100 Quotes About Hopeless

We all know what it’s like to feel hopeless sometimes. Whether you’re feeling down because of some major life changes or because of something small, our list of hopeless quotes will help you get out of your rut and back on track.

I want to drag knives over my skin, just to...
I want to drag knives over my skin, just to feel something other than shame, but I'm not even brave enough for that Paula Hawkins
I wanted to cry because I needed you there with me so bad. I knew in that moment that I was in love with you. I was in love with the way you loved me. When you wrapped your arms around me and held me, I knew that no matter what happened with my life, you were my home. You stole the biggest piece of my heart that night. Colleen Hoover
And just when I though things were starting to get...
And just when I though things were starting to get better, everything had gone wrong again. Rachel Ward
Hope is for people who can't see the Truth.
Hope is for people who can't see the Truth. Jeff Lindsay
Only the hopeless love God.
Only the hopeless love God. Jennifer Donnelly
We look around us and we find ourselves confused as to why the world has fallen into such deep darkness. And standing in this descending darkness, what we need to realize is that the farther we move from God, the darker everything gets. And no light of man can illuminate that kind of darkness. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Although I'm an atheist, I try not to crap all over people's belief in God. It may be nothing more than a placebo, a fairy tale that gives the hopeless hope, but sometimes a little hope is all people need to get through the day. Imagine a unit of soldiers under heavy enemy fire. They are told by their superiors to hold their position, even in the face of overwhelming fire power. The soldiers are being told that reinforcements are on the way, and that thought alone gives them the hope and courage to continue fighting, even if ultimately the reinforcements never arrive. I think some people simply need to believe that God is sending them reinforcements, to get through another day. Oliver Gaspirtz
...hope is never wasted. Even if what I hoped for did not come to fruition as I had imagined, as I had hoped. Hope is placing the beautifully vulnerable parts of ourselves, our raw selves, into His hands. I believe hope moves His heart; but hope also moves our hearts into His hands. Hope builds trust. Natalie Brenner
Yesterday it was sun outside. The sky was blue and people were lying under blooming cherry trees in the park. It was Friday, so records were released, that people have been working on for years. Friends around me find success and level up, do fancy photo shoots and get featured on big, white, movie screens. There were parties and lovers, hand in hand, laughing perfectly loud, but I walked numbly through the park, round and round, 40 times for 4 hoursjust wanting to make it through the day. There's a weight that inhabits my chest some times. Like a lock in my throat, making it hard to breathe. A little less air got throughand the sky was so blue I couldn’t look at it because it made me sad, swelling tears in my eyes and they dripped quietly on the floor as I got on with my day. I tried to keep my focus, ticked off the to-do list, did my chores. Packed orders, wrote emails, paid bills and rewrote stories, but the panic kept growing, exploding in my chest. Tears falling on the desktick tick tickme not making a soundand some days I just don't know what to do. Where to go or who to see and I try to be gentle, soft and kind, but anxiety eats you up and I just want to be fine. This is not beautiful. This is not useful. You can not do anything with it and it tries to control you, throw you off your balance and lovely waysbut you can not let it. I cleaned up. Took myself for a walk. Tried to keep my eyes on the sky. Stayed away from the alcohol, stayed away from the destructive tools we learn to use. the smoking and the starving, the running, the madness, thinking it will help but it only feeds the fireand I don't want to hurt myself anymore. I made it through and today I woke up, lighter and proud because I'm still here. There are flowers growing outside my window. The coffee is warm, the air is pure. In a few hours I'll be on a train on my way to sing for people who invited me to come, to sing, for them. My own songs, that I created. Me–little me. From nowhere at all. And I have people around that I like and can laugh with, and it's spring again. It will always be spring again. And there will always be a new day. Charlotte Eriksson
I'm really hoping he’s being genuine because I can already tell he isn't the kind of guy a girl gets a simple crush on. He’s the kind of guy you fall hard for, and the thought of that terrifies me. I don’t really want to fall hard for anyone at all, especially someone who’s only making an effort because he thinks I'm easy. I also don’t want to fall for someone who has already branded himself hopeless. But I'm curious. So curious. Colleen Hoover
No, Sky. You didn't tell her everything…you told you everything. Those things happened to you, not to someone else. They happened to Hope. They happened to Sky. They happened to the best friend that I loved all those years ago, and they happened to the best friend I love who’s looking back at me right now. Colleen Hoover
Hope without love is hopeless.
