100 Quotes About Romance Book

Romance has been a major topic in literature, art, and popular culture for centuries. It’s the center of many films and novels. In fact, many people would argue that it is the central theme of life. Romance is about experiencing new feelings and emotions with someone you don’t know very well, but that you can really care about Read more

Do you often find yourself getting carried away by romantic ideals? If so, check out the collection below of wise, inspirational, and funny romance quotes to help you remember to go slow.

Like the perfect collision of oils on a canvas. She was a walking piece of art. Words and all. Candace Knoebel
Some stories always remain incomplete, until you do not read them complete with heart <3 Unknown
I married a man who was as much a part of me as my own soul. C.J. English
Edward chuckled into her mouth.
Edward chuckled into her mouth. Kristen Casey
When George spotted the pinup girl of his fondest fantasies across that cheesy bar, he had no idea what his pickup line was going to be. All he knew was that he had to get to her, right that second, and stake his claim. He didn’t give two shits if she was meeting someone, or was there with friends. That bird was going to be his. Kristen Casey
Morgan closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Maybe you’re right, ” she sighed, “We should probably wait.” Owen drew back, and she could feel him studying her. She waited as long as she could stand it before she opened her eyes and grinned. He chuckled, low in his throat, a predatory gleam in his eye. Kristen Casey
Owen folded his arms around Morgan to steady her when she crashed into him, and was enveloped by her scent, her warm softness. When she gave a scared little scream, he tightened his arms in a protective reflex. She fit him perfectly, he noted distractedly. And she was soaked: he'd seen her come in from the rain, her expression frantic, just as he had rushed in the front door. His shirt was plastered to his chest between them. Kristen Casey
I stand now at a crossroads. I see before me the route to virtue, at an intersection with the route to love. Do I step to the left or the right, to the wrong or the right? M foot wavers in the air; where shall I set it down? Lise Arin
Relationships should be like flat pack come with easy to...
Relationships should be like flat pack come with easy to follow instructions so that you knew which bits fitted where Jenny OBrien
A fulfilling long-term relationship is not accomplished by just finding the one. It is rather a co-operation between two passionate and highly motivated partners working together, figuring out every single situation holding hands. If there is trust at the root of the relationship, if the partners make an effort to keep it interesting, if difficulties are handled tactfully and if you can appreciate every single deed of your partner no matter how insignificant it is, the flames of love would never burn out and your love can truly live happily ever after. Abhijit Naskar
I watched him with wonder like the stars watch the...
I watched him with wonder like the stars watch the moon, falling in love with every crescent, dark side, and dream. Piper Payne
Love alone means nothing unless you have a tortured heart...
Love alone means nothing unless you have a tortured heart for it to soothe. Piper Payne
Winnie, don't you ever think you're selling yourself short?"" Nope. Never. I'm really good at picking quality dick. Unknown
Simon gave her a startled look. 'I don't believe I...
Simon gave her a startled look. 'I don't believe I have ever been condescended to by a woman before.' She shrugged. 'It was probably past time. Julia Quinn
Edward chuckled into her
Edward chuckled into her Kristen Casey
Morgan closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Maybe you’re right, ” she sighed, “We should probably wait.” Owen drew back, and she could feel him studying her. She waited as long as she could stand it before she opened her eyes and grinned. He chuckled, low in his throat, a predatory gleam in hi Kristen Casey
Her beauty was ethereal, knocking on the door of the...
Her beauty was ethereal, knocking on the door of the part of his psyche that still believed in magic and miracles. D.A. Henneman
Now I get why I'm incapable of flirting for I...
Now I get why I'm incapable of flirting for I can't Lie! Ramana Pemmaraju
He was fast becoming the excitement of a tomorrow I...
He was fast becoming the excitement of a tomorrow I never used to look forward to. Candace Knoebel
Roses have thorns, ’ we whine. When thorns of life...
Roses have thorns, ’ we whine. When thorns of life entwine. Simple things can bring solace to heart- Things everyone take for granted- Like tending beds of fragile roses-with heart full of scars Val Uchendu
There's a kind of purity to a relationship unencumbered by...
