89 Quotes & Sayings By Dragos Bratasanu

Born in Romania in 1971, Dragos Bratasanu is an award-winning photographer and director of the Romanian Institute of Contemporary History. His multimedia project “Why I Don’t Go to Church” won the Grand Prize for Multimedia at the International Photo Paris Paris Photo Festival in 2011. Bratasanu uses his platform to explore history, ideology, and religion in society through photography, video, and performance. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Time Magazine, Die Zeit, Le Monde, Newsweek Romania, The Huffington Post, The New York Observer, The Guardian, Vice Magazine UK, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Der Spiegel Online Germany, and many other publications.

You discuss philosophy about what you read but never really...
You discuss philosophy about what you read but never really live the wisdom. Dragos Bratasanu
All you have to do is decide moment by moment...
All you have to do is decide moment by moment which voice you listen to: the Truth of Love or the nightmare of fear. Dragos Bratasanu
The only way to make your dreams a reality is...
The only way to make your dreams a reality is to live your truth. To embrace your truth, and embrace it with love. Dragos Bratasanu
To love is to communicate, and you can communicate only...
To love is to communicate, and you can communicate only in truth. Speak the truth, and speak it with love. Dragos Bratasanu
Changing the external conditions of your lives - earn more money, be in a better physical shape, have another partner or travel more - will not change how you feel. It never works because the emptiness is not around, is within. The only way to come back to life is to acknowledge that little voice rising from your heart and begging you to return to love, to return to truth. Dragos Bratasanu
Your heart doesn't care about being easy. Your heart only...
Your heart doesn't care about being easy. Your heart only cares about what's true for you. Dragos Bratasanu
If you lie to yourself, you become your worst enemy,...
If you lie to yourself, you become your worst enemy, attacking from inside. (from The Amazing You movie) Dragos Bratasanu
God lives in the Now. There is always peace in...
God lives in the Now. There is always peace in the present moment. Dragos Bratasanu
Our life on Earth is nothing but a reflection of the Heaven above. Our mind is the mirror. Sometimes is peaceful and gentle, sometimes it roars and hollows. The clearer it gets, the more you see Heaven in your life. But when the storm rages on, the reflection is gone and it seems that Heaven is nowhere and has never been. Regardless of whether your mind is clear or not, what you must remember is that Heaven is still there. Dragos Bratasanu
If you are open to life’s lessons and do not feed on beliefs and prejudices, you are like a blank sheet of paper on which God writes his messages to you in holy ink. Dragos Bratasanu
Many things are impossible for men to do alone, but...
Many things are impossible for men to do alone, but everything is possible with God. Regardless of how big your errors might have been, you will find forgiveness when you truly seek for it. Dragos Bratasanu
When you judge another, you judge a child of God,...
When you judge another, you judge a child of God, and when you condemn another, you condemn your Heavenly Father. Dragos Bratasanu
You are the masterpiece of Love Itself framed within a...
You are the masterpiece of Love Itself framed within a body. And so you are. Dragos Bratasanu
The most powerful affirmation you will ever find is this: “I am as God created me. Dragos Bratasanu
You find God by looking within. Looking at the outside...
You find God by looking within. Looking at the outside world trying to find God is like looking through a telescope at the Moon trying to find atoms and molecules. Dragos Bratasanu
The fear of God is an insane idea. God is...
The fear of God is an insane idea. God is love and “there is no fear in love, because perfect love casts out all fear. Dragos Bratasanu
What you do for others, God will do for you.
What you do for others, God will do for you. Dragos Bratasanu
If you are now facing difficulties in your life, don’t focus on them but rather focus on God because when you keep your mind on God, you remember that nothing can stand in the way of His Power. Dragos Bratasanu
Think of another as you want God to think of...
Think of another as you want God to think of you. Dragos Bratasanu
When we give all to another in a love without...
When we give all to another in a love without conditions, we get to understand how much God loves us. Dragos Bratasanu
People will always tell you what they think you should or should not do. But your life is only between you and God. If you have doubts whether what you’re doing is right or wrong, before you make any decision, look up and ask God. You will always know the answer. Dragos Bratasanu
Religion and God have nothing in common. If you focus on what people did in the past, you lose what God can do for you in the present. When you focus on Spirit, you find love because you know you belong. Focus on Love. Dragos Bratasanu
The only way to heal is to help others heal,...
The only way to heal is to help others heal, and the only way to find love and keep love in our lives is to give it to others. Dragos Bratasanu
When your pockets are empty, go where your heart is...
When your pockets are empty, go where your heart is full. Dragos Bratasanu
If you cannot find a reason to be grateful for...
If you cannot find a reason to be grateful for today, be grateful for you have the sky. Dragos Bratasanu
Thinking about the future is the worst way of thinking...
Thinking about the future is the worst way of thinking about the future. Working on your future is the best way of thinking about your future. Dragos Bratasanu
The most tragic and deviant behaviour of all is that...
