75 Quotes About Philosphy

Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of reality, knowledge, values, and purpose. From there, it takes on many forms, which are based on different schools of thought. This list of wise philosophy quotes has wisdom from all types of philosophers to inspire your thought process every day.

Progress just means bad things happen faster.
Progress just means bad things happen faster. Terry Pratchett
Arrogance on the part of the meritorious is even more...
Arrogance on the part of the meritorious is even more offensive to us than the arrogance of those without merit: for merit itself is offensive. Friedrich Nietzsche
Pretend you are a foolish to the tyrant — because if he realizes you are a genius, he might use you to harm others. A Gentlemen
We don't live as God intended us to, but we...
We don't live as God intended us to, but we live as the Devil wants us to. Anthony T. Hincks
Free will is the cutting edge of Creation, don’t you see? The word spontaneity derives from the Latin sponte, meaning ‘of one’s free will.’ Spontaneity is the impulse, the purest expression of freedom, and the impulse wants to do whatever it wants to do. But you are afraid of what others think, others who are just as afraid of what you think, and so you pussyfoot along the perimeter of the free-will zone, wilting like a wallflower. Tony Vigorito
For thousands of years humanity has been trying to answer the question: “Do we have life after death?” Maybe for the first time you must now answer the question: “Do I really have a life before death? Dragos Bratasanu
Advice to my younger self:1 Start where you are with...
Advice to my younger self:1 Start where you are with what you have2 Try not to hurt other people3 Take more chances4 If you fail, keep trying Germany Kent
Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry. Cassandra Clare
He, too, was in the grip of rage and rhetoric. I saw that, attractive though his side of the political spectrum was. A cancerous violence had eaten into every political idea, had taken over the ideas themselves, and for so many, all that mattered was the willingness to do something. Action led to action, free of any moorings, and the way to be someone, the way to catch the attention of the young and recruit them to one's cause, was to be enraged. It seemed as if the only way this lure of violence could be avoided was by having no causes, by being magnificiently isolated from loyalties. But was that not an ethical lapse graver than rage itself? . Teju Cole
Clouds are just nature's stepping stones to the heavens.
Clouds are just nature's stepping stones to the heavens. Anthony T. Hincks
A wiz does not only rely on his or her...
A wiz does not only rely on his or her peers for assistance., however he or she will unleash his or her exceptional accomplishments by working wisely and independently. Saaif Alam
Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice.
Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice. Will Durant
Only love can dispel hate From Satsang with Giten on Buddha, November 12, 2015, in StockholmBuddha says: SPEAK OR ACT WITH AN IMPURE MINDAND TROUBLE WILL FOLLOW YOUAS THE WHEEL FOLLOWS THE OX THAT DRIVES THE CART When Buddha uses the concept "impure mind", he means mind. Mind is impure, and no-mind is pure. S P E A K OR ACT WITH AN IMPURE MIND means to speak or act from the mind. AND TROUBLE WILL FOLLOW YOU means that misery and suffering is the result of the mind, because the mind means unawareness. Mind will bring trouble and suffering as certain AS THE WHEEL FOLLOWS THE OX THAT DRIVES THE CART. WE ARE WHAT WE THINKALL THAT WE ARE ARISES WITH OUR THOUGHTS SPEAK OR ACT WITH A PURE MINDAND HAPPINESS WILL FOLLOW YOU AS YOUR SHADOW, UNSHAKABLE When Buddha says "pure mind", he means no-mind, awareness. Happiness will follow you if you have a pure mind or no-mind. Suffering is a result of mind, of unawareness, happiness is a result of no-mind, of awareness. Happiness cannot be searched for directly, happiness can only be found if you do not search it directly. On the contrary, you have to search for awareness. When awareness comes, happiness comes of its own accord. "LOOK HOW HE ABUSED ME AND BEAT ME, HOW HE THREW ME DOWN AND ROBBED ME"LIVE WITH SUCH THOUGHTS AND YOU LIVE IN HATE "LOOK HOW HE ABUSED ME AND BEAT ME HOW HE THREW ME DOWN AND ROBBED ME"ABANDON SUCH THOUGHTS AND LIVE IN LOVE Fear and hate exists in the past and the future, love exists in the moment, in the here and now. Love exists in the present moment. Fear and hate has a reference in the past. Somebody has abused you in the past, and you are carrying it like a wound. Fear and hate is a limitation. If you hate somebody, you also create a hate in the heart of that person towards you. The world lives in fear, hate, destructiveness and violence. Hate creates hell on earth, love creates a paradise on earth. True love comes from your inner being. It is spontaneously welling up of joy, which has nothing to do with the past or the future. True love is in the moment. IN THIS WORLDHATE NEVER YET DISPELLED HATEONLY LOVE DISPELS HATETHIS IS THE LAW ANCIENT AND INEXHAUSTIBLE Hate never dispels hate, darkness cannot dispel darkness. Only love can dispel hate. The eternal law is that only love dispels hate, only light dispels darkness. Bring light into a room and the darkness disappears by itself. How can you bring light into your own being? Through becoming silent, aware, awake and conscious. That is how to bring the light in. The moment you are aware and awake, hate will not be found. It is not possible to hate somebody with awareness. You can only hate somebody in unawareness. When you are conscious, hate disappears, when you are not conscious, then hate is there. Love and hate, light and darkness, cannot exist together, because hate is the absence of love, darkness is the absence of light. YOU TOO SHALL PASS AWAYKNOWING THIS, HOW CAN YOU QUARREL We waste our life in quarreling, in conflict, when life is so short. Use your whole energy for awareness and meditation. Then you can become a light. Meditation will make you awake, because you will discover your inner being. Meditation brings an awakening. For the first time you will feel the truth of your own being. Swami Dhyan Giten
There exists a line within every man, a line that...
