6 Quotes & Sayings By Mercy Celeste

Mercy Cecile (Mercy) Celeste was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on November 9, 1859. She was the second oldest of nine children born to Albert and Margaret Treadwell Celeste. Her father was a successful businessman who owned a hotel in Salt Lake City. At the age of twenty-one she married George Celeste, who died only three years later Read more

She reared her seven children alone. Her husband's death left her with no source of income and no funds to pay for her nursing home care. When she was sixty-nine years old she moved to California and lived with her sister, Susan Fedderson, in Los Angeles.

She died on March 5, 1951 at the age of eighty-four. Her obituary listed her occupations as "nurse" and "recluse."

Want to go upstairs and play ball?"" Now, you're talking. Naked basketball. Always my favorite."" Loser gets fucked first."" Jesus, Thursday, every time you set that rule you cheat."" What do you mean, I cheat? I usually lose."" That's exactly what I mean. Mercy Celeste
I've never bonded with anyone before. I didn't know that day on the field that standing up to him the way I did could earn his respect. He might have been an asshole homophobe but he was my asshole homophobe and probably the first real friend I ever had. I love him. Don't tell him. He wouldn't want to hear it. Mercy Celeste
My default button was set to self-destruct. It had been since birth. Mercy Celeste
Lord Ironman, please play tonsil hockey with me, just this one time. There, does that make you happy? Mercy Celeste
It's why I went into teaching in the first place. I like the sound of my own voice. Well that, and I am addicted to the smell of chalk and white-board markers. Mercy Celeste