55 Quotes About Meditate

One of the hardest things to do in life is to simply sit down and meditate. And maybe you’ve tried, but you just can’t seem to find the time at all — or the motivation to keep going. So, if you find yourself struggling with meditation, we’ve collected some of the most motivational and inspiring quotes on meditation and mindfulness so you can get back on track and start meditating today!

Fill your mind , with the mind of God, meditate...
Fill your mind , with the mind of God, meditate on the Holy Scripture. Lailah Gifty Akita
If you feel anxiety or depression, you are not in the present. You are either anxiously projecting the future or depressed and stuck in the past. The only thing you have any control over is the present moment; simple breathing exercises can make us calm and present instantly. Tobe Hanson
Ignorance might be bliss. But self-forgetfulness is pure ecstasy.
Ignorance might be bliss. But self-forgetfulness is pure ecstasy. Kamand Kojouri
Fill your mind Holy Scripture, that speak life into your...
Fill your mind Holy Scripture, that speak life into your life. Lailah Gifty Akita
Close your eyes. Meditate on your love. This is God.
Close your eyes. Meditate on your love. This is God. Kamand Kojouri
We don’t find Godin temples and cathedrals. We don’t find Himby standing on a prayer rug or sitting in a pew. God appears when welove someone other than ourselves. And we continue to feel His presence when we do good for others. Because God is not foundin mosques and synagogues. He resides in ourhearts. Kamand Kojouri
Mediate on the word of God day and night, then...
Mediate on the word of God day and night, then be careful to write the sacred words on your heart. And find grace to obey it. Lailah Gifty Akita
If you meditate on the Holy Scriptures, you mind shall...
If you meditate on the Holy Scriptures, you mind shall me on the Jesus Christ, the Saviour, Lailah Gifty Akita
This year has taught me the simple craft of belief. I believe in the things I’ve nurtured and built this year. Slowly but carefully. Such as understanding, knowledge, passion, strength; the hundreds of songs I’ve written, the 365 poems, the books I’ve read and the miles I’ve run. The resolution to breathe, to meditate, to not harm my mind or body even when I’ve felt like it.  Charlotte Eriksson
If you meditate, you shall nourish your mind.
If you meditate, you shall nourish your mind. Lailah Gifty Akita
True human connection is found at the level of pure...
True human connection is found at the level of pure consciousness. Patrick Zeis
The boring thing with taking a walk with someone is that your thoughts are then dictated by the subject or subjects of your conversation and that is made worse by the fact that most sane people are terrified of silence whenever they are with or near someone. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Pray, meditate and the Almighty will bless you in the...
Pray, meditate and the Almighty will bless you in the name of Jesus Christ Sunday Adelaja
God wants you to meditate, everyone must think
God wants you to meditate, everyone must think Sunday Adelaja
If you will not meditate, your mind will not accept...
If you will not meditate, your mind will not accept what the Spirit of God is revealing to you Sunday Adelaja
It is necessary for you to meditate and God will...
It is necessary for you to meditate and God will bless you abundantly Sunday Adelaja
But when we train the senses we conserve our vital energy, the very stuff of life. Patient and secure within, we do not have to look to externals for satisfaction. No matter what happens outside--whether events are for or against us, however people behave towards us, whether we get what pleases us or do not--we are in no way dependent. Then it is that we can give freely to others; then it is that we can love. . Eknath Easwaran
A deep breath is a technique with which we minimize...
A deep breath is a technique with which we minimize the number of instances where we say what we do not mean … or what we really think. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
What is life? Life is living in this moment, experiencing and experimenting but experience isn’t life. Life is reflecting and meditating but reflection isn’t life. Life is helping and guiding but philanthropy isn’t life. Life is eating and drinking but food isn’t life. Life is reading and dancing but art isn’t life. Life is kissing and pleasuring but sex isn’t life. Life is winning and losing but competition isn’t life. Life is loving and caring but love isn’t life. Life is birthing and nurturing but children aren’t life. Life is letting go and surrendering but death isn’t life. Life is all these things but all these things aren’t life. Life is always more. Kamand Kojouri
CHANGE: Don’t just talk about it, go out there and do it. Don’t just meditate about it, go out there and create it. Don’t just pray about it go out there and take action; participate in the answering of your own prayer. If you want change, get out there and live it. - Steve Maraboli Steve Maraboli
You can read the word of God, but without mediation...