Hope without love is hopeless. Dejan Stojanovic
They want us to be afraid. They want us to be afraid of leaving our homes. They want us to barricade our doors and hide our children. Their aim is to make us fear life itself! They want us to hate. They want us to hate 'the other'. They want us to practice aggression and perfect antagonism. Their aim is to divide us all! They want us to be inhuman. They want us to throw out our kindness. They want us to bury our love and burn our hope. Their aim is to take all our light! They think their bricked walls will separate us. They think their damned bombs will defeat us. They are so ignorant they don’t understand that my soul and your soul are old friends. They are so ignorant they don’t understand that when they cut you I bleed. They are so ignorant they don’t understand that we will never be afraid, we will never hate and we will never be silent for life is ours! . Kamand Kojouri
You only feel powerless because your fear has given your...
You only feel powerless because your fear has given your power to the object of your fear. Once you realise this, you can claim it back. Kamand Kojouri
My mother is my friend Who shares with me her...
My mother is my friend Who shares with me her bread All my hopelessness cured! Her company makes me secured! Israelmore Ayivor
It is better to hope less than to be hopeless.
It is better to hope less than to be hopeless. Ogwo David Emenike
So I was a stone in the sea. Gravity gave up on keeping me above the surface. I did not try to swim and so I sank to the bottom with no will to turn back. ”I’m tired, ” I told him. ”I’m done”. But he wouldn’t let me and he held me up even on his hardest days and he was a lighthouse when all I saw was darkness. Charlotte Eriksson
The heavenly Father is a hope to the hopeless.
The heavenly Father is a hope to the hopeless. Lailah Gifty Akita
If you believe our cause so hopeless, why join us?
If you believe our cause so hopeless, why join us?"" Because you offered something I had forgotten could be offered, a choice. And I choose to die free. Anthony Ryan
Hope is a curious thing. You always seem to loose...
Hope is a curious thing. You always seem to loose it when you most need it. P.B. McIlrath
Once faith dies, the death of hope follows hard on...
Once faith dies, the death of hope follows hard on its heels. Craig D. Lounsbrough
I ask, ‘Is the cup half-empty or half-full?’ And when I ask that question, I am amazed at how many people have no cup. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Hope is not some thin thing that is subject to...
Hope is not some thin thing that is subject to the winds of fate, but it is crafted hard by the hands of God. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Hope is not some thin thing that is subject to...
Hope is not some thin thing that is subject to the winds of fate. Rather, it is something crafted hard by the hands of God. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Why do you feel so powerless? Go spend an hour with ants. Each of those black specks you see is a life. One whole life that you can save, take, or affect in some way. You have the power to make so many lives better. It is within you. Don’t lose sight of that. Kamand Kojouri
A homeless with hope is in a better situation than...
A homeless with hope is in a better situation than a hopeless with home! Mehmet Murat Ildan
It’s so easy to lose faith and become lost in all of the politics of the world. That’s why we need the arts. To sublimate our frustration and anger into something beautiful. Freud called sublimation a virtuous defence mechanism because it is in the arts that we can find our humanity. Kamand Kojouri
The hands of man can manufacture many things both penetratingly brilliant and utterly astounding. Yet, despite their amazing dexterity and profound skill they cannot manufacture hope. Such a masterpiece as that is left for the hands of God and a manger crafted by those hands. Craig D. Lounsbrough
There was a moment when any hope within me froze solid and I was finally emptied of all energy to fight the cold. And at the very point of that very surrender, when I became convinced that I must bow to a world that would be forever frigid, God cupped the hands of my soul and poured in the warmth of Christmas. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Where there is no hope, there is Christmas. And where...
