84 Quotes About Entrepreneur

There are few things that can bring us more joy than starting our own business. And it’s not just because we get to be the boss, but because it’s a great way to make a difference in people’s lives. But while some people start a business to make money, others do it to make a change. Here is a collection of quotes about entrepreneurship from various entrepreneurs and business owners around the world.

To help small business owners get the cash they deserve...
To help small business owners get the cash they deserve for their business needs. Call Me 4 Cash at 1-833-Me4-Cash Or Apply Today at 1833Me4Cash.com Ken Poirot
Life curses some poor people with the love of luxury,...
Life curses some poor people with the love of luxury, while it blesses some with the very same thing. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Your business values can make you soar above the competition.
Your business values can make you soar above the competition. Doris PerdueJohnson
Fail early, fail often.
Fail early, fail often. Tarun Sharma
Even during a mid-life crisis do not deviate from your...
Even during a mid-life crisis do not deviate from your goal. History remembers only those who succeed. Hockson Floin
Behind every successful athlete there is a responsible coach.
Behind every successful athlete there is a responsible coach. Paul Bamikole
There is a difference between how you live your life,...
There is a difference between how you live your life, and what you do with your life. Abhijit Naskar
I’m often told that money and spirituality are different things...
I’m often told that money and spirituality are different things from people that don’t have time to read spiritual books because they have to work for money. Robin Sacredfire
It is not because of setbacks that most entrepreneurs do not reach the finishing line, but because of a lack of willpower and motivation. Unknown
We love being mentally strong, but we hate situations that...
We love being mentally strong, but we hate situations that allow us to put our mental strength to good use. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
When you do it, you are not another dreamer
When you do it, you are not another dreamer Hockson Floin
Both political parties have moved to the right during the neoliberal period. Today’s New Democrats are pretty much what used to be called “moderate Republicans.” The “political revolution” that Bernie Sanders called for, rightly, would not have greatly surprised Dwight Eisenhower.The fate of the minimum wage illustrates what has been happening. Through the periods of high and egalitarian growth in the ‘50s and ‘60s, the minimum wage–which sets a floor for other wages–tracked productivity. That ended with the onset of neoliberal doctrine. Since then, the minimum wage has stagnated (in real value). Had it continued as before, it would probably be close to $20 per hour. Today, it is considered a political revolution to raise it to $15. . Noam Chomsky
Let them ask who you are but do not let others dictate who you should be. Hockson Floin
Money Can make things better but a perfect relationship makes your life complete. Hockson Floin
The Shoes Should fit! you can't build a business that is not yours. Hockson Floin
In the end, every startup is different. But in the beginning every startup is the same. Richie Norton
Entrepreneurs don't have weekends or birthdays or holidays. Every day is my weekend, my birthday, my holiday. OR, every day is my work day. Mostly it's a choice. Richie Norton
Once true passion hits you, you can recognize all the times in your life you were chasing the wrong dream. And after you've experienced that sustained fulfillment, you'll never want to settle for anything less. Biz Stone
For many people, money is an index of how successful one is. And so they fear competition and attach themselves to their shadows. Such path drives one towards materialism rather than spiritualism. So what’s the difference between such individuals and those that work in the hope of quitting their job? Well, the main difference is that materialist people separate the two realities in the hope they can earn money from the work they love and then quit the work they don’t like. And by creating such division they remain there, in the middle, trapped. They think that by following what they love to do, step by step, they’ll be guided towards the right direction. But if their thoughts were clear, they would know they’re diving themselves and perpetuating their fate, rather than solving it. They neglect the mental barriers stopping them from achieving their goal. And anyone is responsible for determining the result that one holds in his thoughts. In other words, if you had not made such division in the first place, and instead accepted the lack of duality, you would achieve your result much faster. That is why almost all entrepreneurs rather work hard and be poor when starting a business than waiting for the right time to quit their job. There’s not such thing as the right time, or a shift from one reality unto another, because you create both things, your fortune and your unfortunate, and you own your luck and results, all the time. Whatever you believe in present time, perpetuates that same present time. . Robin Sacredfire