There exists a line within every man, a line that frightens even us. When an enemy comes to our very doorstep to endanger wife and child, our Beast is unleashed. The Lionmage had gone feral. Braith Maxwell
If we don’t see real changes in the world, it simply means we are not serious enough about creating those changes. We cannot a! ord to entertain superficial changes any more. The changes we need should be deep, real, and thorough. Ilchi Lee
It takes my breath away!
It takes my breath away! " that's all that I can say. Anthony T. Hincks
It is only through mystery and madness that the soul...
It is only through mystery and madness that the soul is revealed Thomas Moore
Earlier People used to hate a lie Since now lie has become truth and truth has become a lie. They still hate a lie Irrfan Ishaq
Pain is there when you are born, Its the very first thing you feel when you come in to the world. Then why run? Face it head on, cry in it, laugh in it because in the end pain is what you will remember. Akash Lakhotia
If you make your own path in this thing we call life, you will forever know that it was yours and not someone else's. - Michael A. Contés II Unknown
Some days I like to wander to old and warn our places, forests ripped apart by man and streams that carry stagnant water where it use to flow. There is a sense of clarity in these places, a reflection of who I am or atleast who I have been. Broken, yet still incredibly beautiful. Nikki Rowe
For when you look at the ceiling, or down at the floor, when the trouble's before you, you're begging for more. Brian M. Boyce
We kept our secrets because we don't want to reveal what we were before Syrone Dalawis
For every quote, there is one that challenges it. R. Alistair
The continued appeal of anarchism can probably be attributed to its enduring affinity with both the rational and emotional impulses lying deep within us. It is an attitude, a way of life as well as a social philosophy. It presents a telling analysis of existing institutions and practices, and at the same time offers the prospect of a radically transformed society. Unknown
Whatever its future success as a historical movement, anarchism will remain a fundamental part of human experience, for the drive for freedom is one of our deepest needs and the vision of a free society is one of our oldest dreams. Neither can ever be fully repressed; both will outlive all rulers and their States. Unknown
An intelligent person can rationalize anything, a wise person doesn't try. Jen Knox
But it was not only a feeling of guilt which drove him into danger. He detested the pettiness that made life semilife and men semimen. He wished to put his life on one of a pair of scales and death on the other. He wished each of his acts, indeed each day, each hour, each second of his life to be measured against the supreme criterion, which is death. That was why he wanted to march at the head of the column, to walk on a tightrope over an abyss, to have a halo of bullets around his head and thus to grow in everyone's eyes and become unlimited as death is unlimited.. Milan Kundera
Quotations from ‘“THE STRENGTH IN KNOWING”***Convey to others more compassion, sensitivity, understanding rather than judgementalism” To find pity shall enable forgiveness to surface There are good bones in everyone’s body, what varies are the number Cause and effect from the very smallest act by one individual can change mankind for all time Devastation can be a reward, and a path to regeneration Emotions May Inhibit our Ability to Find PeaceOne must conquer One’s insensitivity to sensitivity True peace maintains strength and calm in the face of discord and tension Wisdom is not guranteed to be achieved with age but rather realized with ones sensitiviy to man and the universe Opposites create duality. The ego creates opposites. Therefore, the ego creates duality One should not permit his or her life path to be influenced by the expectations of others. Doubt is the archenemy of the purity of thought and it inhibits the essence of all that is Our, emotions and perceptions determine our attitudes and ultimately our choices Don’t do it later; do it now. True love is unconditional and everlasting and it cannot cease. Reframing from negative speech is a path to reduction of negative thought Uncontaminated understanding and awareness is the purity of essence and the essence of purity . I. Alan Appt
I Drink. I Burn. I Dream.And Sometimes, I tell Stories ! Unknown
Life in illusion is in a transient belief on insight without perspective Farley Maglaya
Your own forefathers killed to have and hold the land where you were born, and sought to extinguish the memories and souls of those that were slain. What of those who prayed in the mountains of Appalachia for thousands of years? That to me is an abomination, although it is the way of men. Bruce Lee Bond
Some teachers only teach us and go but some teachers teach us and they leave indelible footprints which continue to teach us forever! Great teachers live and leave distinctive footprints. Great teachers, though they go, their footprints forever live in our minds and inspire the body and the soul in a distinctive way ! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
What appear to be depravity, injury, or extinction are merely traces of memory and experience obscuring the soul. These are merely shadows of the soul, never its substance. The soul itself is always pure and whole. Ilchi Lee
The truest smiles are those which spread across our faces when no one's watching us. Minhal Mehdi
I feel like I am either on the cusp of something great, or standing on the edge of my abyss, discovering something brand new, or uncovering somebody elses lost imagination. Carroll Bryant