Where there is no hope, there is Christmas. And where there is no Christmas, there is no hope. Craig D. Lounsbrough
But what if hope had a threshold? What if there...
But what if hope had a threshold? What if there was a limit to it? What if each of us was only given a certain amount and mine was used up? Jennifer Niven
The worst of it is that while we continue to sink deeper into the muck and mire that we’ve created, in the very descent itself we ignorantly declare that in reality we are rising. And until desperation has crippled us sufficiently to confess the lie that we are lifting ourselves out of this mess, and until the panic of utter hopelessness has driven us to completely surrender all of the pathetic contrivances that we’ve fashioned that have put us there, we will never realize that God has readied solid ground that stands but a single step away . Craig D. Lounsbrough
Sometimes, when people look at me, I can see the...
Sometimes, when people look at me, I can see the pity in their eyes. All I want is hope, but neither of us can give it to each other. Genesis Quihuis
You are a hole in my life, a black hole....
You are a hole in my life, a black hole. Anything I place there cannot be returned. I miss you terribly. Ci vedremo lassu, angelo. Timothy Conigrave
Pain writes the words, sorrow wields the pen, tears wet the paper, and the story mends the heart. Piper Payne
It is when I am cold, alone, bitterly forlorn and shuttered from all hope that you will see who I truly am. And my goal is that at those most precarious of moments, what you will see is Jesus holding you through my tears. Craig D. Lounsbrough
I cry even harder, thinking of how it could have been, of how I thought it would be. For the first time, I want to give up, to die, because suddenly everything is too much and there is no solution in sight. B.A. Paris
Good gods are scarce because the majority of gods are...
Good gods are scarce because the majority of gods are created by evil men Bangambiki Habyarimana
Why do religious believers hate unbelievers? The feel threatened by them, they feel besieged by them. Religions consider themselves as separate tribes in their own rights and feel like unbelievers will one day overrun their strongholds Bangambiki Habyarimana
Every word that comes after
Every word that comes after "And the Lord told me... “is a pious lie Bangambiki Habyarimana
Give me something to worship whatever.” Cries the human soul
Give me something to worship whatever.” Cries the human soul Bangambiki Habyarimana
Spiritual leaders, priests and prophets are lamps burning in the...
Spiritual leaders, priests and prophets are lamps burning in the dark, seeking meaning for humanity. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Science cannot disprove god. Science studies the things that are....
Science cannot disprove god. Science studies the things that are. The eternal question is who or what made them to be Bangambiki Habyarimana
Why doesn't the pope convert to Calvinism? Why doesn't the Dalai Lama, convert to Christianity, why doesn't Billy Graham convert to Islam, Why doesn't the Ayatollahs convert to Buddhism, Why isn't Buddhism swept away? Religious leaders know that all religions are equal; they know that no one of them has the monopoly to the knowledge of God. They know that each religion is trying to find the hidden God and that no one religion can claim to have found him beyond doubt. That's why they remain where they are and respect each other. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Can really anybody put his hand on his heart and...
Can really anybody put his hand on his heart and profess to know beyond doubt what happens on the other side of this life? Bangambiki Habyarimana
Once you believe that god is not a private property...
Once you believe that god is not a private property of anybody, you are on your way to becoming a new messiah. Maybe your own if not the world's Bangambiki Habyarimana
Theology is like assuming that there is a black cat...
Theology is like assuming that there is a black cat in a dark room where in fact there is no black cat, and endeavoring to study the cat's properties and how it may have evolved from its ancestors. Bangambiki Habyarimana
The eyes of god are upon you, I mean the...
The eyes of god are upon you, I mean the eyes of society. We are prisoners of societies in which we live Bangambiki Habyarimana
You take away my golden dreams and my visions of paradise, in its place you wake me up and hand me your reasons and facts and crude reality. You have ruined my life. If I commit murder or hang myself, let the god I used to pray to repay you in full. Bangambiki Habyarimana
If you believe that God is good and that He loves you without regard to whom you are or what you do, you will worship Him wholeheartedly. You will praise him with thanksgiving. If you believe He is angry against you, you will come to him with fear and trying to appease his anger. And you don't know when His anger will be over. Such a god keeps you in a perpetual psychological anguish. That is the typical kind of god we usually worship. That is the typical god approved by authority. . Bangambiki Habyarimana
Each mind conceives god in its own way. There may...
