14 Quotes About Spiritual Evolution

There are many ways to describe the spiritual evolution of man. We see this as the process whereby man gains self-awareness and self-knowledge, and thereby becomes more aware of the divine order in Nature. As man seeks to understand his true nature, his inner light begins to shine through. We call this the soul Read more

It is the source of inspiration and enlightenment, and ultimately leads to greater consciousness.

Changing your words, changes your mind. Changing your mind alters...
Changing your words, changes your mind. Changing your mind alters your energy and that is what changes your life. Jodi Livon
May you always find your intuitive voice and may the...
May you always find your intuitive voice and may the language of your intuition sing. Jodi Livon
Remember, the thoughts you think, along with your feelings and...
Remember, the thoughts you think, along with your feelings and emotions, control your vibration. Your vibration is a magnet and everything that comes to you is steel. Jodi Livon
What we see, what we say, and what we think...
What we see, what we say, and what we think is what we get. Jodi Livon
Forget what hurt you in the past, but never forget what it taught you. However, if it taught you to hold onto grudges, seek revenge, not forgive or show compassion, to categorize people as good or bad, to distrust and be guarded with your feelings then you didn’t learn a thing. God doesn’t bring you lessons to close your heart. He brings you lessons to open it, by developing compassion, learning to listen, seeking to understand instead of speculating, practicing empathy and developing conflict resolution through communication. If he brought you perfect people, how would you ever learn to spiritually evolve? . Shannon L. Alder
Letting go facilitates the evolution of the soul. Jodi Livon
Love and intuition are born of the same source. Of all the gifts you will receive in this life, love is the only one with everlasting power. Love is your companion in this world and into the next. Jodi Livon
We are the authors of the stories our soul unfolds. Jodi Livon
Learn to let go or everything you have ever done will be in vain. You will let go of everything right now." He told me, staring into my blue eyes with his big golden orbs. "You are going to let go of everything in this world and let yourself become nothing. Do you understand? Grace Fiorre
Some people say, “Once you learn to be happy, you won't tolerate being around people who make you feel anything less.” My Christ says, “Your job is to get off your self righteous butt and start reaching out to the difficult people because my ministry wasn’t about a bunch of nice people getting together once a week to sing hymns and get a feel good message, that you may or may not apply, depending on the depth of your anger for someone. It is about caring for and helping the broken hearted, the difficult, the hurt, the misunderstood, the repulsive, the wicked and the liars. It is about turning the other cheek when someone hurts you. It is about loving one another and making amends. It is allowing people as many chances as they need because God gives them endless chances. When you do this then you will know me and you will know true happiness and peace. Until then, you will never know who I really am. You will always be just a fan or a Sunday only warrior. You will continue to represent who you are to the world, but not me. I am the God that rescues. . Shannon L. Alder
Leaving the age of materialism and duality behind us, we now seek to become Masters of the Spiritual Kingdom ~ moving into the penthouse of ourselves, the crown chakra, as it were. Herein lays all our joy, our progress and our discovery of our superior and limitless Divine powers. By loosening identification with the sense world, we begin to access the greater causal gifts and realms. I believe we must always learn to use our power of choice ~ to develop Spiritual authority, and come out of victim consciousness. It is important to encourage the setting of strong goals (focusing around fulfillment of pure heart’s desires). When the will is highly focused, the reader become receptive to the Higher Way and technologies of God I wish to impart. Linda De Coff
EvolutionIdeaPerspectiveWordBreaks into our code Per-mutating atoms Of our evolutionary Self-sOur sensory navigating device Accepts or rejects the impulse Creating realities of our choice A natural drift takes us from an amoeba to a human A very determined choice takes us further Allowing us To squeeze our way through To awake-n To God and his gift of Aware-ness Unknown
Quincy laughed. "If I were Elizabeth I shouldn't thank either of you for that comforting diagnosis. Would it do any good to open Aunt Sarai's grave and drive a stake through her? If you believe in as much sorcery as that, you must regret the days of witch-burners, Carew."Carew said quietly, "No. Witch-burners were barbarous blunderers. If I wanted to suppress a dangerous letter, could I do it by burning the envelope and leaving the letter loose? The witch would come back unchanged; I should merely have postponed the danger until another time and place. And have further handicapped myself to meet it, by depriving the witch, by violent death, of the years allotted her, or him, for evolution." Joseph said with dry humor, "She might not have used them for that, Carew. At least not for your idea of it." Carew shrugged. "That would be her responsibility, not mine. And, in any case, she would be that many years nearer the time of her inevitable change." This time Joseph did not answer, only smiled. Evangeline Walton