If you can't connect the Dots, Find the right dots first. Mohith Agadi
Rebels revel in rewriting reality's restrictions. Ryan Lilly
Logic and reason are the naphthalene balls we use to pack them away into a sandook called 'Someday'. But when that day comes we are too old, too poor, too tired or too lazy. Rashmi Bansal
Creation pulls something from an abyss of nothing. Startups take the something & give it to those in the dark, at first, perhaps, for nothing. Ryan Lilly
Creation pulls something from an abyss of nothing. Startups take the something and give it to those in the dark, at first, perhaps, for nothing. Ryan Lilly
Try your ideas. You might surprise yourself. Jason ONeill
Do what you love and love what you do, with excellence. Onyi Anyado
Businesses grow when they are well loved! Blaze Lazarony
Entrepreneur, noun: someone who takes calculated risks to add value to wider society with the hope of making money and building wealth M. James Airey
Entrepreneurs pay the price of a road less traveled, while everyone else takes the freeway and perpetually misses their own exit. Ryan Lilly
The goal is to build a profitable business, not maintain an expensive hobby that will leave you in the poorhouse. Dawn Fotopulos
You can't force creatives into a box. If you try, they'll no longer be creative. And no one will want your box. Ryan Lilly
Entrepreneurs are different beasts. Beasts who don’t give a damn, who kick ass when required, who stand up to a challenge, and who rise time and again with utter disregard to fear or failure. These are the beasts who run the world. Vishwas Mudagal
Entrepreneurs don’t ask for permission. They act per a mission. Ryan Lilly
I have noticed over the past three years that most African Christians depend on their pastor or preachers for directions in life than their lecturers, politicians and nurses. That tells why most people refuse certain medical priorities with regards to their pastor's messages. I think if every pastor should have entrepreneurial knowledge coupled with spiritual integrity, Africa will shake! Israelmore Ayivor
Its easier to start a global business than a local one, make your business one where you can work from anywhere in the world Roger James Hamilton
The art the wealthy use in business is to jump. Ehab Atalla
While others were dreaming about it - I was getting it done. Nathan W. Morris
Whatever you do gives you the name it gives. Israelmore Ayivor
Don't simply dream, create. Don't simply create, ship. Don't simply ship, dream. Ryan Lilly
A product in the marketplace is the result of thought in an inner space and action more than the common place. Ryan Lilly
Do you know great minds enjoy excellence, average minds love mediocrity and small minds adore comfort zones? Onyi Anyado
Even in zazen you will lose yourself. When you become sleepy, or when your mind starts to wander about, you lose yourself. When your legs become painful–“ Why are my legs so painful?”–you lose yourself. ”-“You just sit in the midst of the problem; when you are a part of the problem, or when the problem is a part of you, there is no problem, because you are the problem itself. The problem is you yourself. If this is so, there is no problem.”-“ When you start to wander about in some delusion which is something apart from you yourself, then your surroundings are not real anymore, and your mind is not real anymore. If you yourself are deluded, then your surroundings are also a misty, foggy delusion. Once you are in the midst of delusion, there is no end to delusion. You will be involved in deluded ideas one after another. Most people live in delusion, involved in their problem, trying to solve their problem. But just to live is actually to live in problems. And to solve the problem is to be a part of it, to be one with it. Shunryu Suzuki
Self-employed people work where they live. Entrepreneurs live where they work. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
My best ideas come in the shower, where I’m showered with water, but also ideas. Ryan Lilly
Managing relationships (with start ups) is more like teaching. Jeff Jarvis
You have to grab the goal, visualise your vision, excel in excellence and then become distinct in distinction. Onyi Anyado
The world is round, so there is no corner for anyone to lean against Unknown
One of the best ways to attract capital is to outperform the competition. Alejandro Cremades
The best entrepreneurs are not the best visionaries. The greatest entrepreneurs are incredible salespeople. They know how to tell an amazing story that will convince talent and investors to join in on the journey. Alejandro Cremades
