33 Quotes About Quirky

Quirky quotes are a great way to lighten up your day. They’re fun, funny, full of attitude and offer a lot of wisdom. Some of them are classics, while others are more recent, but they all make for great reads, whether you’ve got a few minutes or a few hours. With quirky quotes from all different walks of life, there’s bound to be something in here that will tickle your funny bone.

I'm the first to admit that I don't write right....
I'm the first to admit that I don't write right. Now, relax and enjoy the show! The sideshow, that is. Lori R. Lopez
Relationships may become wrecked by a quirky syndrome: the “Ain't broke, don't fix”-syndrome. When there is no interaction in the neural network and no breakthrough into the mind but only a shallow skin experience, living together might be very torturous. If a heartfelt bond has not been molded, nothing can be broken and thus nothing needs to be fixed. (“I wonder what went wrong.”) Erik Pevernagie
Ever Tried. Ever Failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again....
Ever Tried. Ever Failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. Samuel Beckett
Instead of heading for a big mental breakdown, I decided...
Instead of heading for a big mental breakdown, I decided to have a small breakdown every Tuesday evening. Graham Parke
Christopher throws dandelion head after dandelion head into his bag. It's getting heavy now and his fingers are stained from the work but there are still so many left to kill. His biggest mistake is giving them names. Brian Martinez
I’m trying to decide whether to tell you two to get a room or go barf in the trash can, ” Emma said. “I’m leaning toward the second choice. You are both getting way too weird. And gross.” Cal barked out a laugh and slid his fingers down my arm to entwine with mine. His touch, and Emma’s comments, only made me blush more. Looks like Emma saw Cal lick my face after all. Now that wasn’t awkward or anything. . E.J. Stevens
Quirky, funny, happy-go-lucky dead inside Dexter. No longer Dexter with the knife, Dexter the Avenger. Not until next time. Jeff Lindsay
If the whole world is in a rush and people are out of step with themselves, they fail to catch that quirky aura and that special quality of life that feeds our soul-searching frame of mind and that builds a coveted haven, giving recognition and self-reliance. ("The unbearable heaviness of being”) Erik Pevernagie
He had to die someday too. He might do it on sheets with a six-hundred-plus thread count, but he'd die just the same. Death wouldn't forget about him. Unknown
The first thing you lose when you die is your motor skills. Unknown
 Since I don't know what execrable means, I though I should look it up so I'll be better equipped to deal with whatever I'm about to see." Ignoring the ladies' tottering Millie continued perusing the pages until she found the word she was looking for. Lifting her head after she read the definition, she glanced around. "Begging your pardon Mrs. Cutling, but I don't see anything out here of a wretched or"- she returned her attention to the dictionary- "abominable nature. Although" -she flipped the pages to the A's -" I don't know what that means either. Jen Turano
I stare past her at the inspirational kitten posters. There's one of a soaking-wet kitten climbing out of a toilet with the caption "it could be worse! "" Just tell me whatever it is you're thinking, " Mrs. Paulsen says. "Whatever is going through your mind right now."" I hope they didn't actually drop a cat in the toilet to get that picture, " I choke out. "...Pardon?""Nothing. Sorry. Robin Stevenson
But who is ever fair in an argument? A.B. Shepherd
The greatest stories are simple, but well told. Tova Dian Dean
The whole point of straws, I had thought, was that you did not have to set down the slice of pizza to suck a dose of Coke while reading a paperback. Nicholson Baker
He dropped his head and kissed her. He kissed her and it was a kiss of utter certainty, the kind of kiss during which monarchs die and whole continents fall without your even noticing. When Jess extricated herself, it was only because she didn't want the children to see her lose the ability to stand. Jojo Moyes
Her next words took me by surprise. I lay as still as I could, barely breathing, afraid that if I moved she would stop speaking her heart.“ My mom wanted six children. She only got me, and that sucks for her because I was a total weirdo.”“ You were not, ” I said. She twisted her head up to look at me.“ I used to line my lips in black eyeliner and sit cross-legged on the kitchen table … meditating.”“ Not that bad, ” I said. “Crying out for attention.”“ Okay, when I was twelve I started writing letters to my birth mother because I wanted to be adopted.” I shook my head. “Your childhood sucked, you wanted a new reality.” She snorted air through her nose. “I thought a mermaid lived in my shower drain, and I used to call her Sarah and talk to her.”“ Active imagination, ” I countered. She was becoming more insistent, her little body wriggling in my grip.“ I used to make paper out of dryer lint.”“ Nerdy.”“ I wanted to be one with nature, so I started boiling grass and drinking it with a little bit of dirt for sugar.” I paused. “Okay, that’s weird.”“ Thank you! ” she said. Then, she got serious again. “My mom just loved me through all of it. Tarryn Fisher
Why do want to find him so bad?’ I ask after a while, but she’s not listening. I watch her a bitlonger. ‘Why do you want to find him so bad?’ I ask again. She blinks and comes out of her dream. She flicks the band on her wrist. ‘I just do.’ - Ed Skye Cath Crowley
An ordinary man can enjoy breakfasting on juice and rye bread. But when you are underfed, scorned, miserable or just plain bored, you don’t want to eat dull wholesome food. You want something a little more colourful, exciting, tastier, meatier and juicier. R.S. Vern
Only criminals and madmen walk into Central Park after midnight...or, occasionally, an actor. (Dark City Lights) Jane Dentinger
Check my riddle, and I’ll let you play my fiddle. Zack Love
What is she doing here? I wondered. Hasn't she had enough green-upping? Lisa Papademetriou
Goodwill to all.' I know it's techinically 'goodwill to all men, ' but in my mind, I drop the 'men' because that feels segregationist/elitist/sexist/generally bad ist. Goodwill shouldn't be just for men. It should also apply to women and children, and all animals, even the yucky ones like subway rats. I'd even extend the goodwill not just to living creatures but to the dearly departed, and if we include them, we might as well include the undead, those supposedly mythic beings like vampires, and if they're in, then so are elves, fairies, and gnomes. Heck, since we're already being so generous in our big group hug, why not also embrace those supposedly inanimate objects like dolls and stuffed animals. I'm sure Santa would agree. 'Goodwill to all. . Rachel Cohn
I'd found my niche: cat-owning, stalker-y secretary. And I played the same part again and again and again. Felicia Day
We're everywhere, out there, among you C.J. Morrow
When I first entered the school, I was all set to tie my hair in a ponytail, get a fake tan, and write my homework in pink gel ink. I was prepared to hear girls bragging nonchalantly about the BMWs and diamond earrings they recieved for their birthday. I almost looked forward to hearing the flashlight-wielding nuns tell me to "leave room for the holy ghost" when I danced lewedly with messy-haired prep-school boys . Jennifer Allison
Never make eye contact with a stranger when you’re having a churro. Rucy Ban
Men are allowed to age. Men are allowed to gain weight. Men are allowed to be quirky looking. Janeane Garofalo
I'm very naturally happy, quirky and positive. Kiesza
I wanted to be that quirky girl who writes funny songs that still have meaning. Katy Perry
People are so used to seeing John Goodman as a lovable dad or the quirky characters he played in the Coen Brothers films. James Wan
People are so used to seeing John Goodman as a loveable dad or the quirky characters he played in the Coen Brothers films. James Wan