23 Quotes & Sayings By Ravindra Shukla

Ravindra Shukla, an Indian-American author and activist, was born in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. He is also a columnist for Huffington Post and has written for numerous publications such as The Atlantic and Global Post.

When people of similar frequencies come together, output is not a simple sum of individual work, but exponential. In science we term this phenomenon as resonance. Output at this stage is beyond any logical limit. Ravindra Shukla
She could afford anything, she could give anything, but she could not share a moment of her life with anybody. Shewas a beautiful and a glamorous diamond with an astronomical price tag, but to a crude reality – she was still a stone, a living stone. Nothing else but a stone in an aesthetic sense. Ravindra Shukla
I prefer to suffer than repent because I stand by my decision and capable enough top pay for it Or reap the beauty later. Ravindra Shukla
Look at this site - it is beautiful and deep. When we come here, we get ourselves lost in its beauty and vastness. Years of sorrow and pain lies in the depth of this lake. You do not know what was here 40-50 years back. Probably, a ditch full of stagnant water and mud breeding mosquitoes. Now here we have beautiful lake surrounded by lush green bushes and beautiful flowers. The place is beautiful today, so we come and enjoy its company, its presence. We do not think about its past or we do not to know what will happen here years later. We enjoy the beauty of its present. Ravindra Shukla
If you rob too much from one person, it becomes murder. If you steal little by little, it looks like business. Just find a way to refine it. The Internet has made it possible to connect to the whole world via one platform. Steal a penny from each person, call it service charge and you will be a millionaire. The volume makes a difference. Ravindra Shukla
Computers can not dream, they can not visualize — That is your part and that’s how you create, innovate and make difference. Ravindra Shukla
I can fight with a real problem. But I cannot solve the ignorance. I cannot solve the illusion of your mind. Ravindra Shukla
If we had always thought from a so-called practical angle — we would’ve never had anything new in this world. We would’ve hidden under the security of practicality and taken no risk, we would have never discovered heart transplantation as a new possibility, we would’ve never thought curing cancer patients a possibility, and we would’ve never discovered a new galaxy in the universe. Taking the cover of practicality is more or less like hiding under the cover of security for fear of failure. Ravindra Shukla
All this security and prospects are different for different people. Somebody is happy playing music and with a less pay, somebody is secure in the corporate world with a high pay with headache. We have individual tastes, tastes are not universal. Ravindra Shukla
If one keeps on adapting, their contribution will be limited. Theycan only imitate but never create. Ravindra Shukla
There are two powers in this world which cannot be matched. Beauty and Youth. Buy the beauty and imprison the youth. Give the best models, actress, and girls from town and nail them. I do not care how much it costs. Ravindra Shukla
Yeah, I am crazy. Ok. May be I am. But I prefer to be crazy than being a dummy. Ravindra Shukla
Beauty lies in one’s heart and sex lies in one mind. It all depends on where your belief lies. Ravindra Shukla
Ignoring somebody’s mistakes in life from a powerful position makes you a saint, but the same act (whose intentiondoes not matter), if carried out from a weak position, will make you a coward or helpless. Ravindra Shukla
You cannot earn $10 million. Nobody earns millions. You can rob, you can steal, or you can make $10 million in an IPO, but never earn so much. So just forget all this saving and consulting bullshit. Ravindra Shukla
America runs on credit darling. Why do you worry, our credit will take care of this payment. It is not saving or cash in hand that matters. We do not need cash, we just need potential. The system in the US believes in potential. That isthe model of the future. You need not be born rich, but you should be in the league that can make it big. Ravindra Shukla
Do not ridicule my effort. Everybody likes a comedian’s company. That’s why they give them tips after watching theshow, not their hard earned money for a mutual fund investment. Give him tips, not your heart. I guess youunderstand the difference. Ravindra Shukla
What about young age? You will be miserable all through your 15 years to reach that goal of $10 million. After 50years, even if you pay a million to get back a week of your time at 35, you will never get that. Your beer will taste very different when you are at 50 from how it tasted at 30. Ravindra Shukla
He wants to punish me because I do not conform to his view. Well I am just telling him that he cannot punish me. I am beyond his ego and punishment. Ravindra Shukla
Of all challenges, convincing dumb ones is the most difficult. Manipulation works better in such cases if your heart allows. Ravindra Shukla
Talking is not easy. Talking intends to convey what you mean. Lying is easy, not talking. When one lies, one doesnot care, and that’s the easy part. Ravindra Shukla
Simplify? Let me try. In school days, we are taught that if there are four animals in a room and you add two more, the total will be six. That is logic. But behind this logic, there are underlying assumptions. Now, if somebody tells you, there are four rats in the room and if you add two more cats in the room, how many animals in total exist in the room now? The answer will depend upon assumption. If you just use your mathematical brain, you will say six animals. If you use your human brain, you will say two animals. Why two animals? Because the two cats will eat the four rats in no time. Ravindra Shukla