99 Quotes About M M Romance

Romantic relationships can be full of ups and downs. But one thing is certain: love is always worth striving for. The best way to find love is to look within yourself first, and try to discover what kind of person you want to be with that special someone. If you’re not sure what that is, then that’s okay Read more

The best way to find out is to start small, like with these romantic quotes about love.

His hand lay across my stomach as he slept soundly. I entwined my fingers with his and breathed through the warmth that seeped through my chest. Such a simple, sweet thing to do, yet holding hands in bed was incredibly intimate. N.R. Walker
I love you, ” he says, still meeting Harry’s eyes, “and it took me a while to get here, but I think that maybe I’ve always loved you. But you wanna know the other thing that I know for sure? Besides the fact that I love you?”(...)“ I’m always going to love you, ” Louis says, tucking some of Harry’s hair behind his ear. “No matter what. Whoknows
You wanna love me for the rest of your life?”“ Baby, I’m gonna love you for the rest of my life, ” Harry says, pressing a quick, careful kiss to the corner of Louis’ mouth. “I just hope that you want to be loved by me for the rest of your life. Whoknows
He’s adorably high-handed where you’re concerned, isn’t he?” My eyes slide closed. “With anyone.” “No, ” he says thoughtfully. “Only you. He really can’t be bothered with anyone else, unless they’re connected to you. You’re all he sees. Lily Morton
The truth is that I will always need you more than you need me. It’s also the truth that I’m not a good bet for someone as vital and young as you. I’m bad tempered, a perfectionist who is too serious, and too used to being on my own. You could go out tomorrow and find someone better for you, but the truth is that no one will ever need you like I do.” He pauses and then says firmly. “No one will ever love you like I do. Lily Morton
Listen to me very carefully, and think hard about what happens if you go over my head to do something for me that you think is right. What is my normal reaction?” Gabe slumps slightly. “Not favourable? Lily Morton
I'm going to get 'I'M NOT FUCKING DEAD' tattooed on...
I'm going to get 'I'M NOT FUCKING DEAD' tattooed on my chest."" That will become inaccurate at some point, " Omar pointed out. Domashita Romero
What do you want, MacGuffin, a duel?”“ No.” Julian held out both hands, one palm flat, the other held over it in a fist. “Rock, paper, scissors. Two out of three.” Ty rolled his eyes and held out his fist, apparently willing to play. Julian hit his palm three times, and Ty kept time with his fist in the air. But when Julian threw a paper, Ty reached into his jacket with his other hand and pulled his gun, aiming it at Julian.“Ty! ” Zane said in exasperation from the front seat.“ Glock, paper, scissors. I win.”“ You are an ass, ” Julian muttered. Abigail Roux
Impressive, " Court offered, gallantly bending to retrieve the shoe. "You should join the theater."" Fuck you."" I owed you that."" Revenge is a dish best served with a side of handcuffs and a hard ass-fucking. Remember Finn Marlowe
Is he following? Can you have a flaming gay moment...
Is he following? Can you have a flaming gay moment or something and check?"" Why do I have to be the flaming gay one? Finn Marlowe
I… have an unnatural fondness for him, Duchess. One might...
I… have an unnatural fondness for him, Duchess. One might even say that I love him. As a man should love a woman, really.” “Well, I would imagine the mechanics of that would be different. Rhys Ford
I've never bonded with anyone before. I didn't know that day on the field that standing up to him the way I did could earn his respect. He might have been an asshole homophobe but he was my asshole homophobe and probably the first real friend I ever had. I love him. Don't tell him. He wouldn't want to hear it. Mercy Celeste
We don’t hide crazy, ” I said. “We put it...
