36 Quotes About Advaitum

Advaita is a Sanskrit word that translates to “not two”. It is the concept of perceiving the universe as one. It involves the understanding that all objects are made of the same fundamental building blocks, and that these building blocks are not different in their essence. While this might seem like a simple concept, it can be difficult to understand when you consider the vast expanse of nature in which each object exists Read more

A few great quotes on advaita can help us see how simple it really is.

One thing: you have to walk, and create the way by your walking; you will not find a ready-made path. It is not so cheap, to reach to the ultimate realization of truth. You will have to create the path by walking yourself; the path is not ready-made, lying there and waiting for you. It is just like the sky: the birds fly, but they don't leave any footprints. You cannot follow them; there are no footprints left behind. Osho
With me, illusions are bound to be shattered. I am here to shatter all illusions. Yes, it will irritate you, it will annoy you - that's my way of functioning and working. I will sabotage you from your very roots! Unless you are totally destroyed as a mind, there is no hope for you. Osho
You are never alone. You are eternally connected with everyone.
You are never alone. You are eternally connected with everyone. Amit Ray
Without the Mind, there is no God. Without you, there...
Without the Mind, there is no God. Without you, there is no God. Abhijit Naskar
Your mind is not merely the vehicle of God, rather...
Your mind is not merely the vehicle of God, rather it is the life-force that keeps God alive. Without the Mind, there is no God. Without you, there is no God. Abhijit Naskar
I do not hail myself as an atheist, for I am not an atheist. In fact, I have met God, felt God and even lived in God, same as the prophets of human history. But mark you, humanism cannot be compromised because of some doctrines presented as God’s command. In the domain of transcendence, all commands received by the mind, are created by the mind itself. They manifest as divine revelations, but in reality, they are revelations rising from the mind itself. And as such, they have potential to be both good and evil. Abhijit Naskar
If Christ attained the state of Absolute Divinity, so can...
If Christ attained the state of Absolute Divinity, so can you. And once you do, then only you will understand the true meaning of Religion and God. Abhijit Naskar
Your greatest awakening comes, when you are aware about your...
Your greatest awakening comes, when you are aware about your infinite nature. Amit Ray
Feel nothing, know nothing, do nothing, have nothing, give up...
Feel nothing, know nothing, do nothing, have nothing, give up all to God, and say utterly, 'Thy will be done.' We only dream this bondage. Wake up and let it go. Swami Vivekananda
Live simply. Deepest joy is like a flower....beautiful in essence.
Live simply. Deepest joy is like a flower....beautiful in essence. Tony Samara
Within each of us is a light, awake, encoded in...
Within each of us is a light, awake, encoded in the fibers of our existence. Divine ecstasy is the totality of this marvelous creation experienced in the hearts of humanity Tony Samara
It is only through silent awareness that our physical and mental nature can change. This change is completely spontaneous. If we make an effort to change we do no more than shift our attention from one level, from one thing, to another. We remain in a vicious circle. This only transfers energy from one point to another. It still leaves us oscillating between suffering and pleasure, each leading inevitably back to the other. Only living stillness, stillness without someone trying to be still, is capable of undoing the conditioning our biologoical, emotional and psychological nature has undergone. There is no controller, no selector, no personality making choices. In choiceless living the situation is given the freedom to unfold. You do not grasp one aspect over another for there is nobody to grasp. When you understand something and live it without being stuck to the formulation, what you have understood dissolves in your openness. In this silence change takes place of its own accord, the problem is resolved and duality ends. You are left in your glory where no one has understood and nothing has been understood. . Jean Klein
Oneness is God.
Oneness is God. Abhijit Naskar
You do not need to go to any temple or church to worship God. The whole existence is God’s temple. Your own body is the temple of God. Your own heart is the shrine. You do not need to subscribe to any religion to experience God. The only religion you need to experience God is love, kindness and respect to all beings. Banani Ray
You do not need any preacher or prophet to learn about God. The teaching is spread on the trees and the mountains, on the stars and the river, on the Sun and the moon. The ultimate teaching is written in your heart. You just need to wake up and see. Banani Ray
The human self and the God self are both creations of molecules in the human brain. Abhijit Naskar
The self, when confined into the usual wakeful state of consciousness, is human, but when enters into the transcendental state of Absolute Oneness, becomes God. Basically, the human and the God are two sides of the same coin. Or to be more specific, the human self and the God self are both creations of molecules in the human brain. Abhijit Naskar
