16 Quotes About Spirituality Religion

We all want to know what happens after death. It’s a big question that has been asked about since the beginning of human existence. We’re not sure what the answer is, but we do know that it’s important to find out. We want to know what awaits us in the afterlife, and how our life affects it Read more

These are some of the best quotes on spirituality, religion, and life after death.

Dharma is not about believing in God. It’s about making...
Dharma is not about believing in God. It’s about making the right choices, doing the right things and leading the right life. Anurag Shourie
Most religious individuals do not conceive God in an anthropomorphic or angry way. Rather, in their personal psychological domain of religious or spiritual beliefs, they conceive God in more abstract, spiritual and merciful way. Abhijit Naskar
Even the juncture in history and the zeitgeist we live...
Even the juncture in history and the zeitgeist we live in is something we choose, setting the scene for the spiritual fodder we need to grow and achieve deeper elevation of our souls. Raquel Cepeda
God is within you, open your heart and uncover that...
God is within you, open your heart and uncover that godliness. Amit Ray
Angels, fairies, gods, hell-heaven, "mediating" messiahs, demons, spirits etc. - are but your cultural-isms. Free be of these prisons. Fakeer Ishavardas
You're not free, until you get rid of I-myself-me; and let enter 'That', which, the sages call "Thee". Fakeer Ishavardas
For the being, maybe. But for the spirit, there are no quick sands. Fakeer Ishavardas
If anybody tells says you have to follow his or her #religion or you're going to hell, tell that silly ass to go to hell. Be well. Fakeer Ishavardas
The 'Big Bang' idea of pseudo armchair pundits, too is as much a theory as a human-like big buffoon, that your so-called 'holy' books call god. Fakeer Ishavardas
Yet she belongs, finally and truly, only to God. The hijab is a symbol of freedom from the male regard, but also, in our time, of freedom from subjugation by the iron fist of materialism, deterministic science, and the death of meaning. It denotes softness, otherness, inwardness. She is not only caught in a world of power relations, but she inhabits a world of love and sacrifice. This freedom, which is of the conscience, is hers to exercise as she will. Abdal Hakim Murad
Competition in spiritual matters brings confusion. Kirby Clements
I became aware that there was no barrier between what was inside and what was outside. My body was illuminated by a bright light. I heard with my eyes and saw with my ears. I used my nose as mouth and my mouth as nose. I experienced the world with the totality of my senses as my spirit gathered and my form dissolved. There was no distinction between muscles and bones. My body stopped being heavy and I felt like a floating leaf. Without knowing it, I was being carried by the wind. Drifting here and there, I did not know whether I rode on the wind or the wind rode on me. Liezi
If a messiah exhorts you to kill people of another belief system, get this idiot non-prophet out of your stupid system. Fakeer Ishavardas
The good will is all – and all the talents are ways to fulfill it. Abraham Isaac Kook
Don't make the Divine a nincompoop's idea, of being a man-like entity. What you see here is merely a wandering whirlwind of Infinity. Fakeer Ishavardas