We don’t hide crazy, ” I said. “We put it on the porch and let it entertain the neighbors. Nick Wilgus
Damn straight
Damn straight" said Connor. " So yeah, I look at you and I could suck start a leaf blower, or drill a Kevin-shaped body hole into the wall, like a cartoon. Z.A. Maxfield
He stares at me. “So you’re telling me that you obey all my orders, because honestly that would be news to me?”“ I always obey your orders, ” I say indignantly. “I am quite possibly the best assistant in history.”“ That would certainly be true, if you were the only assistant in history. Lily Morton
He leans back in his seat. His legs are spread and his head tipped back, with his eyes challenging me. “Okay what’s next, boss?” I shudder theatrically. “I see why you like it. Just the word makes me feel all powerful. Lily Morton
When the power of the shift rips the human body apart and transforms it into its new shape, there lives a second, less than a second, a mere shimmer of time when the mind is without a home, no body to call its own. Existence is painless in there, nothing but formlessness beyond understanding. A secret place, it contains nothing but the essence of self, a lost self. In the fire of pain, Colton found a whisper of that place, its ghost, its echo, and from that echo he withdrew a thread of deepest black. . Finn Marlowe
Then, in the spirit of benevolence, "Your face is well balanced." She slapped him encouragingly on the back, "You have very long eyelashes. Like a cow. C.S. Pacat
It felt like he’d been dragged through the nine circles of hell – by his testicles. Kay Berrisford
He kept one eye on Matt as he talked. He could tell Matt was close to orgasm by the way he title his head to the side and bit his lower lip. "And what about your partner, Mr. Tucker?" Troy asked. Chris raised his eyebrows in surprise and Mr. Waters gave him a greasy, unpleasant smile. "Does your partner cook?" Chris grinned as Matt came all over the red leather seat. "Actually, he makes a delicious white sauce. Ally Blue
Has something happened to upset you today?”“ Yeah, I had an argument with a vacuum cleaner hose, it wanted me to it a blowjob, but I refused so it took offence. It claimed I blew everyone else's attachment and it wasn't fair. Gillibran Brown
D stared out the window, shoving down the feeling that it might be real nice to sit here and tell Jack Francisco everything about himself, confess things he'd never told nobody, just to feel like somebody cared, and to keep those big blue eyes fixed on him for as long as he could. Jane Seville
'The grief didn't fade, but it changed into something I could carry around with me, a noose I wore around my neck. It wasn't until I saw you that the knot loosened.' Sara Bell
And it didn't matter. It wouldn't make a fucking difference if I dropped to the floor and started crying like a baby. No point in panicking. No point in breaking. No point in anything at all. Lisa Henry
'Didn't realize Matty was so scary, ' Chris said. 'She's maybe five two and can't make it up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing. But if I really pissed her off, she might poison my coffee.' 'Sounds like someone I'd like to meet.' Kim Fielding
The goblins have been after me ever since I helped the Coven drive them out of Essex. (They were gobbling up drunk people in club bathrooms, and the Mage was worried about losing regional slang.) I think the goblin who successfully offs me gets to be king. Rainbow Rowell
It's your eyes, I think. They promise something kind. Heaven help the world should you ever turn dark. You would send Satan himself scrambling. Heidi Cullinan
'We're not... we haven't been writing poetry and sprinkling rose petals and tripping hand in hand under rainbows, Kay.' 'Just because you have Y chromosomes doesn't mean you can't tell each other how you feel, Dylan. Your penises won't fall off if you do.' Kim Fielding
Tom leaned in and spoke in a low, confidential voice, "Sir. You have a little something..." He lifted his forefinger surreptitiously to his own upper lip. Harrison brought his hand to his mustache to brush something off it, his eyes questioning. "What is it?"" Carpet remnant?" Tom suggested. Jez Morrow
... he's most probably in a closet so deep he's, like, in Narnia. K.A. Merikan
I don't have te let ye come. Coming is a privilege, not a right- Declan Ramsay to Sam Aiken. (Illuminate the Shadows- Shatterproof Bond #1) Isobel Starling
It says adult prison on the gates, not Hogwarts. Now, get in and say hi to your new housmate. Dean Cole
Woodward and Bernstein, ” Jared said from seemingly nowhere.“ What?”“ They were just two reporters. Yet, they broke the Watergate scandal. They toppled an administration. That’s us.”“ We’re Woodward and Bernstein.” Alec said, pointing between him and Jared.“Woodward, Bernstein, and Lucy, ” Lucy corrected. Adrian W. Lilly
'You're like starlight, ' Cam whispered, and his teeth scraped up my jaw. I shivered. 'I could lose myself in you.' Lisa Henry