Learning to embrace and savor rejection is one of the best things that entrepreneurs can do. Launching a startup is the time to find your ever-optimistic inner child again. Alejandro Cremades
Business is still more often about whom you know, not what you know. Alejandro Cremades
Ideas are meaningless without a masterful execution. Alejandro Cremades
Don’t expect investors to be throwing millions on the table for you to go off and buy a bigger house, get a new car, party half the week away, and generally upgrade your lifestyle. Alejandro Cremades
If you want to glide toward money, you have to make sure your message is clear as a bell, and you need to ensure that you have a unified team capable of communicating it. Alejandro Cremades
Business success requires business preparation. You don't have to be a master tactician, but you do need to have a plan in place. This plan will act as a foundation for everything you want to achieve. Alejandro Cremades
Entrepreneur, you're either raising the bar of excellence or your exhaling at the bar which is expensive. Onyi Anyado
Entrepreneur, you have to be known for something, not anything, but something specific, why? That's your distinction. Onyi Anyado
Gamblers take blind risks. Entrepreneurs take risks while visually impaired and feel their way up and out. Ryan Lilly
Proformas rarely perform; missed projections are more often the norm. Still, we skew them up high, we miss but we try, for proformas which rarely perform. Ryan Lilly
Entrepreneurs see the "no diving" sign and back-up to get a running start. Ryan Lilly
People say i need a Doctor! I say i am a Doctor! ! PRIYANSHU JOSHI
Exponential Results Requires Exponential Thinking and High Performance Teamworking with Growth Oriented Mindsets. Tony Dovale
Your habit of avoiding mental and emotional discomfort is your #1 reason for your being stuck where you are in life. Tony Dovale
IF we don't start to rethink how we are acting now... We will pay the price later for our "old-stinking-thinking" style Tony Dovale
The real problem is that most people fear failure, and thus take no action. They really they should be fearful of their thoughts that cause their failure to take action! Tony Dovale
The hard part of ReThinking, is most people don't usually do much normal REAL thinking anyway. They live their lives on automatic reaction. Tony Dovale
People who have wellbeing and feel fulfilled, need far less than people who feel unfulfilled, who always seem to need more." By Rethinking Your Mindset you can create SWIFT sustainable success. Tony Dovale
Entrepreneurs don't fail because they want to, they fail because they don't have the right MINDSET to really succeed in a sustainable manner. Tony Dovale
Your mindset controls every result in your life... Mindset matters most if you are above the ground and breathing Tony Dovale
If you are not successful yet, the mindset that got you to where you are today, Cannot get you to where you dream to be tomorrow! You need to Rethink Your Mindset to Ensure Success. Tony Dovale
To create extraordinary results, you must first have or ReThink an extraordinary Mindset to start. Tony Dovale
If it is to BE.. it's up to ME. Time for SWIFT ACTION! id your best mindset reset. Tony Dovale
Teams Triumph When Today's Tribe Leaders Transform Their Mindset. Tony Dovale
For long-term true success we mush rethink and change our mindset from only valuing "happiness" to include Well-being as the foundation. Tony Dovale
Success Requires a Mindset that sparks and sustains focused SWIFT ACTION. Tony Dovale
Teamwork and trust trump ego and arrogance in building high performance sustainable successful teams. Rethink your team building ideas Tony Dovale
Mindset & context are the 2 main ingredients entrepreneurs and leaders must use for creating sustainable real success Tony Dovale
REAL Entrepreneurs will be the one's who change the world for the better. Governments must become PUBLIC servants to create the best context and mindsets for people to succeed. We need to ReThink Entrepreneurial success and the role of Public Service in supporting that... or we, and our children, will pay the ultimate price. Tony Dovale
IF your mindset does not include a personal life plan, your Life Success Project can NEVER have any chance of real success. Tony Dovale
Most success oriented mindsets miss out on people becoming more valuable. Tony Dovale
We now live in a time when PEOPLE and profits must become equally valuable in the corporate leaders Mindset.Rethink your Leadership Culture to become a conscious, high performance organisation Tony Dovale
Successful entrepreneurs figure out when to drive their ideas forward & when to listen to constructive criticism. Ziad K. Abdelnour
How can we tell people "never give up" when some haven't even started yet. Onyi Anyado