65 Quotes About Meet

Meeting new people can be intimidating. How do you break the ice and make a good first impression? How do you stop yourself from sounding like a nervous idiot when talking to someone for the first time? When we feel nervous in social situations, we tend to overthink things and start wondering about what we shouldn’t be doing or saying. If you’ve ever felt this way, you know how nerve-wracking it can be to meet new people. These quotes about meeting new people will help you feel more confident in social settings and put your best foot forward when the chips are down.

When I reach my mountain top I will step off...
When I reach my mountain top I will step off and follow the clouds all the way to the top of the world. Once there, I'll probably keep going. Who knows? Perhaps I will meet God along the way. Anthony T Hincks
If you wish to meet and speak with god, you...
If you wish to meet and speak with god, you must first try to tame a wild tiger with a feather and a stick. Anthony T. Hincks
Jesus Christ is the source–the only source–of meaning in life. He provides the only satisfactory explanation for why we’re here and where we’re going. Because of this good news, the final heartbeat for the Christian is not the mysterious conclusion to a meaningless existence. It is, rather, the grand beginning to a life that will never end. That same Lord is waiting to embrace and forgive anyone who comes to Him in humility and repentance. He is calling your name, just as He called the name of Pete Maravich. His promise of eternal life offers the only hope for humanity. If you have never met this Jesus, I suggest that you seek spiritual counsel from a Christian leader who can offer guidance. You can also write to me, if that would help. Thanks for reading along with me. I hope to meet you someday. If our paths don’t cross this side of heaven, I’ll be looking for you in that eternal city. By all means, Be there!. James C. Dobson
If you are constantly seeking then sooner or later, you...
If you are constantly seeking then sooner or later, you will meet ‘your opportunity Sunday Adelaja
We met at a cross-roads in life, But we were going different directions. We were part of each other's lives, But only for a moment. The first person that you meet in life Won't necessarily be the one who's forever. Just look at you and me, And it's not hard to see that This is the moment before life goes on. We are still friends; We are still really good friends. Please tell me that you agree. But I'm not the one for you, And you just can't see yourself with me. . Margo T. Rose
I always wanted to know what it is right. Maybe...
I always wanted to know what it is right. Maybe we know each other from time immemorial, if you know that in you is the eternal energy of goodness, which is most important for you. Gregor Golob
Holy mama llama. That’s Nathanial Stone. Nathanial Stone is sitting in my booth. Nathanial Stone is in the Finewhile Diner sitting in my booth. I’m supposed to wait on Nathanial Stone. I’m going to make a fool out of myself. I just know it. I can feel it coming. Crap. D.L. Hess
Books can be the people we never get to meet,...
Books can be the people we never get to meet, ancestors or far neighbors. Elizabeth Knox
If you have carefully examined hundred people you met in your life journey, it means that you have read hundred different books! Every person you know is a book; world is full of walking books; some are boring, some are marvellous, some are weak, some are powerful, but they are all useful because they all carry different experiences of different paths! Mehmet Murat Ildan
How I'm glad to go back home! Once I truly have no more worry. Many of those who are in a hurry Endure setbacks in the outcome. Ana Claudia Antunes
Those who were afraid of the dark and always refused...
Those who were afraid of the dark and always refused to throw themselves inside it. Never got to see and feel how beautiful it is, to meet and greet one's own demons. Akshay Vasu
Without accepting our personality, we try to meet the requirements...
Without accepting our personality, we try to meet the requirements of the society and do everything to be accepted Sunday Adelaja
Without accepting ourselves, we try to meet requirements of society...
Without accepting ourselves, we try to meet requirements of society and do everything to be accepted Sunday Adelaja
Our goals are not achieved if all our energy given...
Our goals are not achieved if all our energy given to us to achieve the goal and self-actualization is directed towards being accepted by our surroundings and to meet their requirements Sunday Adelaja
Is it odd, my love, that I envy others who have not met you for the intoxication they have yet to experience? Is it odd that I wish to witness you with new eyes so I may have the pleasure of falling for you all over again? I am grateful, so grateful, for knowing the meaning of your various sighs. For being the cause of your ecstatic cries. But, if only for a moment, I wish to let you fall out of my hands so that I may catch you again. You, my love, are the oddity. You are my exception. Kamand Kojouri
Sometimes we meet people and are so symbiotic with them,...