My default button was set to self-destruct. It had been since birth. Mercy Celeste
It struck me again the ways Angelo and I were like them. Angelo was my angel, and I was ever on the ground, looking up at him. It was no wonder Jon and I hadn't been able to make things work--we'd both longed for something grander. And it was no wonder Cole and Angelo had been drawn to each other, and yet, they had only brushed wings in the night, neither one of them able to stop in their flight. . Marie Sexton
Why do you stay with me?" he whispered. He wished he hadn't said it once the words were out of of his mouth, wished he could pull them back, but Laurie didn't seem fazed at all. In fact, he just smiled a crooked smile and kissed him again. "Because I don't want to dance by myself, " he whispered. Heidi Cullinan
It was just me and him, there in that place where tragedy had happened, where I thought my life had ended. But somehow, he made it seem like a home again. Somehow, he gave it back to me. T.J. Klune
Adin looked up at Donte, who was then in the middle of taking a sip of his wine. He took in Donte’s demonically beautiful face, long and angular, with its hooded eyes and high cheekbones, its wine-darkened lips. He watched as Donte savored it, imagining the warmth of the wine on the inside of Donte’s mouth and against his tongue. He could almost feel it as it slid down the column of Donte’s throat, teasing his Adam’s apple into a subtle bob, and suddenly Adin was the wine, slipping down that throat, and just as inexplicably, Adin felt Donte’s mouth on him everywhere at once, biting…licking…sucking. Adin’s breath sped up; his skin warmed with the beginnings of a flush brought on by arousal. Z.A. Maxfield
Up close, Lucas's scent hit him differently. His smell had cloyed and taunted, lingering in rooms where Lucas had been. But now it was the real, male smell of skin and soap, sweat and breath. And his distinctive Hunter scent was so much more delicious for all the ways it blended with Lucas's own human essence. Amber Belldene
You’re saying you don’t want me?” Aw hell. “No, I’m saying this is a bad idea.”“ You’re the king of bad ideas, ” he reminds me. “At least this one ends with both of us feeling good. Sarina Bowen
I know who I am when I'm wi' Sam. When I wake up in his arms, I'm so at peace I don't wantae get out of bed. He makes me laugh until I cry, he always cares for me, no matter that I'm a maudlin, moody control freak. I look at him, and fer the first time in my life, I'm home - Declan Ramsay (Illuminate the Shadows- Shatterproof Bond #1) Isobel Starling
Men have sacrificed so much for their beliefs. Country. Kings. Queens. Political systems. God. Love . It doesn’t seem very noble to simply let something you believe in, someone you love, just walk away. To give up without a fight. Dan Skinner
I should ask if it was good for you, " Miles murmured, "but given that evidently you acquired the answer to life, the universe, and everything, it must have been-excuse the word-cosmic. Rowan Speedwell
How did Adam do it? He seemed to be able to look past Miles's weirdness and insecurities and awkwardness to see Miles, himself, what he was-whatever he was-inside. Rowan Speedwell
I stole a bit of a chopped vegetable and was about to put it in my mouth when Jae’s long fingers closed over my wrist. “What? You can’t eat this raw?”“ It’s bitter melon. You won’t like it.” He went into the fridge and came out with something that looked halfway familiar. “Here, leftover bao. There’s char siu inside.”“ The red pork stuff? Yeah, I like that. I thought it was Chinese.” “It is. We also eat hamburgers and spaghetti. . Rhys Ford
You do know you’re one of the hot ones, right? You could have any dom in this room if you looked marginally more approachable than an underfed piranha having a bad day. Alexis Hall
My dominant (no pun intended) discourse seems to be needy as fuck. Alexis Hall
I glanced back to Yanni to see him smiling at us. "You two can stop being so cute now." "Well, Spencer can, " Andrew deadpanned. "I, unfortunately, am cute all the time." I laughed. "It's true. He is. N.R. Walker
Yeah, ” Joseph said. He rubbed his face over the back of Gage’s neck. “I want to smell the sweat on your skin and breathe in the scent of exhaust in your hair. I love the way you smell, Gage. My sexy, dirty bad boy. Christa Tomlinson
He wondered where the difference was between the good guys and the bad guys if their means were all just born out of perceived necessity and their goals by the unquestioned orders they had been given. Osiris Brackhaus
So when I saw you lying in the shed there, I thought that even God couldn't be that cruel. You were everything I ever asked for — so maybe you could also be the love of my life... Osiris Brackhaus
Whenever doubts become a crime.. whenever parents become afraid their children might turn them in; a country where the power of the government is mired inextricably with the jurisdiction and the executive, where you have three secret polices spying on the population and people disappear without a word, that is not my country.. My country and Nazi Germany, those are two very different places. And I dearly hope I’ll live to see the day when the latter one falls. . Osiris Brackhaus
