21 Quotes About Powerful

Inspiring quotes are often the ones that inspire us to do more. They are not only challenging but also motivating to follow up. They are the ones that make us wish that we had read it earlier, or even now. These are the quotes which can make you feel like best friends with them Read more

Read the power words, which you must read at least once in your life.

God has already equipped you with the skills you need to achieve your dreams. If you just try, work hard, take control of your destiny, remain true to yourself and believe it is possible, you will have unlimited power to achieve the impossible. Germany Kent
You are strong because of what you overcame, brave because...
You are strong because of what you overcame, brave because of what you defeated, fierce because of what you mastered, and powerful because of what you conquered. Matshona Dhliwayo
Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus on the bright side of life and expect positive results. Germany Kent
I’m Power Because LOVE is Power.
I’m Power Because LOVE is Power. Stephanie Lahart
If the surprise outcome of the recent UK referendum - on whether to leave or remain in the European Union - teaches us anything, it is that supposedly worthy displays of democracy in action can actually do more harm than good. Witness a nation now more divided; an intergenerational schism in the making; both a governing and opposition party torn to shreds from the inside; infinitely more complex issues raised than satisfactory solutions provided. It begs the question 'Was it really all worth it' ? . Alex Morritt
Nobody but you have to believe in your dreams to...
Nobody but you have to believe in your dreams to make them a reality. Germany Kent
To say nothing is saying something. You must denounce things...
To say nothing is saying something. You must denounce things you are against or one might believe that you support things you really do not. Germany Kent
Have you chosen to accept what life has given you,...
Have you chosen to accept what life has given you, or are you choosing to create your life? There is a powerful difference. Tony Curl
If you want to be strong, love yourself; if you...
If you want to be strong, love yourself; if you want to be powerful, love others; if you want to be invincible, love everyone. Matshona Dhliwayo
Thoughts are powerful; before you were born, you were one.
Thoughts are powerful; before you were born, you were one. Matshona Dhliwayo
Everything is within your power, and your power is within...
Everything is within your power, and your power is within you. Janice Trachtman
Gratitude is one of the most powerful human emotions. Once expressed, it changes attitude, brightens outlook, and broadens our perspective. Germany Kent
How simple it is to acknowledge that all the worry in the world could not control the future. How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now, and that there will never be a time when it is not now. Jonathan Harnisch
Be thankful to those who refuse to help you, for they force you to summon upon your warrior within. Miya Yamanouchi
Your past history is NOT an excuse. Miya Yamanouchi
They are 1% rich because they aren't 99% dumb Piyush Negi
It is only when you take responsibility for your life that you discover how powerful you truly are Allanah Hunt
Make a promise to yourself right now, that you will choose your thoughts and words wisely, that you will no longer use disempowered language about yourself, and nor will you ever negatively define yourself by what has occurred in your past. Miya Yamanouchi
I am a person. I am not always happy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; sometimes I feel sad, sometimes I feel angry. Sometimes I see brokenness in the world and I feel like I'm dying inside because I want to fix it! I am a person. I am not continuously grateful for everything and everyone 100% of the time. Because sometimes, I don't feel grateful! Sometimes I feel betrayed, other times I feel deceived. Because I am a person. And I am tired of the schools of thought and the judgmental eyes that offer up their plates of useless opinion when I am not 100% floating up there in false pretenses of perfection. I do not want to be false. I want to be a person. And I want to feel and I want to think, and no, not everything in life is something to be grateful for; and no, not everything in the world is something to be happy about. I am a person. My face can do a lot of things aside from smiling. My face can look peaceful, it can look thoughtful, it can look Divine. I can frown and sometimes my eyebrows are scrunched up in the middle; that's because I'm thinking! I am a person. A person that is so much more than what popular opinion expects is the definition of perfection. But I AM perfect. I am perfect the very way that I am. And I would never want to be only what popular thought would expect of me. I am so much more than that. . C. Joybell C.
Our personal history does not inhibit our present or our future. Don't let anyone (including yourself) tell you you can't do something. Find your passion and take action everyday to work towards achieving your life purpose. Miya Yamanouchi