73 Quotes About Counseling

Have you ever just wanted to talk to someone about a problem that has been weighing down on you for some time now? Are you wanting to seek the guidance of a counselor for your mental health or personal issues? Are you stressing out over a big decision and not knowing what the right course of action is? Or perhaps you feel as though life is passing you by and you’re not experiencing the joy that was promised to you. If any of these sound like something that could use a little counseling, then check out this list of counseling quotes to help guide you in the right direction.

If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality. Roopleen
The Anatomy of Conflict:If there is no communication then there is no respect. If there is no respect then there is no caring. If there is no caring then there is no understanding. If there is no understanding then there is no compassion. If there is no compassion then there is no empathy. If there is no empathy then there is no forgiveness. If there is no forgiveness then there is no kindness. If there is no kindness then there is no honesty. If there is no honesty then there is no love. If there is no love then God doesn't reside there. If God doesn't reside there then there is no peace. If there is no peace then there is no happiness. If there is no happiness ----then there IS CONFLICT BECAUSE THERE IS NO COMMUNICATION!. Shannon L. Alder
Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks. Roopleen
The world’s greatest achievers have been those who have always stayed focussed on their goals and have been consistent in their efforts. Roopleen
Being divorced does not necessarily make one’s advice on marriage...
Being divorced does not necessarily make one’s advice on marriage useless … or useful. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
There’s nothing wrong with victims of any kind of abuse; they are perfectly normal. It is the ones that abuse others, who are not normal. It is they who have twisted minds and need to be corrected or counselled. Unfortunately people look down upon the abused victims as if they’ve done something wrong and make them feel ashamed as well as guilty- which is not fair and absolutely incorrect. Victims must be shown kindness, encouraged and rehabilitated at the earliest and those who abused them must be ostracized. If you have been the victim of any kind of abuse, take down those walls of guilt, don’t hide behind dark doors, face the light and take charge of your life. Seek support- if required. You must understand that you have done nothing wrong and must not feel guilty or have low self esteem of yourself; it is the one who has abused you who should be running for cover. All you need at this point of time is love, self love and lots of self confidence. Believe in yourself and have faith in your ability to bounce back. . Latika Teotia
Perfectionists are not all negative, miserable, unhappy and over controlling...
Perfectionists are not all negative, miserable, unhappy and over controlling individuals Asa Don Brown
All children should be taught to unconditionally accept, approve, admire,...
All children should be taught to unconditionally accept, approve, admire, appreciate, forgive, trust, and ultimately, love their own person. Asa Don Brown
All change comes from deepening your understanding of the salvation...
All change comes from deepening your understanding of the salvation of Christ and living out the changes that understanding creates in your heart. Timothy J. Keller
Real comfort is found when I understand that I am held in the hollow of the hand of the One who created and rules all things. The most valuable thing in my life is God's love, a love that no one can take away. When my identity is rooted in him, the storms of trouble will not blow me away. This is the comfort we offer people. We don't comfort them by saying things will work out. They may not. The people around them may change, but they may not. The Bible tells us again and again that everything around us is in the process of being taken away. God and his love are all that remain as cultures and kingdoms rise and fall. Comfort is found by sinking our roots into the unseen reality of God's ever-faithful love. . Paul David Tripp
Good… Bad? I’m not here to judge where you’re at or where you’ve been. I’m simply here to encourage you in where you would like to go. You have the map; I’ll shine the light on it so you can better read it. And eventually, the sun will rise again in your life and you’ll no longer need my light to assist you. Alaric Hutchinson
The bond of love must be kept strong. Lailah Gifty Akita
Infusing the cultural war with love, respect and empathy is the responsibility of every one who cares about the health and wellbeing of women, our families and communities, and our democracy. Aspen Baker
Have you ever noticed that fear affects your physical mind and body? Asa Don Brown
Often, our misunderstandings about love are born in disruptive family relationships, where someone was either one-up or one-down to an extreme. There is an appropriate and necessary difference in the balance of power between parents and young children, but in the best situations, there should be no power struggles by the time those children have become adults - just deep connection, trust, and respect between people who sincerely care about each other. In disruptive families, children are taught to remain one-up or one-down into adulthood. And this produces immature adults who either seek to dominate others (one-up) or who allow themselves to be dominated (one-down) in their relationships - one powerful and one needy, one enabling and one addicted, one decisive and one confused. In relationships with these people, manipulation abounds. Especially when they start to feel out of control. Tim Clinton
Teams that spend a lot of time learning the tricks of the trade will probably never really learn the trade. Yuri Boganov
Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life. Shannon L. Alder
Real loved one's aren't afraid, and will suggest to you, what's in your best interest because they wouldn't want too see you suffer the consequences of, sideways, emotional impulse(s). To see you crash and burn, time after time, is the gratification of 'yes folk' lurking in your corner. You may not agree, but always consider the voice(s) that have consistently kept it real. T.F. Hodge