Sometimes we meet people and are so symbiotic with them, it’s as if we are one person, with one mind, one destiny. Gayle Forman
I routinely inform people when I meet them that I...
I routinely inform people when I meet them that I am like a real life version of Dory the fish, as I am very forgetful and have problems tracking conversations. Steven Magee
Some of the most corrupt people that you will meet...
Some of the most corrupt people that you will meet in life are working in corporate government law enforcement. They make criminals look like amateurs. Steven Magee
You write poems with your fingertips And I keep listening...
You write poems with your fingertips And I keep listening to the songs written on my skin By some distant dream, similar words But the verses never meet... Sanhita Baruah
This may be my only chance to see humans before...
This may be my only chance to see humans before these two are made into fertilizer for Moonwind's rosebushes. Tamora Pierce
Saying that you do not remember something or someone is...
Saying that you do not remember something or someone is a less embarrassing or hurtful way of saying that you do not know it or them anymore. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
We sometimes try to impress people we just met by...
We sometimes try to impress people we just met by not trying to impress them. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Men can go to hell! I’ll meet them there.
Men can go to hell! I’ll meet them there. Ljupka Cvetanova
Leaders create and maintain good interpersonal relationships with people they meet and work with. People who lead better relate better. Israelmore Ayivor
Darkness is the only place, where chaos and peace always met and fell in love with each other. Akshay Vasu
Do not go to my grave. Mary knows, I am not there. Look for me in between pages and on people’s lips. Do not go to my old school. Do not go to my old house –I am not in any of those places. Look for me in your hearts and greet me there. Kamand Kojouri
If opportunity knocks, let it in. But with the way things are nowadays- I'd rather meet opportunity somewhere that's more public. I could meet opportunity in a coffee shop, but what if it works there? Well, I could suggest my grandma's basement.- James Lee Schmidt and Jarod Kintz James Lee Schmidt
As a panting Tracy Ferris scrambled into the life-pod, this thought was precisely what was running through her already agitated mind. From the very beginning of their association, she’d had a bad feeling about Brandon Carver. Something about that guy just never seemed to fit. Sure, he was good looking — but so were many of the other out of work space bums hitch-hiking from place to place she’d also had the misfortune to meet. . Christina Engela
When perception, thoughtfulness and understanding do meet, we can fashion a range of viable expectations and craft a world of togetherness. ("Morning after") Erik Pevernagie
You know how sometimes you meet someone and you feel like you've known them your whole life? Well, I feel like I've loved you my whole life. Kamand Kojouri
A good quote is a beautiful bird! Wherever you meet with it, you will start flying with it! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Meet me there, where the sea meets the sky... Oksana Rus
The most beautiful is to see the joy in your eyes. Gregor Golob
Instead of drifting away from God, you'll be firmly anchored, able to swim against the tide, offering living water to all you meet. Craig Groeschel
Many great ideas are not unique. They only become unique when the men who have the wherewithal actually to implement them come together. Robin Hobb
Burning bridges behind you is understandable. It's the bridges before us that we burn, not realizing we may need to cross, that brings regret. Anthony Liccione
He who hides himself amongst the shadows deserves to live inside the dark shadows! Meet with the light to deserve the light! Mehmet Murat Ildan
I believe the night I’ve never methides one elusive star I needto divide me between darkness and light Munia Khan
When you meet failure, do you decide on backing up or backing out?. If you decide to fly, you have to back up. You have to rise up when you fall down! Israelmore Ayivor
Remember, your wishes are on the ways God created. If you miss the way, you are automatically missing that great treasure! Be on the way of the Lord and your wishes will meet you at a chosen junction! Israelmore Ayivor
He kept wandering all his life until the day he met her. For the first time, he felt he should stop and never look back again. Everything else seemed worthless. Such was her magic. Akshay Vasu
