7 Quotes About Civic

The great mystery of life is where we come from and where we are going. Many of us will never find out the answers to those questions, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn a thing or two about our past and our future. A good education in civics is a valuable lesson in the human experience and the many ways people have lived and died throughout history. Although civics lessons may seem dry, the wisdom of history is very much alive Read more

So read on below to learn from some of the best political quotes ever written, whether they’re from James Madison, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, or Gandhi.

Alexis de Tocqueville warned that as the economy and government of America got bigger, citizens could become smaller: less practiced in the forms of everyday power, more dependent on vast distant social machines, more isolated and atomized--and therefore more susceptible to despotism. He warned that if the "habits of the heart" fed by civic clubs and active self-government evaporated, citizens would regress to pure egoism. They would stop thinking about things greater than their immediate circle. Public life would disappear. And that would only accelerate their own disempowerment. This is painfully close to a description of the United States since Trump and Europe since Brexit. And the only way to reverse this vicious cycle of retreat and atrophy is to reverse it: to find a sense of purpose that is greater than the self, and to exercise power with others and for others in democratic life. . Eric Liu
The question of the stranger in a society which estranges everybody from it--while forcing everybody to assimilate their own alienation--takes cover under dubious and sinister masks. Norman Manea
We are in a mutually dependent society, called civilization, and government is the oil that keeps it running and the lifeblood that carries oxygen to the various parts of the civic body. Jack Lessenberry
It is a mistake to tell students that their classroom is a democracy- it cannot and never will be. But children need to learn how to participate in a community and to prepare themselves for democratic citizenship. Karen Bohlin
When you beat up someone physically, you get excercise and stress relief; when you assault him verbally on the Internet, you just harm yourself. Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The law is too important to be left to the lawyers, to paraphrase Georges Clemenceau about war and generals. We laymen know too little about our Constitution and think too superficially about its influence on the qualities of American life. Civic duty requires more. David K. Shipler