9 Quotes & Sayings By Za Maxfield

Z.A. Maxfield is the author of more than 30 books, including The Lost Prince, The Secret of the Golden Flower, and The Alchemist. Her books have been translated into several languages and are available in print, e-book, and audio book formats. She lives in New York City with her two children.

Because just beingaround you makes me so fucking happy, you airhead. Ilike you. I want you. I see my unborn children in youreyes–okay scratch that one. I swear to fuck I’m notbeing flip here.” I sighed. “What my heart doeswhenever you’re near isn’t just about chemistry Cam.It’s like…stargazing. I feel insignificant and dazzled. Hopeful yet completely unprepared. Z.A. Maxfield
Damn straight
Damn straight" said Connor. " So yeah, I look at you and I could suck start a leaf blower, or drill a Kevin-shaped body hole into the wall, like a cartoon. Z.A. Maxfield
I didn't despise myself for being who I was, and I never would. I wouldn't allow anyone to make me feel bad about that. That was a line I could draw in the sand. Z.A. Maxfield
Tristan started the car, pulling carefully out onto the street now that the snow had begun to fall." You seemed so happy this last quarter, " P.K. prompted." I was. I fell in love."" And?"" It didn't work out--isn't working out." Tristan shook his head. "I'm not ready."" Ah, " said P.K. They drove the rest of the way in silence. Tristan thought then that he was lucky; Jonathon and Daniel didn't know how to value a silence, but P.K. made it comfortable. He was glad he was here with P.K. and not alone in the unbearable silence of snow. Z.A. Maxfield
Adin looked up at Donte, who was then in the middle of taking a sip of his wine. He took in Donte’s demonically beautiful face, long and angular, with its hooded eyes and high cheekbones, its wine-darkened lips. He watched as Donte savored it, imagining the warmth of the wine on the inside of Donte’s mouth and against his tongue. He could almost feel it as it slid down the column of Donte’s throat, teasing his Adam’s apple into a subtle bob, and suddenly Adin was the wine, slipping down that throat, and just as inexplicably, Adin felt Donte’s mouth on him everywhere at once, biting…licking…sucking. Adin’s breath sped up; his skin warmed with the beginnings of a flush brought on by arousal. Z.A. Maxfield
Kelly closed his eyes and began to bargain with God. Z.A. Maxfield
Ken brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. I'd been paying so much attention to Ken, I didn't know what happened during the game. I don't think anyone cared too much what the outcome was after Ken's at bat." Do you know who won?" I asked Cooper, who automatically translated into sign language for Shawn.Shawn laughed his odd laugh and signed something back. He looked at Ken, who had an arm wrapped possessively around my waist. Cooper grinned. "Shawn says it looks like you did, Jordie. Z.A. Maxfield
I think I kind of like the idea of you all cold and wet."" Oh right, I'll be at my best; no visible balls, and a dick that looks like a Chiclet...""I can fix that, " laughed Connor. Z.A. Maxfield