49 Quotes About Steal

If you’ve ever stolen anything, you know how hard it can be to get away with something. As tempting as it might be to think about the possibilities of stealing, there will always be a chance you could get caught. But even if you’re caught, you’ll have gained something important in the process. Stealing quotes are here to help you on your path to becoming more of a thief.

There is nothing morally wrong with buying stolen goods, unless...
There is nothing morally wrong with buying stolen goods, unless you know that they were stolen. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
If you allow your enemy to steal your faith, he...
If you allow your enemy to steal your faith, he can destroy your life and ultimately kill your relationship with God. Craig Groeschel
How does it feel, anyway?" How does what feel?" When you take one of those books?" At that moment, she chose to keep still. If he wants an answer, he'd have to come back, and he did. "Well?" he asked, but again, it was the boy who replied, before Liesel could even open her mouth. It feels good, doesn't it? To steal something back. Markus Zusak
Fire False Friends as early as possible. Do it before...
Fire False Friends as early as possible. Do it before they dig out the dream seeds you've planted! The earlier, the better; the quicker, the safer! Israelmore Ayivor
When two brothers are busy fighting, an evil man can...
When two brothers are busy fighting, an evil man can easily attack and rob their poor mother. Mankind should always stay united, standing shoulder to shoulder so evil can never cheat and divide them. Suzy Kassem
Stephanie could see the greed seep into the watery eyes of herfather’s other brother, a horrible little man called Fergus, as henodded sadly and spoke sombrely and pocketed the silverwarewhen he thought no one was looking Derek Landy
Some kleptomaniacs do not steal things only; they also, while...
Some kleptomaniacs do not steal things only; they also, while some only, steal lovers. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Stolen oranges also have Vitamin C. Likewise, a stolen salmon,...
Stolen oranges also have Vitamin C. Likewise, a stolen salmon, too, has omega-3 fatty acids. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The tragedy waiting for politicians in future is greater than the gain in politics if it is measured, politicians kill, steal and betray the voters, but at the end they go to early grave, lose their peace and become miserable for the rest of their life. Bamigboye Olurotimi
I can sense your love, why leave me in darkness? Beguile me for your amusement, stealing my soul without kisses. You are the sun and I, the moon. Your beauty is reflected in my eyes. When we are apart, I am extinguishedin the blackness of these skies. Kamand Kojouri
You don't necessarily need atomic bombs to destroy a nation. Politicians who value their pockets than the life of citizens always do that every day. Israelmore Ayivor
She'd stolen my car. She'd stolen my dog. She'd stolen all my money. But if she had only asked, I would have given her it all, because when I first met her, she'd stolen my heart. Anthony T. Hincks
Blessings Are Immeasurable"You can lose A child Or a parent, The love of your life, A good job, A game, A deal, A bet, An idea, Your favorite thing, Money, Your best friend, A moment, An opportunity, A chance, Your keys, Your mind, Your health, Your identity, Your virginity, Your religion, Your shirt, Your license, I D or Passport, Phone or phone number, Hope, Faith, Luck, Your pride, Or your house, And feel like You've lost everything, And keep on losing. Stop Counting your losses, And start counting your Blessings. Only then will you discover That losses are always easier to point out and count Than blessings. And that your blessings will always outnumber Your losses, For they are truly Immeasurable.It is only normal that People count losses with Their minds, And ignore To count blessings With the graciousness Of their hearts. . Suzy Kassem
Magic?" What did magic have to do with breaking into someone's store and stealing their stuff?" Don't you get it?" Peter said. "You're free now. You don't have to live by their rules anymore." Peter pointed into the inky blackness of the basement. "The darkness is calling. A little danger, a little risk. Feel your heart race, listen to it. That's the sound of being alive. It's your time, Nick. Your one chance to have fun before it's all stolen by them, the adults, with their cruelty and endless rules, their can't-do-this, and can't-do-that's, their have-tos, and better-dos, their little boxes and cages all designed to break your spirit, to kill your magic. Brom
Man as a thief cannot enjoy life he can only steal, kill and destroy harmony of society. Kishore Bansal
These days, it's better to look poor and be safe, than look rich and be a victim. Anthony Liccione
If we are teaching children how to lie, to steal, and to be aggressive, why do schools punish those who lie and steal? and why does the society punish the offender criminal? Ali Altantawi