I'm glad I found you, " Kane said quietly, stepping back as Avery stood." I think it was more like me finding you, handsome." For Kane, the sentimental memories were so strong; all he could do was stand there as they held their babies, thinking about their lives, their future, and his love for Avery."I can't imagine my life without you, " Kane proclaimed sweetly." Good. I don't want you to. Kindle Alexander
I love you, Avery. Always. You completed my life. You made me whole, gave me hope, made me a better man. For me, you were everything right in my life." - Kane Dalton Kindle Alexander
I've told you so many times how much I love you. Please remember that every single day for the rest of your life. You are my everything, you hold my heart and carry my soul. You made my life better. My only regret was not meeting you sooner, so we could have had more time together in this life. - Avery Adams Kindle Alexander
We're gay, we're in love, and we're married. It's not wrong. We're not wrong! " - Avery Adams Kindle Alexander
I'm glad I found you, " Kane said quietly, stepping back as Avery stood." I think it was more like me finding you, handsome." For Kane, the sentimental memories were sostrong; all he could do was stand there as they held their babies, thinking about their lives, their future, and his love for Avery."I can't imagine my life without you, " Kane proclaimed sweetly." Good. I don't want you to. Kindle Alexander
I love you, Kane. Now let's go begin our always. Kindle Alexander
I know you're meant for me. I know you're the other half of my soul. We are meant to be together. - Avery Adams Kindle Alexander
You're my always. I love you so much. I'd do anything to see you this happy." - Avery Adams Kindle Alexander
Make no mistake, I will romance you, Kane Dalton, just not now. Right now I need to fuck you. Fuck you hard, and soft, and then do it all over again." Avery ran his nose over Kane's ear and back into his hair, breathing him in as if Kane were his only life source. "Take off my jeans. Touch me. Ineed to feel your hands on me. I crave your touch. Please. Kindle Alexander
His lips were on mine, a deep, breathy intense kiss. A release. Dean Cole
And Lord knows there are more than enough rooms to love someone properly, even if they don't all have floors or ceilings. Damon Suede
It looks like two alpacas fucking, mostly, " he said apologetically. "Of course, sometimes, the boy can't get his boy parts past the girl's furry ass, and he needs a little help, so then it looks like two alpacas fucking while their handler's giving the one on top a handjob. Amy Lane
They view New York as Satan's waiting room." "If this is the waiting room, where does the guy reside or work?" "New Jersey, I assume, " Kyle said with a smile. "I mean, dude, have you been to Jersey? Unknown
Cooper came back down to the darkened room about half an hour after Lucky had freed his hands. The boat was still rocking, the wind was blowing and Sawyer called out, "Dude, you can't leave the boat on auto-pilot in this kind of weather. Jesus is not here to take the wheel. S.E. Jakes
The only good deed I’ll be doing tonight is for the angels.”“ The angels?”“ Haven’t you heard? Every time I make you come, an angel gets his wings.” Brady dropped his smoky gaze to Gage’s mouth for a beat. “We really need to leave. Now. Kate Meader
However much you wanted someone to want you, there was nothing you could do to make it happen. Whatever you did for them, whatever you gave them, whatever you let them take, it could never be enough. Never enough to be sure. Never enough to satisfy them. Never enough to stop them walking away. Never enough to make them love you. Manna Francis
For the first time in years, I have vivid dreams, vivid enough to count the stars and the number of ripples in the sea. Brittany Weekley/Monroe Starr
He could inspire ballads. He could inspire wars. Eli Easton
'All we can see is the surface. But there's so much more we can't see beneath. I bet it's as big as the world down there, underneath the water. There could be anything down there. Things we can't even imagine. How can we understand anything if we can see so little of it?' Augusta Li
No, you don’t get to touch yourself in my car.”“ Why not?” It wasn’t a whine, it wasn’t. My voice was too deep to whine. It was more of a… whoan. Or something. I couldn’t think.“ Three reasons. One, I don’t want to get into an accident trying to keep my eyes on you. Two, if I got into an accident, or if we were pulled over for indecent exposure, the mood killing would be the least of our problems. Three, ” and here it was, the tone I loved, that I could barely wait for even though I knew I wasn’t going to like what he had to say, “for the rest of the night, that’s mine. Don’t touch it. Cari Z.
