44 Quotes About Break Up

Breaking up with someone is an emotional process, one that can be extremely hard for everyone involved. Breaking up or separating is never easy, but it’s usually necessary in order to make the person on the other end happier. This is why there are so many break-up quotes that are meant to help everyone involved. If you are going through a break-up or are feeling down, take a look at these quotes to help boost your spirits.

So I am not a broken heart. I am not the weight I lost or miles or ran and I am not the way I slept on my doorstep under the bare sky in smell of tears and whiskey because my apartment was empty and if I were to be this empty I wanted something solid to sleep on. Like concrete. I am not this year and I am not your fault. I am muscles building cells, a little every day, because they broke that day, but bones are stronger once they heal and I am smiling to the bus driver and replacing my groceries once a week and I am not sitting for hours in the shower anymore. I am the way a life unfolds and bloom and seasons come and go and I am the way the spring always finds a way to turn even the coldest winter into a field of green and flowers and new life. I am not your fault. . Charlotte Eriksson
There’s always that one guy who gets a hold on you. Not like your best friend’s brother who gets you in a headlock kind of hold. Or the little kid you’re babysitting who attaches himself to your leg kind of hold. I’m talking epic. Life changing. The “can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t do your homework, can’t stop giggling, can’t remember anything but his smile” kind of hold. Like, Wesley and Buttercup proportions. Harry and Sally. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. The kind of hold in all your favorite ’80s songs, like the “Must Have Been Love”s, the “Take My Breath Away”s, the “Eternal Flame”s–the ones you sing into a hairbrush-microphone at the top of your lungs with your best friends on a Saturday night. Jess Rothenberg
They'll say you are bador perhaps you are mador at...
They'll say you are bador perhaps you are mador at least you should stay undercover. Your mind must be bareif you would dareto think you can love more than one lover. David Rovics
For years I've been searching for a homeland, finally I...
For years I've been searching for a homeland, finally I found it in you.. Seja Majeed
I'll keep looking- till that watery reflection of mine in your eye, rolls down as a tear. I'll keep looking till we finally look away like our lives never met. Let's cheat destiny as if we never knew each other. Let's do this last thing together. Jasleen Kaur Gumber
He who is jealous is better off not dating someone...
He who is jealous is better off not dating someone who is bisexual. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
6 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, and I still don’t know which month it was thenor what day it is now. Blurred out linesfrom hangovers to coffee Another vagabond lost to love.4am alone and on my way. These are my finest moments. I scrub my skinto rid me from youand I still don’t know why I cried. It was just something in the way you took my heart and rearranged my insides and I couldn’t recognise the emptiness you left me with when you were done. Maybe you thought my insides would fit better this way, look better this way, to you and us and all the rest. But then you must have changed your mindor made a wrongbecause why did youleave?6 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, and I still don’t know which month it was thenor what day it is now. I replace cafés with crowded bars and empty roads with broken bottlesand this town is healing me slowly but still not slow or fast enough because there’s no right way to do this. There is no right way to do this. There is no right way to do this. . Charlotte Eriksson
If the surprise outcome of the recent UK referendum - on whether to leave or remain in the European Union - teaches us anything, it is that supposedly worthy displays of democracy in action can actually do more harm than good. Witness a nation now more divided; an intergenerational schism in the making; both a governing and opposition party torn to shreds from the inside; infinitely more complex issues raised than satisfactory solutions provided. It begs the question 'Was it really all worth it' ? . Alex Morritt
I wonderif you ever read my poemsand wish they were...
I wonderif you ever read my poemsand wish they were writtenfor you. Kamand Kojouri
Don’t say to yourself, ‘Everyone argues! ’ to justify and...