The most tragic and deviant behaviour of all is that we live our lives like we will never die, and nonetheless we never live at all. Dragos Bratasanu
Beauty becomes beautiful only when it is shared with others.
Beauty becomes beautiful only when it is shared with others. Dragos Bratasanu
The reason why we get the same partners is not because people are the same, but because we pull the dark shadow of past hurts over our eyes and we live the same all over again. We change the actors, but never the masks we give them in our play. Dragos Bratasanu
Fear is not the end. But only a transition. Dragos Bratasanu
The only barrier that's blocking us from living an abundant...
The only barrier that's blocking us from living an abundant life is our unwillingness to share what we have Dragos Bratasanu
In moments of great change we suffer, somehow hoping deep...
In moments of great change we suffer, somehow hoping deep down that our emotions and our dramas can change the future or prevent it from happening. Future happens regardless. Dragos Bratasanu
It's always your assumptions about you, about others, about future...
It's always your assumptions about you, about others, about future that make reality worse than it actually is. Dragos Bratasanu
In the pursuit of dreams, we all have different beginnings. Your past is not negotiable. You must let go of the hope for a better past. Dragos Bratasanu
Your commitment shakes the very foundation of this universe. (from...
Your commitment shakes the very foundation of this universe. (from The Amazing You movie) Dragos Bratasanu
Our heart calls us one way, the mind pulls us the other way, and we do the opposite. We cannot find peace when the mind rages war against the heart, when we fight with our thoughts the pull of our love. Dragos Bratasanu
Our task is not to find love but to remove...
Our task is not to find love but to remove all blocks that we have built against it. Dragos Bratasanu
He who has little problems, shows little love. He who...
He who has little problems, shows little love. He who has overcome huge problems, has giant love. Because he understands what it means and won’t have others suffer like he did. Dragos Bratasanu
For thousands of years humanity has been trying to answer the question: “Do we have life after death?” Maybe for the first time you must now answer the question: “Do I really have a life before death? Dragos Bratasanu
If we don’t express truth and love in relationships, they simply become a state of isolation with somebody (some body) still around. Dragos Bratasanu
With every dream and with every love, you have to...
With every dream and with every love, you have to die to the old, and be reborn to the new. You must leave what you know behind, and surrender to the unknown. Dragos Bratasanu
THE MOST HURTFUL BELIEF: We live in a world where we are taught that we get by taking. Dragos Bratasanu
The holiest place on Earth, is not a temple or a church, but our relationship to one another. Dragos Bratasanu
We rely on our education, on our judgment and our intuition to make decisions, but sometimes we find ourselves in the most dangerous scenario we can be in as individuals or as team, when we don’t know that we don’t know but we believe we do know. Dragos Bratasanu
When you enter a relationship, ask yourself: Will I be...
When you enter a relationship, ask yourself: Will I be prisoner to an idol by seeing the body, or free in relationship by seeing the soul? Dragos Bratasanu
Love is what remains after the falling in love is...
Love is what remains after the falling in love is gone. Dragos Bratasanu
Take a tram ride today.
 Recognise a dear friend in everyone around. 
 Speak kindly to yourself.
 It is only your thoughts that bring you fear.
 You've been through a lot. 
 There is perfect peace in this moment. Dragos Bratasanu
The knowledge of the Universe is not secret, but is placed in the heart of every grandma and grandpa who have nothing and yet give everything to their grandchildren, in the eyes of every mother holding her baby close to her heart, in the spirit of every father holding the hand of his child walking for the first time. Dragos Bratasanu
People who just float around in life without any direction...
People who just float around in life without any direction will tell you that your dreams are not possible. Their knowledge is the perfect mirror of their results. Logic makes perfect sense. Dragos Bratasanu
The most powerful affirmation doesn’t come from the conscious mind but from your Soul, an affirmation in which you are not trying to convince yourself of something you don’t believe, but rather you are becoming aware of the truth and the reality of what you truly are. Dragos Bratasanu
People who feel excluded get angry and act out their anger in the team. No man is an island, no person can function isolated from the group. When you create a team, any kind of team, inclusion is fundamental. Without every member feeling deeply that he or she belongs to that group there is no team. Dragos Bratasanu
Most people accept living unhappy lives because it is the only way they know, they refuse to be open to the new emerging possibilities and refuse to make positive changes. Because they are afraid of being outside their own comfort zone and don’t risk anything, they live lives that are far less fulfilling than they could actually have. Dragos Bratasanu
Social context trumps reason and social context drives your behaviors...
Social context trumps reason and social context drives your behaviors with an influence akin to an invisible force. We naturally adapt our behaviors to the context. Dragos Bratasanu
As humans, we unconsciously embrace the group’s beliefs and behaviors...
As humans, we unconsciously embrace the group’s beliefs and behaviors without questioning them or surrender to their opinions. Dragos Bratasanu
Failure opens the door to the most powerful lessons and...
Failure opens the door to the most powerful lessons and discoveries — but it does so only if you have the courage to accept reality and look failure in the eye. Dragos Bratasanu
Building something that matters is a marathon, not a sprint.
