22 Quotes About Laboratory

If you’re in the process of taking the next steps in your life, you’ll need to find ways to express your feelings and emotions. Emotions help us know what we want and how we feel. When we know our emotions, we make better decisions. These laboratory quotes about emotions will inspire you to express yourself in healthy ways when you need to, and help you move forward when you need to make changes.

An invention is a responsibility of the individual, society cannot...
An invention is a responsibility of the individual, society cannot invent, it can only applaud the invention and inventor. Amit Kalantri
To fall in love twice, with the same person, you need to grow another heart. That's all I do in my secret underground laboratory at night... Will Advise
The mind is the laboratory where products, both fake and genuine are manufactured. People grow wild weeds, others grow flourishing flowers! Israelmore Ayivor
Your potentials contain local elements that can react with your passion to produce global compounds for the solution of the world’s problems. Go and do it. Israelmore Ayivor
I have seen many phases of life; I have moved in imperial circles, I have been a Minister of State; but if I had to live my life again, I would always remain in my laboratory, for the greatest joy of my life has been to accomplish original scientific work, and, next to that, to lecture to a set of intelligent students. JeanBaptiste Dumas
Japanese universities have a chair system that is a fixed hierarchy. This has its merits when trying to work as a laboratory on one theme. But if you want to do original work you must start young, and young people are limited by the chair system. Even if students cannot become assistant professors at an early age they should be encouraged to do original work.. Industry is more likely to put its research effort into its daily business. It is very difficult for it to become involved in pure chemistry. There is a need to encourage long-range research, even if we don't know its goal and if its application is unknown. . Kenichi Fukui
I swear to Vishnu, if this doesn’t work, I’m going to stab you in the throat with a Pipette. Kyoko M.
As long as museums and universities send out expeditions to bring to light new forms of living and extinct animals and new data illustrating the interrelations of organisms and their environments, as long as anatomists desire a broad comparative basis human for anatomy, as long as even a few students feel a strong curiosity to learn about the course of evolution and relationships of animals, the old problems of taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution will gradually reassert themselves even in competition with brilliant and highly fruitful laboratory studies in cytology, genetics and physiological chemistry. William King Gregory
How did I discover saccharin? Well, it was partly by accident and partly by study. I had worked a long time on the compound radicals and substitution products of coal tar.. One evening I was so interested in my laboratory that I forgot about my supper till quite late, and then rushed off for a meal without stopping to wash my hands. I sat down, broke a piece of bread, and put it to my lips. It tasted unspeakably sweet. I did not ask why it was so, probably because I thought it was some cake or sweetmeat. I rinsed my mouth with water, and dried my moustache with my napkin, when, to my surprise the napkin tasted sweeter than the bread. Then I was puzzled. I again raised my goblet, and, as fortune would have it, applied my mouth where my fingers had touched it before. The water seemed syrup. It flashed on me that I was the cause of the singular universal sweetness, and I accordingly tasted the end of my thumb, and found it surpassed any confectionery I had ever eaten. I saw the whole thing at once. I had discovered some coal tar substance which out-sugared sugar. I dropped my dinner, and ran back to the laboratory. There, in my excitement, I tasted the contents of every beaker and evaporating dish on the table. Constantin Fahlberg
I came from Paris in the Spring of 1884, and was brought in intimate contact with him [Thomas Edison]. We experimented day and night, holidays not excepted. His existence was made up of alternate periods of work and sleep in the laboratory. He had no hobby, cared for no sport or amusement of any kind and lived in utter disregard of the most elementary rules of hygiene. There can be no doubt that, if he had not married later a woman of exceptional intelligence, who made it the one object of her life to preserve him, he would have died many years ago from consequences of sheer neglect. So great and uncontrollable was his passion for work. Nikola Tesla
Hypotheses like professors, when they are seen not to work any longer in the laboratory, should disappear. Henry Edward Armstrong
Of the many 'firsts' with which I have been involved at the Texas Heart Institute –including the first successful human heart transplant in the United States and the first total artificial heart transplant in the world–the achievement that may have the greatest impact on health care did not occur in the operating room or in the research laboratory. It happened on a piece of paper.. when we created the first-ever packaged pricing plan for cardiovascular surgical procedures. Denton Cooley
Time... is an essential requirement for effective research. An investigator may be given a palace to live in, a perfect laboratory to work in, he may be surrounded by all the conveniences money can provide; but if his time is taken from him he will remain sterile. Walter Bradford Cannon
A first-rate laboratory is one in which mediocre scientists can produce outstanding work. P.M.S. Blackett
Much as I admired the elegance of physical theories, which at that time geology wholly lacked, I preferred a life in the woods to one in the laboratory. J. Tuzo Wilson
At my urgent request the Curie laboratory, in which radium was discovered a short time ago, was shown to me. The Curies themselves were away travelling. It was a cross between a stable and a potato-cellar, and, if I had not seen the worktable with the chemical apparatus, I would have thought it a practical joke.( Wilhelm Ostwald on seeing the Curie's laboratory facilities.) Wilhelm
My laboratory is interested in the related challenges of understanding the origin of life on the early earth, and constructing synthetic cellular life in the laboratory. Focusing on artificial life frees us to explore novel chemical systems, but what we learn from these systems helps us to understand possible pathways leading to the origin of life. Our basic design for a synthetic cell involves the encapsulation of a spontaneously replicating nucleic acid, which acts as the genetic material, within a spontaneously replicating membrane vesicle, which provides spatial localization. We are using chemical synthesis to make nucleic acids with modified nucleobases and sugar-phosphate backbones. . Jack W. Szostak
In the numerous observations made in my laboratory upon this object, we have only once seen a combination of vessels in which there might be a direct communication between a small artery and a vein, though the two observers could not come to a final conclusion on the point. August Krogh
I consider nature a vast chemical laboratory in which all kinds of composition and decompositions are formed. Antoine Lavoisier
Modern science is fast-moving, and no laboratory can exist for long with a program based on old facilities. Innovation and renewal are required to keep a laboratory on the frontiers of science. Burton Richter
What we do in the laboratory is we try to design drugs that will not just eradicate cancer cells but will eradicate their homes. Siddhartha Mukherjee