Therefore, a search for God's will should begin on your knees. He will meet you there. Remember that Jesus promised, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7). James C. Dobson
His gaze locked with mine and a slow grin appeared on his face. He didn’t look like he had last night. More like he did every day at school. Worn jeans. A black henley instead of a T-shirt and beat-up sneakers, but goodness, I couldn’t think. Okay. Not true. I could think, but I was thinking things I really had no concept of. I was thinking about those full, slightly curved lips and how they must feel in places..other than my forehead or cheek. I was thinking about his hands and how strong they were and the oddly pleasant calluses on his palms. I was thinking about..about a lot of things–things that now didn’t feel so wrong since he was actually single. Noticing my near-prone position, Ainsley looked over her shoulder. “Oh, my good God almighty, ” she murmured. “That’s him?”“ Yes, ” I whispered. That was so him. Jennifer L. Armentrout
Find a secret place and be unreachable! And then, in the silence of solitude, the things you cannot reach in the crowds will meet you there! Mehmet Murat Ildan
I'm going to go pee. If the universe is bigger and stranger than I can imagine, it's best to meet it with an empty bladder. John Scalzi
In the books, I meet characters which I really like and I think that they are like me... but so far I haven't met them in real life! Deyth Banger
When the river meets the sea, he dies! Because the character of the river is to flow and when the character dies, everything dies! Mehmet Murat Ildan
If you're going on a journey take a rainbow with you because you never know who you are going to meet. Anthony T. Hincks
On Earth you can meet Heaven and this meeting actualises every time you meet a kind person! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Let the romantic minds meet the romantic cities and after that the candle of romanticism shines on earth like a sun! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Not a word had dropped from my lips, or from hers, that could unsettle either of us–and yet the same unacknowledged sense of embarrassment made us shrink alike from meeting one another alone Wilkie Collins
Men can go to hell! I’ll meet them there. Ljupka Cvetanova
There is a lesson to be learned from everyone you meet Charmaine J. Forde
The person who does not meet God’s expectations has no right to expect God’s blessings. Sunday Adelaja
Cassie?”It’s Sammy, holding on to Ben, because he’s feeling the Ben thing a little more than he is the Cassie one at the moment. Who’s this guy falling from the ductwork, and what’s he doing with my sister?“ This must be Sammy, ” Evan says.“ This is Sammy, ” I say. “Oh! And this is–”“ Ben Parish, ” Ben says.“ Ben Parish?” Evan looks at me. That Ben Parish?“Ben, ” I say, my face on fire. I want to laugh and crawl under the counter at the same time. “This is Evan Walker.”“Is he your boyfriend?” Sammy asks. I don’t know what to say. Ben looks totally lost, Evan completely amused, and Sammy just damned curious. It’s my first truly awkward moment in the alien lair, and I’d been through my share of moments.“ He’s a friend from high school, ” I mutter. And Evan corrects me, since it’s clear I’ve lost my mind. “Actually, Sam, Ben is Cassie’s friend from high school.”“ She’s not my friend, ” Ben says. “I mean, I guess I kind of remember her…” Then Evan’s words sink in. “How do you know who I am?”“ He doesn’t! ” I fairly. Rick Yancey
That was how I met her, in a bar in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, she was drinking and watching, and that was why I liked her, I thought she would be fun to have fun with. Unknown
Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself. Unknown
If you know the rules, it's not anymore interesting the game, but if you don't know them it's interesting... like what's the feeling to be 24 hours at jail, who can you meet at jail. Do you know somebody from the guards...?! Deyth Banger
About the time we can make the ends meet, somebody moves the ends. Herbert Hoover
We are very much what others think of us. The reception our observations meet with gives us courage to proceed, or damps our efforts. William Hazlitt
Being in the design industry, I've tended to meet more people who are affected by HIV and AIDS. Douglas Wilson
In westerns, you meet a hardy bunch of characters. There is no jealousy on such pictures. John Wayne
Money's a horrid thing to follow, but a charming thing to meet. Henry James
My dad is the nicest guy you'll ever meet, and the easiest going. Serena Williams