100 Quotes About Personal Planning

Planning your future can be a scary and overwhelming process. Every year, we make plans and promises to ourselves about what we want and how we’ll achieve them. It can be one of the most satisfying things we do, but it’s also very difficult to keep up with all the changes and challenges that life throws our way. Here are some helpful quotes to help you stay on track when planning for your future.

Start today creating a vision for yourself, your life, and your career. Bounce back from adversity and create what you want, rebuild and rebrand. Tell yourself it's possible along the way, have patience, and maintain peace with yourself during the process. Germany Kent
Start today creating a vision for yourself, your life, and your career. Bounce back from adversity and create what you want, rebuild and rebrand. Tell yourself it's possible along the way, have patience, and maintain peace with yourself during the process.. Germany Kent
Today is a new day and it brings with it a new set of opportunities for me to act on. I am attentive to the opportunities and I seize them as they arise. I have full confidence in myself and my abilities. I can do all things that I commit myself to. No obstacle is too big or too difficult for me to handle because what lies inside me is greater than what lies ahead of me. I am committed to improving myself and I am getting better daily. I am not held back by regret or mistakes from the past. I am moving forward daily. Absolutely nothing is impossible for me. Idowu Koyenikan
When you work on something that only has the capacity...
When you work on something that only has the capacity to make you 5 dollars, it does not matter how much harder you work — the most you will make is 5 dollars. Idowu Koyenikan
But if you forgive someone for something they did to you, it doesn’t mean you agree with what they did or believe it was right. Forgiving that person means you have chosen not to dwell on the matter anymore; you have moved on with your life. Idowu Koyenikan
When national ideals are confined to insignificant issues reflective primarily...
When national ideals are confined to insignificant issues reflective primarily of a personal choice, there lies a problem of distorted priorities. Moutasem Algharati
People undergo several sequential steps in maturing from infancy including childhood, adolescences, young adulthood, middle age, and old age. Each stage presents distinct challenges that require a person to amend how they think and act. The motive for seeking significant change in a person’s manner of perceiving the world and behaving vary. Alteration of person’s mindset can commence with a growing sense of awareness that a person is dissatisfied with an aspect of his or her life, which cause a person consciously to consider amending their lifestyle. . Kilroy J. Oldster
We do not get to choose how we start out in life. We do not get to choose the day we are born or the family we are born into, what we are named at birth, what country we are born in, and we do not get to choose our ancestry. All these things are predetermined by a higher power. By the time you are old enough to start making decisions for yourself, a lot of things in your life are already in place. It’s important, therefore, that you focus on the future, the only thing that you can change. Idowu Koyenikan
Whenever I am in a difficult situation where there seems to be no way out, I think about all the times I have been in such situations and say to myself, "I did it before, so I can do it again. Idowu Koyenikan
Even though our past has a lot to do with who we are today, remember; all that we think, say and do today has everything to do with who we become ~ Donald Pillai Donald Pillai
There has never been a more urgent time than now for you to seek to maximize your potential for achieving greater balance in your life. Germany Kent
Listen to people from your heart, as if your life depended on it, and you will find that in turn people will listen to you with all of theirs. Unknown
The choices you make from this day forward will lead you, step by step, to the future you deserve. Unknown
Spend your time designing the greatest reputation a man could possess. Unknown
What you deserve will be down to you, and you alone. Unknown
Destiny and fate are of one’s own making, and riches and happiness are rarely found at the end of an easily-traversed path. Unknown
Make sure everyone, who works with you or for you, feels the need to tell others about the incredible experience. Unknown
Adopt the positive in everything you do, for there will always be positivity there to find, if that is what you seek. Unknown
That which is currently beyond your capabilities now, does not have to be so forever Unknown
My intention was, only, ever to help you see the light shining brightly in front, and inside, of you. Unknown
Tell your good news as an evangelist would. Do so with a passion driven by a need to help and solve problems that some people didn’t even know they had. Unknown
Embrace the fundamentals like the closest of friends, for they will be the foundation of your future success. Unknown
Whilst people have answered questions, I have only heard my own voice thinking of the next question. Unknown
I was so sure that I knew what they needed and what I wanted to sell them that I never stopped long enough to find out what it was they wanted to buy. Unknown
In this world of half-jobs and liars, I will prevail. Unknown
I have discovered fallen trees across my path and have possessed neither the strength to move them nor the patience or tenacity to find an alternative way round. I have simply returned to where I came from, and told myself there had been no other choice. Unknown
Finding happiness by delivering it. Unknown
Everything would have been for nothing just because I simply didn’t listen. Unknown
I should become happier at what I do and leave others happier than before they’d met me. Unknown
Speaking from the heart is simple. Listening wholeheartedly, however, is much, much more difficult and most rare. Unknown