There's a kind of purity to a relationship unencumbered by convention, a sense of simplicity and freedom. J.P. Delaney
Stop thinking about the steps. There are no moves in blues, only movement. Just listen to the music, ” Matt whispered into my ear. I let go, softening into his arms. The sways became steps, and without even realising, I was dancing. Renee Conoulty
Passion gives you what you want, lust gives you what...
Passion gives you what you want, lust gives you what you desire, but only love gives you what you need. Matshona Dhliwayo
When you love someone, you become immune to the hurt they cause you. You don’t love hoping to get something in return, you love because you have to. In its extreme form, it is a need to give, not a need to get. Faraaz Kazi
It didn’t matter that she didn’t live here, that a relationship was out of the question. It was probably because a relationship wouldn’t happen that he could let himself get this close. He wrapped his arms tighter around her as though this were all that existed in the world. Just the two of them, the mountain, the clean winter air. The taste of her tongue on his lips. Rebecca Brooks
Every cell in my body was telling me that he was my happily ever after. C.J. English
My feet were keeping in time with the music, but my heart was pounding out a different rhythm altogether. Renee Conoulty
Seek what you want. Lailah Gifty Akita
No matter how far apart we may be, no matter what dreams we may chase after individually, I want you to know that you will always be my first priority. I will always, always love you. Lindsay Detwiler
So, daddy, huh? C’mon Blue-Eyes, don’t be like that. You kept screaming ‘more’ and it was the dirtiest thing I could think of. Eve Dangerfield
We made love... and sushi. C.J. English
You are so beautiful, ” he whispered, kissing her softly on the lips. “I can’t believe I got to have you.” “You’re the only one who has, ” Carrie smiled, “And I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Kassandra Cross
If have the gift of prophesy, all wisdom and knowledge and have no love, I have failed to manifest my true soul. Lailah Gifty Akita
Embrace the love of your life. Lailah Gifty Akita
How is it possible, as you get to know someone better, to realize how good his past is at not letting you find out anything more about him? Angelos Michalopoulos
A Writer in Love.I was just a word weaver What did I know of love? Only that Some days when the words weren’t enough, I knew I was in love. Saiber
I go towards him and put my hands on his face and I kiss him. “What do you feel, Holden?”He looks into my eyes. “You, ” he says. “I feel you. Kady Hunt
Some memories just stay. They just refuse to give up on staying. Maybe it is good that they stay. It helps us stay rooted. It helps us to know who we really are. Aditi Bose
...he's just so out-of-this-world. They don't make them like that anymore. Camilla Isley
His eyes widened and he sucked in a small portion of his bottom lip as if trying to control his temper which she had no doubt was brutally savage. He didn't back off, only let out a short puff of air." Oh, I'm good with brats. I've broken dozens of them. Madison Thorne Grey
He was determined to save her, to be her hero, to give her a reason why the gods had seen fit to place him inside her visions. Gods, he wanted to rescue her. After all, she had rescued him; she had become his heroine a long time ago, before his death became imminent. Madison Thorne Grey
We're traveling into the territory of I don't care. Let's not take that trip, hmm?" Arrogant. Mean. Still gorgeous. Madison Thorne Grey
Just for tonight, let's pretend I'm not a priest and you're not crazy. We're just two normal human beings having a good time. Just a man and a woman at a rip-off carnival, living in the moment. Nancee Cain
Beauty is something most beings, human or otherwise, gauge by the outward appearance. However once you see inside of one's heart, the true beauty of a person comes through and many times changes the initial perception. I have seen the most beautiful creatures seem horribly hideous, ugly, in light of their dark hearts. (Acronis) Madison Thorne Grey
Wharick is the king. I know you already knew that. And by the way, Exian's head in a bag? Gross gift for a king, just sayin'. (Breccan) Madison Thorne Grey
Kathel grabbed Mahgen so fast it shocked her, causing her to let out a sharp gasp. With his hands on her shoulders, he shook her lightly as he spoke. "I love you, Mahgen. Do you understand what I'm saying? Because I want there to be no mistaking what I mean, or what I've said. I. Love. You. So love me, the gypsy, or despise me, it makes no difference! You are mine now, and I am never giving you up.- Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance . Madison Thorne Grey
