80 Quotes About Bookworm

It’s not only the most important thing we do, but also one of the most underrated everyday skills we possess. Reading is a vital part of life — we’re sure you agree, and we’re here to help you share those words of wisdom with others. Whether you’re struggling to find the motivation to read or just want some new book recommendations, these book quotes can help you find that next great read.

We want books that make our hearts beat harder... that...
We want books that make our hearts beat harder... that relieve us of the agonizing burden of everyday life Ben Oliveira
You are more likely to find three TVs inside a...
You are more likely to find three TVs inside a randomly selected house than you are to find a single book that is or was not read to pass an exam, to please God, or to be a better cook. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The cure to eliminate fake news is that people stop...
The cure to eliminate fake news is that people stop reading 140-character tweets and start reading 600-page books. Piero Scaruffi
I am not afraid of giving bad reviews. If I...
I am not afraid of giving bad reviews. If I don't like a book, I don't like it. Period. I don't do promotion Bookvergent
Certain bookworms eat books. Eat them, swear in them, spill...
Certain bookworms eat books. Eat them, swear in them, spill things on them. Tara Bray Smith
Reality doesn’t always give us the life that we desire,...
Reality doesn’t always give us the life that we desire, but we can always find what we desire between the pages of books. Adelise M. Cullens
No, but I do read a lot. I love to...
No, but I do read a lot. I love to read. I could read for days and never stop. I use to be such a bookworm. I would barely look up to notice much of anything. Jennifer Loren
[T]he only luxury he allows himself is buying books, paperback books, mostly novels, American novels, British novels, foreign novels in translation, but in the end books are not luxuries so much as necessities, and reading is an addiction he has no wish to be cured of. Paul Auster
Books, I think, are what magic smells like.
Books, I think, are what magic smells like. Millie Florence
Delighted, " Jess said. "I think all houses should be stuffed with books. It makes them--"" Homes?" the doctor finished. "You are quite the heretic, for someone in a Library uniform."" Guilty. Rachel Caine
The best and most exciting kind of love is the...
The best and most exciting kind of love is the one that's so close to the heart and so real in the mind yet, truly never exists in reality -- it keeps the heart young and the mind believing! Movingnotion
But it was different, somehow, to be reading it here, where the actual events had taken place all those hundreds of thousands of years ago. That was the thing about books, she was realizing; they could take you somewhere else entirely, it was true. But it wasn't the same thing as actually going there yourself. Jennifer E. Smith
In the books I find the thrum of everything unsayable....
In the books I find the thrum of everything unsayable. The characters weep the way I want to, love the way I want to, cry, die, beat their breasts, and bray with life. Alexandria MarzanoLesnevich
Non-fiction is to theory as fiction is to experience.
Non-fiction is to theory as fiction is to experience. Joyce Rachelle
For me, every book is an individual with its own...
For me, every book is an individual with its own identity and has to be nurtured and taken care of, so that it may survive for a longer period. Anurag Shourie
She didn't do people, dammit. She did books. A world...
She didn't do people, dammit. She did books. A world of difference Vic James
If you want to find out if someone is a...
If you want to find out if someone is a true bookworm or not, give them a thousand page novel and see what happens. E.a. Bucchianeri
You've got the look of a girl who's no stranger...
You've got the look of a girl who's no stranger to the page. I can tell. You've got words in your soul. Jay Kristoff
The hours tick by as I lie in bed. Memories keep surfacing, tormenting me into unbelievable sadness. I can't bring myself to move. I can't fight the memories that keep filling my thoughts. I stay curled in the fetal position as each memory plays out. I can't stop them from coming. I can't make them go away. Nothing can distract me. I can't block the memories, so they continue to come. Ashley Earley
I'm being pulled under - father and farther from the surface. My lungs continue to scream for air. Panic is building inside me, threatening to combust. I can't break free. Help! I can't break free! I open my mouth to scream. Ashley Earley
One of his hands move away from my face to flatten against my back, pulling me closer to him as he deepens the kiss. He parts my lips under his as my mind seems to sign quietly in content. I kiss him back as fiercely as he kisses me, unable to control the infatuation that rushes through me - feeling almost like fireworks. Not so careful anymore. Little shivers of urgency shoot through me. I push off the window, pressing closer to him. The rush of sensation that is coursing through me feels like I've drunk a gallon of coffee. It feels like an electric buzz is flooding between us. Ashley Earley
Night has settled over Paris.The streets have cleared of the crowds, and the city has been lit up. I set my book down, deciding to go for a walk. The Eiffel Tower is only a few blocks away. Now that there aren't many people out, I can walk there without having to fight my way through mobs of gawking tourists. Ashley Earley