The most successful business in the history of mankind is religion, and it is the most cost effective in franchising its ideology through ignorance and spreading of hate…. Such business has exceeded any expectation, and if it would transcend itself into world trading, it would have been the most valuable stock in any market….ever. Husam Wafaei
If you dream of becoming perfect, you never will. Be satisfied with being imperfect and that will make you perfect. Anthony T. Hincks
.the most important philosophical question we can each ask ourselves is, ‘Do I or do I not wish to commit suicide?’ If we say, ‘No I do not, ’ as most of us would, it is because we have reasons for living, or at the very least real hope that we can find such reasons. Then the next question is: what are the reasons I personally have for saying ‘No’ to that question? The answer contains the meaning of my life. A.C. Grayling
I still believe this Life is a good joke. And if you treat it that way, you will never stop laughing. James Hauenstein
The thing I want to write most is the next thing I write. Carroll Bryant
The pursuit of historical relevance is an under appreciated endeavor. Michael Dwinnell
Tea has nothing to do with being hungry, " said Nimrod. "For Englishmen, it is like a canonical hour. And almost as much of an important ritual as the tea ceremony in Japan. Except for one thing. With tea, in Japan, recognition is given that every human encounter is a singular occasion which can, and will, never recur again exactly. Thus every aspect of tea must be savored for what it gives the participants. But in England, the significance occurs in the fact that teas is always the same, and will always recur again and again, exactly . For how is the endurance of a great civilization to be measured? . P.B. Kerr
Its regurgitation in newspapers of record and blogs of repute would be another reminder why the American society as a whole could never be call itself highbrow, why its easy availability of of stories on the private lives of others was turning adults, who would otherwise be enriching their minds with worthwhile knowledge, into juveniles who needed the satisfaction of knowing that others were more pathetic than them. Imbolo Mbue
Everybody hates lie but nobody wants to hear the truth. Anurag Bhatt
You are the only one who can. Carroll Bryant
In the long run one gets used to anything. Albert Camus
When people say they hate life, to what are they comparing it to? The alternative isn't any more appealing. Carroll Bryant
No matter what you do if it isn't genuine it's not worth doing, if it isn't meant with good heart it's not worth saying, and if it's a darkness around you perhaps it's not worth remembering. E.E.D. Horton
You wouldn't walk with your underpants stuck in your bottom, you'd adjust them. So don't treat the inconvenience in your life like ill-fitting wandering underpants, adjust it to be comfortable again. Unknown
Do not drown yourself into fantasy, whatever you can do, do it now, do not wait for tomorrow to come. Kamaran Ihsan Salih
Life consists on lightness and darkness, when you reached to lightness, prepare your tools for darkness Kamaran Ihsan Salih
Ignoring somebody’s mistakes in life from a powerful position makes you a saint, but the same act (whose intentiondoes not matter), if carried out from a weak position, will make you a coward or helpless. Ravindra Shukla
It is a meaningful thing for a scientist of the stature of Ibn Sina, certainly one of the best scientific minds in the whole history of mankind, to often resort to prayer to seek God's help in solving his philosophical and scientific problems. And it is also perfectly understandable why the purification of the soul is considered an integral part of the methodology of knowledge. Osman Bakar
Logic, when used correctly and by an intellect that is not corrupted by the lower passions, may lead to one to the Transcendent itself. Osman Bakar
Sometimes it’s like that in life too. We look into a past that no longer exists, looking as if it’s real. We hold onto things in our life that there’s no reason to hold onto anymore because, unlike the stars, they don’t bring us beauty, they bring us pain. Charlene Carr
Blankly expressing oneself can be stronger than words. Paul Morabito
I'm not really angry at you. I'm just angry at myself for not doing anything. Anthony T. Hincks
My breath is normal, when you're not around, but when I hold you closely, it's never to be found. Anthony T Hincks
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self. Aristotle
Nothing goes with you except the love that you gave away. Debasish Mridha
Employing yourself costs less than employing someone else but more than working. The marginal cost/revenue of education. Mark Sherman Smeester
The markets make a good servant but a bad master, and a worse religion. Amory B. Lovins
Even a cockroach can be legendary by being killed by a legend. Munia Khan
Doing something once can be addicting. Doing it twice is admitting it. Paul Morabito
Ability does catches my attention, but its a politeness in the person that I remember. Amit Kalantri
Need doesn't care about being sensible. Amit Kalantri
Deep in my heart politeness impresses me more than competence. Amit Kalantri
If we believe in nothing, if nothing has any meaning and if we can affirm no values whatsoever, then everything is possible and nothing has any importance. Albert Camus
Endless seas, mean endless adventures. Anthony T. Hincks
People hide the truth to protect those they love! Craig Mercier
Words are never enough! Anthony T. Hincks
Hope is believing in something that eludes you. It's a desperate feeling in a desperate situation. Carroll Bryant
I don't think that you know who we are, but we know who you are! Anthony T.Hincks