Om is the things, Om is the ingredient, Om is the container and the content of this universe. Banani Ray
Om is that God of love. Like a loving mother Om cleans us of our clutters collected through many incarnations. Banani Ray
I am Not, but the Universe is my Self. Shihtou
Be aware of yourself without thinking or looking in the mirror Bert McCoy
A Strange Prayer:Dear Lord, I, the self searching illusion, has seen and experienced the outer world:relationships, success and failure, true friends, strangers and backbiters. I lived the different emotionsduring different seasons; I witnessed ups & downs, enjoyed love & hate, was good & bad, faced beauty & ugliness. There were times when I was brave, there were times when I was a coward. There were times when I was proactive, there were times when I was indecisive. After, flying high in the skies, and yet being a loser.. After, being nothing & no one, and yet feeling content. I have understood the differencebetween lust and love, happiness and sadness, selfishness and selflessness. One often leads to another;another secretly carries the one! Yet I am lostbetween being and becoming. An inner voice admits thatmy heart is an unexplored realm, my mind is a prisoner to my wishful thinking, and the soul is unknown to me. Setting that unknown free.. now, this is my heartiest wish. As Saurabh Sharma, the human being, Ialwayspray to thee, " O lord, set me free. I don't want love, I don't want to be loved; I want myself to be love itself now. That beautiful, silent and divine existence..! I want to get merged into that. Please give me wisdom and courage; Merge me into your supreme kingdom by setting my soul free. Saurabh Sharma
The self, when confined into the usual wakeful state of consciousness, is human, but when enters into the transcendental state of Absolute Oneness, becomes God. Abhijit Naskar
Christ was an ordinary man who upon the attainment of absolute divinity or Nirvana or Samadhi became a better version of himself. Such an experience of divine ecstasy neurologically transformed him into a great teacher for humanity filled with love, kindness and divinity. Abhijit Naskar
In the non-dual state, God, soul and universe are essentially one absolute system which is all-pervading, uncreated, self-luminous and eternal. Abhijit Naskar
The path of awakening" All of your past selves are walking behind you, like a shadow, waiting for you to awaken fully. Waiting for you to return home. To the Oneness. To love, wisdom, silence and compassion. The child you once were is still with you. It is waiting to receive the unconditional love and acceptance which it has always wanted which will finally heal it, calm itand enable it to relax and surrender into the vastness of your Being.Into the light of consciousness. And it is not just the child who is walking behind you. All the identities from past incarnations are still with you. The seeker. The pirate. The highwayman. The sage.. Unknown
Meanwhile, the self can stand in the way of the Not-Self, interfering with the free flow of spiritual grace, this maintaining the self in a state of blindness, and also with the flow of animal grace, which leads to the impairment of natural functions and, in the long run, of the slower processes called structure. For each individual human being, the main practical problems are these: How can I prevent my ego from eclipsing the inner light, synteresis, scintilla animae, and so perpetuating the state of unregenerate illusion and blindness? And these practical problems remain unchallenged, even if we abandon the notion of an entelechy or physiological intelligencer, of an atman or pneuma and think, instead, in terms [of] systems.. Aldous Huxley
Meditation brings Nirvana, and Nirvana brings Buddhahood. Abhijit Naskar
I just realized that I don't have to have an opinion about everything--what a relief! David R. Hawkins
I once renounced my home in Calcutta, and roamed around the villages of Bengal as a monk. But after I attained the Absolute Divine state of Unification with the Universe, I realized that the purpose of life is not renunciation of anything, but the realization of the purpose itself. Abhijit Naskar
Om was there in the existence, when no religion was formed or founded. It will be there in the existence, if all the religions are demolished. Banani Ray
There is nothing to become. The Truth shines here and now. Awareness IS. One does not become it. The Sun shines. One can simply enjoy it or be busy otherwise. That's it. The Sun shines irrespectively. Awareness. Fire. The Song.IT IS.Stop fighting. Stop. Unknown
Have you ever seen a stereogram? The 'Truth' the Stereogram shows us is there in front of us. Training and work doesn't make us see it. It's a point of view, a different way of looking at it. When you see it you try to explain it to someone else and yourealize you can't. It simple, super simple, yet almost impossible to explain. There are 'techniques' to see them but some people may spendyears trying without results. Others can do it in seconds. It doesn't change the fact that the image is there all the time infront of us. And it's Beautiful. Unknown
What is not true does not exist in this moment. Bert McCoy
To think, or not to think... This is the true question. Bert McCoy