He drinks his coffee tentatively, glancing at me every few seconds, watching me. Every time he glances in my direction, I quickly turn away though he obviously knows I'm watching him. I know he's wondering why I'm staring at him, but he doesn't ask. I finally take a sip of coffee, set the mug back on the table, and voice what's on my mind, "I want to draw you. Ashley Earley
He stares at me–taking me in–with his lips slightly parted. I struggle to hold myself in place as we gawk at each other. I want so desperately to run, but something is holding me back, keeping me in place. Ashley Earley
Every gesture and every look he gives me takes me by surprise and causes my heart to stutter. Ashley Earley
I freeze, my feet suddenly glued to the floor. It takes me a minute to gather the courage to turn around, but when I do, I immediately wish I hadn't. The boy is standing in the doorway at the end of the hall. Why is he here again? I barely allow myself time to ask the question before I move. Panicked, I turn and run back downstairs as fast as I can." Hey! Wait! " he calls after me. I don't stop. Ashley Earley
I grab the nearest lamppost when my knees threaten to give out, panting for breath as the words rip through me Ashley Earley
I take in all the colorful locks that line the bridge. Each one told a story. Each lock represented a relationship that was once special, whether it ended or turned into true happiness. The locks represented a past, present, and a possible future. Ashley Earley
When we step onto the bridge, Nathan turns and spreads his arms out wide. ‘Welcome to Pont des Arts, a.k.a. The Lock Bridge. Ashley Earley
The boy took my sketchbook. Ashley Earley
I head in the direction of the Eiffel Tower when I exit the alley, relieved to be out of the dark. Ashley Earley
He smirks, shaking his head and letting his eyes wander. I watch him carefully, wondering what I can say to get him to leave. “I’m not leaving until you answer some questions. Plus, I’m holding your sketchbook hostage, so you might want to cooperate.” I raise an eyebrow at him. I guess there isn’t much I can say. “This isn’t a hostage negotiation.” He chuckles half-heartedly as his eyes take me in, almost sizing me up. “I guess I should introduce myself.” He holds a hand out for me to shake. “I’m Nathan.” I stare at his hand for a moment. “Taylor, ” I reply, meeting his eyes again without taking his hand. He lets his hand fall back to his side. “At least I got you to say something non-hostile.” “I haven’t been hostile, ” I object. His eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, haven’t you?” “Why don’t you leave me alone?” I snap. “Leave and don’t come back.” I move passed him, heading for my apartment. He can’t follow and annoy me if I lock the door. “Where are you going?” he demands. I look back over my shoulder and roll my eyes at him, indicating the answer should be obvious: anywhere he isn’t. Once inside, I slam the door behind me. “That was totally not hostile! ” he calls after me, sarcastically. I quickly head for my bedroom door, slamming it, too. Ashley Earley
When a bookworm finally decides to leave the house, perhaps to explore some literary destination in one of her novels, she will be surprised to know that there is a volatile, often antagonistic force in the real world known as the weather. Joyce Rachelle
Oh you cut your hair! What happened? Are you going through a breakup or something?"" My favorite character died. Joyce Rachelle
The sad thing about reading the book and then watching the movie is that they have to die all over again. Joyce Rachelle
Books are where the true magic happens. Jen Wilde
I am the girl who spends hours huddled in a corner of a library, trying to find what you love the most about Marlowe, just so I can write you a poem worthy of Shakespeare. I've made books my lovers, hours my enemies and you the only story. Nikita Gill
Really need time with nature, book, and my cam; exhausted for the last few days- 2ne1:2012 state when you feel like there's no way out, love is the only way; i said when i feel like i cant write no more, read is the only way (Ejump, 2016) Ejump 2016
Bookworms are the most precious worms in the world when they are humans, feeding upon the paper's body with their starving minds. Munia Khan
You've got something that I don't have. Innocence. Ur eyes express it, & I can read everything in them". #MilanoVeneziani. #ItalianPassion Olga Goa
Although I think the word "pleasure" is unknown to you. More precisely, its practical meaning". #MilanoVeneziani. #ItalianPassion Olga Goa
I cannot perceive that you're still a girl. Ur kisses don't seem so innocent. They just drive me crazy! " #MilanoVeneziani. #ItalianPassion Olga Goa
Lover of books, lover of knowledge. Lailah Gifty Akita
Every book has it's destiny, Like a human life , Sometime when an Author is dead the destiny of the book begins" The days of Childhood ! ! ! ! ! Tushar Upreti
Often, when I am able to check out a book, I read it a dozen times before returning it, desperate to remain lost in the magic of someone else's story. Amy Engel
He will never let her go. Never. she belongs to him.. Forever. Farzana Zahid
She is not an ordinary girl. She is my fairy who will change my life and make it beautiful with her smiles. Farzana Zahid
Yes, Rose. Love is a wonderful feeling! Farzana Zahid
Why bring him in my life at all when he never was meant to stay? Farzana Zahid
