22 Quotes About Five

There are five elements to achieve the goal of developing deeper self-awareness. Meditation, Yoga, Self-Observation, Inner Work, and Creativity. All of which are addressed in this e-book on the 5 steps to develop a richer life. This is a great book for anyone who wants to have a richer life.

The only instance where five purely-negative words have had a...
The only instance where five purely-negative words have had a highly positive, motivational impact, are Winston Churchill's "Never, Never, Never, Never Give-Up". Nabil N. Jamal
It's not that we spend five days looking forward to just two. It's that most people do what they enjoy most on those two days. Imagine living a life where everyday are your Saturdays and Sundays. Make everyday your weekend. Make everyday a play-day… James A. Murphy
Very few people that have installed solar photovoltaics (PV) on their home have realized that by spending an additional five thousand dollars that they can completely disconnect from the electrical utility. Steven Magee
Five people with passion can do better than fifty people...
Five people with passion can do better than fifty people with mere desire or interest. Israelmore Ayivor
It must be remembered that the forty hour work week until age sixty five was designed by governments and corporations and not the medical profession. Steven Magee
The Doktor was an old man. When he was a kid, his Dad bought him a chemistry set. He never played with silly putty like the other kids. The first time he lost his eyebrows he was only five. Christina Engela
For your information, Lester, there are at least five wonderful parts of the female body that can be viewed by the owner only with a hand mirror. Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
For your information, Lester, there are at least five wonderful parts of the female body that can be viewed by the owner only with a hand mirror.' And as they stared after me, I went regally back down the hallway and up the stairs to Dad's room. Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
The only instance where five purely-negative words had had a highly positive, motivational impact are Winston Churchill's, "Never, Never, Never, Never Give-up. Nabil N. Jamal
I consider myself fortunate that I spent three years working at 7, 775 feet before spending five years working at 13, 796 feet on the summit of Mauna Kea. I can only wonder how much more severe my long term very high altitude sickness could have been without the initial adaptation to the lower altitude. Steven Magee
I think irradiating pilots with WiFi radio frequency (RF) radiation is really going to hit about five years from now as 'Delayed Radiation Complications' show up. I am expecting to see increased airplane accidents & crashes for various reasons starting in 2020 onward. Steven Magee
I've been fired five times for having a bad attitude. Meg Rosoff
America has fought five wars since 1945 and has gained its objectives in only one of them, the Gulf War. Henry Kissinger
A detective sees death in all the various forms at least five times a week. Evan Hunter
I knew from the age of five what I wanted to do. The one thing I could do was draw. I couldn't draw that much better than some of the other kids, but I cared more and I wanted it badly. Chuck Close
I go to the gym at five in the morning and then go do a hike. RuPaul
I grew up in a very religious family. I could read the Qu'ran easily at the age of five. Akhmad Kadyrov
About 20 per cent of the population believe themselves to have a food allergy and only about five per cent actually do. John Warner
How long was I in the army? Five foot eleven. Spike Milligan
When I was boxing I made five million and wound up broke, owing the government a million. Joe Louis
I spent more money on one robe than guys spend in five years. Ric Flair