If they come to this forest, to us here, seeking shelter from the havoc that has been brought upon their lands, at the hands of evil, I say come. I say join us in this fight! The royal throne of Northbrook no longer resides in Gamlock. It is here. Now. In this place. You are its soldiers, I am its king, and we will work together to unite all who are willing to fight alongside us! (Wharick) Madison Thorne Grey
Hey lady.” Sandy wrapped her arms around Darcy’s neck and kissed her cheek quickly. “So, are we burning anything of his in some occult ritual that will curse him and all his unborn children till the end of their days, or are we just going to key his car? D.A. Rhine
Never try to stop me again, " he told her. It was a sensuous command of a lover and brought a chill of excitement in Mahgen's spirit, spreading throughout every inch of her body." No, Kathel, " she said, "if that is my punishment, I shall always try and stop you. Madison Thorne Grey
They'd seen her laugh before he did, had seen her live before he had. The thought of it provoked envy inside of Wharick, and that emotion at times, could be just as powerful as jealousy."- Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance Madison Thorne Grey
Their bodies continued to move together as one, making rhythmic love to each other slowly and thoroughly. And with each thrust, each deliberate movement, the air around them grew thicker, the bind connecting them grew stronger, and their blossoming love grew richer, reaching the depths of their very souls."- Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance Madison Thorne Grey
Me? With only one woman forever and ever, blah, blah, blah. I don't think so, brother. I am having too much fun with all the ladies in Johobin."-Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance (Breccan) Madison Thorne Grey
Your reaction makes me deliciously curious. Will you be kept awake tonight wondering if I knew it was you? Imagining yourself under me?"- Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance Madison Thorne Grey
The first thing that went through Mahgen's mind was how cold she'd become with the loss of Kathel, how insane it was that things could go from tender and warm, to cold and indifferent, in the matter of seconds. That was what it felt like when you loved completely yet allowed things to get in the way of forever."- Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance Madison Thorne Grey
The tale of love and power was a continuum, much like the white carousel just outside of Acronis's hall. It turned around and around. Acronis was tired of the spin."- Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance Madison Thorne Grey
He looked down at the pillow that had fallen to the floor at his feet. "Are you seriously beginning a fight you cannot possibly win, druid?" he asked, his Gwarda green eyes deepening in color from the challenge."- Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance Madison Thorne Grey
So tell me, Thais, you say all things happen for a reason. What if I never found you wandering in the forest that day?" he asked. Thais didn't miss a beat. "Was I wandering?" he asked, but before Kathel answered Thais spoke again. "The question, Kathel, may be, who found who?"- Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance Madison Thorne Grey
You do not believe in the magic and power of this book only because you cannot comprehend that it is possible. The lack of faith of your part does not make the power less capable or less real.. You only have to open up your mind to the possibilities. There is a sea of power out there, all around us. It doesn't wait until someone believes in order for it to exist. It just does."- Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance . Madison Thorne Grey
Thais looked up from the book. For a moment he considered telling Kathel he didn't really see anything, but knew it would do no good to lie. "The book recognized me." Honesty won out. "Of course it did, " Kathel said sarcastically. "Does it want a kiss hello?"- Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance Madison Thorne Grey
She knew without a doubt what he had said was true. They were created for each other. Destined for this time of reconciliation. For Keirah, it was a moment, no, it was the moment of a lifetime, and it would forever be engraved on her heart and etched in her soul to be remembered long after forever. Madison Thorne Grey