Each mind conceives god in its own way. There may be as many variation of the god figure as there are people in the world Bangambiki Habyarimana
God has not yet revealed himself to no one in...
God has not yet revealed himself to no one in no unclear terms. Religions are attempts to find him on that level they are all equal Bangambiki Habyarimana
What is needed is not that a religion be true, meaning that what it claims exist beyond the ink it is written with in a holy book. That is hard to prove. What is important is that a religion be a good system to help us mere mortal deal with our short and troubled life in the universe. Whether what we hope for in the afterlife materializes or not is not important, what is important is that we believe it will materialize and that gives us hope. . Bangambiki Habyarimana
Much terror in religion is not the will of god,...
Much terror in religion is not the will of god, it is created by power hungry clerics who thirst for absolute power and claim it for god. God does not seek power, he is already powerful. Bangambiki Habyarimana
No one knows what god thinks of anything. He only...
No one knows what god thinks of anything. He only knows and no one can claim to penetrate into his mysteries. Those who do that are liars and must be avoided at all costs Bangambiki Habyarimana
It's utter arrogance to think that we can know what...
It's utter arrogance to think that we can know what god ought to be or do. If we don't understand we must continue our search or recognize our ignorance Bangambiki Habyarimana
All religions are
All religions are "revealed" and "inspired". After all nothing happens without the "will" of god. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Don't create unbelief or doubt in people's minds. When you do so you ruin their lives and you have nothing to give them in its place. It's ok if people delude themselves those delusions keep their day running. Bangambiki Habyarimana
An atheist is a disappointed true believer he is an...
An atheist is a disappointed true believer he is an angry and hungry soul who has failed to find a real god to whom he can anchor his hope Bangambiki Habyarimana
When you have doubts about God, the right position to...
When you have doubts about God, the right position to take is agnosticism, atheism is outright arrogance Bangambiki Habyarimana
All religions are guesswork
All religions are guesswork Bangambiki Habyarimana
My gut instinct is that these heavens and hells exist...
My gut instinct is that these heavens and hells exist nowhere else except in our hearts and minds Bangambiki Habyarimana
Don’t curse the gods you will feel shame when you...
Don’t curse the gods you will feel shame when you have to call on them for help Bangambiki Habyarimana
God is powerful. Even those who claim not to believe...
God is powerful. Even those who claim not to believe in him fear him. Though their mouths may confess to disbelieve in him, their hearts yearn for him. Bangambiki Habyarimana
All atheists will go to heaven. If god exists, not believing in him does not take him away and he cannot justly condemn those who seek him earnestly and cannot find him. He would even reward their earnest search for him. Bangambiki Habyarimana
He is an atheist anyone who does not believe in...
He is an atheist anyone who does not believe in my god and the wrath of god is upon him; I am in my right to meet that wrath on him, " thunders the fanatic Bangambiki Habyarimana
You can't have it both ways. Either you believe in...
You can't have it both ways. Either you believe in my god or you go to hell Bangambiki Habyarimana
An atheist is someone who is disappointed in his search...
An atheist is someone who is disappointed in his search of god. He is a man who strongly needed god but couldn't find him. Atheism is a cry of despair Bangambiki Habyarimana
I know what is going on in the heart of...
I know what is going on in the heart of an atheist. Deep anguish that there is nothing beyond, nothing to live for, nothing to give him hope. I know because I endured the same predicament. Bangambiki Habyarimana
After losing faith, even an atheist feels a yawning void in his soul that needs filling; there is nothing imaginable that he can fill with it. It was all along meant to be filled with the sacred, with the unknown and unknowable power. That's the curse or blessing of humanity Bangambiki Habyarimana
I am afraid a monster is grown that will devour...
