13 Quotes About Idealist

So many people think that what they would like to see happen in the world is not possible. But it’s not true. Real change can happen, and it can happen quickly. Real change is more than just electing the right person to office, or supporting an environmental cause, or even giving money to charity Read more

Real change happens when we realize our power as individuals, and act on our ideals. Real change happens when we recognize that our current situations are not sustainable, and we take action to do something about it. Real change happens when we recognize that existing inequalities are unfair, and we work towards a new social order that makes everyone’s needs the same.

Real change happens when we recognize that our current political system is corrupt, and we work towards a new political system where everyone has an equal say. Real change happens when we recognize that our history of violence is unjustified, and we work towards a new history of peace. We all know these truths; they are part of what it means to be human.

And now is the time for them to become reality.

We write, edit, and rewrite the story of our own life employing descriptive words, metaphors, and symbols. Our lives are full of symbols including those supplied by nature and religion, which touch upon the mystical and spiritual aspects of life. Symbols inspire enduring hope by formulating idealist expectations. Kilroy J. Oldster
This was genius at close quarters, and genius had that something above normal in it that was a great strain upon the ordinary mind and feeling. All five were different from each other, yet each had that curious quality of burning intensity, the single-mindedness of purpose that made such a terrifying impression. She did not know whether it were a quality of brain or rather a quality of outlook, of intensity. But each of them, she thought, was in his or her way a passionate idealist. . Agatha Christie
It is interesting that we call something good a “dream, ” but being called a “dreamer” is somewhat of a putdown. Without dreamers, no dream would ever be given reality, and we would live in a very small and shallow world. If you are a secret dreamer, it’s your time to announce yourself. Vera Nazarian
Sometimes your belief system is really your fears attached to rules. Shannon L. Alder
To put a dreamer in their place isn’t dreaming. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I guess I just grew up thinking that when we become adults, we get to do what we love. For work, for fun, forever. I don't know where I got that from. Seems silly now. Crystal Woods
America is a country in which I see the most persistant idealism and the blandest of cynicism and the race is on between its vitality and its decadence. Alistair Cooke
America: A place where Realists have the freedom to be Idealists. Dortha Jackson
As we go through life, we essentially grow a personality. Our personality branches out in many directions to assist us organize our thoughts, feelings, values, ideas, and coping mechanisms. Our exhibited behavior — the way we organize and deal with life — becomes an external representation of our central self. Kilroy J. Oldster
A grin that wasn't natural, and that combined in a strange way affection and arrogance, the arrogance of the idealist who doesn't realize how easily he can be fooled. Frank OConnor
I am a misanthrope, but exceedingly benevolent; I am very cranky, and am a super-idealist.... I can digest philosophy better than food. Alfred Nobel
I'm still a bit of a romantic and an idealist and hopelessly naive. Brit Marling