So what if he is not part of my present but he is in my future, I know. And everyday I'm going a step closer to my future, to him. Farzana Zahid
Rose, we are here today. Tomorrow we don’t know where life will take us to. So, as long as we have today in our hands, let’s not slip it from our hands. Let’s live it! Farzana Zahid
Love is beyond space and time. It reaches out to the heart of the person that you are missing. Love binds two souls and not two bodies. Farzana Zahid
She believes in love, in destiny and she knows ...she feels her prince in her destiny. She just has to wait for the right time..... Farzana Zahid
Her Prince! He might not be the handsomest man on earth. Not even the richest one too but he would have the purest of the heart and soul and he will love her with the same purity throughout eternity. He would be her Prince. Farzana Zahid
She might not be cinderella to lose her shoe to find her prince or Rapunzel for that matter who will lift him up to set her free only to be lost in him, or Snow-white to be kissed and awakened by a Prince or any other princesses but yet she knows, she believes her destiny has a Prince in store for her - Her man. She would be his Princess and he would be her prince. Farzana Zahid
Learn to handle books, you will learn how to enjoy life. Aman Jassal
When I read, my mind had the tendency to wander around, embroiling itself in the common points between the plots and my life, feeling empathy for the characters' inner struggles, almost as if they were merging with my personal conflicts. Catia M Rodrigues
They were just so different, and she kept wondering if he'd realize this was a mistake at some point; if, once she stopped being the novelty, the random American, he would recognize who she really was -- a nerdy bookworm, a happy loner -- and move on. Jennifer E. Smith
Never underestimate a bookworm Louisa Klein
When you paint your lips, eye lids, nails or whatever, to look attractive, don't forget your up stairs(intellect) if you leave it behind, i will consider all other colors invalid. Michael Bassey Johnson
«A book can't take the place of a man! »« I disagree. A book can give you most things a relationship can. It can make you laugh, it can make you cry, it can transport you to different worlds and teach you things. You can even take it out to dinner. And if bores you, you can move on. Which is pretty much what happens in real life.» Sarah Morgan
There's nothing like a printed book; the weight, the woody scent, the feel, the look. E.a. Bucchianeri
I always thought 'love at first sight' was silly and incredibly irresponsible. Then, you came along and you flipped it on me. I understand it now. I do! ~Sheriff Derrick Decker Laney Smith
Books are to the mind as the whetstone for the knives. Aman Jassal
Everyone and Everything is conspiring to end up in a book. Aman Jassal
Only a true reader will understand how lovely it is to read a book on rainy days. Nicholaa Spencer
The pages of a book are given life only as they are opened L.J. DeVet
Life is paradoxical, but I believe that I could also be the same person I am today, if life would have cut me with happiness instead of pain. Haidji
I walked to his bedside table next. Infinite Mayhem. the ninth sequel to The Prince of Dawn, lay atop the table next to his reading lamp, the corner of page 138 turned down. He'd never made it to the end of the book. 'Spoiler alert: Mayhem survives, ' I said out loud to him, just in case he could hear me. John Green
The world is swirling with so many mysteries and secrets that nobody will ever track down all of them. But with a book you can stay up very late, reading until all the secrets are clear to you. The questions of the world are hidden forever, but the answers in a book are hiding in plain sight. Lemony Snicket
Books are like rivers, meandering this way and that, but taking us on a steady, flowing course to somewhere different. Carla H. Krueger
I love a book which never ends in my head, even though- a thousand times, it has been read! Mansi Tejpal
The library at home when she was child had been her refuge. She gravitated to it. When she was anxious, just taking a book of a shelf calmed her. Opening the cover, feeling the paper’s smoothness, smelling the sheets, the leather, even sometimes the ink, centered her. M.J. Rose
You have that look on your face, ” she whispered mockingly, “that Beast-just-gave-Beauty-a-whole-frickin’-library look and now she’s going to spin around like she can read them all at once through osmosis. Victoria Kahler
I don't like playing playstation. It seems like a waste of time to me. Reading, instead, leaves something inside you. Mattia Caldara
He has got no good red blood in his body, " said Sir James."No. Somebody put a drop under a magnifying-glass and it was all semicolons and parentheses, " said Mrs. Cadwallader. George Eliot
He stares at me—taking me in—with his lips slightly parted. I struggle to hold myself in place as we gawk at each other. I want so desperately to run, but something is holding me back, keeping me in place. Ashley Earley
You don't spend your life hanging around books without learning a thing or two. Lemony Snicket
Books on the bookshelves And stacked on the floor Books kept in baskets And propped by the door Books in neat piles And in disarray Books tucked in closets And books on display Books filling crannies And books packed in nooks Books massed in windows And mounded in crooks Libraries beckon And bookstores invite But book-filled rooms welcome Us back home at night! L.R. Knost