A child's attachment process begins within the first year of life... Asa Don Brown
There is no debating that the effects of trauma experienced in childhood may have grave consequences. Asa Don Brown
Attachments that are not fostered may lend to the child's inability to properly attach or have no attachment at all. Asa Don Brown
Perception is a vice with which each person is capable of perceiving his or her reality. Asa Don Brown
Loss has no friend, no allies, no benefit to the human spirit. Asa Don Brown
As an individual, you are entitled to your time of grief, process of grief, and right to grieve. Asa Don Brown
There is no greater grief, than when a parent losses a child. Asa Don Brown
When a woman miscarries, the experience of the father is often forgotten. But men grieve pregnancy loss too... Various
I could go into their reality any time I chose to, but they could never come into mine. This is what I called 'helping' them. Agnostic Zetetic
For example, in order to identify these schemas or clarify faulty relational expectations, therapists working from an object relations, attachment, or cognitive behavioral framework often ask themselves (and their clients) questions like these: 1. What does the client tend to want from me or others? (For example, clients who repeatedly were ignored, dismissed, or even rejected might wish to be responded to emotionally, reached out to when they have a problem, or to be taken seriously when they express a concern.) 2. What does the client usually expect from others? (Different clients might expect others to diminish or compete with them, to take advantage and try to exploit them, or to admire and idealize them as special.) 3. What is the client’s experience of self in relationship to others? (For example, they might think of themselves as being unimportant or unwanted, burdensome to others, or responsible for handling everything.) 4. What are the emotional reactions that keep recurring? (In relationships, the client may repeatedly find himself feeling insecure or worried, self-conscious or ashamed, or–for those who have enjoyed better developmental experiences–perhaps confident and appreciated.) 5. As a result of these core beliefs, what are the client’s interpersonal strategies for coping with his relational problems? (Common strategies include seeking approval or trying to please others, complying and going along with what others want them to do, emotionally disengaging or physically withdrawing from others, or trying to dominate others through intimidation or control others via criticism and disapproval.) 6. Finally, what kind of reactions do these interpersonal styles tend to elicit from the therapist and others? (For example, when interacting together, others often may feel boredom, disinterest, or irritation; a press to rescue or take care of them in some way; or a helpless feeling that no matter how hard we try, whatever we do to help disappoints them and fails to meet their need.). Edward Teyber
Be an informed advocate and support. Asa Don Brown
Toxic relationships are like a good pasta that has been overcooked. Asa Don Brown
Abuse may consist of physical maltreatment or language that is belittling, discriminatory... Asa Don Brown
Real happiness provides you the confidence that you never thought was obtainable. Asa Don Brown
Trauma may be endured through a physiological or psychological threat to life or overall wellbeing. Asa Don Brown
My traumatic experience was life changing Asa Don Brown
Survivors of trauma may have difficulty initiating relationships ... Asa Don Brown
Perception and worldview are one's summary of life. Asa Don Brown
In simple, the past is a time gone by and no longer exists in the present moment, but we choose to allow this past to occupy our minds, our bodies and our very existence. Asa Don Brown
The loss of a child exploits the emotions of each individual it encounters. Asa Don Brown
Letting go of the past, is like opening the flood gates of healing to be set free. Asa Don Brown
The benefits of forgiveness are limitless. Asa Don Brown
An anchor should be someone who is personally open and willing to communicate. Asa Don Brown
Allow yourself to be an anchor and anchored by others. Asa Don Brown
Healing doesn’t mean forgetting or making the memories insignificant. Healing means refocusing American Pregnancy Association
The loss of my child broke my spirit. Asa Don Brown
Respect your needs and limitations as you work through your grief and begin to heal American Pregnancy Association
Perfectionism is adaptive if you are mindful of your humanhood. Asa Don Brown
Although the client-centered approach had its origin purely within the limits of the psychological clinic, it is proving to have implications, often of a startling nature, for very diverse fields of effort. Carl Rogers
Should you operate upon your clients as objects, you risk reducing them to less than human. Following the culture of appropriation and mastery your clients become a kind of extension of yourself, of your ego. In the appropriation and objectification mode, your clients’ well-being and success in treatment reflect well upon you. You “did” something to them, you made them well. You acted upon them and can take the credit for successful therapy or treatment. Conversely, if your clients flounder or regress, that reflects poorly on you. On this side of things the culture of appropriation and mastery says that you are not doing enough. You are not exerting enough influence, technique or therapeutic force. What anxiety this can breed for some clinicians! DBT offers a framework and tools for a treatment that allows clients to retain their full humanity. Through the practice of mindfulness, you can learn to cultivate a fuller presence to the moments of your life, and even with your clients and your work with them. This presence potentiates an encounter between two irreducible human beings, meeting professionally, of course, and meeting humanly. The dialectical framework, which embraces contradictions and gives you a way of seeing that life is pregnant with creative tensions, allows for your discovery of your limits and possibilities, gives you a way of seeing the dynamic nature of reality that is anything but sitting still; shows you that your identity grows from relationship with others, including those you help, that you are an irreducible human being encountering other irreducible human beings who exert influence upon you, even as you exert your own upon them. Even without clinical contrivance. . Scott E. Spradlin
