15 Quotes About Meeting Person

Meeting people is one of the most challenging things we do in our lives. We leave home, we come together with people we’ve never met before, and we may never see them again. That’s why it’s important to be prepared and know what to say and do when you meet someone. It’s okay to be nervous, but knowing how to act can make a big difference Read more

Here are some great quotes about meeting people that will help you feel confident and comfortable during your next encounter with another person.

They say faith is taking the first step when you...
They say faith is taking the first step when you can’t see the whole staircase. Actually, wisdom is seeing the elevator behind it that would have taken you to the top floor. Shannon L. Alder
I meet people and they become chapters in my stories.
I meet people and they become chapters in my stories. Avijeet Das
If you have carefully examined hundred people you met in your life journey, it means that you have read hundred different books! Every person you know is a book; world is full of walking books; some are boring, some are marvellous, some are weak, some are powerful, but they are all useful because they all carry different experiences of different paths! Mehmet Murat Ildan
A person meets thousands of different people across a lifetime, a woman thousands of different men, of all shades, and many more if she constantly passes through different parts of the world. Even so, of the many different people a person on average meets it is rare for one to fit almost immediately in harmony and general interest. For all the choices available the odds are enormous. The miracle is there to be grasped. . Murray Bail
We don't meet anyone by chance.
We don't meet anyone by chance. Avijeet Das
The best way to look back at life fondly is to meet it - and those along your journey - warmly, kindly and mindfully Rasheed Ogunlaru
Wherever we travel to, the wonderful people we meet become our family. Lailah Gifty Akita
Each person you meet influences your mental universe in a way that has the potential to make a substantial impact upon the causality of the intellectual development of an entire species. Abhijit Naskar
You don’t have to say everything to be a light. Sometimes a fire built on a hill will bring interested people to your campfire. Shannon L. Alder
Few people when meet first time they feel that meeting each other was the purpose of their life. Amit Kalantri
Girls spilled drinks down their dresses and flicked their hair. Wishing anyone, maybe even you, would notice them... You were someone to me. Kate Chisman
All true friendliness begins with fire and food and drink and the recognition of rain or frost....Each human soul has in a sense to enact for itself the gigantic humility of the Incarnation. Every man must descend into the flesh to meet mankind. G.k. Chesterton
Sometimes we have to meet people where they are, Ollie. Honor their desires, regardless of out own. Tess Hilmo
Meetings at work present great opportunities to showcase your talent. Do not let them go to waste. Abhishek Ratna