72 Quotes About River

Rivers are a symbol of life. They are an important part of our ecosystem and the natural life cycle of the world. Our rivers have been used for centuries to establish borders, cities, civilizations, and cultures. In many ways, they’re a representation of our own lives Read more

These quotes about rivers will inspire you to appreciate them and let them guide you to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Camomille: Fallible men write books. God writes in sunlight and...
Camomille: Fallible men write books. God writes in sunlight and rivers and planets. Isn't the Universe a good book? I trust it above the printed kind. Mark Siegel
There is another alphabet, whispering from every leaf, singing from...
There is another alphabet, whispering from every leaf, singing from every river, shimmering from every sky. Dejan Stojanovic
The other day, when I was deciding where to place a mountain range, how to make a river's flow detour around underground stalactite caves, and what precise color to give the sky at sunset, I realized I was God... or an artist and a writer. Vera Nazarian
What melody will our rivers remember if songbirds forget how...
What melody will our rivers remember if songbirds forget how to sing? Sheniz Janmohamed
She has that quality, does the Hudson, as I imagine all great rivers do: the deep, abiding sense that those activities what take place on shore among human beings are of the moment, passing, and aren't the stories by way of which the greater tale of this planet will, in the end, be told. Caleb Carr
Who is the spring of living water? The Sovereign Lord.
Who is the spring of living water? The Sovereign Lord. Lailah Gifty Akita
My mother once wrote a poem about rivers. They were women, she wrote. Starting out small girls, tiny streams decorated with wildflowers. They were torrents, gouging paths through sheer granite, flinging themselves off cliffs, fearless and irresistible. Later, they grew fat servicable, broad slow curves carrying commerce and sewage, but in their unconscious depths catfish gorged, grew the size of barges, and in the hundred-year storms, they rose up, forgetting the promises they made, the wedding vows, and drowned everything for miles around. Finally they gave out, birth-emptied, malarial, into a fan of swamps that met the ocean. Janet Fitch
… the river sliding along its banks, darker now than the sky descending a last time to scatter its diamonds into these black waters that contain the day that passed, the night to come. – Excerpt from the poem “The Mercy Philip Levine
I've known rivers: I've known rivers ancient as the world...
I've known rivers: I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. Langston Hughes
If the river has a soul, it's a peaceful one. If it has a lesson to impart, that lesson is patience. There will be drought, it says; there will be floods; the ice will form, the ice will melt; the water will flow and blend into the river's brackish mouth, then join the ocean between Lewes and Cape May, endlessly, forever, amen. Therese Anne Fowler
Don’t let the horrible nature of the waters prevent you from crossing the rivers of life. The more horrible the challenges we face, the sweeter the joy of conquering them. Israelmore Ayivor
Bridges take people across rivers. Leaders take people across ignorance. With a leader, the destination of a journey is sure. Israelmore Ayivor
A single poem, alonecan turn tidesscatter galaxiesand burst forth with riversfrom paradise. Sanober Khan
The marketplace is an institution that teaches self-advancement, private acquisition, and the domination of nature. Its way of thinking is incompatible with the round river. Ecological harmony is a nonmarket value that takes a collective will to achieve. Donald Worster
The river itself portrays humanity precisely, with its tortuous windings, its accumulation of driftwood, its unsuspected depths, and its crystalline shallows, singing in the Summer sun. Barriers may be built across its path, but they bring only power, as the conquering of an obstacle is always sure to do. Sometimes when the rocks and stone-clad hills loom large ahead, and eternity itself would be needed to carve a passage, there is an easy way around. The discovery of it makes the river sing with gladness and turns the murmurous deeps to living water, bright with ripples and foam. . Myrtle Reed
A river flow freely from its source. Lailah Gifty Akita
A dam is monumentally static; it tries to bring a river under control, to regulate its seasonal pattern of floods and low flow. Patrick McCully
There's something very enticing about an empty bench under a tree. And if it's facing a river, that's the bench for me. Joyce Rachelle
If men would understand and appreciate the good efforts that went into creation and how beautiful, good and awesome the creations were at the beginning, they would never think of undermining the Creators effort and integrity by destroying the beauty of nature! God is watching us! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Nature is well-spring of life. Lailah Gifty Akita