You can read the word of God, but without mediation and prayer, we become spiritually weak and unfilled. Lailah Gifty Akita
Yes, silence is painful, but if you endure it, you will hear the cadence of the entire universe. Kamand Kojouri
Fill your mind with the Holy Scripture, that speak life into your life. Lailah Gifty Akita
Silent our body is a sacred temple, A place to connect with other people. Can't we just stay any younger? Really, we might keep it stronger, Elated, rather than so tilted or feeble! ! Ana Claudia Antunes
If your mind can move mountainsand swallow gods, Why does it worry with helpless yesterdays and unborn tomorrows? If it can vomit starsand walk on split hairs, Why must it follow the samepath to despair? Everyone will tell you:' An orgasm here is just as good. Kamand Kojouri
One of my relatives invented the sensory deprivation tank. Appropriately, most of my family has never seen or heard of him. Ryan Lilly
When I first tried a sensory deprivation tank, people thought I had lost my mind. In fact, I had found it. Ryan Lilly
Seeking higher ground is not a destination, but an elevation. Wings up, eyes shut open. T.F. Hodge
This is the only truth in the world that was necessary yesterday, is necessary today, and will continue to be necessary tomorrow: be conscious of now. Kamand Kojouri
S.T.O.P. = Start To Open Possibilities Richie Norton
From this moment forward, I am in control of every situation. I will always know the exact right action to take, and this is so. I will now obtain vibrant good health. I will have the possessions I want, I now have the power and wisdom to bring this about, and this is so. I will have peace and harmony in my life. I will have love and abundance, and this is so. I now claim all these things for my own from this time forward. . Chris Prentiss
Daily meditation promotes self confidence, peace of mind and strong faith in God. Lailah Gifty Akita
You are not walking slow enough, when taking a walk, if you do not come across as bored or depressed (to the average sane person). Mokokoma Mokhonoana
One of the greatest gifts to give our friends and others is a prayer. Ellen J. Barrier
I meditate, and when I do, Prince Harry appears in my subconscious and meditates with me. It's a little strange but I don't think there's anything I can do about it. Sometimes he's not the only one; the other day it was me, Prince Harry, the Dalai Lama, Mr. Rogers, Coco the gorilla, and George Clooney. We were all floating above the earth looking down at the continents as they passed. George Clooney suggested I visit Providence, Rhode Island. The Dalai Lama sighed deeply and said he'd like to visit Tibet.Poor Dalai Lama. . Kristin Cashore
Meditation is a mysterious method of self-restoration. It involves “shutting” out the outside world, and by that means sensing the universal “presence” which is, incidentally, absolute perfect peace. It is basically an existential “time-out”–a way to “come up for a breath of air” out of the noisy clutter of the world. But don’t be afraid, there is nothing arcane or supernatural or creepy about the notion of taking a time-out. Ball players do it. Kids do it, when prompted by their parents. Heck, even your computer does it (and sometimes not when you want it to). So, why not you? A meditation can be as simple as taking a series of easy breaths, and slowly, gently counting to ten in your mind. Vera Nazarian
Whenever you have a problem, take a few minutes to meditate. You’ll be amazed at the renewed clarity that you’ll bring to the issue. Unknown
You cannot be who you are not. Simply rest, sit still and unknot. You may even try to emulate and inspire, But it's the inner self that you'll transpire. Ana Claudia Antunes
The modern man is usually in a hurry to get to a destination from which he will sooner or later suffer from and at times complain about boredom. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Take the time to slow down, relax, meditate, and contemplate the wonders within. You will discover an inner calm and balance that previously eluded you. Joanne Madeline Moore
The caterpillar becomes a pupa to meditate and then becomes a butterfly Ankala V Subbarao
When you need an idea about how to do anything, get quiet and relaxed and think about what it is you need to know. Then the flow of ideas will come. Be patient and let it happen. Sometimes it takes a little while, but it always works. Chris Prentiss
Life growth is like muscle growth, you have to stretch beyond, feed it properly and rest. When you meditate, rest and reflect is when growth happens! ! ! ! Harrish Sairaman
Life only remains complex with the individual perspective. Individual perspective cannot think beyond itself while life has to consider the perspective of each and every individual. Roshan Sharma
To a realized master, death and rebirth is in every breath. Death is that of body consciousness, ego and limits of the mind. Rebirth is that of the cosmic mind of being the Spirit. In this realization is liberation. When awake as liberated, each prayer and each moment of meditation is for humanity as there is no more individual ego or identity left. Such realized masters continually gift humanity with the grace of higher consciousness- so that each of us attain our fullest potential in goodness. Nandhiji
When we meditate to expand our consciousness, we perceive reality from an evolved perspective. The yogic mindset is able to create the miraculous magic of each moment at all times. Even when doing mundane chores, a yogi is able to tap into the flow of inspiration. Holding unwavering focus, the mind of consciousness is efficient and effective in dealing with every day realities by being. The vast void mind of awareness is aligned to the world of all enlightened beings of the past as in the moment of now- alight as a Lamp.The magic of Now is consciousness. Nandhiji
Be ordinary, but bring a quality of awareness to your ordinary life. Bring God to your ordinary life introduce God into your ordinary life. Sleep, eat, love, pray, meditate, but don’t think that you are making or doing something special–and then you will be special. Osho
Just smile, breath, and give thanks (and there is always a reason to), because it beats the hell out of the alternative. Crystal Woods
In childhood, we learn to remember everything and later, meditate to forget everything! ! ! ! Harrish Sairaman
Maybe every once in a while we can take a break from doing everything faster and quicker to reflect on who we are and where we are going. Joe Plumeri
In the morning, wonder and be generous like the sun. In the evening, meditate and be kind like the moon. Debasish Mridha
The revelations received while dreaming usually will cause a man to begin to meditate Sunday Adelaja
Christians should read and meditate the upon the Word of God which sustains and directs their spiritual lives. Gugu Mona
Seek God in the morning. Praise Him during the day. Meditate on Him at night. Alisa Hope Wagner