You must have realised by now that when one really cares, really tries to help, the other party recognises the fact and, therefore, easily sees the logic in working together for the greater good, for the mutual benefit of both. Unknown
You’ve got to be driven to become successful. Unknown
What is the true cost of a purchasing decision that goes wrong? Unknown
In the past, I have all too often listened without hearing, asking questions when I had no intention of hearing the answer or understand my customer’s requirements. Unknown
Like an ant, I will find my way round any obstacle. Like a child, I will persevere with pinpoint focus. Unknown
I will not let those, who cannot recognise how I can be of service, dissuade me from showing them how I can help. Unknown
I will look the part. I will act the part. I will deliver that which I have promised to deliver. Unknown
Like the evangelist, I will shine with the light I have been shown, recognise that I have the ultimate solution for all my prospects, nurture that feeling deep within, and repeat the words to myself every day, until there is no doubt in my mind that keeping such good news hidden would be the very worst type of sin. Unknown
I will design myself a reputation, in which prospects can place their trust, and customers return to and recommend. Unknown
I will design my reputation and my resolve shall be absolute. I shall not give in when I know I can help. Unknown
It saddens me to note that there will always be con artists and charlatans in the world. Men who aim to fool the public by clothing themselves in the robes of experts. Unknown
Listening is a discipline. It’s all about being present at that moment in time. Unknown
I want you to start realising how far away you are from being able to listen professionally. Unknown
You listen like an amateur and fool yourself into believing it is enough when it is not. Unknown
Sceptics are persuaded by a good reputation, for it is an unspoken statement of proof. Unknown
Reputation is the panacea for those who lack confidence in their own decisions. Unknown
How we feel about those we give our business to is of vital importance. Unknown
Who would be willing to put up with less than the desired result, if they could afford to have it done properly? Unknown
The confidence felt, when dealing with genuine reputation, often outweighs the simplicity of price. Unknown
In the past, I have bargained myself away, believing that price was more important than cost, quality, reliability, or reputation. In the past, I was clearly wrong. Unknown
I need a first-class reputation Unknown
In this world there are those who enjoy giving people balloons and there are those who take great pleasure in popping them. And I wish to be remembered as being firmly in the first party. Unknown
Most men have professions, yet few act like professionals. Unknown
If you woke before dawn one morning with the formula for a vaccine, which would cure the most ghastly disease currently known to man, releasing millions from an agonising death, would you roll over and resume sleeping until daylight? Unknown
There can be no success in sales without tenacity. Unknown
Seeking those elusive individuals is like mining for rare gems. It will take hard work, patience, and a persistent attitude. To find that rich seam of colourful stones, you will have to chip through dirt and rock. You will have to learn how to hold rubble in your hands and see the fortune inside. Unknown
It is your duty to save these prospects from that disappointment. Every potential customer, who misses out on what you have to offer, due to your lack of zeal or passion, every prospect who ends up with an excuse of an alternative from your lacklustre competition, should rest heavy on your conscience. Unknown
Mark my words. Perception is reality and how someone perceives you is their reality. Unknown
Let your customers and prospects recommend you to each other and let you competition wish they were you. That is our mission. Unknown
Sometimes, if you get too close to a subject you can miss what’s most important. Unknown
You look green, immature. A young boy playing at business, dressing up in the manner in which he believes an actual grown-up would. Your viewpoint of business attire is one of wide-eyed wonder from the nursery door. Unknown
Perception number one, how you want people to think about you when you arrive and perception number two, how you want them to talk about you once you have left. Unknown
In short, the difference between you and your doctor is that he has a well-designed reputation and you do not. Unknown
If your doctor told you that you needed immediate surgery could you perform it yourself? Unknown
Trust me. In a very short time, you will become sought out by those in your network. Initially for your sound advice, but soon after as a provider of service. Few people seek advice about a subject that doesn’t require a solution. Unknown
Each step of your current journey will take you to new and interesting worlds of opportunity and as every intrepid explorer knows, when one visits strange new lands one must be aware of their customs. Unknown
You will never change a prospective customer’s mind, my boy. There is a chance that he might make a new decision if enough reliable evidence comes his way, but to do that he has to want to listen - to hear it - and that requires trust and respect. Unknown
Young man, your problem and the reason so many like you fail, is simply because you allow yourself to give up far too early. Unknown
Fascinatingly resilient the tenacity of a child. Not yet conditioned by society to give up when instructed to do so. Unknown
We must design how we wish to be perceived, and then we must work even harder to continuously recreate and re-evaluate that perception. Unknown
Where he comes from, the education he has received, his family history, his wealth, they matter not a jot, but the perception he conveys - that my, boy, is the key. If they believe he belongs - that he is part of the room - then he does, he is. And whichever room he is about to step into, then that is who he must become. Unknown
If you honestly know how you help people, then you should become passionate about sharing it, spread the good news, give everyone a chance to share in the solutions that you can provide. Unknown