Our lives can be compared to beautiful streams, which are destined to flow, grow in majesty to create wonderful features such as cascading waterfalls, and give nourishment and life to those in its path. Inshan Meahjohn Inshan Meahjohn
Of four infernal rivers that disgorge/ Into the burning Lake their baleful streams;/ Abhorred Styx the flood of deadly hate, / Sad Acheron of sorrow, black and deep;/ Cocytus, nam'd of lamentation loud/ Heard on the rueful stream; fierce Phlegethon/ Whose waves of torrent fire inflame with rage./ Far off from these a slow and silent stream, / Lethe the River of Oblivion rolls/ Her wat'ry Labyrinth whereof who drinks, / Forthwith his former state and being forgets, / Forgets both joy and grief, pleasure and pain. John Milton
As long as some suffer The River Flows ForeverAs long as there is pain The River Flows ForeverAs strong as a smile can be The River will Flow Forever Tupac Shakur
I almost moved mountains, touched rivers, impressed deserts and motivated skies, but I never made it to your heart. M.F. Moonzajer
A river continues to flow despite losing a few drops at each turn. Matshona Dhliwayo
The only way he could have her was to shatter this stubborn faith of hers. In doing so, would he shatter her? "What has this god of yours ever really done for you?" She stood very still for a long moment, her back to him. "Everything. Francine Rivers
If I provide for this life and turn away from the Lord, I am wise for a moment, but lost forever. Francine Rivers
The crocodiles that frighten from crossing the rivers of our destinies are easily drowned with personal confidence but not team courage. It means you owe it to yourself to defeat your own crocodiles and cross over to the other side! Israelmore Ayivor
You cannot control the ocean, but you can guide the rivers that feed it. Matshona Dhliwayo
When Jordan was a baby he sat on top of me much as a fly rests on a hill of dung. And I nourished him as a hill of dung nourishes a fly, and when he had eaten his fill he left me. Jordan... I should have named him after a stagnant pond and then I could have kept him, but I named him after a river and in the flood-tide he slipped away. Jeanette Winterson
Water is sagacious because it carries inside of itself the bottomless profundity of oceans, the cosmic looks of the clouds, subtle wits of the rivers, the inquisitive character of the rains and the silent meditation of the little lakes! Mehmet Murat Ildan
See men for miles around give nature what she needs, rivers and rivers and rivers of it. You exhale with perfecthappiness. Nature turned you down in high school. Now you can come in her eye. Patricia Lockwood
Just as every crop performs on its specific type of soil, and not all fishes can grow in every kind of water, so is leadership. You can’t lead where you can’t thrive; you can lead where you can survive! Israelmore Ayivor
Break every chain of mediocrity that confines you. You may have begun at a level below average, but dare to leave that side and paddle your steps to cross the river with honours. Israelmore Ayivor
Every man has a river on his mind: The River of Thoughts! But not every man has a holy river on his mind: The River of Right Thoughts! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Water is water. Water is life sustenance. Lailah Gifty Akita
The whole purpose of the construction of The Bridge of Silver Wings was to provide a path leading to The River of Winged Dreams, or to serve as a resting place until the river’s deeper and truer nature revealed itself. Aberjhani
Do you know who your grand grand grand grand grand father is? Probably you don’t! If you want to know your very distant past, just look at yourself because you are the accumulated past, you are the ancient river coming from the valleys of the far past! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Water creates so much beauty, life and mystery. Fennel Hudson
We threw ourselves at that wild river every day and most days it tossed us all harmlessly skyward like well-loved children. After a while that does something to you. Jo Deurbrouck
The Thames was beautiful, dark, and swift beneath the billion yellow and white lights of the city… Charles Finch
Across the oceans, in the middle of the rivers and at the peak of mountains; nothing can ever change my feelings for you. M.F. Moonzajer
All rivers pay homage to the ocean for it lies lowest. Jeffrey Fry
Not only did he unleash his emotions through rivers of tears, but for several days he denied his body food so he could pray and seek the God of heaven. Craig Groeschel