In populations experiencing trauma across a wide variety of settings, the portion of those experiencing ongoing PTSD is remarkably similar — one third. Ecclesiastes says woe to him who falls alone, but that the cord of THREE strands is not easily broken. Apparently deep in our human wiring is the resilience to be a buttress for those feeling overcome. Andrew Zolli
You have the chief spark of your health's fire, for you have true knowledge of the hand that guides the universe. Boethius
I've had a lot of therapists, so I've had the opportunity to approach my fear in many different ways. I've faced it head on and sideways and tried to tiptoe up behind it. Anna White
The separation of truth from reason is a dangerous game. I think ideas have to sink very deeply into a person's soul, into their being, before they can effect change. Donald Miller
Loss is only temporary when you believe in God! Latoya Alston
It is not rubbish! It is the part of people that you do not understand. E.m. Forster
I'd always follow Nixon's orders, but you can't order somebody to be happy. Charles W. Colson
The word 'survivor' carries a weight of remembrance that has broken the minds and bodies of more than a few men and women. It also contains a humbling light of recognition that compels many to do whatever they can to help reinforce the efforts of those who might be 'at risk' of not just giving up on their dreams, but of giving up on their continued existence. Aberjhani
When emotions turn and stay sour, when thoughts become cynical and judgmental, good and compassionate treatment is on the line. Helpers who become sour and cynical tend to begrudge their high need clients for their neediness. There is a risk that helpers become too well-practiced at taking a bleak view of those they have avowed to assist. There is a temptation to begin to blame clients for their failure to improve. If treatment ends pre-maturely, with either a client never returning to treatment or a helper 'firing' them out of frustration, there is a tendency for the client to take the fall. Of course what we are talking about here are signs of burnout. Scott E. Spradlin
The benefit of personal growth and self-discovery is that we become better human beings with the strength to endure and carry on, and then we may experience something magical when we begin to reach out to others. We discover a feeling that is so rewarding and fulfilling: that fact that we can make a difference. Here is to your willingness to begin with making a difference with yourself! Michael James . Unknown
The malpractice for advice-giving is like five times as much as a craniotomy. Nicole Krauss
Abuse? Ah. Such problems, even with time, do not go away on their own. They must be addressed. André Chevalier Nikki Sex
Being Scared-off by EvilLastly, we deny the presence of evil because we are terrified by the horrendously hurtful, cruel, and bloody kinds of evil people tell us about–if we are willing to listen. This was poignantly brought home during an interdisciplinary case conference involving a resident who was counseling for the first time a woman who had been sexually abused. As we worked with him, it became clear that he was resisting entering what he called the 'psychic cave" of her sealed–off experience from which she was shouting for assistance. Because of his resistance, he was not providing her the support and guidance she so desperately needed, and he was not facilitating her working through the abuse and hurt that were continuing to impact her life. As he was confronted about this at one point in the conference, he stated tearfully: "I'm afraid if I help her move into her memories. I will have to go with her, and if I go with her, my view of the world as a basically good and safe place will be shattered. I'm not sure I can handle that for myself, or be able to think about the fact that my wife and kids may be more vulnerable living in this world than I can be comfortable believing" (Means 1995, 299). . J. Jeffrey Means
Part of the genius of (Nick) Sabin's system was that he understood that no matter the skill set, he was inheriting vulnerable kids from various backgrounds. For those times when they made poor decisions, as they invariably did, the safety net must be strong as far and wide as possible. Jeff Benedict
Someone mentioned therapy to me once. I read a book instead. ~ Drew Stirling Jayden Hunter
Almost everything I've done is technically wrong, but Paul never mentioned the mistakes, only the corrective measures. Stefan Fatsis
A mentoring nurse to new doctors: "Check your own pulse first. Code Black
You're so haunted by other people's futures that you forget, the only future you cannot see is your own. Unknown
Facing one’s past can be a perilous activity. For the client, joy must exceed misery. Personal successes must far outweigh losses. Pleasure must exceed pain. Always. Always. To do otherwise is a failure of the counselor.– André Chevalier Nikki Sex
It turns out that up to 35 percent of people with bipolar disorder also have ADHD. Julie A. Fast
As you may already know, post-traumatic stress disorder is extremely complex. Each client has a unique, perhaps virtually unbelievable, set of experiences, and an almost equally set of reactions to those experiences. Aphrodite Matsakis
The counselor says that with more time and more surgeries, I will begin to feel normal again. She says this with a mouth that can still smile. It’s so easy to be reassuring when you have lips. Rasmenia Massoud
I have frequently thought to myself, 'If I can teach my daughter one thing, it will be the love of self unconditionally.' Unconditional love and peace are obtainable, but they are only obtainable if I can learn to move beyond the conditions that I placed on my life. When conditions are placed on my life and on the lives of others, they ensure that I will never experience the depths of love and happiness. Asa Don Brown
God is the greatest nurturer of all. Eddie Capparucci