Don’t say to yourself, ‘Everyone argues! ’ to justify and normalise your fighting, when the most natural thing is to love. Kamand Kojouri
Love, the exotic bird, came and went. Heart forgot love. Joy, the majestic willow, wept and died. Mind forgot joy. Hope, the basement lamp, fell and broke. Soul forgot hope. Self, the anxious caterpillar, took flight and dropped. Self forgot self. You, my all, became all my reasons. Reasons left. You left. I never forgot. Kamand Kojouri
Missing you, I missed a part of me I shared with you that’s now gone. Missing you, when really, it was the way you made me feeland the things you made us do. Missing you I shouldn’t be. But I can’t help missing who I was with you. Missing you, I missed and missed so much of the world and wasn’t even missed in return. Kamand Kojouri
I slept cause she cheated. She slept cause I cheated! WTF! We Need? Let's buy a loyal bed. Antor Mashud
You see herand ascend into love. You become enchanted, a found madman. In your love, you lose yourself and become her. You were once without her, now with her. You still feel her and descend into love. You become enraptured, a lost madman. In your love, you lost yourself and her. You were once with her, nowwithout her. Kamand Kojouri
By contrast, my wife at fifty-two yeas old seems to me just as attractive as the day I first met her. If I were to say this out loud, she would say, 'Douglas, that's just a line. No one prefers wrinkles, no one prefers grey.' To which I'd reply, 'But none of this is a surprise. I've been expecting to watch you grow older ever since we met. Why should it trouble me? It's the face itself that I love, not that face at twenty-eight or thirty-four or fourty-three. It's that face.' Perhaps she would have liked to hear this but I had never got around to saying it out loud. I had always presumed there would be time and now, sitting on the edge of the bed at four a.m., no longer listening out for burglars, it seemed that it might be too late. . David Nicholls
Why didn't you write all this time? Did you not remember us in a song? A dance? In the skies littered with stars? Did you not get drunk? Why didn’t you write all this time? Did you not remember us in a film? A book? In idyllic dusks and dawns? Did you not get high? It is good that you didn't. For all is well. I am drunk and dazed. I have already forgotten youand your bewitching ways. Kamand Kojouri
I know you not quite well Yet I foolishly surrender my mind to you. Slowly and carefully you have cast a spell Now my virgin heart only longs for you. There is no need to push, I am already falling. Once proudly tall, I’m no longer standing. Knowing well that I am doomed to misery, I will roll the dice and take delight in my suffering. Kamand Kojouri
Nothing much bothered you for a while and you kept walking like a silhouette through this town, saying hi’s and goodbyes, acting polite at all times. But there is no fire in your heart; you are not very concerned. Charlotte Eriksson
Gone are the summer daysand my mind along with them. No longer will I indulgein hopes of getting you back. It is hope that makes these chains heavierand autumnal nights longer. I will merely serve as a memory to you:the lover that recited love poems. I must go nowand I urge you not to look back. Kamand Kojouri
Come back to me. Where have you gone? And why so long? I miss the star below your lip, the constellation on your chest. I miss your ways, how you net butter-flying words and release themfor others to enjoy. I miss your tenderness, the sweetness of your breathand the song of your voice. I miss howyou worship me. Come back to me once more. Why did you go? And whatever for? The heavens plotted against us. The clouds came andpissed on our lives. The smell of charged particlesstill lingers in the air. What will become of you and I?Come back to us. . Kamand Kojouri
In fairy tales the evil characters disappear or die, in reality, evil spreads while you wait for your hero on a horse, only to realise the sword to save yourself was always in your hand... Seja Majeed
Put all your pain on a piece of paper, write it all down, every experience, every ache, every hurtful moment. Then take a match, and set fire to that piece of paper. All the hurt you have inside you is burning just as it burnt inside of you, until it is completely gone. From this moment forward you are free. Nothing can harm you. No past. No present. No future. You are reborn into water, and nothing in the entirety of this world can set fire to water, nor crush it. Whatever pressures you face, you will float. Whatever tries to sink you, you will rise up. Today, right now, in this moment, you are a warrior. Now smile, it will set fire to those who sought to burn you.. . Seja Majeed