There are no mighty mountains for the universe, because there are no mountains for the universe, no rivers, no sun and no clouds! There is only universe for the universe, just a single entity! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Hide the miles between us Run to me Like you run your Fingers through my hair Desire in every digit, in every touch. Run to me Like rivers run in springtime Filled with renewing love As they do with the melting snow. Fly to me As the birds fly the continents Committed to build their nests. Fly to me As a cottonwood fluff in the air All over me, head to toe, gently Come here. Veronika Jensen
When the river meets the sea, he dies! Because the character of the river is to flow and when the character dies, everything dies! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Your on your way, beauty at every turn. You will find challenge and wonder along the way. Others will seek their beauty on your path. The journey is first the destination last Brent M. Jones
Perhaps the most impressive illustration of all is to suppose that you could label the molecules in a tumbler of water.. threw it anywhere you please on the earth, and went away from the earth for a few million years while all the water on the earth, the oceans, rivers, lakes and clouds had had time to mix up perfectly. Now supposing that perfect mixing had taken place, you come back to earth and draw a similar tumbler of water from the nearest tap, how many of those marked molecules would you expect to find in it? Well, the answer is 2000. There are 2000 times more molecules in a tumbler of water than there are tumblers of water in the whole earth. . Francis William Aston
God is not only something metaphysical, but also the physical world, the plants and animals, the mountains and rivers, the air and the sun and the earth. Jeffrey R. Anderson
Sky and the stars and the sun, and the moon and the mountain and the rivers will smile, if you smile. Beasts and the brutes and the monsters and the birds, and the flowers, and the plants, will be kind if you are kind. Doomed and the hopeless and the condemned and the ruined and the miserable and the lost, will be happy if you are happy. M.F. Moonzajer
A river unneeded still finds its way down to the ocean... Will Advise
All mothers are rivers and all rivers, mothers. Aporva Kala
I like geography best, he said, because your mountains & rivers know the secret. Pay no attention to boundaries. Brian Andreas
Walking in the mountain with bare foot, Teasing the flowers with heavy soot, Touching the grasses, climbing the horses, swinging the girls It is joyful, jolly like the flying. Swimming in the rivers, tearing the clothes and burning the shoes Angel of the nature; counting the grasses, touching the flower, teasing the birds M.F. Moonzajer
A dam tears at all the interconnected webs of river valley life. Patrick McCully
On your track to success, never forget that you are crossing many rivers. Yes you are! And each of those rivers contain crocodiles that may attempt to intimidate you. Never be afraid; sail on and you will get there. Israelmore Ayivor
A river starts by longing for the ocean... Will Advise
Rivers are lucky. They can only move in one direction. Marty Rubin
As the river enters into the ocean, so my heart touches Thee. Kabir
The river this November afternoon Rests in an equipoise of sun and cloud: A glooming light, a gleaming darkness shroud Its passage. All seems tranquil, all in tune. Cecil DayLewis
The only way he could have her was to shatter this stubborn faith of hers. In doing so, would he shatter her? 'What has this god of yours ever really done for you?' She stood very still for a long moment, her back to him. 'Everything. Francine Rivers
Ill habits gather unseen degrees, as brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas. John Dryden
A river is a river, independent of whether there are other rivers nearby. In science, we call things what they are based on their attributes, not what they're next to. Alan Stern
Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams - they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do - they all contain truths. Muhammad Ali
In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time. Leonardo Da Vinci
In Einstein's equation, time is a river. It speeds up, meanders, and slows down. The new wrinkle is that it can have whirlpools and fork into two rivers. So, if the river of time can be bent into a pretzel, create whirlpools and fork into two rivers, then time travel cannot be ruled out. Michio Kaku
Congress has an obligation to protect our country's natural beauty, embodied in our nation's parks, rivers, and breathtaking landscapes. Dave Reichert
In the rich world, the environmental situation has improved dramatically. In the United States, the most important environmental indicator, particulate air pollution, has been cut by more than half since 1955, rivers and coastal waters have dramatically improved, and forests are increasing. Bjorn Lomborg
There are several issues why we are opposed to bauxite mining in Visakhapatnam agency region, like environmental pollution, threat to rivers, and tourism. Kishore Chandra Deo