Are you telling me, or are you asking me?" Kathel said sarcastically." Depends on your answer, " Wharickreplied. "Yes, Gwardian. It would be my honor to be your second." "Then I was telling you, " Wharick told him. Madison Thorne Grey
I may have been born into this world to be the Gwardian, but I was created for you, for us. You are the reason I exist, the reason I breathe. You are the light to my darkness, and without you I am lost forever. Madison Thorne Grey
Surrounding the two of them was the love they shared but also an overwhelming feeling of fear--fear of a future filled with the emptiness which would consume them if they remained apart. A fear of a future of being separated forever, and it gripped both of their hearts, demanding preventative action. Madison Thorne Grey
I'll thank you now, Kathel, " Keirah whispered. Placing a simple, soft kiss on Kathel's lips, she turned and walked away toward her cabin, leaving both men stunned in her wake. Madison Thorne Grey
One day, when you are sitting with my sister, Mahgen, around a fire, and you're feeling how perfectly right it is to be next to her, this moment, this tease of desire between us, will be long forgotten. Madison Thorne Grey
I feared that if I let him, it would be the final push over a ledge I had been precariously hovering on since the day I had first laid eyes on him. Nicole R. Locker
I wrapped my arms around him like I was saving an oak tree. C.J. English
Oh, darlin’, I’m gonna walk you through it, kiss you through it, feel you through it, taste you through it. Hell, I’m hoping you call out my name through it, but for some reason, if I can’t get you off, by all means, play along. It won’t hurt my feelings. But I don’t think you’ll need to. Beverly Preston
I stared at my lap. I wished I were confident, I wished I were brave. I wished he didn’t scare me. But the more he spoke the less I wanted to look away, and the more I did. Rose Fall
Angel I've loved you since the first time I laid my eyes on you. It's only ever been you. It will always be you, marry me? Kirsty Moseley
© Carlyle Labuschagne 2014" As I watched her run down the path and melt with the shadows, I wasn't sure how to feel about her, or the fact that I may just have aided in her escape and doomed us all. I wanted to believe that anyone given a second chance would use it wisely. But wisdom I guess is hard to obtain when destiny stands in its way. Carlyle Labuschagne
A swirl of dust and dirt picked up from the shadows that fell over everything in this grungy corner of the world. The dancing movement was hypnotizing. The sand and grit had rested long enough to have drifted into obscurity. But fate had different plans, and this gust of wind had lifted them and turned their obscure and unknown existence into a chaotic tempest of action that could not be ignored. . Lexie Syrah
Gannon came from loud, passionate Italian stock that wasn’t afraid to smash a plate to make a statement. Paige, on the other hand, systematically choked down any temper and, with frosty efficiency, made him dance like a fucking puppet. Lucy Score
That's because those pages got torn to shreds when you left, now you both are in different chapters. He wants you - like always, and you want the hot guy down the street. Typical Frankie and Brody style. You guys dance one wild tango, if you ask me. A.M. Willard
A quick and dirty whatever-it-was in the stolen minutes in the middle of the day was one thing. The quiet crackle of the fire, smell of warm bread, the home she knew was so important to him–this was something else altogether. Rebecca Brooks
He stood there watching for a moment, not able to move. Even with her mascara running down her face and her hair beginning to frizz, she was still by far the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on. It was quite simple, wasn’t it? This great affection he had for Olivia was so overwhelming he chose to walk away instead of being brutally honest with himself. Maria La Serra
I yearned for the woman who could bring me to my knees then raise me up again, making me stronger than before. Stephanie John
What if everything about me is totally made up? What if I’m actually… I don’t know. A wanted fugitive in the States.”“Julia.” He reached across the table and grabbed her hand. “Nobody makes up being a high school math teacher.”“ That’s why it’s the perfect disguise! ” He shook his head. “Nobody. Rebecca Brooks
When she at last pressed her mouth to his, it felt like coming home. He tasted of fire and smoke and earth, and fresh bread and soap and something so clean, so pure, it was like spring water to her lips. Rebecca Brooks