Some people are lucky to find love, others must settle with being liked... Seja Majeed
I’m not brave enough to love you The same way You’re not strong enough to take me on. Dawn Lanuza
I was never afraid of the dark and I spent my youth walking through empty playgrounds at midnight, worried mothers telling girls to be careful and ”the world is an ugly place and not everyone wants you well”. But I was not afraid and I wished for adrenaline to make my veins pulsate in that way that puts them more on the outside of my skin than inside. After the first night with you I never walked alone at night again because suddenly I had something to lose. Something to save. . Charlotte Eriksson
Love is the bee that carries the pollen from one heart to another. Slash Coleman
Why does everyone think a guy who prefers love to people is missing something in his life? Slash Coleman
I am part of everyone I ever dated on OK Cupid. Slash Coleman
My demeanor isn't that of a woman enraged. To see me slumped, glassy-eyed, holding a sandwich someone has cut for me into four "manageable" pieces, a person might tell you I look much more like a woman subdued. Koren Zailckas
Following the death of his wife, Sam Johnson wrote to the Reverend Mr. Thomas Warton, "I have ever since seemed to myself broken off from mankind; a kind of solitary wanderer in the wilds of life, without any certain direction, or fixed point of view: a gloomy gazer on a world to which I have little relation." But my wife wasn't dead, merely absent. Mordecai Richler
It's easier for me to forget you than for me to try and love you again Unknown
If you want to heal a broken heart, Be smart! That's all an ancient art. Start by loving the very small parts That were left there shattered apart. Ana Claudia Antunes
Boys will always be boys, ’ he said. ‘The relationship obviously wasn’t meant to be.’ He told me I should trust that the break-up was for the best, even if I couldn’t see that yet. As with every form of suffering, heartache brings with it catharsis, and turns us into better human beings. ‘It is like an iron in the furnace that is beaten into shape, ’ he said. These bad experiences were ultimately a good sign because God tests the ones He loves. That might be why He has so few friends, ’ he added dryly. His words cheered me up a bit. . Kristiane Backer
If a woman is given only a limited amount of time to spend with the man she loves, she endures the separation by constantly recalling and reliving every moment down to the finest detail. Unknown
There were days when I still put on make up in case you’d come back, but I wear the same clothes and shower in the rainand eat when I can and sleep when I can, which is rare and not often, so if you’d see me nowon these streetswhere I once imagined walking with youyou’d have a hard time recognising me. I takes a lot to run away. Charlotte Eriksson
When something's fallen apart as many times as us I can't put it back together, it's not the same Real Friends
I said ”I love you so much it’s killing me”and you kept saying sorryso I stopped explainingfor it never made sense to youwhat always did to meto let what you love kill youand never regret. As Romeo is dying Juliet says” I am willing to die to remain by your side”and love was never a static place of restbut the last second of euphoriawhile throwing yourself out from a 20 store windowto be able to say” I flew before I hit the ground”, and it was glorious. Don’t be sorry. The fall was beautiful, dear. The crash was beautiful. Charlotte Eriksson
If this is really it...if you're really done with me...will you let me hold you tonight? - Travis Jamie Mcguire
The passage is free for those who think you are not good enough for them: at your level, I think the best option is to sit back, relax and listen to a cool music, while watching them pack out of your life, and that's when you feel the intense release from the pit of hell. Michael Bassey Johnson
I love to talk to flowers. They are sensitive. And sometimes I just want to have couple of wings and fly away... Will you ever notice? Galina Nelson
Maybe she has a wrinkle on her face in just the right place and I find it attractive. Maybe she says all of her statements as questions and I find that endearing. Maybe she swallows instead of spits or maybe I was just looking for a way to kill time with someone new over the next five years. The reasons why don’t matter. Garry Crystal
Break my heart or break my fall. Amber Newberry
I wanted to say "don't leave me, " but I'm so tired of begging people to stay. R. Y.S. Perez