From today onward, you will learn how to become evangelical about the many ways you help people. Unknown
His belief is so passionate that it fills him with the burning desire to share his fabulous news with anyone who will listen. He is concerned that it is us that might be missing out, not him. His faith in a single road to salvation and paradise is so intense, that it would be ungodly not to share the good news with all those who are not aware. Unknown
This is how you must be. You must become as evangelical about your promised outcome as he is about his. You must believe that you, and you alone, have the solution to your prospects problems. Even if they do not recognise those problems themselves. Unknown
Think upon the numbers I have been sharing with you. Of your competitors, five out of ten will do little more than take their customer's money immorally. A further three out of ten will leave them dissatisfied. Unknown
Success, sales, selling, business, successful living, success self improvement, success quotes, success strategies, success in business, success in life, sales effectiveness, sales advice, sales training, personal planning, doing, moving forward, arriving, achieving success, achieving dreams, achieving excellence, achieving mastery, achievement, achievements, achievement and attitude, achievement gap, presentation, reputation, . Unknown
You should feel so driven to help the world that it would weigh you down if a single person received anything but the best. Unknown
A gentleman of ambition is aware of the people he wishes to be associated with both socially and commercially. He knows that moving through different levels of society is akin to stepping through different rooms in an enormous house, each door leading to a grander environment than the last. He may, of course, settle for the comfort of any room he reaches. Alternatively, he may continue through successive doors to surround himself with even greater fineries and riches. . Unknown
And so it must be with the energy you muster for your own work. Get out there and convert the unconverted. Save them all from the charlatans and the nearly-men. Unknown
Understand why you are different and how you help, recognise your target market, and give them something they might not even realise they are missing. Unknown
To my shame, I had never thought to ask anything of the future, and yet woke each and every day embittered because it was never what I needed it to be. Unknown
Unwittingly, I have sailed through my entire life, so far, with neither direction nor destination. I had a vague instinct to reach dry land every once in a while for supplies, but never anything more than that. Unknown
It has nothing to do with the time being right or wrong. Storms just happen. Unknown
The reward for living my life in this manner? An existence like that of a seagull picking up scraps from the back of a fishing boat. Surviving day to day. Nothing left for tomorrow and no idea what tomorrow should be. Unknown
The only time you have is the where and when of right now. There will always be good times, bad times, hard times, and complete disasters. However, there is no other option but to be where you are, when you are. That is a universal truth for everyone. The important thing is how you respond, what you decide to do, and when you decide to do it. Unknown
Respect, wealth, property, friendship, even love. Did I expect to simply fall over each of them as I strolled aimlessly through the years? Was I expecting my whole life to be some form of lucky accident? Unknown
I see what I have to become and I recognise the time it will take. Unknown
You can’t plough a field by turning it over in your mind. Either you get out there and plough it or it doesn’t get done. Unknown
Plans are easy to make, dreams are easy to dream. But putting your back into it? A little bit of hard graft and discipline? That is just too scary and far too much effort for the masses Unknown
Ready? No one is ever ready, my boy. But some do what they plan to do and some never will. The difference between the two is that the first group understand that they need to start somewhere, so they do so. Straight away Unknown
And by making that plan you have differentiated yourself from more than ninety percent of the population. You are one of the few, who has a clear direction, a decisive plan of action. Unknown
Sometime in the future, when business slumps and there appears to be no solution in sight, you will hear others moaning about and blaming the things that are completely out of their control, wasting hour after hour on elements, which cannot be changed. Meanwhile, you, my boy, you will be focusing your efforts on the only thing that matters. The response which ensures you reach your destination. Unknown
You see continuous movement is the important thing here. Those who remain in one position and then lie to themselves about their progress are the ones in real trouble. Unknown
You may have an overall target to achieve with each prospect, but if you are going to have an ideal outcome for each call, should you not also have a tolerable outcome to fall back on? Something you are willing to put up with if things don't go completely to plan, but something that still moves things forward ever so slightly? Unknown
Currently, you are approaching each opportunity with a single possible outcome and when that doesn't happen you fool yourself that there was nothing more that you could have done. Unknown
The future is a fabulous place to bury your success. Unknown
Don't allow your imagination to colour events as lesser men would, and see movement in motionless things. Unknown
All these ships are currently safe at anchor but that is not what they were designed for is it? Your job is not to remain anchored and safe. Your job is to move closer to your destination at every attempt. Unknown
When things get tough, remember this mariner’s star. Bring to mind that everything external is designed as a challenge. A test sent to ensure you are actually worthy of acquiring your goal and reward. Recognise them as such and you will always find a way to go through, go round, or ignore them as required. Unknown