If safety is my goal, living life is not. Craig D. Lounsbrough
I know too well howgood-bye can steal more than just the future. Talia Vance
Live for your country, die to yourself; live for yourself, die to your country. Anthony Liccione
Some friends are like sunny days, with false flames, oozing from afar, coming near without a dime. Michael Bassey Johnson
Construct your life plans before satan attempts to destruct you with his death plots. I know this for sure; he is not in to heal! He just came to kill, to steal and destroy! Satan is not wise, it is only crafty! Israelmore Ayivor
Talents are seeds of greatness. With big dreams well dispensed in form of achievements, you can pick money from people’s pockets and they will never get the guts to call you a thief. Israelmore Ayivor
Dream thieves are those who leave their real dreams aside and struggle to pick other people's dreams to work on. They suffer to do attempt what they can't do, Israelmore Ayivor
The gangs of arrogant thieves that can rob you of your success are your own doubts, fears and low self-image. Get them arrested and kept distances apart and you and your accomplishments are secured. Israelmore Ayivor
When some one steals a small hope from you, you can do nothing, only can see dreams stolen... It's small thing, but means a lot... Waiting for several such moments, when your dreams are stolen......it's life you had no choice just feel it and forget..... Nutan Bajracharya
It would be an instructive exercise for the skeptical reader to try to frame a definition of taxation which does not also include theft. Like the robber, the State demands money at the equivalent of gunpoint; if the taxpayer refuses to pay, his assets are seized by force, and if he should resist such depredation, he will be arrested or shot if he should continue to resist. Murray N. Rothbard
We are, at least in part, who we remember ourselves to be. Take away our memories, and you take away our selves. Beth Revis
You'll make bundle of blunders if you consider yourself too clever to look at anothers work. Michael Bassey Johnson
Greatness is not a gift that one can give to another, but rather is a thief's relic that we must take for ourselves. A.J. Darkholme
The only known technique to an imitator is to steal and rephrase, then with a mischievous smile, he said, "i did it", without any confidence and prove. Michael Bassey Johnson
Full of beautiful grace so we steal their space, and death comes quickly. Sara Quin
Distractions can be disastrous if they are allowed, they will steal precious time and energy from most important things that matters in life. Bamigboye Olurotimi
I am against justice … whenever it is carried out by a mob. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
It takes time, or does time take it? Anthony Liccione
The one kiss that was stolen, was given in a lie. Anthony Liccione
Having no applicable skills, in any possible area whatsoever, effectively makes me the master of redundancy. But that info is obsolete, like my insults dictionary, which I stole. Will Advise
Vents were added to the rear bonnet in 1972 and resulted in wet engines and starting problems, and then extra drip-trays to compensate. From 1968 the Beetle got the right side fuel flap that dodgy people used to break open to steal your gas — or your fuel cap — another hard to find item if lost! Christina Engela
For example, your man might think: I don’t steal. Maybe on my taxes, everyone does that, but not in the way I heard so and so stole from his company. See? Those men for whose opinion he cares approve of embezzlement in one area, not the other. He uses them to maintain a claim on goodness while at the same time stealing. Geoffrey Wood
...we steal with our eyes closed to the conditions in which the poor, who make our affluence possible, live. We covet what our neighbours have and want more of the same. Karen BakerFletcher
The Devil went down to Georgia, he was lookin' for a soul to steal. He was in a bind, 'cos he was way behind; he was willing to make a deal. Charlie Daniels
I had a dream about you last night... in it, I tried to sell a squirrel a deposit box to store his nuts in. He stole my cashews in the complimentary snack basket. Marshall Ramsay
They stole from rich merchants and temples and kings. They didn't steal from poor people; this was not because there was anything virtuous about poor people, it was simply because poor people had no money. Terry Pratchett
Some steal, earn a lot of money, but lose their honour and become very poor; some work, earn a little money, but gain a good honour and become very rich! Mehmet Murat Ildan
I flow like a butter in the nailed pan I stole. I also kept the nail, to polish and use as a means of teleportation. Will Advise
If you're heartless, try not to steal someone else's A.M.M Alusi
There's been a concerted effort to steal Christmas. Jerry Falwell
Immature poets imitate mature poets steal. T. S. Eliot