23 Quotes About Atlanti

When we talk about Atlantis we usually think of the ancient Greek legend. However, there is no doubt that the ancient legends depict a real place and time. It is said that Atlantis was one of the most powerful empires in the ancient world. The city of Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean and had a very advanced architecture. The story starts with how Poseidon, god of the sea, brought his wife Amphitrite to this continent Read more

The couple had a son, Atlas. Atlas by nature was not blessed with good sense and had an unending desire to collect all the knowledge on Earth and store it in his head. When he reached adulthood, he began to look for someone to help him fulfill his goal. Atlas had a meeting with Zeus and asked him to build a huge library containing all the knowledge on Earth.

Zeus agreed on condition that Atlas would build him a palace strong enough to withstand any possible enemy attacks. Atlas then started working on the project by making thousands of drops from Mount Atlas into the ocean, which brought forth fish and other aquatic animals which he used for his construction works. The first edifice built was named after its architect – Atlas' House . It was built in accordance with all rules of architecture known to that era.

This palace was built in accordance with special architectural rules devised by Zeus himself. This project not only satisfied Zeus but made him proud as well because his son had proved himself worthy enough to work for him. The next building to be constructed was named after its designer – Atlas' Palace . It was also made using columns created from boulders brought from Mount Atlas.

The palace was built in accordance with all rules of architecture known to that era. Then came the next great achievement – Atlantean Tower . This tower stood at least 50 meters tall and could reach an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.

The tower was constructed in accordance with all rules of architecture known to that era. Finally there came another great achievement which built itself in an arc shape around the central part of Atlantis – Atlantis Bridge . This bridge also stood at least 50 meters tall and could reach an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level before it fell down due to its own weight when one day it collapsed easily when one day it became so much taller than its original height without any structural changes being made to it whatsoever! Atlantis Bridge could have stayed standing even longer if it hadn't been for two incidents; The first incident occurred when Poseidon fell in love with

Orion brightened. "I have an idea."" Yes?" said Foaly, daring to hope that a spark of Artemis remained." Why don't we look for some magic stones that can grant wishes? Or, if that doesn't work, you could search my naked body for some mysterious birthmark that means I am actually the prince of somewhere or other. Eoin Colfer
A twinge of fear entered Gwenwhyfar’s heart. It was the first she had heard of the sea farms lying in the path of danger. She wondered what had befallen a different Norseman of her acquaintance. Had her poor bodyguard, Finn, perished in one of those raids? Jennifer McKeithen
Far, far out on the open sea a platform of stone held firm against the tossing waves. At first sight, it appeared as nothing out of the ordinary, other than that it lay in the middle of nowhere. That was the view on the surface. Beneath the water existed an entirely alien world. Jennifer McKeithen
She ran. Deeper, deeper into the mysterious Broceliande forest... Jennifer McKeithen
Sleeping AtlantisSilent cool watersdancing upon her skin ~silent cool waterushering dreams within... Muse
A twinge of fear entered Gwenwhyfar’s heart. It was the first she had heard of the sea farms lying in the path of danger. She wondered what had befallen a different Norseman of her acquaintance. Had her poor bodyguard, Finn, perished in one of those raids? Jennifer McKeithen
Like Solon, Plato intended to write a long fable about legendary Atlantis; like Solon, he never did write it. Yet there existed beyond the Atlantic an unvisited land, after all, and it is more strange than any of Plato's myths that Plato's apprehension of order and justice should be a living influence among the people of that land, twenty-four centuries after the mystical philosopher's soul departed from Athens. Russell Kirk
I'm a little tired of protecting people who help the ones trying to conquer them Alyssa Day
The priest was Quinn's biggest danger of all. Alyssa Day
You know better than that the only thing about you that scares me isyour absence, Alaric Alyssa Day
No matter what it takes. Make at least part of him live, and I can find the rest of him somehow. Someday. Alyssa Day
Your magic is unbalanced without the soul-meld Alyssa Day
He'd saved her life and killed her trust. He'd thought it a fair trade, at the time. Alyssa Day
Secundus might lie rotting in his grave, but his relatives and followers yet lived. They believed the lies that held Gwenwhyfar responsible for the death of their relative. For the sake of his own family’s safety, Marcus had not sought to correct that error. Jennifer McKeithen
Remember these Romans, Hannibal. For the time being, we must ally with them. But the day will come when we will have our vengeance upon them, as we will upon the demons of Harappa. Never forget that.” The boy's voice was grave. “I'll remember. Jennifer McKeithen
Marcus turned his back to her. He feared that if he saw her face, it might weaken his resolve. Love was indeed a madness. Jennifer McKeithen
Find the Seventh Sister, And the girl shall be, Your spiritual guardian, For eternity. Andrew J. Peters
I am needed here. Atlantis can burn in the nine hells for all I care. I have sacrificed enough to Poseidon. My days as high priest are done. Alyssa Day
Wishes have voices sometimes. Alyssa Day
Always you, since the moment I first lay my hands on you to heal that bullet wound. SinceI fell inside your soul. Don’t you know that by now, Quinn? Alyssa Day
Lucky for you, since you’re the most dangerous man I’ve ever met. Asane woman would run away from you, not toward you. Alyssa Day
You don’t always have to take it all on, either, you know. The weight of the world. The responsibility for everyone else’s problems. Sometimes it’s okay to let somebody else worry about you. Alyssa Day