Hey, suit guy! " The man bellowed. Chris bit back the urge to yell. He turned, expecting to be confronted by a hand held out for money. What he saw was a pair of enormous eyes, the same color as the spring sky, set in a face with high cheekbones and a delicate chiseled jaw. The man's short, spiked hair was dyed a vibrant purple, making his creamy pale skin glow. Letting his gaze shift downward in a sudden still silence, Chris took in the sleek, sculpted muscles under the snug green t-shirt, the faded jeans molded to slim hips and thighs. He'd never in his life's seen anyone so beautiful. . Ally Blue
Getting up, Luc finished his beer and set the empty bottle on the small outdoor table. The sooner he apologised for his outburst, the better. Walking into the house, he heard a thud. Panic filled him as he ran towards the back of the house. He rounded the corner and almost ran over Justin. His partner had evidently been trying to get to his wheelchair. "Baby? What're you doing?" Luc asked. Kneeling on the floor, he pulled Justin into his arms." Coming after you, " Justin said. "I'm..sorry."Luc held Justin tighter as his lover began to shake. He rocked the larger body back and forth like a child. "What're we gonna do with each other? I was just coming in to say the same thing to you. Carol Lynne
I don't know about you, but I just can't rule out finding the love of my life simply because he's twenty four years older than me. I'm only sorry you had to wait so long for me to reach the right age to come looking for you. Dawn Sister
Tell me something good about your life, " I whispered, needing to hear that he wasn't as broken as I thought him to be. Peter breathed into the handset for about two minutes. I began wondering if he was about to hang up, or had fallen asleep, when he answered. "You." It was so quiet I almost didn't hear it. And then he hung up before I could ask him to repeat himself. I fell asleep, grinning, with the phone still clutched in my hand and my milk souring on the coffee table. Dani Alexander
Jules rested the violin and bow on the case and sat down next to Jason. He hesitated for a moment, watching the older man with uncomfortable intensity, then reached for Jason and brushed a single tear from his cheek. For Jason, the touch was electric, and his physical response unexpected.“ Bach always touches my soul, ” Jules half whispered. His fingers still rested against Jason’s cheek. “He must have known great love, and great pain, to write something so powerful.” Jason realized that his own pain must be showing on his face, because Jules, too, looked sad." I’ve never been religious, ” Jules said, his eyes never leaving Jason’s, “but I played this piece in a tiny church once. It was like God was there with me, speaking through me.” When Jason remained silent, Jules leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. At a loss to explain the intense emotional and sexual response of his own body and equally unable to stop himself, Jasonreached for Jules and returned the kiss. The younger man’s lips tasted of wine and musk, and Jason realized that he was hungry for more. Shira Anthony
'How old were you when you realized you were... different?' Logan opened his mouth, then smiled slyly, 'What sort of different? Gay different, magic different, or just plain fucked-in-the-head-crazy different?' Collin bit back a smile at Logan's delivery, 'Magic different.' 'Ah, ' Logan said, 'Pity, the other stories are a lot more fun.' Lia Black
Oh, and they said I have ADD, too." He lit a cigarette, his first of the day, and took a long, grateful drag. "But listen mate, I once sucked a geezer for twenty minutes to get him off. The clock was just over his shoulder and I timed it. Attention deficit?" He blew out a plume of smoke. "I don't think so. S.A. Reid
Despite their exhaustion and worries, Miner and Ennek made love that night, tracing fingers and tongues over one another's marks and scars. Their bodies were like books, Ennek thought, and their stories could be read inch by inch. He hoped fervently for happy endings. Kim Fielding