I am afraid a monster is grown that will devour all of us. Yet we must fight him. Isaac Asimov
Sometimes I reach the highest heights of hope, at other times I reach the deepest of despair. Sometimes I am happy, at other times I am sad. At some point I am a believer, and at some other time an unbeliever. Sometimes I love, some other times I hate. That’s what it means to be human. Bangambiki Habyarimana
The most dangerous people in the world are not the tiny minority instigating evil acts, but those who do the acts for them. For example, when the British invaded India, many Indians accepted to work for the British to kill off Indians who resisted their occupation. So in other words, many Indians were hired to kill other Indians on behalf of the enemy for a paycheck. Today, we have mercenaries in Africa, corporate armies from the western world, and unemployed men throughout the Middle East killing their own people - and people of other nations - for a paycheck. To act without a conscience, but for a paycheck, makes anyone a dangerous animal. The devil would be powerless if he couldn't entice people to do his work. So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, and the needy, there will always be war between brothers. . Suzy Kassem
The most dangerous people in the world are not the tiny minority instigating evil acts, but those who do the acts for them — for a paycheck. To act without a conscience, but for a paycheck, makes anyone a dangerous animal. The devil would be powerless if he couldn’t entice people to do his work. So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, and the needy, there will always be war between people. . Suzy Kassem
The basis of action is lack of imagination. It is...
The basis of action is lack of imagination. It is the last resource of those who know not how to dream. Oscar Wilde
I was lonely, desperate, and angry. At that moment, I truly understood what it meant to be a Saudi woman. It meant being confronted with every possible kind ofobstacle and discrimination. It meant being told that if you want to race with men, you’d have to do it with your hands and legs cut off. I started to wish I had been born somewhere–anywhere–else. Manal AlSharif
Knowing you, I became mindless. Having wasted previous wishes, I'm riddled with regrets Feeling you, I became hopeless. Adrift in chasms, I surrender to a caress. Loving you, I became love. My universe became love. Planets rotate on love's axes andapples fall to be near their beloveds. No longer a rationalist, I assert my existence with love. I love, therefore I exist, therefore I love. Kamand Kojouri
I have no use for these other loves. Seal them shut in jarsand place them in the pantry. A reserve of love. Thank them for their love. They are so kind. Perhaps store them in the fridge For others to take. They say love is a panacea. I know it is not. Flakes of snow, no two are alike. When I am down on my knees, hopeless and angry, for the world no longer makes sense, I won't look in the pantry or fridge. It is your hand pressing on my shoulderthat makes me whole, makes me forget. What trouble? What world? . Kamand Kojouri
Sometimes it's hard to look at a flower, when your...
Sometimes it's hard to look at a flower, when your dying inside. Anthony Liccione
Hope is oxygen to the soul, and God is the...
Hope is oxygen to the soul, and God is the oxygen of hope. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Before I go on with this short history, let me make a general observation— the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise. This philosophy fitted on to my early adult life, when I saw the improbable, the implausible, often the "impossible, " come true. F. Scott Fitzgerald
We hide our demons so good, that the angels we show, bare the shame on their faces. Anthony Liccione
Our Ancestors knew that healing comes in cycles and circles. One generation carries the pain so that the next can live and heal. One cannot live without the other, each is the other's hope, meaning & strength. Gemma B. Benton
Take control of your emotions before your emotions take control of you. Scott Dye
The devil would be powerless if he couldn't entice people to do his work. So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, and the needy, there will always be war between brothers. Suzy Kassem
I want to have the eyes of an adult to see the world as it is, but I more desperately want to have the heart of a child to make certain that I never forget what it could be. Craig D. Lounsbrough
There are a world of answers, outside the loop. Anthony Liccione
Gone are the summer daysand my mind along with them. No longer will I indulgein hopes of getting you back. It is hope that makes these chains heavierand autumnal nights longer. I will merely serve as a memory to you:the lover that recited love poems. I must go nowand I urge you not to look back. Kamand Kojouri
I lived in a really dark place. I wasn't safe in my own mind. I woke up every morning hoping to die and then spent the rest of the day wondering if maybe I was already dead because I couldn't even tell the difference. Tahereh Mafi
