw up on that screen. I’d just be light up on the silver screen, and not at all a man. Alan Heathcock