12 Quotes About If Only

We all want to be happy, but sometimes it’s hard to get there. The best way to make yourself feel better is to read these if-only quotes to remind you that happiness isn’t out of your grasp. Some of the best things in life are worth waiting for, and if-only quotes will show you that you won’t always be in a bad place in life, and that there’s always something to look forward to.

A dream so vibrant, A dream so blissful; I hold...
A dream so vibrant, A dream so blissful; I hold it close to my heart. In anxious nights, And days of hope; These years have passed solely. One day the dream to turn true- If only! Somya Kedia
Death is number one on the list of things that...
Death is number one on the list of things that we wish were possible to leave behind when we escaped barbarism. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
They always tell you to do what you love. But they forget to add that writing doesn't pay by the hour. Joyce Rachelle
If only there was a way to escape this reality, if only there was a way to erase all this formality, if only there was a way to figure out your mentality, if only there was a way to rid all the theatricality, if only...however sadly all we think of is practicality, so we will never reach any finality. Dalal Gebara
If only there was a way to escape this reality, if only there was a way to erase all this formality, if only there was a way to figure out your mentality, if only there was a way to rid all the theatricality, if only...however sadly all we think of is practicality, so we will never reach any finality. Dalal Gabara
They should make earplugs for people who are grieving, so we don't have to hear the stupid things people say, but I'd look like a dork in them." -Corinna Carole Geithner
We are past the end of things now, but I don't want to leave. Richard Ford
When we are ready to let go of our old controls, we admit that we were powerless over the incest or abuse... We have often thought, 'If only I could have stopped it, ' but we could not have stopped it. We let go of the 'if only' now and sit still with our stark powerlessness… In our surrender to powerlessness, we touch ourselves with the gift of truth. Maureen Brady
I’ve suppressed my aspirations to forget all rationality and let the moment explain everything, for nothing to be said and everything understood. If only I knew how to let these feelings out. Saim .A. Cheeda
There were so many places in my time with Rogerson that I wished I could go back to, hitting the stop button at just one moment to stop everything that came after. I had so many If Onlys, but each place I thought to stop meant missing something that came later. I needed it all, in the end, to make my own story find its finish. Sarah Dessen
Yours till submarines have screen doors. Carole Geithner