3 Quotes About Spiritual Growth Self Denial

Self-denial is an important virtue. It’s obedience to God. It’s not denying yourself the pleasures of life, but denying yourself what you believe they are leading you to do that are against God's will. Some people think that self-denial is self-righteousness or self-righteousness Read more

These are not the same thing. Self-denying is a good use of your talents. It is not lending your talents to others to use for their own ends.

If you make a living by your business, it's not self-denial to keep it for yourself or invest it in something else. You can invest it in yourself. And don't misunderstand the true meaning of self-denial.

The flesh wants its own way, and you can't always control the flesh, but you can control your mind and intentions, and that's where self-denial begins.

No boundary or barrier surrounds the heart of a person...
No boundary or barrier surrounds the heart of a person that loves their self and others. Shannon L. Alder
True Christian Living is the willingness to deny yourself and consider pleasing God and obedience to Him to be your highest calling in life no matter what station you are in. The things that you do in secret for God will be of more value in His Sight then the pleasures of this world and doing what people think you should do. Anya VonderLuft