100 Quotes About Confidence

Confidence is a key component in success. Confidence is also often the first thing to go when we are in bad situations. When confidence is low, our self-esteem suffers. We begin to question ourselves, and our abilities Read more

These quotes about confidence will help you stay strong in your abilities, so you can live the life you deserve.

Your comfort zone is a place where you keep yourself...
Your comfort zone is a place where you keep yourself in a self-illusion and nothing can grow there but your potentiality can grow only when you can think and grow out of that zone. Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Courage is the starting point of everything good. To love another is to automatically feed the fire of courage. We cannot be humiliated when we are fighting for someone or something we love. We will not give up when we are fighting for loved ones. As we evolve, our loved ones extend out from our family to include all of humanity. Courage and confidence will grow over the years with practice and self-awareness. We are never alone. God will help us. Such is the courage which gains respect from others. More importantly, we gain respect for ourselves. . Donna Goddard
Know what you want and reach out eagerly for it.
Know what you want and reach out eagerly for it. Lailah Gifty Akita
You are BLOSSOM!
You are BLOSSOM! Brickley
Emotional safety is feeling internally secure and confident in your...
Emotional safety is feeling internally secure and confident in your life. Amy Leigh Mercree
As Conor McGregor says he is the best and it is not out of arrogance. When confidence oozes from every inch of you, you know you have it in you! Go ahead! Smash the obstacles! Be the best in whatever you do! Avijeet Das
Many people spend more time looking at their failures than...
Many people spend more time looking at their failures than focusing on their successes. Lolly Daskal
Don’t blame others. it won’t make you a better person. Lolly Daskal
Becoming a great leader doesn’t mean being perfect. it means living with your imperfections. Lolly Daskal
Do not allow your inner doubts to keep you from...
Do not allow your inner doubts to keep you from achieving what you can do. Lolly Daskal
When your intuition is strong, follow it.
When your intuition is strong, follow it. Lolly Daskal
Intuition is a sense of knowing how to act decisively...
Intuition is a sense of knowing how to act decisively without needing to know why. Lolly Daskal
Don’t set your own goals by what other people make important. Lolly Daskal
Focus on how far you have come in liferather than...
Focus on how far you have come in liferather than looking at the accomplishments of others. Lolly Daskal
Self-assurance reassures others and reassures yourself.
Self-assurance reassures others and reassures yourself. Lolly Daskal
Greatness means setting out to make some difference somewhere to someone in someplace. Lolly Daskal
The worst enemy of our humanity is our self-doubt.
The worst enemy of our humanity is our self-doubt. Lolly Daskal
When we allow negative messages to fester in our head,...
When we allow negative messages to fester in our head, they take on a life of their own. Lolly Daskal
Don’t let any situation intimidate you, defeat you, or conquer you. you are stronger and smarter than anything that challenges you. Lolly Daskal
A fundamental approach to life transformation is using social media for therapy; it forces you to have an opinion, provides intellectual stimulation, increases awareness, boosts self-confidence, and offers the possibility of hope. Germany Kent
The sum of our greatness lies not in asking“what do...
The sum of our greatness lies not in asking“what do I want to do?” but rather “who do I want to be? Lolly Daskal
Your greatness is revealed not by the lights that shine...
Your greatness is revealed not by the lights that shine upon you but by the light that shines within. Lolly Daskal
There are times when the world is rearranging itself that...
There are times when the world is rearranging itself that the right person can change the world. Lolly Daskal
Believe you can and you will be halfway there.
Believe you can and you will be halfway there. Lolly Daskal
When you become addict in to MATERIAL things in life then the TRUE natural life start to run away from you, YES! it's can give you certain pleasure in the society but in the same time it will sabotage your true HAPPINESS of life which we could have simply with GRATITUDE and FORGIVENESS Rashedur Ryan Rahman
REJECTION is kind of your negative ILLUSION which has no...
REJECTION is kind of your negative ILLUSION which has no value but it’s give you a CLUE to go for next level of your ACTION. Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Your VISION and your self-willingness is the MOST powerful elements...
Your VISION and your self-willingness is the MOST powerful elements to conquer your goal Rashedur Ryan Rahman
If you are not EXCITED enough at your present life its mean your future is not EXITING. Excitement will give you ENTHUSIASM and enthusiasm will give you a positive energetic LIFE STYLE which could give you a successful exiting life… Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Your traditional EDUCATION is not going to CHANGE your life but the life you are experiencing that can change you. Choose a POSITIVE life STYLE with positive ATTITUDE which could bring you a life with HAPPINESS and WISDOM Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Autumn is a momentum of the natures golden beauty…, so...
Autumn is a momentum of the natures golden beauty…, so the same it’s time to find your momentum of life Rashedur Ryan Rahman
How you think and create your inner world that you...
How you think and create your inner world that you gonna become in your outer world. Your inner believe manifest you in the outside Rashedur Ryan Rahman
CONFIDENCE is not showing off your VANITY, it’s about to...