Building something that matters is a marathon, not a sprint. Dragos Bratasanu
Every step we take toward the top is possible because...
Every step we take toward the top is possible because of all the little steps we took in the past. Dragos Bratasanu
You are worthy. Don’t be lazy. Dragos Bratasanu
When you act against gravity, you break your body. When...
When you act against gravity, you break your body. When you act against Love, you break your heart. Dragos Bratasanu
The person you fall in love with only holds a...
The person you fall in love with only holds a mirror for you to see the pieces of yourself that you have lost, given away, or were taken away from you in the process of life. Dragos Bratasanu
When we fall in love, we recognise in the other...
When we fall in love, we recognise in the other the fragments of ourselves that we have lost. Dragos Bratasanu
Lift up your eyes from your books, from your past,...
Lift up your eyes from your books, from your past, from your hurts and look upon all people with love, because when you look into another’s eyes and see innocence, you find it in yourself. Dragos Bratasanu
Sometimes “Good bye” is just another way of saying “I...
Sometimes “Good bye” is just another way of saying “I love you Dragos Bratasanu
The fundamental emotional need of every child is being-with.
The fundamental emotional need of every child is being-with. Dragos Bratasanu
If love is what we are, then every human interaction...
If love is what we are, then every human interaction is an opportunity to express ourselves. Dragos Bratasanu
A relationship is about recognising (re-cognising or re-knowing) in every...
A relationship is about recognising (re-cognising or re-knowing) in every moment the other as the beautiful soul that he or she is. Dragos Bratasanu
Human relationships are binary: they are complete and fully loving...
Human relationships are binary: they are complete and fully loving when both people are authentic or they are not at all. Dragos Bratasanu
When we see somebody in a difficult situation, we can...
When we see somebody in a difficult situation, we can understand them only if we had the same experience and had lived through it. Otherwise, we just think we know. Dragos Bratasanu
All of us suffer in life, but the ones who...
All of us suffer in life, but the ones who bring the suffering find the greatest pain. The wounds we inflict upon others are the most painful for us. Dragos Bratasanu
If you're tired, if you're in pain, if you're worried...
If you're tired, if you're in pain, if you're worried or afraid - you're human. Remember that Superman is not your patron Saint. Be kind to you. Dragos Bratasanu
Science and spirituality are not opposed entities that try to...
Science and spirituality are not opposed entities that try to claim ownership of the universal truth but rather different layers of awareness about this world. Dragos Bratasanu
Seek not outside yourself for love, because what you are...
Seek not outside yourself for love, because what you are looking for is what you really are. Dragos Bratasanu
You cannot be afraid of the unknown. In every moment...
You cannot be afraid of the unknown. In every moment and with every step you take, the unknown becomes the known. Dragos Bratasanu
Your dream is the prayer the Universe makes to you,...
Your dream is the prayer the Universe makes to you, because in its fulfilment it grows together with you. Dragos Bratasanu
You find your purpose by putting the mind in the...
You find your purpose by putting the mind in the service of the heart and not the other way around. (from The Amazing You movie) Dragos Bratasanu
When you think and act opposite to love, you find...
When you think and act opposite to love, you find yourself powerless and life becomes a frightening nightmare. Dragos Bratasanu
There is only one way to make your dream a...
There is only one way to make your dream a reality: make the decision and then not change it. Dragos Bratasanu
With every dream and with every love, you will have...
With every dream and with every love, you will have to die and be reborn, to leave the known behind and surrender to the mystery. Dragos Bratasanu
N the pursuit of dreams,  your unshakable commitment is the only force more powerful than your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Commitment will pull you towards the fulfilment of your idea even when you doubt yourself. Dragos Bratasanu
In the pursuit of dreams,  your unshakable commitment is the only force more powerful than your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Commitment will pull you towards the fulfilment of your idea even when you doubt yourself. Dragos Bratasanu
Your mind can find all the excuses why your dreams...
Your mind can find all the excuses why your dreams are not possible but you will not be able to fight with your mind the stronger pull of your heart.(from The Amazing You movie) Dragos Bratasanu
When you embrace the mystery and refuse to give in to temporary stumbling blocks, you will not receive what you think you deserve, but rather what you deeply wish in your heart, even though your mind doubts it. Dragos Bratasanu
The door to your heart opens inwardly. Only you can open it. Dragos Bratasanu
Sometimes, sleepers turn up as common people who do everyday things, and create a new destiny for themselves when nobody’s watching. Dragos Bratasanu
Love is not an emotion. Love is the only constant in the universe, the substance and the truth of what we really are. Dragos Bratasanu
When you decide where you turn next in life, look beyond your thoughts, do not trust your emotions, and listen to your heart. Dragos Bratasanu
The more you share unconditionally what others most need, the more you will receive what you most want. Dragos Bratasanu
Truth doesn’t need to be defended. Truth just is. Dragos Bratasanu