4 Quotes & Sayings By Jack W Szostak

Jack W. Szostak is a National Academy of Sciences member and one of the leading molecular biologists in the world. He is the director of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Harvard University. He holds joint appointments in genetics, molecular and cellular biology, and cell biology Read more

He worked with Jim Watson at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where they discovered the structure of DNA by X-ray diffraction. After leaving Cold Spring Harbor he continued his work in this area, studying DNA polymerases in pursuit of understanding how cells replicate their genetic information.

My laboratory is interested in the related challenges of understanding the origin of life on the early earth, and constructing synthetic cellular life in the laboratory. Focusing on artificial life frees us to explore novel chemical systems, but what we learn from these systems helps us to understand possible pathways leading to the origin of life. Our basic design for a synthetic cell involves the encapsulation of a spontaneously replicating nucleic acid, which acts as the genetic material, within a spontaneously replicating membrane vesicle, which provides spatial localization. We are using chemical synthesis to make nucleic acids with modified nucleobases and sugar-phosphate backbones. . Jack W. Szostak
I do not know why I have always been fascinated by science or why I have been driven by the intense desire to make some original contribution. And although I have had some degree of success as a scientist, it is hard to say precisely why. Jack W. Szostak
I remember in 1967, when there was that terrible fire on NASA's Apollo 1 rocket that killed three astronauts, my father made pure oxygen and we lit this tiny cup and burned it. Suddenly, we had an unbelievable jet and a fire. You just could see exactly what had happened. Jack W. Szostak