He gently sucked on my lower lip, biting it carefully with his teeth. It sent tingles all over my body and I had to hold on to his strong shoulders, firm under my fingers. I opened my mouth and tugged once on his lip ring. What happened next was the best sound I had ever heard before. He groaned so deeply that I couldn’t keep my answering moan quiet. Stephanie Witter
Take a table and I’ll join you in a second.’’ When he walked away I did something I couldn’t be scolded for doing. I checked out his ass in his jeans and…that looked good. Stephanie Witter
Why are you looking at me like that?’’ he asked, his hand tensing for a second on my hip.“ No reason.’’ I moved my hand up his chest and on the way his abs contracted. He pushed me away abruptly, forcing me to sit up with him. With the scruff hiding parts of his cheeks I wasn’t sure, but he seemed to be blushing. “You shouldn’t touch a man like that in the morning, ’’ he rasped, his hand hiding his crotch. . Stephanie Witter
I was falling back again and fast, or maybe I’d never stopped feeling something for him. And it was still hopeless, but at least, I could touch him a little bit. Stephanie Witter
All I could think about was the heat of his soft lips, the way they fitted so wonderfully as I was coaxing him to open them some more, just enough to let my tongue slip in and taste him. I needed a taste, needed to complete this fantasy of mine. Stephanie Witter
Don’t cry, ’’ he breathed out so very close to my face. Just a little closer and I’d feel his lips ghosting against mine. “It’s like a punch in my guts when you cry.’’ “You shouldn’t touch me, ’’ I said, but despite my words, I didn’t try to move away from his touch. A tear ran to my upper lip and I tasted it with the very tip of my tongue. Nolan’s eyes darkened when he followed it, not straying from my mouth. I could see goosebumps over his skin on his neck and on his forearms. “Nolan?. Stephanie Witter
Be myself. If only I remembered what it was like to be myself. I’m a fucking waitress in a crappy bar in a small town in the middle of nowhere. I was going nowhere. I had nothing to give him beside myself and my heart and he denied me. Stephanie Witter
He brought his forehead against mine and we breathed the same air, slowly to try and find our composure. But it was impossible for me as long as he’s so close to me. “You’re ruining me.� Stephanie Witter
I said nothing in my texts. You came up with your own conclusions and you were mad thinking about me being with someone else…’’ “Stop, ’’ he said, his jaw tightening. “Touching another man…’’ “Stop it.’’ “Sleeping…’’ He ran to me and grabbed my shoulders, shaking me once, not hard, but enough to make me stop. “Quit it, ’’ he whispered, his voice deep and dark. . Stephanie Witter
I closed my eyes and immediately I pictured Brooklyn’s full lips parted on a moan, her eyes glassy and her pupils dilated, her cheeks flushed and her body…her smoking body bared only for me. Stephanie Witter
Quietly, under my breath, I mumbled a name and it wasn’t the name of the girl waiting in the other room. In my mind I pictured Brooklyn’s sounds as she came and I jerked in my hand, coming and coming. Something had to give. Stephanie Witter
Then Ben’s mouth descended again and her thoughts, as fickle as tiny fish, swam out of her head. Gentle brushes of his lips turned into more insistent strokes of his mouth. Sexually frustrated widow or not, there was little doubt the man could kiss her into a melted puddle of goo. Tracey Alvarez
And that was it. That was the moment when everything started to shift. What do you want? Stacie Hammond
- I saw the Center of the Universe, she said. - I'm looking at it right now, he said. Eva Scoutt
We talked about all the decades to come and how they would never be enough. C.J. English
I wanted the fairytale. C.J. English
Derrick, you have to make the air move out of her tummy. You are not assaulting her. You're saving her from a stomach ache. ~Anne Howard Laney Smith
He laid his head on Reid's shoulder and shut his eyes, buoyed toward sleep by the affectionate comb of fingers through his hair. He could stay just so, and be content for all his days. Tamara Allen
There reaches a time when it is betrayal for a woman to sleep with her husband. Wheston Chancellor Grove
I gripped hold of that scarf like my life depended on it. Still to this day I inhale it every night, despite what has happened over the years. I don’t blame her now for not waiting. For all she knew, I wouldn’t return. But to marry him, god, she could have done so much better. LeeAnn Whitaker