CONFIDENCE is not showing off your VANITY, it’s about to be HUMBLED and KIND to others what are you truly SKILLED and PROFESSIONAL about… Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Confidence believes you are able. Competence knows you are able.
Confidence believes you are able. Competence knows you are able. Lolly Daskal
Be yourself....and make the world adjust!
Be yourself....and make the world adjust! Germany Kent
Doubt not the self O lion-heart, for those who call...
Doubt not the self O lion-heart, for those who call you crazy will one day worship you. Abhijit Naskar
Confidence of a dedicated person, seems to be over-confidence to...
Confidence of a dedicated person, seems to be over-confidence to ordinary masses. Abhijit Naskar
If all your focused thoughts followed your inner feelings, your...
If all your focused thoughts followed your inner feelings, your life would be abundant and joyful beyond all imagining. Stephen Richards
By nature you are a manifesting machine!
By nature you are a manifesting machine! Stephen Richards
Feelings are the directional impulses of your soul. Your soul...
Feelings are the directional impulses of your soul. Your soul always wants you to go into the direction of greater joy. Stephen Richards
Focus on lack and you will always struggle to create...
Focus on lack and you will always struggle to create enough money. Stephen Richards
When you allow your mind to ONLY have positive thoughts...
When you allow your mind to ONLY have positive thoughts towards your desired outcome you are saying to the Universe that you are devoted to manifesting your dream. Stephen Richards
First, be better than yourself, then strive to better than...
First, be better than yourself, then strive to better than your competitors. Stephen Richards
Feeling undeserving is never compatible with the ability to attract...
Feeling undeserving is never compatible with the ability to attract or create wealth. Stephen Richards
Forgiveness is remembering the truth of who you are.
Forgiveness is remembering the truth of who you are. Stephen Richards
One of the aims of forgiveness is to turn the...
One of the aims of forgiveness is to turn the frozen, pent-up energy in stored-up emotions into free energy that people can express themselves with in the present. Stephen Richards
Each manifestation is an ascension opportunity. All manifestations teach something...
Each manifestation is an ascension opportunity. All manifestations teach something about oneself and mirror one’s own unconscious state of being. Stephen Richards
For aspirants upon the spiritual path, each manifestation provides clues...
For aspirants upon the spiritual path, each manifestation provides clues as to what needs to be released or cleared in order to continue to ascend. Stephen Richards
The Universe supports doers.
The Universe supports doers. Stephen Richards
Love is not jealous, angry or afraid.
Love is not jealous, angry or afraid. Stephen Richards
In mystical terms, the law of attraction specifies that you...
In mystical terms, the law of attraction specifies that you will attract to yourself those experiences that match your beliefs. Stephen Richards
Growing older does not automatically mean growing kinder or wiser.
Growing older does not automatically mean growing kinder or wiser. Stephen Richards
By thinking of the good things you want to happen...
By thinking of the good things you want to happen as part of a regular routine, you are creating a positive energy. Stephen Richards
Your thoughts and feelings together create an ‘energetic blueprint’ that...
Your thoughts and feelings together create an ‘energetic blueprint’ that is constantly being emitted out into the world. Stephen Richards
The truth is, the source of existence is infinite and...
The truth is, the source of existence is infinite and to discover the essence of it is an unfolding that lasts for eternity. Stephen Richards
If you do not have the time to become healthy...
If you do not have the time to become healthy then so it is the same of becoming wealthy. Stephen Richards
By simply and profoundly giving love to yourself everyday in...
By simply and profoundly giving love to yourself everyday in every way you are saying to the Universe you are worthy of attaining any dream, vision or goal. Feel worthy of it. Stephen Richards
Big or small, be ready to do your part when...
Big or small, be ready to do your part when you dare to dream and you will be rewarded with success from the Universe. Stephen Richards
If you were brought up on a poor man’s brand...
If you were brought up on a poor man’s brand of drink and prefer that to this very day then do not pretend you like expensive wine. Stephen Richards
I know a lot of wealthy people, and yet not...
I know a lot of wealthy people, and yet not many of them drive a Rolls Royce or a Ferrari! However, I also know some of poor people on the verge of bankruptcy driving Bentleys! Stephen Richards
However, what I have come to understand from my life’s...
However, what I have come to understand from my life’s journey is that I am always in the right place at the right time. In fact, there is no other place I could possibly be. Stephen Richards
Dare to believe that there is something better for you...
Dare to believe that there is something better for you and that you can change your future and make it better. Stephen Richards
With a clear idea of what you want in life,...
With a clear idea of what you want in life, you need to actively pursue your dream. Half-hearted attempts will not work. Stephen Richards
Dreams give purpose to one’s life. If you do not...
Dreams give purpose to one’s life. If you do not wish anything better for yourself or for your loved ones, then life loses meaning. Stephen Richards
There are many fun things to do in life, but...
There are many fun things to do in life, but few that are more rewarding than committing to living the life of your dreams. Stephen Richards
Often the unfavorable events of our lives are a catalyst...