Rob opened the door, and a tiny kitten ran out. It stopped to sniff Rob‟s ankle and arched its back, spitting tiny kitty defiance at him. Rob scooped it up. The tiny black bundle barely filled his palm. Dark as ink, the only mark on it was a tiny white spot between its eyes. Rob looked up from the kitten to meet Jamie‟s wide-eyed attempt at innocence. "There was a cat in my closet."" I can explain, " Jamie offered. Rob returned to the bed. He dropped the kitten in Jamie‟s lap, causing it to poke unfortunate things with tiny needle claws." Damn! " Jamie yelped, grabbing the kitten and putting a sheet between his delicate parts and danger. "I took out the trash yesterday, and there she was almost buried in a snow bank shivering."" It was ninety degrees yesterday, and there is no snow." Rob sat down on the edge of the bed. "Aren‟t you supposed to hate cats?" Jamie cuddled the tiny creature in his hands. It wrestled with his fingers. "That‟s dogs. I‟m not a dog, I‟m a wolf. There might not have been a snow bank, but it was dirty and hungry and very sad. Diane Adams
The big kid hasn't said anything yet. 'I do like hearing myself talk, ' I say, 'only because I have a lot of neat things to say, but eventually the conversation will run out in, like, four or five years, and then where will we be?' Wonder of all wonders, he cracks a little smile. I don't blame him. I am pretty funny. T.J. Klune
Dylan stopped at an intersection and gave Chris a long look. 'Not you. You are original. Unique.' 'That good or bad?' 'Oh definitely good. Very, very good. I'd never go back to an off-the-rack lover again.' 'Naw, you prob'ly ordered your lays from the Williams-Sonoma catalog.' 'Well, I'm done shopping now.' Kim Fielding
'You must've been waiting for someone like me to come along, ' I said. I meant, because of the big bed. But Larry looked at me all funny and said, 'Yes, I think I was.' J.L. Merrow
'I'm happy, ' David said. 'All the time. It's amazing. I think of you and I want to smile. Do I make you want to smile?' 'No, ' Alec said, and kissed him. David could feel the curve of his mouth against his own. Wheeler Scott
You were as much in prison as anyone I knew there, Colin. Only you created it for yourself. Your father paced out the cell and your brothers fit the bars and you turned the key in the lock and buried it somewhere only you know. And you stared at Daniel through the bars and cursed him for being able to walk out the door. But he’s not the one who did something wrong. All he did was save himself. And you can too. But you have to find that key and unlock the door. Roan Parrish
He was on the edge of a cliff. And he wasn’t jumping, he was diving, a huge swan dive, like those famous cliff-top divers in some exotic place he’d seen on television once. Only they landed safely, bodies cutting into seawater like knife blades. And his dive was a killing one. B.D. Roca
Even though I had been broken, I was strong enough to love again someday. Kathleen Hayes
He turned to Matt and gave a huge smile, one hand on her withers. James reached out and pulled Matt to him, and they stood there in a little circle. It felt disconcertingly like… a family reunion. Matt turned away from James‟s bright smile and looked at Miz in something akin to horror. Was she their… child? Miz nipped him. Hard. While snorting horse mucus all over him. Damn thing couldn‟t even blow her own damn nose. Would she ever grow up? . Anne Tenino
He didn't care if Matt made him cuddly or made him hornier than he'd ever been or even made him a lovesick fool. James was keeping him. Hopefully Matt would want to keep James too. Anne Tenino
James had been acting a little weird. After waking up yesterday, he'd been a little bit distant. It might just be the stress of the trip. It was probably hard on James to be in charge of the little group. He was responsible for the welfare of his lover, a nun, and a talking horse. That couldn't be easy. Anne Tenino
Are you going to rape me at any point or anything?" I just figured it was good to get things out in the open, get myself in the right headspace. He whipped his head around and looked at me like I'd just insulted his grandmother. "The fuck? No, I'm not." He gave me the squint side-long. "Are you going to rape me? Domashita Romero
Oh, you're a picky sort, huh?" He laughed. "That takes balls, being choosy at a time like this. Domashita Romero
He wasn't my type -- my type was more the skinny hipster boys in girl jeans and thick glasses, a.k.a. the first ones to go during the outbreak -- but the sight still had me staring. Domashita Romero
As he returned to the bed, he could see Vallant eyeing him warily, but he ignored this, sat on the opposite end and braced the pad on his Heidi Cullinan
And if we're talking flaws - I get a kick out of flogging people, then fucking them." Warmth ran up Sam's spine. "That's a flaw?" Michael grinned. "Only to some. Anna Zabo
Both wet to the bone, exhausted, and one unconscious, Kedean thought, all in all, they were faring rather well for two unarmed men who'd only just an hour ago escaped a fleet of fairy pirates into frigid water in unknown territory. Anihyr Moonstar