4 Quotes & Sayings By Anya Vonderluft

Anya vonderLuft is a writer and poet. She was born in Germany and grew up in Ohio, where she earned a BA from Denison University. Her work has appeared in The Best American Essay series, The Iowa Review, and elsewhere. She is the author of two books: "After the Fall: A German Immigrant's Search for Meaning" (2014) and "The Transformation: Life and Language after R.D Read more

Laing" (2015). She lives in Dallas, Texas.

Love is marked by the inward beauty of Christ in your heart and the way you treat others whether they are in your presence or not. A person who is showing Christ-like Love will not say bad things about others when they are not around. Instead they will seek to encourage them and build them up in the Lord at every opportunity. Anya VonderLuft
Life is not worth living unless you live it for the One who gave you life. Anya VonderLuft
True Christian Living is the willingness to deny yourself and consider pleasing God and obedience to Him to be your highest calling in life no matter what station you are in. The things that you do in secret for God will be of more value in His Sight then the pleasures of this world and doing what people think you should do. Anya VonderLuft