Often the unfavorable events of our lives are a catalyst for long needed change, so what seemed like a poor decision in the beginning can result in much better quality of life in the long term. Stephen Richards
Do not look back at the decision, look for the...
Do not look back at the decision, look for the solution. Stephen Richards
When it comes to creating million dollar inventive ideas, most...
When it comes to creating million dollar inventive ideas, most people stop short of reaching the mother stratum while mining their own seam of gold! Genius takes effort and passion. Stephen Richards
There is doggedness to genius. It is the ability to...
There is doggedness to genius. It is the ability to dig deep and hold on to the dream. Stephen Richards
It is easy to be average. It takes no endeavor...
It is easy to be average. It takes no endeavor at all to be like everybody else. Stephen Richards
When we give up our dreams then we are merely...
When we give up our dreams then we are merely existing and not living. Stephen Richards
Be who you are longing to be, practice thinking of...
Be who you are longing to be, practice thinking of yourself as the person of your dreams. Stephen Richards
Only when you verbalize your interests will the Universe be...
Only when you verbalize your interests will the Universe be able to come to your aid. Stephen Richards
Your dreams may have been buried inside of you for...
Your dreams may have been buried inside of you for a long time because you were busy with things that needed to get done, but it is never too late to dare to dream. Stephen Richards
Self-expression is an important requirement if you desire to make...
Self-expression is an important requirement if you desire to make giant leaps in your career. Stephen Richards
Working on your dream whenever it is convenient for you...
Working on your dream whenever it is convenient for you will not work. When you dare to dream, you should also dare to do. Stephen Richards
Everybody has dreams and goals. All you have to do...
Everybody has dreams and goals. All you have to do is dig them up. Stephen Richards
Looking flash without the cash is worthless!
Looking flash without the cash is worthless! Stephen Richards
Stash the cash and stop being flash if you want...
Stash the cash and stop being flash if you want to give being wealthy a bash! Stephen Richards
Each of us channel through the rest of us, which...
Each of us channel through the rest of us, which is true on every plane of being and in every field of enterprise and in all walks of life. Stephen Richards
All we are in possession of is the result of...
All we are in possession of is the result of the snowballing attitude of our minds. Stephen Richards
When it comes to manifesting anything you desire, sometimes you...
When it comes to manifesting anything you desire, sometimes you have to go and collect. Stephen Richards
As the Universe brings your desires towards you, sometimes you...
As the Universe brings your desires towards you, sometimes you must take the path it lays out for you so that you can be in the right place to receive it. Stephen Richards
Positive words can bend your world in your favor.
Positive words can bend your world in your favor. Stephen Richards
Millionaires, though, see objects like diamonds and good feelings merely...
Millionaires, though, see objects like diamonds and good feelings merely as fruits. The root of true wealth, in fact, stems from your behaviors. Stephen Richards
When you are able to identify what drives you, you...
When you are able to identify what drives you, you will be better equipped to draw out your possible options and make the relevant decisions that will help you achieve your goals. Stephen Richards
Discovering how the Universe will manifest all of your dreams...
Discovering how the Universe will manifest all of your dreams for you is going to be an exciting journey that will harmonize the trinity of your mind, body and spirit. Stephen Richards
Creating abundance must start from within ourselves.
Creating abundance must start from within ourselves. Stephen Richards
Leaving your future to pot luck is holding you back,...
Leaving your future to pot luck is holding you back, you are worth more than anything, yet why do you leave everything to chance? Stephen Richards
The foundation of all personal development, actually, is self-acceptance and...
The foundation of all personal development, actually, is self-acceptance and self-love. Stephen Richards
Your level of vibration runs parallel with your feelings, meaning...
Your level of vibration runs parallel with your feelings, meaning you are in control of your life and the events that come into your life at any given moment. Stephen Richards
Base your self-esteem on truth.
Base your self-esteem on truth. Stephen Richards
Gratitude raises your awareness and focus and it can inspire...
Gratitude raises your awareness and focus and it can inspire you to achieve better for yourself and the people around you. Stephen Richards
Once you realize that everything in the Universe is connected...
Once you realize that everything in the Universe is connected then you will have a better understanding of the fundamental nature of manifesting. Stephen Richards
What is energy? Everything is energy.
What is energy? Everything is energy. Stephen Richards
The higher the vibration, the more positive the events or...
The higher the vibration, the more positive the events or people you attract and likewise. Stephen Richards
Time is manmade! It is simply an invention! Believe it...
Time is manmade! It is simply an invention! Believe it or not, time only exists here on earth for us humans. Stephen Richards
Your attitudes towards others affect what you think about yourself.
Your attitudes towards others affect what you think about yourself. Stephen Richards
The second step that comes right after taking responsibility for...
The second step that comes right after taking responsibility for everything that occurs in your life is to let go of all that you do not feel good about. Stephen Richards
The first step to reclaim your power to control your...
The first step to reclaim your power to control your own life is to take responsibility for your life completely. Stephen Richards