What people don't understand about depression is how much it hurts. It's like your brain is convinced that it's dying and produces an acid that eats away at you from the inside, until all that's less is a scary hollowness. Your mind fills with dark thoughts; you become convinced that your friends secretly hate you, you're worthless, and then there's no hope. I never got so low as to consider ending it all, but I understand how that can happen to some people. Depression simply hurts too much. Tyler Hamilton
The evangelist is the world's hopeless romantic, and just like a hopeless romantic, he must hope for the miracle of God more than the romance itself. Criss Jami
She was always looking for guarantees in a world of none. Crystal Woods
I didn’t want to fall in love. Looking at you gave me chills and kissing you made my knees weak. You made flowers grow and fill the space in my lungs which made it impossible for me to breathe. I’m trying to drench the memories and the blood that once pumped through my veins has been replaced with alcohol. My teeth has shattered from all the whiskey bottles and every morning I awake to throw up the poison I swallowed the night before as a hopeless attempt to forget the taste of your lips. I keep hearing the sound of your voice calling out my name as if it’s something I’m not allowed to forget. Denice Envall
To develop emotional and erotic intelligence we need to practice enlarging our inner passion at every moment. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in our world, or even how we feel about ourselves in the moment. In fact, the best time to accomplishing something may be when we least feel like trying, because the hopeless part of ourselves most needs the light. Alexandra Katehakis
Maybe we don’t ever feel that sweetly untainted and wholly majestic kind of love that takes every longing captive because we are hopelessly entangled in the illogical fear that despite all of love’s grand goodness, it might not be good enough to keep us safe. Craig D. Lounsbrough
At cocktail parties, I played the part of a successful businessman's wife to perfection. I smiled, I made polite chit-chat, and I dressed the part. Denial and rationalization were two of my most effective tools in working my way through our social obligations. I believed that playing the roles of wife and mother were the least I could do to help support Tom's career. During the day, I was a puzzle with innumerable pieces. One piece made my family a nourishing breakfast. Another piece ferried the kids to school and to soccer practice. A third piece managed to trip to the grocery store. There was also a piece that wanted to sleep for eighteen hours a day and the piece that woke up shaking from yet another nightmare. And there was the piece that attended business functions and actually fooled people into thinking I might have something constructive to offer. I was a circus performer traversing the tightwire, and I could fall off into a vortex devoid of reality at any moment. There was, and had been for a very long time, an intense sense of despair. A self-deprecating voice inside told me I had no chance of getting better. I lived in an emotional black hole.p20-21, talking about dissociative identity disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder). Suzie Burke
No person, collection of people, institution, government or organization of any kind can in any way promise to meet all of my needs for no person, collection of people, institution, government or organization possesses the array of resources necessary to do that. And so, I am left with the reality that either there is a God who can meet all of my needs, or I’ve been stranded in an existence that created me with needs that the existence itself cannot meet. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Some people are severely lonely, all they can do is accept the single life as an example of being free and happy. Anthony Liccione
I was deluded, and I knew it. Worse: my love for Pippa was muddied-up below the waterline with my mother, with my mother's death, with losing my mother and not being able to get her back. All that blind, infantile hunger to save and be saved, to repeat the past and make it different, had somehow attached itself, ravenously, to her. There was an instability in it, a sickness. I was seeing things that weren't there. I was only one step away from some trailer park loner stalking a girl he'd spotted in the mall. For the truth of it was: Pippa and I saw each other maybe twice a year; we e-mailed and texted, though with no great regularity; when she was in town we loaned each other books and went to the movies; we were friends; nothing more. My hopes for a relationship with her were wholly unreal, whereas my ongoing misery, and frustration, were an all-too-horrible reality. Was groundless, hopeless, unrequited obsession any way to waste the rest of my life? . Donna Tartt
At that moment when you feel like giving up, take a look and search deep inside in oder to understand how far you've come. Don't give up now! Success is right around the corner. Amaka Imani Nkosazana